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Mammoth Cave
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Mammoth Cave
National Park
Archeology at Mammoth Cave
Burnt cane torches
The First Ones
Over 12,000 years ago, when huge sheets of thick glacial ice covered large portions
of the North American continent, small nomadic groups of people wandered over the
Kentucky landscape. Today, archeologists refer to these early American people as Paleoindians, which means “ancient Indians.” However, we know very little about them. We
don’t know what they called themselves and we don’t know what language they spoke.
We know that they were experts at working stone to make spear points for thrusting
into their prey. We know that they lived by hunting animals and gathering plants, and we
know that part of their time was spent hunting megafauna (large animals) such as bison,
giant ground sloths, and mastodons. The PaleoIndians were a transient people, moving
frequently and moving long distances in order to follow animal herds and collect nuts,
berries, and other foods that ripened with the seasons. Because these people moved so
often and traveled in small groups, there have been few opportunities to locate the places
where they camped. So far, only a few spear points of the PaleoIndian people have been
found in Mammoth Cave National Park.
A Changing World
Over time, temperatures warmed, glaciers retreated
to the north, megafauna became extinct, and the local environment changed from a forest dominated by
pine, spruce, and fir to a forest of mixed hardwoods
containing oak and hickory. The population of the
Indians also increased. With these environmental
changes came changes in the ways native Americans
lived. Instead of hunting megafauna, they hunted
smaller animals such as deer, turkey, and raccoon.
They continued to make fine stone tools, but they
made them in different shapes and sizes, reflecting
the new hunting methods developed to more efficiently capture smaller animals. Because these de-
scendants of PaleoIndians practiced a different way
of life from their ancestors, archeologists have given
them a different name: the Archaic Indians. The
Archaic period dates from 8000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. in
Kentucky. The earliest Archaic peoples continued a
foraging way of life similar to the that of their PaleoIndian ancestors. Small groups of related peoples,
called “bands,” frequently moved within their hunting territories, collecting various plants and animals
as they became seasonally available. Several Early
Archaic (8000-6000 B.C.) sites exist in Mammoth
Cave National Park.
Getting Crowded
As the numbers of Archaic people grew, the number
of bands grew, and the hunting territory of each
band shrank in size. The smaller territories and the
differences in local environments between territories
led to the development of more and more differences between groups. Members of each band adapted
to the conditions, developing new tools and modifying seasonal movements and hunting and gathering
strategies to take advantage of the resources within
their own territory. In Mammoth Cave National
Park, this slow adaption to local environments is
reflected in an increase in the number and types of
artifacts, especially spear points, found from the
Middle Archaic period (6000-3000 B.C.). Bands
did not live in isolation. They came in contact with
other bands, and they exchanged chert, shells, copper, and marriage partners.
The Miners
During the Late Archaic period (3000-1000 B.C.)
the numbers of people in this region continued to
grow. During the later portion of the Archaic period, the Indians began making pottery, cultivating
gardens, and growing domesticated plants. It was
near the end of the Late Archaic period that Indians
began exploring Mammoth Cave and other caves
in the area, collecting minerals they found. Why
Late Archaic people traveled miles within Mam-
moth Cave to collect selenite, mirabilite, epsomite,
and gypsum is a matter of speculation. The most
likely reason is that these minerals were valued for
their medicinal properties and/or ceremonial uses,
and that they were traded to other groups for food,
shells, chert, and other goods.
Growers and Shapers
Trade and Travel
The adoption of gardening and pottery-making
signaled the beginning of fundamental changes in
the way Indians lived. No longer did they have to
rely solely upon wild animals and plants for their
subsistence. Now they could increase their food
supply by growing some of their food in gardens.
In recognition of these and other changes that occurred in the lives of the Indians, archeologists have
called the period following the adoption of potterymaking and gardening the Woodland period. The
Woodland period in Kentucky dates from 1000 B.C.
to 900 A.D., and like the Archaic period, has been
subdivided into Early Woodland, Middle Woodland,
and Late Woodland periods. During the Woodland
period, populations grew and aggregated in larger
and larger groups. Groups moved less often and
formed small semi-permanent villages. Along with
the population increase and a more settled lifestyle,
Indian social organization changed from the loosely
organized hunter/gatherer band organization characteristic of the Archaic period to more complex
tribal-like social organization where village and lineage elders exercised some controls over the actions
of their followers. Along with this increasing social
complexity came changes in technology, economy,
religion, and mortuary ceremonialism.
