"Middle Islands Passage, Isle Royale National Park, 2015." by U.S. National Park Service , public domain

Isle Royale

Visitor Guide 2024

brochure Isle Royale - Visitor Guide 2024

Visitor Guide to Isle Royale National Park (NP) in Michigan. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Your Guide to Isle Royale National Park www.nps.gov/isro National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior The Allure of Wild A boat ride to a destination out of sight. A plunge in Lake Superior after days on the trail. A lullaby of loons at a lakeside campsite. A moose impeding the path to the privy. A chance howling of wolves under a starlit sky. The desire to know “wild” unites many who have spent time on Minong, which is the Ojibwe word for Isle Royale, meaning “the Good Place.” The Ojibwe, who have visited Minong from time immemorial, know this wild as a place of sustenance, tradition, and abundance. Others are drawn to the peace, freedom, and serenity Minong has to offer. While immersed in wilderness, many take lessons from the island. The first of my many lessons was one of selfreliance. This initiation involved removing 12 leeches from my feet after soaking bloody blisters in Chickenbone Lake on my inaugural solo backpacking trip. My stamina for enduring discomfort grew with each leech I dislodged. It was this wilderness immersion that allowed me to realize the power of my own self-reliance. This became my favorite wild teaching so far – learning who I was when no one could bear witness, alone under nature’s gaze. Jenna Behnke Park Ranger What is it about Isle Royale wilderness that calls to you? Many years ago, I remember reading about this wilderness for the first time - it sparked a curiosity. Having worked in large western parks, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Now, I know Isle Royale’s wilderness character is different – it’s an island, it’s inaccessible by car, it has a rich huma history, and it can even be crowded at times despite having the lowest visitation of any national park in the contiguous United States. What calls me to Isle Royale are the opportunities for profound connection on an isolated island in the middle of the world’s largest freshwater lake by surface area. In four years as Isle Royale’s Superintendent, I have found my wilderness connections through hiking, fishing inland lakes, camping, and paddling. When you visit wild protected areas, whether from afar or inperson, be mindful of the many types of deep connections – physical, cultural, or ethnographic - people share with wilderness. I challenge you to consider your own perceptions and relationships with Isle Royale. You are welcome here! Denice Swanke, Superintendent Printing courtesy of Isle Royale and Keweenaw Parks Association. Printed by Christensen Printing & Publishing on recycled paper using agri-based inks. Please recycle. Wilderness Character...............................2-3 Paddling, Diving, Fishing...........................9.. Your Safety Is Your Responsibility.................4 Visitor Centers, Programs, Lodging..........10.. Protect Your Park.........................................5 Transportation Services, Fees...................11.. Map, Campgrounds,Trails........................6-7 Contacts, Park Store.................................12.. Camping, Boating........................................8 Wilderness Character There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm. Theodore Roosevelt Blueberries, I love blueberries! In Isle Royale’s wilderness, the patches are plentiful. When I’m out picking (and eating), I often wonder about others who picked in the same place. Did Laura Edisen, or another fisherwoman, find blueberries here in the 1930s? It’s likely this particular patch has been scouted for centuries – this island wilderness has witnessed human presence for at least 8,000 years, possibly longer. There were so many different reasons to make the voyage