by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved


Bird Checklist

brochure Glacier - Bird Checklist
Glacier National Park Montana National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior Bird Checklist Observer __________________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________ Common names conform with the American Birding Association Checklist Update, 2015. List compiled by David S. Shea, November, 1971. Revised by Dave Shea, Steve Gniadek, and Lisa Bate, November, 2015. TIME OF YEAR S Spring (March-May) S Summer (June-August) F Fall (September-November) W Winter (December-February) RANGE E East of Continental Divide W West of Continental Divide A Mountainous areas above treeline OCCURRENCE ab Abundant a Accidental c Common u Uncommon r Rare SPECIAL CONDITIONS l Introduced u Known to nest in the park S S FW SWANS, GEESE, DUCKS Greater White-fronted Goose W Snow Goose E, W Ross’s Goose E, W Canada Goose u E, W Trumpeter Swan u E, W Tundra Swan E, W Wood Duck u E, W Gadwall E, W Eurasian Wigeon W American Wigeon E, W u E, W Mallard Blue-winged Teal E, W Cinnamon Teal E, W Green-winged Teal E, W Northern Shoveler E, W Northern Pintail E, W Canvasback E, W Redhead E, W Ring-necked Duck u E, W Greater Scaup W Lesser Scaup E, W Harlequin Duck u E, W Surf Scoter W White-winged Scoter E, W Long-tailed Duck W Bufflehead u E, W Common Goldeneye u E, W Barrow’s Goldeneye u E, W Hooded Merganser u E, W Common Merganser u E, W Red-breasted Merganser u E, W Ruddy Duck E, W u r c r c r u a c c u u u c u r u c a u u r r u c c u u r r c r r r r u u r a a c c r c c c u u u u u u u u r u u r r u r u u u u u r r r a c c r u c c u u c c r r r u Pied-billed Grebe Horned Grebe Eared Grebe Red-necked Grebe Western Grebe r u r u r r u r u u r u Sandhill Crane u E, W r r r r r Black-necked Stilt E, W r American Avocet E, W r STILT, AVOCET E,W r r r r E, W r r PELICAN HERONS, BITTERNS, IBIS American Bittern u E, W Great Blue Heron u E, W Black-crowned Night Heron W Great Egret W r r r u u u r a a IBIS W a r VULTURE, HAWKS, EAGLES, FALCONS Yellow Rail Virginia Rail Sora American Coot c c r r c r E, W u E, W E, W u E, W u E, W u E, W W E, W u E, W u E, W E, W E, W u E, W u E, W, A u E, W E, W E, W E, W u E, W, A u u u u u u u c u u u u u u u u u u a a a r r r c c c r r r u u u r r r u u u r r r a a r r r u u u r r r W W u E, W E, W This publication made possible by a donation from the Glacier National Park Conservancy Black-bellied Plover Semipalmated Plover Killdeer Spotted Sandpiper Solitary Sandpiper Upland Sandpiper Baird’s Sandpiper Least Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Semipalmated Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Willet Long-billed Curlew Marbled Godwit Sanderling Long-billed Dowitcher Wilson's Snipe Wilson’s Phalarope Red-necked Phalarope GULLS, TERNS r u r r r RAILS, COOT W W u E, W W S S FW SHOREBIRDS American White Pelican a r r u u u r a c c c u c r u r c u u u CORMORANT a c c c c c c c c c c c c r u u u u r r E, W E, W u E, W u E, W E, W Double-crested Cormorant Turkey Vulture Osprey Northern Harrier Sharp-shinned Hawk Cooper’s Hawk