"Grand Teton, Moose Entrance" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain



brochure Activities - Pets

Pets brochure for Grand Teton National Park (NP) in Wyoming. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Grand Teton National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Grand Teton National Park John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway Pets Grand Teton National Park is a wild and special place—legally mandated to protect park resources. Pets may disturb wildlife or escape and quickly become prey. Follow all pet regulations. See the map for suggested areas for exercising your pet in or near the park. Always leash your pet and dispose of pet feces properly. Regulations • • • • • • • • • • • You are responsible for clean-up and disposal of pet feces. Mutt Mitt stations may be provided, but plan to bring your own bags for pet waste disposal. Pets must be kept under physical control at all times—caged, crated or restrained on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. Pets are prohibited in the backcountry and on park trails. Pets are prohibited from public buildings and swimming beaches. Pets must stay within 30 feet of any roadway. Pets are prohibited from riding in boats on park waters, except for Jackson Lake. Pets must not be left unattended and/or tied to an object. Pets are prohibited from making unreasonable noise or frightening wildlife. Pets running-at-large may be impounded and their owners charged for their care and feeding. Dog sledding is prohibited. Pets are not allowed on the multi-use pathway. Permitted Pets may accompany visitors in developed campgrounds, turnouts and picnic areas. Pets may be walked along any roads that cars are permitted on. Yield to trafc. Pets are allowed in the surrounding BridgerTeton National Forest trails and backcountry unless otherwise posted. See map for other areas where pets may be walked on leash. Caution Leaving your pet inside a vehicle may be dangerous. Temperatures during the summer may reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Inside a car temperatures rise quickly, even on cool days. Leaving your pet in a vehicle for extended amounts of time may lead to death and heat exhaustion. If you do leave your pet in the car, crack the windows as much as possible (without allowing your pet to escape) and provide plenty of drinking water. Do not leave pets in the car when temperatures are above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Kennels Consider kenneling your pet while spending time in the park. Reservations are strongly advised and may be required. Commercial kennels are available in surrounding communities. Please check local listings. Winter/Spring During the winter the Teton Park Road from Taggart Lake Trailhead to Signal Mountain Lodge and the Moose-Wilson Road from Death Canyon Road junction to Granite Canyon Trailhead are closed to motorized trafc from November 1 through April 30. Pet-owners may exercise their pets on the closed roads when the roads are open for winter or spring recreation. Follow all posted rules. Pets must be leashed. Service Dogs Walk your pet in the designated pet walking lane. Do not allow your pet to destroy the groomed cross-country ski track when in place. Use Mutt Mitts for picking up pet feces when provided. Dispose of pet waste in garbage cans. Pets may not be farther than 30 feet from the roadway. Service Dogs are allowed in the park subject to regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. • • • • • Service dogs are allowed in park buildings and on trails to assist someone with a disability. Service animals other than dogs are not allowed. Dogs being trained as service dogs do not qualify as service animals under ADA and are subject to the same regulations as all pets. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service FIND YOUR PARK™ • animals under ADA and are subject to the same regulations as all pets. Service dogs must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animals work or the individual’s disability prevents using these. In that case the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice signal or other efective controls. No permit is required. REV 03/15 Regulations & Suggested Pet Areas YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK To Ashton Gr sy as PET REGULATIONS Flagg Ranch 36 CFR §2.15 Pet owners are required to clean up their pet’s excrement and properly dispose of it in a trash receptacle. Huckleberry Mountain 9615ft 2930m Unattended pets are not permitted to be tied up in campgrounds, picnic areas or trailheads. They may be left within vehicles with appropriate ventilation, water and/ or food. GRAND TETON N AT I O N A L PA R K RANGE 5 LEGEND Distances between markers LAKE 89 Multi-use Pathway SON 191 287 TWO OCEAN LAKE Colter Bay Visitor Center JACK TETON d an Roa EMMA MATILDA LAKE 5 mi ek Cre ific c a P Moran Junction Signal Mountain 9 mi String Lake k Par n o Tet ad Sn 18 mi Shadow Mountain Road 8 mi Craig Thomas Discovery & Visitor Center lope Ante Flats on ils -W e tr M d oa rR 191 n Ve se os ve Ri Kelly oo BRIDGER-TETON NATIONAL FOREST Owners may walk pets on the road and on trails in the national forest. Gr Moose Junction 8 mi 287 RIVER ROAD Owners may walk pets on the road (yield to traffc). Properly dispose of pet feces. No Mutt Mitt station. ak e Jenny Lake Visitor Center r ve Ri e Riv 15 mi 26 191 Ro o r R Jenny Lake 2 mi 26 89 ad 3 mi Gros Ventre Junction To Wilson 5 1 Mile Paved road Jackson Lake Junction 26 89 Teton Village 1 Kilometer 0 Unpaved road Bradley Lake Phelps Lake 0 16 mi Leigh Lake Taggart NO PETS ALLOWED Lake ON THE MULTI-USE PATHWAY North e Two Oc TETON PARK ROAD When the road is closed to motorized traffc, pet-owners may walk their pets on the roadway, November 1-April 30. Mutt Mitt station provided. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. MEMORIAL PARKWAY 8 mi Pets are permitted ON A LEASH no longer than six feet in length in the following areas ONLY: • Within 30 feet of roads and roadways open to vehicle trafc, launch ramps or parking areas which are open to public use. • Within established campgrounds including Spalding Bay and Grassy Lake primitive campsites; and the following picnic areas: Deadmans Bar, Spalding Bay, Signal Mountain, Catholic Bay, Colter Bay, Sargents Bay and Jackson Lake overlook. • Unless posted otherwise; on maintained paved trails, campground trails, and the Colter Bay Marina breakwater. • On any permitted vessel while on Jackson Lake but not in lakeshore campsites. • In the winter use season, on the groomed sections of the Teton Park Road, Grassy Lake Road, and Colter Bay Visitor Center parking lot; and the unplowed section of the Moose-Wilson Road. • During the spring and fall seasons, when the Teton Park Road and the Moose-Wilson Road are closed to vehicle trafc, pets on leash are allowed on the roadway. MOOSE-WILSON ROAD When the road is closed to motorized traffc, pet-owners may walk their pets on the roadway, November 1-April 30. HUCKLEBERRY LOOKOUT BRIDGER-TETON NF Drive east on the Sheffeld Creek Road to access the trailhead to the lookout from the campground. ad Ro ke La Grassy Lake GROS VENTRE RIVER A variety of trails depart into the Bridger-Teton National Forest.

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