by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved

CC and GM

Guide Fall/Winter 2019

brochure CC and GM - Guide Fall/Winter 2019
Guadalupe Mountains National Park National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Visitor Guide 2015 summer/fall Fall/Winter 2019 Find Your A Sky FullAdventure of Wonder and a Mosaic of Biodiversity On the Guadalupe Ridge Trail Photo by Artist in Residence Ethan Smith Greetings W e lc o m e t o Gua d a lu p e M o u n ta i n s National Park. Guadalupe Mountains National Park protects one of the world’s best examples of a fossil reef, diverse ecosystems, and a cultural heritage that spans thousands of years. Our park staff are here to help make your visit a truly memorable event and will be happy to help you plan your visit in the park and surrounding areas. Guadalupe Mountains National Park has over 80 miles of hiking trails to explore, ranging from wheelchair accessible paths to strenuous mountain hikes, including an 8.4 mile roundtrip hike to Texas’ highest mountain, Guadalupe Peak (8,751'). As you travel and spend time in the area please remember to keep safety in mind. Deer and other wildlife are plentiful—enjoy watching wildlife, but remember they often move across roads, especially in the evenings; be vigilant while driving during twilight hours. Hikers should be prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions. Hikers can become dehydrated in our dry climate, so carry plenty of water (one gallon per person per day is recommended). Always check with a ranger before venturing into the backcountry. We wish you a rewarding experience in every way. Sincerely, Eric Brunnemann Superintendent By Elizabeth Jackson Guadalupe Mountains National Park is full of wonderful surprises. From the disappearing streams of McKittrick Canyon to the Sky Island coniferous forest and meadow of the Bowl trail, no matter where you hike in the park, there is always something unique to experience and learn. One area of the park that is often overlooked is the Salt Basin Dunes. Located along the western area of the park, they are tucked away, down a secluded, rugged road. This is an area where expensive cars fear to travel. The Salt Basin Dunes glisten in the sun, beckoning the adventurous to trek into its white, shifting landscape. Although these sand drifts originated in an area once covered by water 1.8 million years ago, they have no water current to change the ripples now. The wind and wildlife are tasked to paint patterns in the sand here. Created by a fault in the crustal rocks some 26 million years ago, the gypsum grains cover almost 2,000 acres on the western range of the park. This stunning, austere beauty calls the visitor who is looking to explore more remote areas. The Salt Basin Dunes picnic area and trailhead are located 50 miles from the Pine Springs Visitor Center. Travel west for 23 miles along Highway 62/180 and turn right on FM 1576 just before you reach the town of Salt Flat. Travel north 17 miles and then turn right on William’s Road. Continue on the dirt packed road for 8.5 miles. Use caution and travel slowly. There is no water, so be sure to bring what you need. An alternate route to the dunes incorporates a visit to Dell City first. Travel west on Highway 62/180 for 30 miles and turn right on FM 1437. Continue for 13 miles, and look on the left side for the familiar National Park Service arrowhead signaling the park contact station. Enter the parking lot into the Dell City Contact station to visit the new exhibits and listen to a brief electronic narration regarding park logistics and information on the dunes site. From the contact station, visitors can continue to the dunes by driving north through town and turning right on FM 2249 and then right on FM 1576. Then turn left on William Road (about one mile from FM2249). When visitors arrive to this day use area, they can learn more about the dunes and the western escarpment formation from the recently installed interpretive wayside exhibit that provides visitor information on the geology of the ex- Inside Parks as Neighbors Page 2 Got a Wild Question About the Park? Page 2 Ask Lupe the Ringtail! P.B. King: Geology Giant of the Guadalupes Page 3 posed range. Facilities at the trailhead include accessible parking, RV/bus parking, picnic tables with shade structures, as well as pit toilets. Camping is strictly prohibited in this area. As you begin your 1.5 mile hike to the dunes, you enter ecologically sensitive