Northern Goshawk Red-shouldered Hawk Broad-winged Hawk Swainson’s Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Ferruginous Hawk Bald Eagle Golden Eagle American Kestrel Merlin Gyrfalcon Peregrine Falcon Prairie Falcon CRANE White-faced Ibis LOONS Red-throated Loon Pacific Loon Common Loon Yellow-billed Loon S S FW GREBES GROUSE, PTARMIGAN, TURKEY Ring-necked Pheasant lW Ruffed Grouse u E, W Spruce Grouse u E, W Dusky Grouse u E, W, A Sharp-tailed Grouse E White-tailed Ptarmigan uA Wild Turkey W r r u u c c c r Black-legged Kittiwake Sabine's Gull Bonaparte’s Gull Franklin’s Gull Ring-billed Gull California Gull Herring Gull Glaucous-winged Gull Glaucous Gull Caspian Tern Black Tern Common Tern Forster’s Tern r E, W E, W u E, W u E, W E, W E E, W W E, W W W E, W E, W E, W E, W E, W W E, W u E, W E, W E, W a a c u u r r a a c c r c c u u r r r r r r r r r r r r r u r r r c c u u u r r r W W E, W E, W E, W E, W E, W W W E, W u E, W E a a r r u u c u c c u c r a a r r r r r r E, W r NPS PHOTO / Common Merganser Western Tanager - NPS / DAVID RESTIVO PIGEONS, DOVES S S FW Rock Pigeon l E, W r r Eurasian Collared-Dove lW r Band-tailed Pigeon W a Mourning Dove E, W u u u OWLS Western Screech-Owl Great Horned Owl Snowy Owl Northern Hawk Owl Northern Pygmy-Owl Burrowing Owl Barred Owl Great Gray Owl Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Boreal Owl Northern Saw-whet Owl u E, W u E, W E, W u E, W u E, W W u E, W u E, W u E, W E, W u E, W u E, W r r r u u u r r r r u u u a u u u r r r r r r r r r r r r r r u r r u S S FW r r Horned Lark E,W, A r r r r Tennessee Warbler u E, W u u Orange-crowned Warbler u E, W u u Nashville Warbler E, W r MacGillivray’s Warbler u E, W c c Common Yellowthroat u E, W c c American Redstart u E, W u u Cape May Warbler E,W a a Northern Parula W a Bay-breasted Warbler W a Yellow Warbler u E, W c c u Blackpoll Warbler E, W r Yellow-rumped Warbler u E, W c ab u Townsend’s Warbler u E, W c c Wilson’s Warbler u E, W c c Northern Waterthrush u E, W c c Ovenbird E, W r Yellow-breasted Chat W a a SWALLOWS Tree Swallow u E, W abab u Violet-green Swallow u E, W, A c c u Northern Rough-winged Swallow u E, W u u u Bank Swallow u E, W u u u Cliff Swallow u E, W, A c c u Barn Swallow u E, W c c u Black-capped Chickadee u E, W c Mountain Chickadee u E, W c Boreal Chickadee u E, W u Chestnut-backed Chickadee u E, W u NUTHATCHES, CREEPER c c u u c c u u c c u u Common Nighthawk u E, W u u r Red-breasted Nuthatch u E, W c c c c White-breasted Nuthatch u E, W r r r r Brown Creeper u E, W u u u u SWIFTS WRENS, DIPPER NIGHTHAWK Black Swift u E, W r r r Vaux’s Swift u E, W u u White-throated Swift E, W, A a a HUMMINGBIRDS KINGFISHER KINGLETS Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet Lewis’s Woodpecker u E, W Red-headed Woodpecker E Downy Woodpecker u E, W Hairy Woodpecker u E, W White-headed Woodpecker W American Three-toed Woodpecker u E, W Black-backed Woodpecker u E, W Pileated Woodpecker u E, W Northern Flicker u E, W Williamson’s Sapsucker u E, W Red-naped Sapsucker u E, W FLYCATCHERS u u r a c c c c c c c c a c r c c r c c r c c r c c r c c c r c r u Olive-sided