"Inland Brown Bear" by NPS Photo /W. Hill , public domain

Lake Clark

Tanalian Trails

brochure Lake Clark - Tanalian Trails
Lake Clark National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Qizhjeh Vena Lake Clark National Park & Preserve www.nps.gov/lacl Tanalian Trails Lake Clark Hardenberg Bay Tanali an d La k River (elev. 3900’) mile s e Trail 1. 7 es ild er n d Lo op 1 .7 m s T il e Miles Na t Na iona tio l na Pres erv lP ar ka e nd W Fall s an 2.6 al ia n Bea ve rP on Tanalian Mountain an Private Drive M Private Property (trail follows easement) in ta n ou l ai r T s Junction .03 miles (elev. 650’) 0.8 m i l es to lake Brushed route (no trail) Tanalian Falls North Kontrashibuna Lake (elev.500’) See back side for directions to trailhead and detailed information. Directions to Trailhead Be Prepared From the visitor center, return to the closest airstrip. Turn right and head towards Hardenberg Bay. Pass two Visitor Center possible right hand turns. Continue to the final road to the right before Trailhead the end of the airstrip. Turn right. When the road takes a 90 degree left turn, take the trail that heads up the embankment straight in front of you. Continue straight less than 100 ft to the trailhead. Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. Tanalian Trails Destinations Bear Safety Airstrip Beaver Pond Bear resistant storage containers are available for your use at the Visitor Center. Beaver Pond Loop Difficulty: Moderate This forested trail offers a loop hike around an old beaver pond with views of Lake Clark and the surrounding mountains. Stay Alert Watch and listen for bears. Tanalian Falls Difficulty: Moderate This trail offers views of Lake Clark on its way to spectacular waterfalls. Safety in Numbers Larger groups have lower risk. Tanalian Falls Kontrashibuna Lake Difficulty: Moderate A half mile beyond Tanalian Falls the trail ends at Kontrashibuna Lake. Kontrashibuna Lake Tanalian Mountain Difficulty: Strenuous This trail steeply climbs the side of Tanalian Mountain offering views of Lake Clark and the surrounding mountains. Tanalian Mountain Carry food, water, and extra clothing. Dress in layers and plan for changing weather. Be Visible, Make Noise Avoid surprising a bear. Avoid Bears Give bears plenty of space. Never approach a bear. If you see a bear, do not run. Slowly leave the area. Store Food Properly Federal law requires proper food storage at all times. Additional safety information can be found in the brochure “Bear Safety in Alaska’s National Parklands” and the film “Staying Safe in Bear Country.” Both are available in the Visitor Center.

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