to Isle Royale: copper mining, fishing, maple sugaring, hunting, and trapping. It’s clear the island has been changed by our presence - feed for horses brought alfalfa, miners and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) members left apple trees. At many historic commercial fishing camps, like Wright Island, carefully tended rose bushes still bloom each summer. Over the years, a lot of reasons to visit Isle Royale have changed – humans are no longer mining copper from the island’s wilderness. Some reasons to visit have stayed the same – many are still taking advantage of Lake Superior’s fishery, and tradition lives on through the Grand Portage Band of Ojibwe’s connection to Minong. Yet, it’s relatively recent that spending time in a national park wilderness can be added to the list of reasons to visit Isle Royale - in 1976, nearly 99 percent of the park’s land area was federally designated as wilderness, which 20,000 visitors enjoy every year. Regardless of the specific reason for your visit, what’s evident is the allure of Isle Royale’s wilderness has been calling to people for centuries, and it will continue to call to us for a long time to come. Humans have been, and always will be, tightly woven into the wild of Isle Royale. Liz Valencia, Interpretation and Cultural Resources Manager What Makes a Wilderness? Untrammeled Undeveloped Wilderness is essentially without permanent improvements or the sights and sounds of modern human occupation. Natural Wilderness is essentially unhindered and free from the intentional actions of modern human control or manipulation. Ecological systems are substantially free from the effects of modern civilization. Other Features of Value Opportunities for Solitude or Primitive and Unconfined Recreation Recreational activities are appropriate and compatible with wilderness. Wilderness may also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value. Wilderness Act of 1964 The Wilderness Act of 1964 established the National Wilderness Preservation System, a national network of more than 800 federally designated wilderness areas. Today, nearly 112 million acres of lands are protected by the Wilderness Act, including nearly 99 percent of Isle Royale National Park. 2 Your Guide To Isle Royale National Park – 2024 A Changing Wilderness Refuge Lake Superior insulates Isle Royale’s wilderness from many outside forces. However, annual monitoring completed by the Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network (GLKN) reveals that despite its isolation, human-caused global changes have affected island ecology. One of these effects comes in the form of harmful algal blooms (HABs), which are formed when potentially toxic cyanobacteria reproduce rapidly under the right conditions. The first known HAB reported on Isle Royale was on Lake Richie in 2007. A sediment core revealed it was the first HAB to occur there in 150 years. Why is this happening? Warmer temperatures cause ice to melt off Isle Royale’s inland lakes earlier in the year, giving wind a chance to mix up the water. Algae and nutrients move up from the bottom, and sun exposure creates ideal growing conditions. Today, HABs occur on almost all of Isle Royale’s inland lakes. On land, annual surveys show a decline among insect-eating birds, especially the three most common species: the Nashville warbler, winter wren, and ovenbird. Because many island birds are migratory, habitat changes on their wintering grounds and loss of migratory stopover sites are major factors in their decline. Global temperature and precipitation changes are also in play, changing island forests and shifting the times insects are available for birds to eat. These changes may influence a high turnover of songbird species populations on Isle Royale in the future. GLKN's programs show that humans are interconnected with wildness, even from afar. Today, Isle Royale’s wilderness remains a refuge to both humans and