"Dripstone Wall" by NPS Photo , public domain

Mammoth Cave

Backcountry Map & Guide

brochure Mammoth Cave - Backcountry Map & Guide
Mammoth Cave National Park Backcountry Map 728 728 Tailwater Recreation Area 1827 1827 Roa 5 e Lincoln Ro ad Ollie Great Onyx Job Corps Center 0.8 Ri dg d Double ‘J’ Stables lie Ol (Private Business) 0.3 1.2 Tr a Trai l Bl 1.6 d We t 0.5 ge o ll ie 70 Stice Island Trail - Pedestrian/ Equestrian only Trail - Pedestrian/ Bicycling only NPS property Lincoln Map on Reverse Side Turnhole Bend Trailhead y) 0.1 1.1 r a il 0.5 ri Sp 0 1. Lo o p S p r i ng s Lo op Sand Cave Island Turnhole Spring Stables Ri d Ro ad Backcountry campsite ay Trail - Pedestrian only Bluffs -w Unimproved road (non-motorized) Green River Ferry Mammoth Cave Campground Violet City Entrance Carmichael Entance ne Trail - All Use Boardcut Island This Map Trail Road Historic Entrance Hotel 1.2 2 Miles ge 0 Trail R oad 2 Kilometers 0 Ben d North Visitor Center 2.8 190 Fe rr 0.6 ai l 195 259 Floating Mill Island South BROWNSVILLE Trail D 1.5 ry Pr Pr o ng We ek 8 0. Trail Ho Tr w llo 3.8 Maple Springs Group Campground il Tra North Loop Shortcut llow Ho 3 3. Sal Hollow Campsite Trail 1 Maple Springs Research Center y 0.1 Sa l il Tra .1 ple Ma 0.5 Turnhole Sal Hollow eek Cr Ho Hollow 1.1 Houchin Ferry Campground 0.3 H B ig 185 0.8 vis s-Da Trail Mile etery Cem 0.3 l Sa H oy cC No li B 1.3 200 2.1 No rth Trail il sT ng L oo p 1 Tr Maple Springs Big Hollow 0.2 re a B u f f a lo C Bluffs ry Buffalo Crump Island ps i t e a m .6 0 l lo w (Ferry not in service) B luffs C Good Spring Church Homestead Campsite Trail Trail McCoy Hollow Homestead ow oll .7 1 0. D g on 0.3 2.0 C re ek McCoy Hollow Campsite Trail 3.6 Houchin Ferry t 0.3 l Big Three Springs 1.0 nch Br a i 2.0 of a a Tr R Collie id geCamp 0.7 Ridge -w ne (o 1.9 il sit e Tra uffa lo Three Springs Campsite Trail W i M ap le M C o ll et o in uch C 0.9 l r Prong y Ferr er R iv Temple Hill Mill First Creek Campsite 2 Trail 1.1 4.8 1.4 o f i Tra 1.0 Ho llo w Buffalo d f Bu f Ri Fi r st Prong il 2.3 Tra o al e n en First Creek Lake 0.3 First Creek Campsite 1 Trail First Creek 2 ve Gre 2 Ri Raymer Hollow Campsite Trail 5 1. First Creek 1 Raymer Hollow er k ee Cr Warning: Do not cross when water covers the ford. To White Oak Trailhead  1. Second Creek Campsite Trail k Roa Cr ee 2 0. 3.0 il 0.1 ll C le ng Pr o 0.2 Hollow m Ray t Firs rin 5 0. Cre ek Second Creek 1.4 l Trai Sp a ir gs Ferguson Campsite Trail 1352 k Ferguson re e First Creek C R o ad Great Onyx Job Corps Center Trail Stables Trail (Private business) Turnhole Bend Nature Trail 2325 o Joppa Church Doyel Valley Overlook Jo p pa Lucky Island White Oak Dennison Ferry Day-Use Area (No ferry, no potable water) 2.4 Little Jordan Cemetery 7 Great Onyx Cave Three Sisters Island 205 og kL Lic White Oak Crystal Cave ad Ro n iso nn De x Cave Great Ony ad Ro e Crys ta l C a v Ridg e Flint er F Mammoth Cave Baptist Church Rd ry Ro ad Road te rR d un Elevator oa R. H Ridge ad Ro Ha m ilton Valley Rd y Cit R oa Little Hope Cemetery d m o th Cave Un io a M m n Rd New Entrance City Pa rk Ca ve Frozen Niagara Entrance Sand Cave Trail 255 Par • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A Special Note About River Mussels Green River is home to more species of freshwater mussels than any other river in North America, and seven of these mussel species are endangered. Do not touch, pick up or collect live mussels or their shells at any time. Possession of live mussels or their shells in the park is strictly prohibited. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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