by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved
Grand CanyonGeology |
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The Landscape
The grandeur of Grand Canyon lies not only in
its size, but also in the beauty of its landscape.
In this respect, Grand Canyon shares many
characteristics with its neighbors—Zion, Bryce,
Canyonlands, Arches, and Capitol Reef national
parks. Like Grand Canyon, these neighboring
parks lie within the geologic province known
as the Colorado Plateau, a region characterized
by mostly flat-lying sedimentary rocks that have
been raised thousands of feet above sea level,
then carved by erosion.
The River Below
The Colorado River flows 277 river miles (446 km)
from Lees Ferry to the Grand Wash Cliffs, the
accepted beginning and end of Grand Canyon.
Hidden in the narrow Inner Gorge, the river is
visible from only a few spots along the rim.
Today, the Colorado is seldom its natural
muddy red-brown color. Only when tributaries
downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, such as
the Paria and Little Colorado rivers, contribute
significant amounts of sediment during flash
floods or spring snowmelt, does the river change
from clear blue-green to its natural reddish-
Landforms here are beautifully sculpted and
well exposed due, in part, to climate. The semiarid climate that predominates in the Southwest
means that instead of tree-covered slopes and
thick soils, bedrock is at the surface. Therefore,
rain does not soak into the ground; instead it
runs off in huge floods carrying away grains
of rock. Cycles of freezing and thawing in the
winter widen cracks in the rocks, eventually
producing rockfalls. Soft layers erode more
rapidly undermining the hard layers above. Bit
by bit, flash flood by flash flood, and rock fall by
rock fall, the canyon continues to grow.
The North Rim
The North Rim and the South Rim are only
separated by ten miles (16 km) as the raven flies.
Although it is not apparent, the north wall of
the canyon rises a thousand feet (305 m) higher
than the South Rim, giving the North Rim nearly
twice the annual precipitation as South Rim. This
considerable difference in elevation results from
the fact that the apparently flat-lying rocks of the
Kaibab Plateau are dipping gently to the south.
Each of the rock units in the canyon erodes
in its own manner, yielding the characteristic
stepped-pyramid look of the canyon. Shales
erode to slopes, while harder sandstones and
limestones tend to form cliffs. The extremely
hard metamorphic rocks at the bottom of the
canyon produce the steep-walled and narrow
Inner Gorge, as these rocks are more resistant to
erosion than the softer sedimentary rocks above.
Color is also an important feature of this
landscape. Many of these colors are due to the
presence of small amounts of iron oxides and
other minerals that are either in the rock itself or
stain the surface and mask the true color of the
The name Colorado is derived from Spanish for
reddish, reflecting the heavy sediment loads the
river once transported. Dams now bracket Grand
Canyon—Glen Canyon Dam (Lake Powell)
upstream and Hoover Dam (Lake Mead)
downstream. As a result of these dams, the
dynamics of the Colorado River through Grand
Canyon changed dramatically. Gone are the large
annual floods that carried hundreds of thousands
of tons of sediment through the canyon each day.
Toroweap Overlook in western Grand Canyon offers
visitors a stunning view of the Colorado River.
From the rim, the river looks puny, yet it averages
300 feet (90 m) wide and features a series of
fierce rapids. From its origins high in the
Colorado Rockies, the river drops more than
12,000 feet (3,700 m) and passes through a series
of canyons, including Grand Canyon, on its
1,450-mile (2,300 km) journey to the Gulf of
Expansive views from Cape Royal on the North Rim
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National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Grand Canyon National Park
Journey Through Time:
Grand Canyon Geology
The Geologic Record as Told by the Rocks
Canyon Origins
Nowhere on this planet are the scope of geologic
time and the power of geologic processes as
superbly and beautifully exposed as in these
canyon walls. Rocks equivalent to many of these
strata may be found scattered throughout the
United States and flowing water has sculpted
other landscapes. Yet, at Grand Canyon, a
remarkable geologic assemblage is exposed in
sequence and intact in an amazing erosional
Although the origin of Grand Canyon is complex
and not totally deciphered, the forces that
shaped it are well understood. Grand Canyon
is the result of erosion, specifically incision by
a river into a high, arid plateau. The Colorado
River carved the depth of the canyon as it cut its
way through the Kaibab Plateau which is more
than 7,000 feet (2,100 m) above sea level. Side
canyons, scoured by summer thunderstorms
and winter snow melt, produce much of Grand
Canyon’s 10–16-mile (16–22 km) width.
The canyon walls reach about 5,000 feet
(1,500 m) below the rim to the river. The
thickness of all Grand Canyon rocks, if present
in one spot, would total more than 15,000 feet
(4,600 m). Some rock units, however, appear only
in some parts of the canyon. The strata of Grand
Canyon do not present a continuous record of
Earth’s history. Some rock layers eroded away
before newer layers were deposited on top,
producing unconformities, millions of years of
missing time, and unknown geologic stories.
Each rock layer represents a period when a
particular environment of deposition prevailed.
For example, the Kaibab Formation, the rock
that makes the canyon rims, is the youngest of
Grand Canyon’s layers. The Kaibab Formation
formed in shallow, warm seas about 270 million
years ago, a bit before dinosaurs roamed the
Earth. Below the Kaibab Formation caprock, the
strata become progressively older.
The oldest rocks lie more than 3,000 feet (900 m)
beneath the rim in the walls of the Inner Gorge.
The Vishnu basement rocks consist of ancient
igneous and metamorphic rocks that formed
deep in the Earth when island arcs collided with
the continental mass. These crystalline rocks—
schist, gneiss, and granite—are very different
in origin and structure than the sedimentary
rocks above them. The Vishnu basement rocks,
including Vishnu Schist, are between 1,840 and
1,680 million years old.
Compared to the rocks exposed in its walls,
Grand Canyon is geologically young. Excavation
of the canyon occurred within the last six
million years or so. The question of how the
Colorado River evolved its present course is
still unresolved, even though geologists have
hypothesized for years about how the river first
established its path across the plateau and carved
this immense chasm. Much of the uncertainty
regarding the exact age and history of the canyon
centers on the reality that we have only scattered
bits of evidence to reconstruct its history and
to precisely date its origin. The history of the
Colorado River is complex and will be the
subject of geologic research for years to come.
Geologic Cross Section of Grand Canyon
1 . Kaibab Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 my
2 . Toroweap Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 my
3 . Coconino Sandstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 my
4 . Hermit Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 my
5 . Supai Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315–285 my
6 . Redwall Limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 my
7 . Temple Butte Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 my
8 . Muav Limestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 my
9 . Bright Angel Shale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 my
10 . Tapeats Sandstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 my
11 . Grand Canyon Supergroup . . . 1,250–650 my
12 . Vishnu basement rocks . . . . 1,840–1,680 my
Vishnu basement rocks line the walls of the Inner George.
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