"Third Fort Union Hospital1" by Fort Union National Monument , public domain
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official newsletter
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
The official newsletter
Vol. I No. 2 2016
FortUnion PostReturn
Fort Union Marching to 100 by Ranger Greg Baker
The National Park Service will soon be celebrating its 100
year anniversary as the steward of America’s treasured
national parks. In preparation for this tremendous accomplishment, Fort Union National Monument has embraced
the Call to Action initiative that will ready the National Park
Service for its second century, and beyond. The initiative is
built around securing the foundation of the mission of the
National Park Service and its future by: fostering the connection between people and the extraordinary parks near their
homes and communities, advancing the NPS Education Mission by getting the park into the classrooms and the students
out in the park, continuing to preserve the special places the
public has entrusted to the NPS, and by enhancing professional and organizational excellence for a stronger National
Park Service for the future. Fort Union National Monument
continues to pursue these goals through a number of ways,
including the park’s special events and continued outreach
Fort Union National Monument has already participated in
more than a dozen events in our surrounding communities.
These events included participation in fairs, local parades,
working with schools, educational partners, and working
with other units of the National Park Service. This can be
seen through our partnership with the Citizens Committee
for Historic Preservation in hosting our monthly Glimpses of
the Past presentation series in Las Vegas, New Mexico, and
also in our continued participation in established community
events such as the Fiestas de Las Vegas
and the Cleveland Mill Fest. The park
has also established new partnerships as
opportunities, such as our involvelment
in a historic dutch-oven cook off at the
reemerging Castaneda Hotel. 2015
has brought success in many of our annual events, such as
Candlelight Tours and Junior Ranger Camps. They focused
on the often forgotten history of the “Indian Wars,” and
Fort Union’s impact on the Southwest and the people who
called it home. Fort Union’s events not only serve to share
the incredible history made here, and create new memories
and connections
Education Corner
to the park. In this
effort, Fort Union
National Monument
had the privilege of
presenting eleven
During the 2014-2015
people their U.S.
Scholastic year, Fort
citizenship. The park Union National Monument reached over
1,000 students, teachers, and parents from
hosted its second
Naturalization Cer- the nearby communities by providing
numerous school visits and onsite tours.
emony with the help
Thanks to Disney Inc. and National Park
of 15 honor students Foundation’s “Ticket to Ride” grant hunfrom Springer High dreds of thousands of students explore
School. This event the outdoors. “Ticket to Ride” assists in
paying the transportation costs to and
created a very special
from national park sites.
and memorable conGreat News! Starting with the 2015nection to the park 2016 school year, the “Every Kid in a
for these individuals Park” national program begins. During
this time, all 4th grade students and their
as well as the stufamilies will have free admission to any
dents who helped
National Park for a full year! More information on this program can be found at :
make it a success.
These are the kinds
of connections that
every-kid-in-a-park (See page 4 for more
will last a lifetime,
For more information about the eduand will insure a
cational opportunities and programs at
stronger National
Fort Union National Monument contact
Park Service as we
Megan Urban at (505) 425-8025 Ext 221
step into or by Email at megan_urban@nps.gov.
our second century of stewardship. It is through our outreach and events that we share these stories, and
inspire future generations to support their local
National Parks, and discover their own history.
FortUnion PostReturn 1
Nature Watch
by Michelle Gonzalez, NMHU Intern
As you walk through Fort Union, your eyes
may be fixed on the historic structures and amazing landscape of the area, however in the short
prairie grass there is a well camouflaged resident
of the fort. Blending into its surroundings and
moving slowly through the ruins is the prairie
rattlesnake. It is distinguished by its triangular
shaped head, slit shaped eyes, thin neck, blotched
pattern markings, and rattle tail.
by Ranger Greg Baker
The prairie rattlesnake is venomous and generally preys on small rodents, other snakes, and
birds. They are cold-blooded reptiles and cannot
regulate their body temperature internally. This
means that on cooler days you may find these rattlers stretched out on the trail trying to warm up,
and on hot summer days hiding within the ruins.
During your visit to Fort Union if you happen
to encounter one of these native residents we
ask that you slowly back away and notify a Park
Ranger so that we can safely relocate them. These
prairie lands are their home and we wish to keep
our natural residents safe as well as our visitors.