terrain. The area landscape leading to the dunes is fragile and visitors are asked to stay on the trail. A darkened cryptogamic crust can be observed on the sandy soil alongside the trail. This crust assists vegetation and allows it to take hold, while providing a thinly layered nitrogen source. This delicate layer also helps the dunes resist the strong winds and prevents erosion. Once at the dunes, as you look over to the north end, a sixty foot high dune rises, meeting the nearby western mountain range. Smaller dunes surround the area and soft red quartz grain dunes can be seen north of the Patterson Hills area, giving the illusion of a misty pink landscape. Many will visit the Guadalupe Mountains and never venture to the Salt Basin Dunes, but these gypsum sands reflect and beckon the seasoned hiker who is seeking the road less traveled. Hiking Information Page 4 Prepare for Changeable Weather Page 5 Wildlife & You Page 6 Wildland Caving & Sitting Bull Falls (Lincoln National Forest) Page 7 Nearby Attractions Page 8 The National Park Service was created in the Organic Act of 1916. The new agency’s mission as managers of national parks and monuments was clearly stated. Parks as Neighbors on one side of a park boundary and what the public and their parks. To do this ef- remains outside of it. fectively, we must identify the needs of This is precisely why parks must become surrounding populations. Parks can be a Community Volunteer Ambassador part of communities. As the Department place for healthy recreational activities in of the Interior puts it, parks must “be a the absence of other options. Imagine that: better neighbor ... by improving dialogue a doctor prescribing their patient a weekly I often think that every person should To support that mission, the collecting of natural and historic objects is prohibited. Guadalupe Mountains National Park 400 Pine Canyon Drive Salt Flat, TX 79847 915-828-3251 ext. 2124 Facebook Twitter @GuadalupeMtnsNP Instagram guadalupemountainsnps let’s develop life-long connections between By Tyler Young, “ conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” Telephone and Web Directory tain a balance between what happens to fall a national park that they consider part and relationships with persons and entities hike! Or a counselor referring their client to of their community. A quick glance at a bordering our lands.” Much of this effort is an art therapy program in a nearby park. We map, though, makes it seem like that’s just focused on the “entities” in that statement: could see on the dinner table food grown in a not possible. Many towns and cities don’t municipal governments (and their tourism volunteer-tended plot at a historical farm site. have a park nearby, and the inverse holds as boards), corporations, and social organiza- On the weekend, one might attend a cultural well; many parks - like Guadalupe Moun- tions. There is still plenty of room left for event at their favorite park, and stay afterwards tains - are geographically isolated from most the “persons,” however. Parks like Guada- to watch a skilled volunteer share their passion people. However, if we consider a commu- lupe Mountains are investing in volunteer for astronomy at a star viewing party. nity not as a boundary drawn on a map, but events and opportunities. Whatever your Seeing a park ranger may never be as regular as as a set of experiences shared with people, skillset or interests, you are likely to find a seeing your local bank teller, or grocery store new opportunities are created. Likewise, we park that fits. Whether you like photogra- clerk. There is plenty of room, though, to make can also alter our definition of a park. It’s phy, hiking, backpacking, citizen science, or parks part of people’s weekly, monthly, or common to think of national parks merely education, there’s a park looking for some- yearly routines. The first invitation was sent in as lands “set aside” by Congress, as if with one like you to volunteer on a short- or 1872 from Yellowstone. The Guadalupe Moun- the stroke of a pen one could magically long-term basis. tains sent theirs one hundred years later. There have fence off thousands of acres and protect it will never be a deadline to accept. from outside influence. This all-protective It’s a bold proposition, but a simple one: boundary does not exist. Rather, parks must let’s push parks beyond being a once-in- work with people near and far to help main- a-lifetime vacation