"Grand Teton, Moose Entrance" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain


Elk Reduction

brochure Activities - Elk Reduction

Elk Reduction brochure for Grand Teton National Park (NP) in Wyoming. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Grand Teton National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Elk Reduction in Progress Elk living in Grand Teton National Park are part of the Jackson herd, one of the largest elk herds in North America. The herd occupies parts of Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks, and the Teton and Gros Ventre wilderness areas. National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Grand Teton National Park John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway This migratory herd has a long management history. Supplemental feeding began in the early 1900s—allowing for a large elk population with low natural mortality. Today, feeding occurs on the National Elk Refuge and three state-operated feedgrounds increasing the need for active management across the herd’s range. ... Elk Reduction Areas - Grand Teton National Park Yellowstone National Park John D. Rocke feller, J r Memorial Park way µ £ ¤ 89 191 287 1:170,000 0 1 2 4 Miles Jackson Lake Grand Teton National Park Cari bou-Ta rg hee Nat i onal Forest Tw o Oc ean La k e Em ma Lake Matilda Moran Leigh Lake ar k nP Teto ¤ £ 26 287 Elk Ranch Reservoir d Ro a AREA 79 Jenny Lake Sn ak e Ri ve r ~ Brid ger -Tet on Nat i onal Forest e lo An t pe s Fla t I Due to the herd’s unusual circumstances, Congress authorized an elk reduction program as part of the 1950 legislation establishing Grand Teton National Park. Rd The program occurs most years during the fall in hunt areas east of the Snake River (see map). The National Park Service in partnership with the State of Wyoming oversees and regulates the reduction program. Moose Craig Thomas Discovery and Vi sitor Center AREA 75 Every year the park and Wyoming Game and Fish Department collect biological data that LEGEND guide decisions surrounding the reduction. £ ¤ The program goal is to help support elk management objectives while minimizing its effect on other park resources and the visiting public. Moose Wilson Road os Gr GRTE GIS 10/14/2015 Saved: 10/14/2015 10:18:48 AM X:\ProjectData\Management\ElkReductionProgram\2015\ERP_2015_11x17p.mxd 89 191 26 Ve nt re a Ro d Nati on al Elk Refu ge •• • Elk Reduction Area 79 Elk Reduction Area 75 Closed to Public Entry The program runs mid-October through mid-December. The park’s legislation allows elk hunting only. No other hunting is permitted. Hunt areas remain open to visitors. Please wear orange or other bright colors if you plan to venture off the road in hunt areas. For more information, please call 307-739-3399.

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