wildlife. But for how long? Ted Gostomski Science Writer/Biologist, GLKN www.nps.gov/im/glkn Maintaining Wilderness by the Numbers Isle Royale National Park is made up of 132,018 acres of federally designated wilderness. What does it take to maintain trails and campgrounds in the wild? Each year trail crews: Backcountry camp for 50 nights. Rebuild 2,000 feet of boardwalk. Remove 900 fallen trees. Rehab 10 miles of trail. Dig 8 privies. Maintaining trails and campgrounds to a wilderness standard means working hard to make it look like we haven't distrubed the surroundings. Corey Process Trails and Campgrounds Supervisor 2024 – Your Guide To Isle Royale National Park 3 Your Safety is Your Responsibility 4 Lake Superior and the island’s wilderness present challenges and hazards to the inexperienced or ill-prepared. Always check current conditions prior to your trip. Play It Safe Know Before You Go Make a Conservative Trip Plan. Plan your adventure with the least experienced person in mind. Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds or use sanitizer. Use soap at least 50 steps away from water. Be First Aid Ready. A first aid kit is a must. Be trained, experienced, and equipped to deal with common injuries. Emergencies Plan Ahead Plan for Problems. What will you do if someone gets injured or lost? How will you self-rescue? Prep Your Gear. Bring supplies needed to handle delays and weather. Test your gear prior to your adventure. Wear sturdy, well broken in boots with ankle support for hiking. Assess Risk Watch the Weather. Conditions deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly. Huddle Up. Start each day discussing expected conditions and potential safety issues. Practice Backcountry Hygiene Basic emergency services are available on the island, but contacting rangers can be difficult. Emergency response and evacuation take time, requiring you to rely on your own skills and equipment. Most private boaters have radios and may be able to contact rangers in an emergency. Cellphone service is unreliable; do not depend on it. To contact the park in an emergency: 440-546-5945 Drinking Water Potable water is only available in Rock Harbor and Windigo. Early and late season visitors should plan for no potable water anywhere on-island. Lake Superior and interior waters should be considered non-potable. Care for Your Companions. Monitor health and energy levels of party members. Purify Water: Use one of these methods: Be Flexible. When issues arise, evaluate. Should you keep going, take a break, or change your trip plan? • Physical Purifier: Use one that is rated to remove viruses • Water Filter (0.4 microns or finer) + Chemical Treatment Use tablets or bleach • Water Filter (0.4 microns or finer) + UV Treatment Use a UV purifier • Boil: At a rolling boil for at least one minute Travel Smart Stick Together. Divide gear to lighten the load of a slower or injured hiker. Don’t leave slower party members in the dust. Rest Often. Enjoy frequent short breaks: drink water, munch snacks, relax and rejuvenate. Travel during cooler times of the day. Stay Hydrated. Drink upon waking, along your route, and at your destination. Water is life. Watch Your Step. Footing is uneven. Rocks and roots are trip hazards. Boardwalks and rocks are slippery when wet. When Things Go Wrong • Take a breath • Assess the situation • Make a plan Self-Rescue = Best Rescue. Self-reliance is the only immediate option in an emergency. Park response is limited and even if you are able to contact rangers, help could be hours or days away. Are there others nearby who can assist or go for help? If you are not equipped to deal with your emergency: • Call on marine radio, or • Use a satellite phone, or • Activate an emergency device with texting capability Cellphone service is unreliable. Any device may fail in adverse weather. 