"Inland Brown Bear" by NPS Photo /W. Hill , public domain
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Lake Clark
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Qizhjeh Vena
Lake Clark National Park & Preserve
Photo by NPS/ J. Mills
Tundra swans glide elegantly across a boggy pond. A brown bear splashes into
a stream and emerges with a spawning salmon. A sharp-shinned hawk dives on
a redback vole. A porcupine curls up and shows his quills to a curious hiker.
Wolves howl into the winter night. Lake Clark teems with wildlife.
Many brown bears call Lake Clark home.
Their behavior and diet vary depending on the
habitat in which they live. Just like living in the
city is diferent from living in the country for
people, living near the ocean is diferent from
living inland for bears.
Estuaries, where rivers meet the sea along the
park’s Cook Inlet coast, are the urban centers
of the bear world. Food is plentiful here from
early spring until the bears return to their
dens in the fall. Sedges that are high in protein
and other edible plants grow in salt marshes.
Tidal fats brimming with clams lay just a few
yards away. Flowing through it all are rivers
flled with salmon who return each summer
to spawn and die further upstream. Whales
and other marine carcasses occasionally wash
ashore. Berries grow on the nearby hillsides.
Everything a bear needs to eat is in one place.
coast. If estuaries are a bear’s big city, boreal
forests and open tundra are the country.
There is less food inland and it is spread
out over a larger area. Salmon spawn in the
streams and lakes in the summer and fall, but
bears usually have to travel much further to
fnd them. Brown bears here eat more roots,
insects, berries, and ground squirrels.
Because there are fewer sources of proteinrich food inland, there are also fewer bears.
They do not gather in large numbers here,
thus they interact with fewer individuals
in their lifetime than a coastal bear. These
solitary bears are less tolerant of the presence
of the other bears, wildlife, and people they
do encounter.
Photo by NPS/ Jim Pfeiffenberger
Bears gather in these estuaries in large
numbers to eat and mate. Park biologists have
counted as many as 219 brown bears within
a 54 square mile area on the coast in recent
years. There are few other places in the world
where you can fnd as many bears living in
such a small area. This is possible because they
are more tolerant of the presence of eachother, of other wildlife, and often of people
than they are in places where there is less food.
The habitats west of the Aleutian and Alaskan
mountain ranges difer from those on the
The lonely howl of the wolf is an icon of the
Alaskan wilderness. Yet, there are fewer wolves
in Lake Clark than you might imagine.
Wildlife experts would expect to fnd eight to
twelve packs with around seven members each
living in a park this size. Yet park biologists
have identifed only four to six packs with
about fve members each.
These packs’ territories average just over
1,000 square miles. This is a larger amount of
land than most other Alaskan wolf packs use.
Larger territory sizes means there are fewer
packs. Territory size varies depending on what
the wolves hunt. The packs that eat more
salmon need a smaller range because they
don’t have to roam as far to fnd food.
Many young wolves leave their original
pack to fnd a mate and territory. They often
travel outside the park to fnd a place of their
own. A few have ventured as far away as
Bethel, 230 miles to the west of Lake Clark’s
Photo by NPS/ Mike Jones
Brown Bears
Dall’s Sheep
Wild sheep love their mountains. They ramble
along rocky ridges and sleep on steep slopes.
The pure white Dall’s sheep live further north
than any other North American wild sheep
species. In Alaska, Lake Clark is the furthest
southwest extent of their range.
Bald Eagles
Photo by NPS
Though there are many mountains in the park,
Dall’s sheep live on few of them. If the peaks
are too high, vegetation is too scarce. Too close
to the coast and long winters can bury food
beneath a heavy blanket of snow. Lake Clark’s
population is only 1,000. Look for them
tiptoeing on Tanalian Mountain or prancing
along the peaks near Twin Lakes.
To many Americans bald eagles are the
embodiment of freedom. Around ffty pairs
nest each year in Lake Clark. They prefer tall
trees within view of the ocean, a lake, or river
where they can hunt for salmon, seabirds, and
other prey.
Sockeye Salmon
Photo by NPS
As top predators, their nesting successes and
failures hint at changes to the populations of
their prey. Their continued freedom to soar
the skies is a sign of the freedom and health of
the entire ecosystem.
Salmon play an important role in Lake Clark’s
ecosystems. They are eaten by mammals, birds,
insects, other fsh, and people. Fungi and
bacteria decompose their bodies when they
die. This adds nutrients to the water and soil,
which plants use to grow.
Photo donated by Thomas Quinn
Sockeye are anadromous fsh, meaning they
hatch in freshwater, but migrate to the ocean
during their frst or second summer. After
spending two years at sea, they return to their
birthplace to lay their eggs and die.
About half of the world’s sockeye salmon
spawn and rear in the Bristol Bay watershed.
The park is located at the headwaters of Bristol
Bay’s Kvichak River. Each year between 150
thousand and 3.1 million sockeye return to
Lake Clark.
Species List:
Terrestrial Mammals
Listed by Order
Even-toed Ungulates
Dall’s sheep
Hares, Rabbits, and Pika
Collared pika
Snowshoe hare
American beaver
Arctic ground squirrel
Brown lemming
Hoary marmot
Meadow jumping mouse
Meadow vole
Northern bog lemming
Northern collared lemming
Northern red-backed vole
Red squirrel
Singing/Alaska vole
Tundra vole
E X P E R I E N C E Y O U R A M E R I C A™
Masked shrew
Montane/dusky shrew
Pygmy shrew
Tiny shrew
Tundra shrew
Little brown bat
Gray wolf
Red fox
Canada lynx
Northern river otter
American marten
Ermine/short-tailed weasel
Least weasel
American black bear
Brown bear
Updated March 2015