"Lifeguard Station" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
Gulf IslandsSeagrass |
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National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Sea Grass
Gulf Islands National Seashore
Florida and Mississippi
Seagrasses at the Seashore
Manatee Grass
(Syringodium filiforme)
Turtle Grass
(Thalassia testudinum)
Shoal Grass
(Halodule wrightii)
What is Seagrass?
They are flowering plants that grow underwater
in shallow waters on the north sides of the barrier
islands. Named for their grass-like appearance,
seagrass has a strong root structure that helps
them withstand currents and waves on the sandy
sea floor.
Why is Seagrass Important?
Seagrass meadows serve as nursery grounds, and
shelter for shrimp, crabs and many species of fish.
A variety of birds, sea turtles and other wildlife
depend upon them to live. Seagrass also
promotes water clarity. The plants’ extensive
system of roots and rhizomes help stabilize
bottom sediments.
The Damages
Propeller Scars in seagrass bed
Blowhole created by a propeller
Seagrass habitat is declining. Seagrasses grow
in shallow coastal waters and can be damaged
by boaters with wakes, anchors, propellers, and
fishing equipment that disturb and scar the
seabed. Scaring exposes the seagrass meadow
roots allowing waves and currents to erode the
seabed, resulting in the loss of the seagrass
You can Help - Boating Tips
Know the waters well and know where
you plan to put your boat.
Look before you anchor, Do not drop your
anchor in a seagrass habitat.
If you do run into a sea grass flat, stop
immediately and tilt your engine.
If you DO get in too shallow, stop your
motor and trim it up.
“Push, Pull, Drift, and Troll” your boat to
deeper water.
Never try to power off, because that
creates more damage.
Gulf Islands National Seashore
1801 Gulf Breeze Parkway
Gulf Breeze, Florida 32563
(850) 934-2600
3500 Park Road
Ocean Springs, MS 39564-9709