4 Your Guide To Isle Royale National Park – 2024 Toxic Water Alert Algal blooms have occurred in interior lakes and can be toxic. Purification does not remove toxins from the water. Avoid drinking, swimming, and fishing if water has a cloudy blue cast or looks like “pea soup.” If algal blooms occur, advisories will be posted. Respond to Your Symptoms Dehydration is a factor in most medical problems. You tire quickly, do not think clearly, and are more prone to falling. Water is scarce between campgrounds, especially along ridges. Carry a minimum two quarts of water per person; drink and refill whenever near water sources. Watch for mild signs of dehydration: thirst, fatigue, headache, and dizziness. Hypothermia: Shivering, apathy, and coordination loss indicate mild hypothermia. Best defense: Stay warm and dry. Dress in layers and don raingear before you get wet. If someone shows these signs, warm and dry the person, add more layers, climb in a sleeping bag, and sip warm liquids. Protect Your Park Minimize your impact to protect the park’s wilderness character for use and enjoyment by all. Help Isle Royale Stay Wild Adventure and simple living are important components of an Isle Royale visit. To ensure these experiences, you should be familiar with skills and habits that foster a Leave No Trace ethic. Visit www.lnt.org. Quiet, Please Most visitors come to Isle Royale to hear the sounds of nature in a wild setting. Be aware of your volume so others may enjoy peace and solitude. Quiet Hours are between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am eastern time. If people in adjacent campsites can hear your activities, you are being too loud. Audible use of electronic devices such as stereos, televisions, radios, cellphones, and tablets is not permitted except in the developed areas of Rock Harbor and Windigo, and on Lake Superior waters outside of designated quiet/no wake zones. 5 Leave What You Find Removing, possessing, or disturbing park resources is prohibited. Antlers, plants, driftwood, cultural or archeological objects, rocks/minerals including those in Lake Superior, must be left where found. Fishing and picking small quantities of berries/mushrooms is allowed. Graffiti and the building of cairns (rock piles) mar the park for other visitors. Leave the park as you find it. Minimize Use of Fires Campfires are permitted at a handful of campgrounds (see page 6). A backpacking stove is highly recommended. A metal fire ring or grate is provided where campfires are allowed; never build your own ring. Use Dead and Down Wood no bigger around than your wrist. Do not break branches or strip bark from standing trees, live or dead. Trash has no place in a backcountry fire. Do not import firewood; insects and pathogens from infected wood could devastate Isle Royale’s forests. Portable Generators are prohibited in most areas of the park. Be Safe With Fire: Keep your fire small and burn down to ash; be sure the fire is completely out before leaving it. Keep the Island Clean Park Regulations Practice Proper Food Storage: Keep a clean camp. To protect your food from wildlife, seal and secure in scent-proof containers. Hardsided containers are preferred, but using doubled zip-lock bags is appropriate. Animals will steal unattended food and other items. Trash: All trash and leftover food (including peels, cores, and nutshells) must be packed out. Do not burn, bury, or place in outhouses. Carry a zip-lock bag for securing small pieces of trash. Human Waste Disposal: Use outhouses. Never defecate within 100' (at least 50 steps) of lakes, streams, or campsites. In areas without outhouses, dig a cathole 6" to 8" deep; after use, cover with soil. Urinate on durable surfaces, like rocks or bare soil, away from water sources and campsites. The regulations of Isle Royale National Park are intended to protect park resources and appropriate visitor experiences. Regulations place strong emphasis on preserving wilderness character and values. Visitors are responsible for adhering to park regulations. For detailed