Recipes from Fort Union
German Baked Apples
4 larger apples
4 teaspoons brown sugar
½ cup water
Optional: raisins, cinnamon, chopped
nuts or dried fruit
Preheat oven to 350F. Wash and core apples, leave ½ inch of apple remaining at the
bottom. 1 inch from the top, score the skin of
the apple on all sides. Mix brown sugar with
any optional ingredients. Using a spoon,
fill center of the with the mixture. Place to
apples in an oven safe pan with a lip; pour
the water into the pan. Bake the apples for
20 minutes or until the tip of the apple rises.
Drill Demonstration
Photo Credit: Richard Gonzales
Living History Opportunities
nities at Fort Union
Fort Union National Monument
preserves not just remains of a once
large army fort and the ruts of the
ories and
Santa Fe Trail, but also the stories
history found in those wallss and across
out the history
those empty ruts. Without
and perspective of the lives most
impacted by Fortt Union, then the
standing walls would be just that, walls.
Since the
he formation of the 3rd
nt New Mexico Volu
g History Unit in 2008, the group
is made up of students, v
veterans, and
soldiers from the
even desendents of so
helped reestablish
fort. They have h
once thriving living
Fort Union’s o
program. Today we are giving
history progra
visitors the opportunity to not just get
a glimps
glimpse of the past when they visit
park, but to actually set a foot back
the pa
in time.
Imagine visiting the park to be
struck by the sight of glinting muskets
and the sounds of orders being barked
in Spanish, as soldiers march on the
parade grounds. Witness by walking
into the depot of the fort as it comes
to life with the sounds of iron being
hammered and shaped, and visiting
with a laborer making adobe bricks.
Living history not only creates a
bridge for our visitors to experience
the past, but also take the visitor
directly into the lives and stories
that have often been overlooked
looked or
forgotten. Stories such as the history
of the Hispanic soldiers
rs who fought in
the Civil War, or thee impact of the Red
River War, on the decimation of the
buffalo herds an
and the loss of land once
b the Great Plains Tribes.
called home by
The 3rd New Mexico Volunteers have
been successful, through programs
and historical research, in reviving
the once critical relationship between
Fort Union, the Santa Fe Trail, and
the surrounding communities. One
such project is the New Mexico
Civil War Soldier Heritage Project.
It involves gathering, and identifying
every record for every soldier of
every regiment that served in New
Mexico during the Civil War. Then
Fort Union staff make those records
available to families in the area whose
ancestors may have served at thee fort.
Over the last few years thee
come a
living history unit has become
rk’s interpretive
cornerstone of the park’s
programming by off
ering programs
ons to bring the stories
and demonstrations
to life and vastt history found within th
rd Regiment New Mexico
fort. The 3rd
ers is actively recruiting and
wantss you! Come and learn about
story of your backyard national
histo with our
Share your love of history
visitors. For more information
us at (505) 425-80
425-8025, Ext. 0
Fort Union Dedication Ceremony
By: Superintendent Charles Strickfaden
It is my privilege to invite you to help us celebrate
to take a moment to recognize the work done by one
the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service on
of our important partners - The Friends of Fort Union
August 25, 2016. Every one of us has a role in making
(www.lvcchp.org) are working with us to develop sev-
the Centennial and the future of the Park Service a suc-
eral exciting events this season, including a celebration
cess. Truly this group effort is how Fort Union National
of Descendants of the Santa Fe Trail during Fort Union
Monument came to be.
Days in June. I am proud and excited for their, and all
From the 1920s New Mexicans, joined by government officials, campaigned to create a national
monument at the site. In 1956 they finally achieved their
goal. The establishment of Fort Union National Monument was the result of persistent effort by the citizens of
New Mexico. My favorite story of support to this effort
involves the Las Vegas public school fundraising efforts.
No contribution was too small to be accepted, and each
student who contributed received a small card saying,
of our partners efforts, to strive to connect Fort Union
through partnerships with our local communities. I also
want to remind our visitors that entry to Fort Union NM
is FREE.
On behalf of all the staff here at Fort Union National
Monument, I invite you to celebrate the Centennial with
us and challenge you to
answer this
“I helped save Old Fort Union.” By the end of 1954 Fort
Union supporters had collected almost $10,000 towards
the efforts at creating the new National Monument.