destination. Instead, ...Ask Lupe! continued Lupe, Do you allow campfires in the park? We like to roast s’mores! Gregg T. Salutations Gregg! We never allow campfires in Guadalupe Mountains National Park! It’s way too dry Food, Lodging, and Camping and hot here for fires. Plus, we get pretty Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce 575-887-6516 nearly blew me out of my new favorite tree! windy here too. Just last week, a strong gust And just a few weeks before that, a really strong gust actually blew down my old Van Horn Texas Visitors Bureau 432-283-2682 favorite tree! >:| With such high winds, and this dry desert environment, wildfires can Road Conditions New Mexico: 800-432-4269 Texas: 800-452-9292 Emergency: Call 911 Guadalupe Mountains NP Visitor Center (Nature Trail) Coordinate System: Lat/Long Datum: WGS 1984 Latitude: 31.89370° N Longitude: 104.82214° W Volunteerism Makes a Difference W e wo u l d l i k e t o e x t e n d o u r s i n c e r e g rat i t u d e t o t h e d e d i c at e d effort and talent that volunteers have brought to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Volunteers play a vital role in fulfilling our mission of preserving our natural and cultural heritage and sharing that heritage with the visiting public. Volunteers do everything from staffing the information desk, roving interpretation, patrolling trails, to trail maintenance, research, and more. To become a Volunteer-In-Park (VIP) visit or contact: Guadalupe Mountains National Park Amanda Cooper, Volunteer-In-Park Coordinator 915-828-3251 ext. 2311 Ask Lupe! I can tell you several things to prepare you for hiking up Guadalupe Peak. First things first! Bring plenty of water! I’ve seen so many poor humans start the hike and turn back because they ran out too fast! The best humans usually take about 6-8 water bottles with them (one gallon)—and salty snacks As a nonprofit education part- too! I always try and get them to share some ner of the National Park Service, with me, but no luck so far. I know they’re WNPA supports 71 national park just looking out for me and my best eating partners across the West, devel- habits, but it sure is darn tempting! Also, bring plenty of sun protection! It’s so hot oping products, services, and programs that enrich the visitor experience. In partnership with the National Park Service since 1938, WNPA advances education, interpretation, research, and community engagement to ensure national parks are increasingly valued by all. here! I personally prefer hiking at night, but Dear Lupe, I love hiking! It’s one of my favorite things to do! I’m so looking forward to visiting your park one day, but I’ve never hiked Guadalupe Peak before- do you have any advice for me? Lots of love, Elizabeth J. y’all humans sure are blind when the sun coat helps, but you should bring plenty of sunblock and some hats that cover all your ers that work at my park do a good job of trying to stop wildfires from spreading too much, so they don’t allow campfires, but they do allow gas or propane stoves! I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t use any sort of fire or charcoal grills in order to help prevent wildfires. Otherwise, I might not have any trees left to be my favorite anymore. :( Yours, eternally grateful, Lupe Hi Lupe, Whose scat is scattered all over the trails? Sometimes its red, sometimes it’s a bit darker, and sometimes it has a lot of berries! We see it everywhere when we go hiking! Leah (Lee-ahh, not Leiah) My dearest LeeAHH (; Well, if you really must know, it’s mine! Heh heh. A ringtail’s gotta do, what a ringtail’s gotta do! I’m just such a busy creature when I wake up at night, and I’m running to and fro, that it just kind of ends up…. all over. It’s not all entirely my fault though! In this desert environment, things decay and decompose a lot slower than in other environment, so my business sticks around and becomes everybody’s business, teehee. Your buddy, Lupe face and head. I’ve seen so many people change colors on the hike! They start out Have a wild question you want answered? one color and turn red at the end! Haha! Ask Lupe! Hi Elizabeth! Anyway, I hope this helps, Elizabeth! And I Email and I love hiking too! In fact, that’s one of the can’t wait to see you on the trails! we’ll get your questions to our park’s mas- things I love to do the most. I’ve hiked all Lupe cot asap. up and down Guadalupe Mountains—and 2 Visitor Guide sets. When hiking during the day my fur catch and spread