information on park regulations visit www.nps.gov/isro/learn/management/lawsandpolicies.htm. Wheeled vehicles (except for non-motorized wheelchairs) or other mechanical transportation are not allowed outside developed areas at Rock Harbor and Windigo. This includes bicycles and portaging devices. No Drone Zone: Launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft on lands and waters of the park is prohibited. Cookware Cleaning: Wash dishes at least 100' from water sources and campsites. Even biodegradable soap takes a long time to degrade. Use a strainer to remove food bits and pack them out with your trash. Disperse remaining water away from water sources and campsites. Weapons, Traps, & Nets: The use or possession of weapons, traps, and nets is prohibited. Weapons include any implements designed to discharge a projectile or missile in the air or water and include slingshots, blowguns, and bows and arrows. Fireworks are prohibited. Bathing: Get wet, then move at least 100' away from all water sources and campsites to lather and rinse. Use soap sparingly, if necessary. Exception: Possession of firearms within the park is regulated by Michigan law. The discharge of firearms within the park is prohibited. Share the Space Marijuana Prohibited: While recreational and medical marijuana are now legal in many states, marijuana remains illegal on federal lands including Isle Royale National Park. Show Respect. Observe, photograph, and enjoy park wildlife from a safe and respectful distance. If an animal changes its behavior, you are too close. It is illegal to feed, touch, tease, or intentionally disturb wildlife, their homes, nests, or activities. Moose are large and potentially dangerous animals. Always give them a wide berth because they may kick in any direction or charge. If you encounter a moose, step behind a tree, and wait for the moose to move on. Throughout the spring and summer, female moose are rearing young and are very protective. Never get between a cow and her calf. During fall rut, bull moose are often aggressive. Loons may abandon their nests when approached too closely. From May through mid-July (loon nesting season) you must stay at least 150' away from small islands and from shoreline nests. If a loon cries out, you are too close. Mosquitos & Black Flies peak in June or July. In wet summers, mosquitos continue into August. Bring repellent, netting, or other skin barriers. Wasps: Dry summers often result in an abundance of wasps. Bring an epinephrine kit if allergic to stings. Wolves Pets If you see a wolf: Do not approach. If the wolf comes closer, encourage it to leave by clapping and yelling. Dogs, cats, and other mammals are not allowed, including pets on boats within park boundaries, which extend 4.5 miles into Lake Superior from the outermost land areas of the park. Visitors bringing pets to the park will be required to leave immediately. Pets disturb wildlife and can transmit diseases. Special conditions apply to service dogs. Visit www.nps.gov/isro/ planyourvisit/service-dogs.htm. If a wolf does not leave: Maintain eye contact and slowly back away until you are out of sight, continuing to clap and yell. Do not run or turn your back to the wolf. If you cannot safely leave: Make yourself big. Aggressively use hiking poles or branches to discourage the wolf from approaching. If a wolf attacks: Wolf attacks are extremely rare and unlikely to happen. But if it does, fight using any means necessary. Report all wolf sightings to park staff. 