The Middle Woodland period (200 B.C. - 500
A.D.) is noted for a florescence in mortuary and
ceremonial activity and for far-reaching trade networks. Shells were traded from the Gulf of Mexico
to the Great Lakes and points in between. Obsidian
was traded from Wyoming to Ohio. Mica and copper were traded from the Appalachian Mountains to
Ohio and beyond. Artisans made copper, shell, and
mica ornaments for village leaders. Large mound
and earthwork complexes were constructed and
elaborate ceremonial rites were performed by religious specialists. During the Middle Woodland period, maize (corn) was first introduced to the eastern
U.S. from the southwestern U.S. However, it wasn’t
until much later in the Late Woodland period that
Indians grew corn in sufficient quantities to provide
a significant portion of their diet. In the Mammoth
Cave area, the Middle Woodland period was a time
of resettlement. People no longer occupied the uplands as frequently as their Archaic and Early Woodland ancestors did. Native Americans spent more
and more of their time living in the floodplain near
the Green River, where gardens could be grown and
tended. During this period, mining activities that had
occurred during the Early Woodland period stopped
and were never resumed.
During the Early Woodland period (1000-200
B.C.), ceramic manufacture became widespread
among Indian groups. The earliest pottery types
were thick walled, barrel-shaped pots tempered with
chert and/or limestone that prevented cracking. New
pottery vessel forms, temper methods, and decorative treatments proliferated later during the Woodland period. It was also during the Early Woodland
that burial mound construction was added to the
ceremonial system. Exploration for minerals in
Mammoth Cave continued during the Early Woodland period but for reasons not yet understood,
ceased soon afterward. The number of sites in the
park and the number of tools used also increased
from the preceding Archaic period. The Early
Woodland period was also a time of horticultural
expansion with the cultivation of sunflower, maygrass, goosefoot, sumpweed and other native plants.
Indians, however, continued to rely on hunting and
gathering to provide a major portion of their diet.
For reasons not yet understood, the elaborate mortuary and ceremonial activity that occurred during
the Middle Woodland period ended during the
Late Woodland period (500 to 900 A.D.). The Late
Woodland people continued to live life much like
their Middle Woodland ancestors, but they no longer traded shells, copper, mica, and other goods in
large quantities. During the Late Woodland period,
the bow and arrow was invented and soon replaced
the lance as the primary weapon for hunting. The
population continued to increase and greater and
greater reliance was placed on growing plants for
food. Hunting deer, turkey, raccoon, and other
animals, and collecting nuts and other wild plants
continued to provide important sources of food.
Complex Cultures
The Mississippian period followed the Woodland
period, and ended with the arrival of the first Europeans to America. This period lasted from around
900 to around 1500 A.D. The Mississippian period
was the period during which native American cultures reached their greatest complexity. This complexity was manifested in a hierarchy of settlement
types ranging from small single family residences or
“farmsteads” to large ceremonial centers and villages, a stratified social/political organization that
has been broadly compared to chiefdom level societies, specialization in the production of various
commodities, and a heavy reliance on farming corn.
Technological and stylistic changes in the material
culture accompanied the shift from Woodland to
Mississippian. These included the use of shell as a
tempering material in the manufacture of pottery,
new pottery vessel forms (salt pans, plates, “cazuella
type” jars, and water bottles), and rectangular wall
trench house construction (the poles that formed
the house walls were set in trenches dug into the
ground). In the Mammoth Cave area, there appears
to be a decrease in the number of Mississippian
sites compared to earlier periods. This is probably
because the floodplain along the Green River is not
very wide and does not offer much room for farming. Like their ancestors, the Mississippians did not
live by farming alone. They also hunted, fished and
gathered wild plants.
The Ending
The Proto-Historic period in Kentucky is the time
following the arrival of the first Europeans to America and before the arrival of the first white settlers.
During this period, native inhabitants of Kentucky
did not have much direct contact with Europeans,
but they were greatly affected by the dislocation of
other Indian groups caused by the intrusion of the
English, French, and Spanish. Measles, smallpox,
and other diseases had the most devastating effect
on the Indians’ lives. Estimates place the mortality
rate of some Indian groups as high as 75% as a result
of the European diseases. By the time the first white
settlers moved to Kentucky following the Revolutionary War, much of the land was used as a hunting ground by the Shawnee, Cherokee, and other
groups. Soon, white settlers pushed these few remaining tribes from their lands. So ended thousands
of years of native American settlement in Kentucky
and Mammoth Cave National Park.