quickly. Luckily, the rang- Philip B. King: Geology Giant of the Guadalupes by Boyd Kennedy overhead, and the air became “vibrant” with electricity. Realizing they were in danger, Philip B.King was born in Indiana in 1903 the group fled the peak as fast as they could and graduated from the University of Iowa go. King was scared of lightning, and wrote with a geology degree in 1924. He went on that he considered the women’s pace on the to obtain advanced degrees from Iowa and way down to be “painfully slow.” He did Yale University based on his studies of the not record whether he communicated those geology of the Glass Mountains of West sentiments to Helen. Texas. First as a curious college student, and later as a respected member of the U.S. King’s last official act before leaving Frijole Geological Survey, King combed the vast in early 1935 was to auction off the govern- West Texas landscape by primitive auto- ment pickup truck he had worn out jolting mobile and on foot, examining rocks and over the harsh desert terrain. This proved seeking out fossils, taking copious notes and to be a challenging assignment, considering sketches, and filling the car with rocks that money was scarce and the local population destroyed the upholstery and broke the car almost nonexistent. When the bidding springs. There were no paved roads. On stalled at $10 King put his foot down and one outing the rear axle of his car sheared refused to sell until the bids improved. The off, as King and his assistant jolted to a stop Smith family finally bought the truck for and watched a wheel roll off into the des- $90, and the Kings drove away to Phillip’s ert. King’s unpublished autobiography, the new posting in Washington, D.C. as the first source for much of this article, describes snow of the winter began to fall at Frijole the people and places that he encountered Ranch. in what is now Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Figure 1. The Capitan Reef formed 260-270 million years ago. Much of it is buried, but faulting and uplift have exposed portions of the reef in the Guadalupe , Apache, and Glass Mountains. Over the course of his long career King worked as a field geologist throughout the King first visited the Guadalupes in 1926 described their approach as follows: “This when he and a colleague drove west was the “dustbowl” period, and the sky King spent the first two months of 1934 Texas, Arizona, and California – Los An- through Guadalupe Pass in King’s Model T was murky with dust blown in from the examining the mountain range from top to geles, and authored fine descriptions and Ford. The travelers on the Butterfield Over- Great Plains. Going north from Van Horn bottom between McKittrick canyon and El maps of the geology of North America. Yet land Mail wagon in 1858 would no doubt I couldn’t show Helen much of the country Capitan, making detailed notes and draw- he returned to the Guadalupes whenever have recognized King’s description of the until, from only a short distance, the great ings of the marine organisms that built up he got a chance, visiting Wallace Pratt at his route: “The roads were incredibly bad, no cliffs of El Capitan and Guadalupe Peak the reef, the talus and slide debris on the cabin in McKittrick Canyon to talk shop, more than a winding rocky track, but we loomed up out of the murk.” The Kings reef front, and the transition zone where and acting as host and guide for visiting arrived at Guadalupe Pass, where we could arrived at Frijole Ranch several days before reef rocks meet deep ocean deposits laid geologists as late as the 1960s. look down over a great sequence of sand- the letter they had mailed from Austin! down at the base of the reef. That summer stone and limestone strata. We descended Nevertheless, they received a warm recep- he rented a cabin near the Bowl from the The formations in the Guadalupe Moun- over an incredibly steep and winding road, tion from the Smith family, who owned and Hunter-Grisham Corp. and explored the tains first documented by King have by which it would have been impossible for us operated Frijole. The Kings moved into high-country area of the park, roaming as analogy yielded much information about to have ascended in our Model T.” one of the guest cabins and took their meals far as Dog Canyon. King then turned his similar formations found underground in with the Smiths. attention to the western escarpment, leav- the nearby Permian Basin and elsewhere in ing Frijole with an assistant