2024 – Your Guide To Isle Royale National Park 5 6 Voyageur II During its clockwise circumnavigation, Voyageur II provides drop-off and pick-up services at several locations. See page 11. Voyageur II Grand Portage, MN, to Windigo 22mi/35km 2 hours one-way Sea Hunter III Grand Portage, MN, to Windigo 22mi/35km 1.5 hours one-way Seaplane Hancock, MI, to Windigo 61mi/98km 35-45 minutes one-way Beaver Island 3 0 3 0 S Belle Isle 5 1 6 0 F Birch Island 3 1 1 0 S Caribou Island 3 1 2 0 CR Chickenbone E 2 3 0 1 S Chickenbone W 2 6 0 3 S Chippewa Harbor 3 2 4 1 F Daisy Farm 3 6 16 3 S Desor N 2 3 0 0 S Desor S 2 7 0 3 S Duncan Bay 3 1 2 0 F Duncan Narrows 3 1 2 0 F Feldtmann Lake 2 5 0 2 S Grace Island 3 0 2 0 S Hatchet Lake 2 5 0 3 S Hay Bay 3 1 0 0 S Huginnin Cove 3 5 0 0 S Intermediate Lake 2 3 0 0 S Island Mine 3 4 0 2 F Lake Richie 2 4 0 2 S Lake Richie/Canoe 2 3 0 0 S Lake Whittlesey 2 3 0 0 S Lane Cove 1* 5 0 0 S Little Todd 2 4 0 0 F Malone Bay 3 0 5 2 F McCargoe Cove 3 3 6 3 CR Merritt Lane 3 1 1 0 S Moskey Basin 3 2 6 2 S Pickerel Cove 2 1 0 0 S Rock Harbor 1* 11 9 3 S-W Rock Harbor Marina 14 0 0 0 F-W Siskiwit Bay 3 4 2 3 CR Three Mile 1* 4 8 3 S Tobin Harbor Dock 5 0 0 0 S Todd Harbor 3 5 1 3 CR Tookers Island 3 0 2 0 S Washington Creek (Windigo) 3* 5 10 4 S-W Windigo Dock 3 0 0 0 S Wood Lake 2 3 0 0 S *Rock Harbor, Three Mile, Lane Cove, & Washington Creek stay limit in effect 6/1 - 9/21. 6 Your Guide To Isle Royale National Park – 2024 D No epth rm at al Do Co ck nd iti on On s Ge -b o Al ner ar lo at d we or d U se Sp In eci fo al rm ati on s G Te rou nt p Sit es CR - Fires in community ring only S - Self-contained stoves only W - Treated water supply F - Campfire rings or standing grills provided Sh el te r Campgrounds C N ons 6/ ight ecu (*n 1 – s St tive ot La ay e e bo L i xc ep r D mit tio ay ns ) In Te divi nt du Sit al es Grand Marais, MN, to Windigo 57mi/91km 30 minutes one-way 2' – 5' 13' 5' 10' – – 7' 9' – – 6' 6' – 2' – 4' – 3' – 7' – – – – – – – – 3' – 6' 7' 8' 8' – – 3' – 12' 2' – 6' 9' 3' – 8' 2' 7' – 4' – 20' – yes yes no yes – – no no – – no no – yes – yes – – – – – – – – yes no no no – – yes no no yes no no – yes – Canoe Portages Distance•Elevation Change•Details Malone Bay - Siskiwit Lake 0.3 mile, 40’ Gradual Slope Siskiwit Lake - Intermediate Lake 0.4 mile, 40’ Gradual ups and downs Intermediate Lake - Lake Richie 0.6 mile, 120’ Hilly and wooded Wood Lake - Lake Whittlesey 0.6 mile, 80’ Rolling Lake Whittlesey - Chippewa Harbor 0.6 mile, 140’ Steep grades and rocky Chippewa Harbor - Lake Richie 1.2 miles, 160’ Hilly Moskey Basin - Lake Richie 2.0 miles, 120’ Gradual but long Lake Richie - Lake LeSage 0.6 mile, 100’ Steep grades, wet Lake LeSage - Lake Livermore 0.4 mile, 80’ Steep grades, wet Lake Livermore - Chickenbone Lake 0.2 mile, 40’ Steep but short Chickenbone Lake -McCargoe Cove 1.2 miles, 80’ Hilly Pickerel Cove 0.1 mile, 10’ Short and sweet Lane Cove - Stockly Bay 0.1 mile, 8’ Short and sweet Five Finger Bay - Duncan Bay 0.2 mile, 8’ Short and sweet Duncan Bay - Tobin Harbor 0.8 mile, 175’ Extremely steep Tobin Harbor - Rock Harbor 0.2 mile, 40’ Gradual up and down 7 Rock Harbor Lodge Water Taxi Provides drop-off and pick-up services between Rock Harbor and McCargoe Cove on the north shore and Rock Harbor and Malone Bay on the south shore. See page 10. Isle Royale Queen IV Copper Harbor, MI, to Rock Harbor 56mi/90km 3.75 hours one-way Ranger III Houghton, MI, to Rock Harbor 73mi/118km 6 hours one-way Seaplane Hancock, MI, to Rock Harbor 71mi/114km 35-45 minutes one-way Grand Marais, MN, to Rock Harbor 90mi/145km 45 minutes one-way Chippewa Harbor Daisy Farm Desor N Desor S Feldtmann Lake Hatchet Lake Huginnin Cove Island Mine Lake Richie Lane Cove Little Todd Malone Bay McCargoe Cove Moskey Basin Rock Harbor Siskiwit Bay Three Mile Todd Harbor Washington Creek -Windigo - 1.8 9.3 6.1 19.6 16.4 35.8 9.3 30.3 21.3 5.0 10.9 15.6 19.6 2.3 7.3 13.3 25.7 10.5 8.7 27.1 Chickenbone E 1.8 - 7.9 7.9 19.8 15.0 34.4 7.9 29.1 19.9 3.6 12.7 16.2 18.2 2.7 5.9 14.8 24.3 12.5 9.3 25.7 Chickenbone W 9.3 7.9 - 9.7 27.3 22.5 42.0 15.2 36.4 27.2 4.3 16.6 22.6 25.7 10.6 6.2 16.8 31.6 14.1 17.3 33.0 Chippewa Harbor 6.1 7.9 9.7 - 26.0 22.5 41.9 15.4 37.3 27.4 5.8 6.9 21.5 27.2 8.2 3.9 7.1 31.8 4.4 14.9 33.2 Daisy Farm 19.6 19.8 27.3 26.0 - 20.0 21.4 12.3 14.4 18.6 23.0 30.8 5.7 23.2 18.0 25.3 33.1 23.0 30.4 