Flycatcher u E, W c Alder Flycatcher E, W r Willow Flycatcher u E, W u Least Flycatcher u E, W r Hammond’s Flycatcher u E, W c Dusky Flycatcher u E, W c Cordilleran Flycatcher E, W r Ash-throated Flycatcher W Scissor-tailed Flycatcher W Western Wood-Pewee u E, W u Say’s Phoebe E, W Western Kingbird E, W r Eastern Kingbird u E, W u c r u r c c r u E, W u E, W c c c c abab c PIPIT WAXWINGS Bohemian Waxwing Cedar Waxwing a a u r r r u LONGSPURS u E, W E, W u E, W, A u E, W u E,W u E, W, A c c r u u u c c c r u u u c Harlequin Ducks - COURTESY JOHN ASHLEY c c r u u u c E, W u E, W c c r u u r c r r u c c c Lapland Longspur E, W, A Chestnut-collared Longspur E, W McCown’s Longspur E,W u E, W MOCKINGBIRD, CATBIRD Gray Catbird u E, W u u u Sage Thrasher W a Northern Mockingbird W a American Pipit u E, W, A u u u Cassin’s Vireo u E, W u u Warbling Vireo u E, W abab Red-eyed Vireo u E, W u u JAYS, MAGPIE, CROW, RAVEN Eastern Bluebird E a Western Bluebird E, W r Mountain Bluebird u E, W, A c c c Swainson’s Thrush u E, W abab c Hermit Thrush u E, W, A c c c Varied Thrush u E, W c c c r Veery u E, W r r r American Robin u E, W abab c r Townsend’s Solitaire u E, W, A c c c u European Starling l u E, W, i u u u r SHRIKES Gray Jay Steller’s Jay Blue Jay Clark’s Nutcracker Black-billed Magpie American Crow Common Raven c c u BLUEBIRDS, THRUSHES, SOLITAIRE STARLING Loggerhead Shrike E, W a a a Northern Shrike E, W r r r VIREOS u u u c u r Belted Kingfisher u E, W u u u r WOODPECKERS Rock Wren u E, W, A u House Wren u E, W u Pacific Wren u E, W c Marsh Wren W a American Dipper u E, W c Black-chinned Hummingbird u W r r Rufous Hummingbird u E, W, A c c Calliope Hummingbird u E, W, A c c S S FW WARBLERS CHICKADEES u r LARK r r r r r r SPARROWS, TOWHEES Green-tailed Towhee E a Spotted Towhee u E, W u u American Tree Sparrow E, W r r Chipping Sparrow u E, W c ab u Clay-colored Sparrow u E, W u u Brewer’s Sparrow u E, W u u Vesper Sparrow u E, W u u u Lark Sparrow W r Savannah Sparrow u E, W c c LeConte’s Sparrow u E, W r r Fox Sparrow u E, W c c u Song Sparrow u E, W u u u Lincoln’s Sparrow u E, W u u u White-throated Sparrow E, W r r r White-crowned Sparrow u E, W, A c ab c Harris’s Sparrow E, W r r Dark-eyed Junco u E, W c ab c r r r u TANAGER, GROSBEAKS, BUNTINGS Western Tanager u E, W c Rose-breasted Grosbeak E, W a Black-headed Grosbeak u E, W u Evening Grosbeak u E, W c Pine Grosbeak u E, W u Lazuli Bunting u E, W u Indigo Bunting W Lark Bunting E, W a Snow Bunting E, W u c r u u c c c u u u u a a u u BLACKBIRDS Bobolink E, W Western Meadowlark u E, W r Red-winged Blackbird u E, W u Yellow-headed Blackbird E, W r Rusty Blackbird E, W Brewer’s Blackbird E, W Common Grackle E Brown-headed Cowbird u E, W u Bullock’s Oriole u E, W a FINCHES, CROSSBILLS r r r u a a r r r u u a Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch u E, W, A House Finch W Cassin’s Finch u E, W American Goldfinch E, W Red Crossbill u E, W White-winged Crossbill u E, W Common Redpoll E, W Hoary Redpoll W Pine Siskin u E, W, A u u r u u r r c c u u u r c c u u r u r c c u u u u c u

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