each day before the world. More recently, NASA scientists Later that same year (1926), King heard of a United States, taught at the Universities of novel theory circulating in geological cir- Philip and Helen found that the Smiths daylight, driving to Williams Ranch, and have examined the Guadalupe Mountains cles, that some of the strange formations he were very self-sufficient. The family mem- then hiking overland for an hour or more to better equip themselves to decipher and others had noticed in the Glass Moun- bers grazed sheep and by hard work raised just to get to the starting place for their the sedimentary landscape of Mars. Who tains might be ancient marine reefs. King’s almost everything they ate without electric- day’s work. On payday Phillip and Helen could have predicted that knowledge first later field work helped confirm that the ity or refrigeration. As King put it, “Mrs. drove to El Paso to cash his paycheck and gathered by Philip King in his Model T Ford Guadalupes and the Glass Mountains are in Smith canned large quantities of meats and spend the money eating and shopping in would turn out to be useful on other plan- fact aboveground portions of the 400-mile vegetables that they had raised on their own El Paso and Juarez. They would bring back ets? What will these rocks tell us next? long horseshoe-shaped Capitan Reef. (See place; when unexpected guests arrived all a 100 pound block of ice wrapped in blan- Figure 1.) she had to do was open some more cans.” kets, and for the next few days everybody at Philip King’s superb field work during The ranch house and the cabins were lit Frijole Ranch celebrated with iced tea and his time at Frijole Ranch was by far the After many seasons prowling the West by an acetylene gas light system, while the ice cream. most thorough and in-depth study of the Texas landscape, King finally got his chance hydraulic ram and storage tank in the front in 1934 to make an extended study of the yard provided water from the spring. Visi- King also learned that Guadalupe Peak is was a tour de force titled, simply, Geology Guadalupe Mountains. Now employed by tors to Frijole Ranch today can see the rem- a dangerous place during summer thun- of the Southern Guadalupe Mountains, the U.S. Geological Survey, he and his wife nants of those water and light systems, as well derstorms. On one day in September, as Texas. It is available online at https:// Helen drove to Frijole Ranch and made as a restored version of the old Smith family the Kings and another couple reached the it their base camp for almost a year. King orchard with its spring-fed irrigation ditches. summit, ominous clouds suddenly gathered Guadalupe Mountains to date. His report Visitor Guide 3 Guadalupe Mountains National Park Entrance Fee NPS Photo NPS Photo/Dave Bieri NPS Photo/Dave Bieri NPS Photo/Michael Haynie $7.00/person (16 & older) Free for Senior, Access, and Annual Pass cardholders Fee subject to change. services hiking Facilities and services within and near Guadalupe Mountains National Park are extremely limited. The nearest gas stations are 43 miles west (Dell City, TX), 35 miles east (White’s City, NM), or 65 miles south (Van Horn, TX). There is no campstore; bring everything you need with you. camping backpacking Pinery Trail Distance: .67 mile Difficulty: Easy, wheelchair accessible, slight incline on return trip. Water and restrooms are available, but there are no showers, RV hookups, or dump stations. The fee is $15.00 per night, per site, $7.50 with a Senior Pass (or existing Golden Age Passport) or Access Pass (or existing Golden Access Passport). No wood or charcoal fires are permitted; camp stoves are allowed. Eighty-five miles of trails lead through forests, canyons, and desert to ten backcountry campgrounds. A free permit is required if you plan to spend a night in the backcountry. Permits are issued at the Pine Springs Visitor Center and the Dog Canyon Ranger Station. For those coming through Carlsbad, Dog Canyon is a great place to begin a backpacking trip because it requires less elevation gain to get into the backcountry. Information & Exhibits Pine Springs Visitor Center Elevation 5,730'. On Highway 62/180, 55 miles southwest of Carlsbad, 110 miles east of El Paso, and 65 miles north of Van Horn on Highway 54 and Highway 62/180. Open every day except December 25. Open daily 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Mountain Time Zone). Information, natural history exhibits, introductory