"Hovenweep Castle" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain


Junior Ranger Booklet

brochure Hovenweep - Junior Ranger Booklet
Hovenweep National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Hovenweep National Monument Junior Ranger Activity Book Instructions Becoming a Junior Ranger is a fun way to learn about Hovenweep National Monument. To become a Junior Ranger complete the number of activities for your age group. Your parents are welcome to help and learn too. When you are finished, return the booklet to a ranger at the visitor center and receive your badge. All Junior ranger participants must hike at least one trail at Hovenweep. Ages 6 and under: Complete three activities marked with the painted pot symbol. Ages 7 to 9: Complete four activities, three must be marked with the ruin symbol. Ages 10 to 12: Complete five activities, three must be marked with the arrowhead symbol. Welcome A thousand years ago, the ancestral Puebloan people, formerly called the “Anasazi,” lived at what is now Hovenweep National Monument. “Anasazi” is a Navajo word meaning “ancient enemy.” “Hovenweep” is a Paiute/Ute word meaning “deserted valley.” Most archeologists believe that when they left this area, the ancestral Puebloans moved south where their descendants became the Hopi, Zuni and Rio Grande Puebloan peoples of today. List the Hovenweep trail you chose to hike: _____________________________________________________________ Parent’s Initials: _______ Design your own Jar The water jars shown below are called "ollas" (pronounced 'oy-yas'). The designs on pottery were often passed down from one generation to the next. How would you decorate an olla for your family? Draw your design on the empty jar. Maze The ancestral Puebloans stored their food in stone rooms called granaries. They were sealed tight to keep rodents out, but sometimes there were holes. Can you help the chipmunk find the hole in this granary wall? Connect the Dots Petroglyphs and pictographs were left on canyon walls by the ancestral Puebloans. No one knows for certain what they mean. Connect the dots to see a petroglyph. 28. 30. 34. 29. 27. 31. 33. 36. 35. 37. 32. 26. 25. 22. 23. 38. 1. 2. 39. 13. 3. 7. 8. 12. 4. 6. 5. 9. 11. 10. 24. 17. 21. 20. 19. 18. 16. 14. 15. Bingo! Circle the pictures of things you see during your visit to Hovenweep. Can you circle a whole row? Bird Canyon Chipmunk Spider Web Ranger Juniper Tree Deer Track Sagebrush Coyote Track Lizard Pinyon Pine Tree Ruin Cryptobiotic Yucca Rabbit Track Petroglyph Soil Crust What’s wrong with this picture? While visiting Hovenweep National Monument, there are activi illegal. In the drawing below, circle the activities that visitors ar ities the park encourages you to do and there are activities that are re not allowed to do at hovenweep. Word Search The ancestral Puebloans ate a variety of foods. They farmed their own vegetables and gathered native plants. They hunted game and raised animals. Find the names of some of the things they ate in the word search. D R OH V P S P V S E T B R Z AM B R I B G O U F WV N A L E NM J E R K BW J K U P Y L S O K G S I LMV C O R N K E J H L B E S X N B V P Y X T D E E R Z N L GW S B OOA R S QUA S H K H K NN J RMT J N C Z LM I S J C K S Y O R D H K OU B I GHO R N S PWNOQO P G L E O A J U N I P E R B E R R I B O C A C T U S F R U I Hunted/Gathered Pinyon Nuts Rabbits Sunflower Seeds Wild Onion Rice Grass Deer Juniper Berries Amaranth Cactus Fruits Bighorn Sheep B DMK R D S V I AMR CM L A E A P B G R L B R A U I AN E T S T Y S S H G J H E E P C PWZ E S O E T S D V C S QU L N O F Q L J O QW A E Z R L S N E I E A D Q S Farmed/Raised Corn Gourds Beans Squash Turkeys Crack the Code No one truly knows why the ancestral Puebloans drew and carved on the rocks. People say rock art could be artwork, religious symbols, boundary markers or calendars. Crack the code to get a message about rock art. ACEKOPRSTV Rock art can be damaged very easily. When it is touched, oils from your fingers can create a harmful coating that attracts dirt and moisture. In the past, people have destroyed rock by tracing it with chalk, carving over it and even cutting pieces away. Rock art is a clue to what life was like long ago. If it is destroyed, we have no chance of learning its message. True or False? Can you find the answers to these questions? Look on the signs at the visitor center and in the park brochures. Circle True or False: True False 1. The residents at Hovenweep were efficient dry farmers. True False 2. The ancestral Puebloans used check dams to bring moisture to their crops. True False 3. The ancestral Puebloans lived at Hovenweep for over 500 years. True False 4. It is alright to climb on or stand in the ruins. True False 5. Hovenweep residents occupied their towers for a long time. True False 6. The ancestral Puebloans left Hovenweep because there was too much water in the area. True False 7. Hovenweep National Monument is made up of three separate units. True False 8. Hovenweep National Monument was established in 1923. True False 9. Hovenweep is a Paiute and Ute word meaning “deserted valley.” True False 10. No evidence remains of the ancestral Puebloan Civilization. True False 11. Hovenweep residents were active traders with other cultures. True False 12. Stronghold House was named for its fortresslike appearance. Crossword - Protect the Past Test your knowledge about protecting archeological sites by completing the crossword. 4 1 5 2 8 3 6 13 7 14 10 9 12 11 15 Across 2. from your fingers could damage rock art. 4. Trails are built in places where they will cause the least to ruins. 6. If you find an artifact, record its carefully on a map. 8. Never on walls or structures. 9. Never on or cut into a rock art panel.. 11. Ruins are extremely . 14. If you find an artifact, tell a . 15. If you find an artifact, it there. Down 1. are the best souvenirs. 3. are prehistoric trash piles located below dwellings. 5. on the trail when hiking. 7. Taking home, prevents archeologists from learning about ancient people. 10. Climbing on structures them. 12. Eating at a ruin can attract which can damage the site. 13. Near ruins, are built where footsteps will do the least damage. Observations When archeologists research an area, they record everything they see, feel and smell. Sit down along one of the trails and record your observations. What do you see? Describe several things: _____________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What do you hear? ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What do you smell? __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What is the weather like? _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Imagine what life might have been like here during ancient times. Describe it. ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Park Ranger of the National Park Service. JUNIOR RANGER Date Hovenweep National Monument and is now a has successfully completed the Junior Ranger Program at Certificate of Completion Hovenweep National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Hovenweep National Monument Published by Canyonlands Natural History Association 3031 S. Highway 191 Moab, UT 84532 (800) 840-8978 www.cnha.org Printed on recycled paper 8/13, 2m

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