11.4 12.6 Desor N 16.4 15.0 22.5 22.5 20.0 - 20.1 8.1 14.7 5.5 18.2 27.3 15.5 10.8 17.7 20.5 29.4 9.9 26.7 11.8 11.3 Desor S 35.8 34.4 42.0 41.9 21.4 20.1 - 27.6 12.8 14.6 37.8 46.7 26.1 30.3 37.1 40.1 49.0 10.3 46.3 31.8 8.8 Feldtmann Lake 9.3 7.9 15.2 15.4 12.3 8.1 27.6 - 25.7 13.0 11.1 20.2 7.8 11.3 10.7 13.4 22.3 17.4 19.8 4.1 18.8 Hatchet Lake 30.3 29.1 36.4 37.3 14.4 14.7 12.8 25.7 - 10.0 32.3 41.2 19.1 24.9 31.8 34.6 44.4 14.4 41.7 24.8 4.0 Huginnin Cove 21.3 19.9 27.2 27.4 18.6 5.5 14.6 13.0 10.0 - 23.1 32.2 20.4 15.7 22.6 25.4 34.3 4.4 31.6 16.7 6.6 Island Mine 5.0 3.6 4.3 5.8 23.0 18.2 37.8 11.1 32.3 23.1 - 12.7 18.5 21.4 6.3 2.3 12.9 27.5 10.2 13.0 28.9 Lake Richie 10.9 12.7 16.6 6.9 30.8 27.3 46.7 20.2 41.2 32.2 12.7 - 26.5 30.5 13.0 10.8 6.9 36.6 4.6 19.5 38.3 Lane Cove 15.6 16.2 22.6 21.5 5.7 15.5 26.1 7.8 19.1 20.4 18.5 26.5 - 18.7 13.5 22.1 28.6 24.8 25.9 7.0 17.3 Little Todd 19.6 18.2 25.7 27.2 23.2 10.8 30.3 11.3 24.9 15.7 21.4 30.5 18.7 - 20.9 23.7 34.3 20.1 31.6 15.0 21.5 Malone Bay 2.3 2.7 10.6 8.2 18.0 17.7 37.1 10.7 31.8 22.6 6.3 13.0 13.5 20.9 - 8.4 15.3 27.0 12.6 6.7 28.4 McCargoe Cove 7.3 5.9 6.2 3.9 25.3 20.5 40.1 13.4 34.6 25.4 2.3 10.8 22.1 23.7 8.4 - 11.0 29.8 8.3 15.1 31.0 Moskey Basin 13.3 14.8 16.8 7.1 33.1 29.4 49.0 22.3 44.4 34.3 12.9 6.9 28.6 34.3 15.3 11.0 - 38.7 2.7 22.2 40.1 Rock Harbor 25.7 24.3 31.6 31.8 23.0 9.9 10.3 17.4 14.4 4.4 27.5 36.6 24.8 20.1 27.0 29.8 38.7 - 36.0 21.1 11.0 Siskiwit Bay 10.5 12.5 14.1 4.4 30.4 26.7 46.3 19.8 41.7 31.6 10.2 4.6 25.9 31.6 12.6 8.3 2.7 36.0 - 19.5 37.8 Three Mile 8.7 9.3 17.3 14.9 11.4 11.8 31.8 4.1 24.8 16.7 13.0 19.5 7.0 15.0 6.7 15.1 22.2 21.1 19.5 - 23.0 Todd Harbor 27.1 25.7 33.0 33.2 12.6 11.3 8.8 18.8 4.0 6.6 28.9 38.3 17.3 21.5 28.4 31.0 40.1 11.0 37.8 23.0 - Washington Creek Chickenbone E Chickenbone W Trail Mileages 2024 – Your Guide To Isle Royale National Park 7 Things to Do 8 Hiking Boating Miles of trail wind through forests and hug the shoreline, climb steeply to ridgetop views, and descend into wetlands. Ninety-nine pecent of the park’s land base is designated wilderness that beckons you to explore. Hundreds of islands and surrounding Lake Superior waters are within park boundaries. Numerous docks and anchorages provide access for power and sailboats. Camping Thirty-six campgrounds are scattered throughout the park. Campsites are accessible only by foot or watercraft. All campgrounds have tent sites, outhouses, and are near a water source. Many of the campgrounds located on the Lake Superior shoreline offer docks, shelters, and picnic tables. Camping Permits are required for all overnight stays at campgrounds, cross-country sites, docks, or at anchor. Group Camping Advance reservations are required for any group or organization, including families and friends traveling together, bringing seven or more people to the island (see below). Small-Party Camping (six or fewer people) No reservations. All small-party campsites contain either tent sites or a three-sided shelter. Sites for individual small parties are available firstcome, first-served. Expect crowded campsites from mid-July through midSeptember. Expect to have conversations about sharing sites. Obtain a Permit: Overnight boaters need to permit ahead of time. Call 906-482-0984. Plan Ahead: All boaters should become familiar with information in the Isle Royale Boating Guide. Visit www.nps.gov/isro/planyourvisit/boating-guide.htm. Lake Superior offers challenging and often dangerous weather: fog, high winds, waves, and thunderstorms. Combine rocky reefs and limited safe harbors with Isle Royale’s remoteness, and it pays for you, your crew, and your boat to be shipshape. Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species: Vessel owners are legally responsible for invasive species decontamination prior to entering park waters (extending 4.5 miles into Lake Superior from the outermost land areas of the park). Learn how to decontaminate your vessel at stopaquatichitchhikers.org/prevention. Day Use: Boaters visiting the park or park waters for the day are required to pay entrance fees (see page 11) and are encouraged to fill out a day permit. Call 906-482-0984. How to Select a Campsite: Overnight Stays: Boaters staying overnight at anchor, at docks, or in campgrounds must obtain a permit ahead of time. 1. At a campground, camp at a designated tent site or occupy a shelter. Restricted Water Activities: 2. When all sites are occupied, use the identified overflow group campsite (if present). • Water skiing and personal watercraft including vessels referred to as Jet Skis, Waverunners, or Sea-Doos are prohibited in all park waters. 3. When all sites are occupied, ask to share a tent site. • Vessels with motors (even if not in use) are prohibited on interior lakes and streams. 4. When all sites are occupied and there are no viable tent sites to share, ask to pitch your tent or hammock outside a shelter. 5. When options 1-4 are full, camp outside of campground per cross-country camping regulations and zone map. Shelters: Shelters may not be reserved and may not be used solely for cooking or gear storage. Tents may be used inside shelters. Using nails, staples, tacks, and/or tape to attach items is prohibited. Hammocks: In campgrounds, hammocks may only be used within the existing impacted area of designated sites and not in the surrounding trees. Hammocks may not be hung inside shelters. Permissible hammock locations may not be available; bring a tent. Choose trees with care; many cannot support a hammock. Hammock use must not damage trees. Cross-Country Camping Terrain and vegetation make off-trail hiking and camping difficult. Visit www.nps.gov/isro/planyourvisit/cross-country-camping.htm. Quiet/No Wake Zones: These zones promote quality visitor experience by providing relatively tranquil, natural marine surroundings. Within the zone, vessels must not exceed 5 mph or create a wake in excess of surrounding seas (see pages 6 and 7). Visit www.nps.gov/isro/planyourvisit/quiet-no-wake.htm. On-Board Generators: The operation or use of permanently installed (by the boat manufacturer) on-board vessel generators is limited to specific times and locations. Visit www.nps.gov/isro/planyourvisit/boating-guide.htm. Portable Generators are prohibited in most areas of the park. Fuel: Vessels carrying spare fuel in portable containers must use legally approved containers. Fuel may not be stored on docks. Gasoline and diesel fuel are sold at Rock Harbor and Windigo when Isle Royale Resort stores are open (see page 10). Group Camping Want to bring seven or more people to camp in the park? Advance reservations are required for any group or organization, including families and friends traveling together, bringing seven or more people to the island. If your group exceeds ten people, you must split into two parties, each independent and traveling on separate itineraries. Parties with separate overnight permits, but sharing the same affiliation may not camp in the same campground at the same time. Organizations may need a Commercial Use Authorization (see page 11). Organizations may not have more than twenty people camping on the island at any one time and are limited to eighty people a year. Group leaders should carry medical information for each member including known allergies, medical conditions, and medications taken. How to Make A Group Camping Reservation Request 1. All group camping reservations must be made in advance. 2. Check out the group camping website: www.nps.gov/isro/planyourvisit/group-camping-introduction.htm. Customs All visitors intending to arrive at Isle Royale from Canada are encouraged to use the ROAM App to clear customs. Find more details at: www.nps.gov/isro/planyourvisit/customs.htm. For updates on current requirements visit www.cbp.gov or contact Grand Portage Customs and

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