slide program. Frijole Ranch History Museum The ranch house features exhibits describing historic and current use of the Guadalupes. Grounds include a picnic area near a spring shaded by large oak trees. Open intermittently. McKittrick Canyon Highway entrance gate is open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. During Daylight Savings Time, hours are expanded 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Restrooms, outdoor exhibits, slide program, picnic tables. Hike Safely... • There is no water available along park trails, so be sure to bring plenty with you. One gallon per person per day is recommended. • Trails are rocky—wear sturdy shoes. Trekking poles are recommended. • Carry a trail map. • Pack warm clothing and rain gear; sudden weather changes are common. Protect the Park... • Stay on trails; don’t cut across switchbacks or create new trails. • Carry out all trash, including cigarette butts. • Report any trail hazards to the Pine Springs Visitor Center or any park staff member. • Collecting of natural, historic or prehistoric objects is prohibited. Discover the desert as you walk to the ruins of the Pinery, a stagecoach station on the Butterfield Overland Mail Route in 1858. Trailside exhibits. This is the only trail pets on leash are allowed. McKittrick Canyon Trail Distance: to Pratt Cabin 4.8 miles roundtrip, to the Grotto, 6.8 miles roundtrip Difficulty: Moderate, level but rocky trail, 200' elevation gain to Grotto. Follow an intermittent stream through the desert and canyon woodlands to the historic Pratt Cabin. A guidebook is available at the trailhead. The Grotto Picnic Area and Hunter Line Cabin are one mile beyond the Pratt Cabin. Please do not drink the water or wade in the creek. To protect this fragile environment, you are required to stay on the trail. Guadalupe Peak Trail Distance: 8.4 miles Difficulty: Strenuous. Approximately 3,000' elevation gain, steep, rocky path. Hike to the “Top of Texas” at 8,751' for spectacular views. Avoid the peak during high winds and thunderstorms. During warm temperatures, carry a gallon of water per person. High Low Inches Jan 56 34 0.67 Feb 59 36 0.90 Mar 65 41 0.58 Apr 73 48 0.60 May 82 56 0.91 June 88 62 2.18 July 88 64 2.37 Aug 86 63 3.29 Sep 81 58 2.54 Oct 73 50 1.34 Nov 63 41 0.97 Dec 56 33 1.05 Average annual precipitation for Pine Springs (1980-2003) 4 Visitor Guide 17.4 Preparation is the key to an enjoyable backpacking trip. Be prepared for changing weather conditions. Carry plenty of water— there are no water sources in the backcountry. Topographic maps, hikers’ guides, and information can be found at the Pine Springs Visitor Center and the Dog Canyon Ranger Station. Horseback Riding Sixty percent of the park’s trails are open to stock use. A backcountry permit is required for all stock use. These free permits are issued at the Pine Springs Visitor Center and Dog Canyon Ranger Station. Stock riding is limited to day trips only. Stock corrals are available at Dog Canyon and near Frijole Ranch. Each has four pens and will accommodate a maximum of 10 animals. Reservations may be made two months in advance by calling 915-828-3251 ext. 2124. Trailhead Trail Distance Roundtrip Description Pine Springs Devil’s Hall Trail 4.2 miles Moderate to Strenuous. Hike in Pine Spring Canyon to the Hikers’ Staircase and Devil’s Hall. After the first mile, the trail drops into the wash and becomes very rocky and uneven. Turn left and follow the canyon bottom to the Hiker’s Staircase and beyond to the Devil’s Hall. Area beyond Devil’s Hall closed March - August due to sensitive species. The Bowl 8.5 miles Strenuous. The Bowl shelters a highcountry conifer forest. Recommended route: Tejas Trail, Bowl Trail, Hunter Peak, Bear Canyon Trail, Frijole Trail, Tejas Trail (.1mile) back to campground. Trail climbs 2,500'. Bear Canyon Trail is very rocky and extremely steep. El Capitán Trail 11.3 miles Moderate to Strenuous. Desert lovers will appreciate the rocky arroyos and open vistas while skirting along the base of El Capitán. Recommended route: El Capitán Trail, Salt Basin Overlook, and return to Pine Springs on the El Capitán Trail. Manzanita Spring .4 miles Easy. Path is paved and wheelchair accessible. Hike to a small pond that serves as a desert oasis. Dragonflies, butterflies, and birds are active here in the warmer months. During winter, bluebirds frequent the area. Opportunities for chancing upon other wildlife are higher here as well. Smith Spring Trail (entire loop) 2.3 miles Moderate. Look for birds, deer and elk as you pass Manzanita Spring on the way to the shady oasis of Smith Spring. Trees around Smith Spring include madrones, maples, oaks, chokecherry, ponderosa pines and others. McKittrick Nature Loop 0.9 miles Moderate. Climb the foothills and learn about the natural history of the Chihuahuan Desert. Trailside exhibits. Permian Reef Trail 8.4 miles Strenuous. For serious geology buffs, this trail has stop markers that can be used with a geology guidebook sold at the Visitor Center. There are excellent views into McKittrick Canyon from the ridgetop. Trail climbs 2,000'. Indian Meadow Nature Loop 0.6 miles Easy. Enjoy a stroll around a meadow frequented by a variety of birds and other wildlife. Along the way you will see evidence of recent fires and regrowth. Marcus Overlook 4.6 miles Moderate. Follow the Bush Mountain Trail to the ridgetop for a view into West Dog Canyon. Trail climbs 800'. Lost Peak 6.4 miles Strenuous. Climb out of Dog Canyon on the Tejas Trail to visit the conifer forest above. Outstanding views from Lost Peak. Lost Peak is a short distance off trail to the right, before the horse hitches. Trail climbs 1,500'. Salt Basin Dunes (Day Use Only) 3-4 miles Moderate. Follow the old roadbed from the parking area, for a little over a mile, to the north end of the dune field. There is one high dune to ascend that some may find difficult. No shade. Enjoy the contrast of the pure white dunes with the sheer cliffs of the the Guadalupes as a backdrop. Great for sunrise or sunset hikes all year, and daytime hikes during the winter. Weather Average Rainfall Dog Canyon Campground Located at the end of New Mexico Highway 137, 70 miles from Carlsbad and 110 miles from Park Headquarters, at an elevation of 6,290' in a secluded, forested canyon on the north side of the park. The campground has nine tent and four RV campsites (including a wheelchair accessible tent site). There is one group site for groups of 10-20 people. Reservations for the group site only can be made up to two months in advance by calling 915-828-3251 x2124. Wood and charcoal fires are prohibited. Camp stoves are allowed. Pack out all your trash. Pets are not allowed on park trails. other popular hikes... Frijole Ranch Average Temperature (° F) Pine Springs Campground Located near the Pine Springs Visitor Center, there are twenty tent and nineteen RV campsites (including a wheelchair accessible tent site) available on a first-come, first-served basis . Two group campsites are available for groups of 10-20 people. Reservations (for group sites only) can be made by phoning 915-828-3251 x2124 up to two months in advance. Campers planning on day hiking in McKittrick Canyon, to Guadalupe Peak or the Bowl will want to stay here. McKittrick Canyon Dog Canyon Salt Basin Dunes Hiker Safety for Different Weather Conditions Lightning may be the most awesome hazard faced by hikers. In our area, storms are common from May through September, and usually occur in the late afternoon or early evening. You can estimate the distance of a lightning strike in miles by counting the time in seconds between flash and sound and dividing by five. The effects of being close to a lightning strike may be minor, such as confusion, amnesia, numbness, tingling, muscle pain, temporary loss of hearing or sight, and loss of consciousness. Severe injuries include burns, paralysis, coma, and cardiac arrest. Since injuries may not be obvious initially— burns and cardiac injury may not appear until 24 hours after the lightning strike— medical observation is recommended for all lightning victims. Decrease your risk of injury from lightning: • • • • • • • • • • • Get an early start so that you can finish your hike before storms erupt. Be aware of current and predicted weather. Watch the sky for development of anvil-shaped cumulus clouds. If a storm is building, descend to lower elevations. If a storm occurs, seek shelter. A car or large building offers good protection. Tents offer no protection. Turn off cell phones and other electronic equipment. If totally in the open, avoid single trees. Stay off exposed ridges. When caught in heavy lightning, the best stance is to crouch with feet close together, minimizing the opportunity for ground currents to find a path through the body. Crouch on a dry sleeping pad, if available. Stay out of shallow caves or overhangs. Large dry

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