As we venture into our second century of being the steward of America’s treasures, the consistent
goal of the NPS, in conjunction with our partners, is to
“Connect With and Create the NEXT Generation of
How will
you be a
part of this
Park Visitors, Supporters, and Advocates”. Though we
have many partners working alongside us, I would like
d i i Pamphlet
hl t
FortUnion PostR
by Ranger Juliana Combs and NMHU
Intern Michelle Gonzalez
Jr. Ranger Camp 2015
Wagon Wheel Pete lives in
Independence, Missouri and
he has been reading lots of
stories about the Wild West!
Pete has read that the West
has many dangerous pitfalls
and obstacles, but if you can
make it down the Santa Fe
Trail there is gold beyond
belief. Wagon Wheel Pete
decides to take his chances
and travel out West. With the
Prairie Traveler instruction
book in hand, he buys a wagon and supplies. We need you
to help Wagon Wheel Pete
load his wagon, but be careful
it can only fit 1600 pounds. If
you overload your wagon it
will break and Pete will never
make it West!
Every Kid in a Park!
(Continued) by Ariel Mondlak
Starting September 2015, every 4th grade student or the home-schooled
age equivalent in the United States, is eligible to receive a free pass to all
federal lands and waters as part of the Every Kid in a Park program. It is
valid for the 2015-2016 school year. This initiative encourages students of
that age to understand the importance of conserving places of historical
and cultural significance by providing them the opportunity to visit National Parks and other federal lands and waters free of charge.The pass also
permits free entry to other members in their car or up to three adults.
Fort Union National Monument is working to educate local schools about this program and how valuable the opportunity is. In September, rangers visited classrooms in Mora Elementary School to explain the Every Kid in a Park initiative.
Students were interested and impressed by the value of the pass and the sense of personal responsibility imbued in it.
The students received their passes while visiting Fort Union, during which students learned about the history and importance of Fort Union and the Santa Fe Trail. Fort Union also hosted students from the Rio Gallinas School of Ecology
and the Arts, a Las Vegas charter school, for an overnight expeditionary excursion. In addition to the programs of a day
visit, students took advantage of the learning opportunities presented by Fort Union’s clear night skies. Fort Union is also
working to contact other schools and encourage participation in the Every Kid in a Park initiative.
FortUnion PostReturn
Adobe Structures
By Ranger Juliana Combs
The walls from Fort Union’s third fort have been standing for well over 150
years. They have withstood time, wind, rain, sun and whatever else nature
could throw at them. They have even managed to last through years of looting
and purposeful destruction. When the Park Service received Fort Union in
1954 our job was to allow the old walls to stand.
The preservation crew works hard to ensure that these walls receive the attention and upkeep they need. The walls of Fort Union are the largest collection of
colonial-style adobe in the Southwest. Protecting this resource and portion of
our past is critical in aiding the understanding of the U.S. today.
Photo Credit: Richard Gonzales
Every summer the preservation crew applies two extra layers of adobe by hand to protect the original walls. Sometimes
the walls will need more aid than just a protective and sacrificial layer. Many wall issues come about because the adobe is
not solid and stationary like brick. Instead of keeping a constituent shape the adobe “breathes”.
When it is humid or raining, the adobe absorbs moisture and expands. When the adobe dries again it contracts. This
creates a lot of movement in the walls, which creates weak points. The most common signs of wall failure are vertical or
horizontal cracks in the adobe protective layer; this normally means the original wall has broken into pieces under the
protective layer. When walls start to have a slight ‘C’ shape to them, called folding; this occurs when the wall is about to fall
in on itself due to a weak center point.
The preservation crew uses the rule of thirds; if more than one third of the wall is leaning (generally forming a twist),
then the wall is considered unstable. Once one of these issues is spotted, the preservation crew assesses the situation and
will decide which kind of bracing to use to reinforce the walls.
Volunteer Spotlight
by Ranger Greg Baker
Don Bovia
Don Bovia has been a steadfast figure at Fort Union National Monument for over seven years. During his time as a volunteer he has incorporated his love of military history and the Southwest to become the backbone of Fort Union National Monument’s living history program.
Participating in programs and events at Fort Union, as well as in the local community, made Don one of the park’s most recognizable faces.
Don has helped to secure new and expanding partnerships within the community through personal outreach to Masonic groups, other living history units, and local clubs. From his start in 2008 Don’s attention to detail and work ethic has been instrumental in building up Fort Union’s living history program to where it is today.
Don has also helped in bringing the history of Fort Union National Monument
to the national stage as part of the national NPS publication, “Hispanics and
the Civil War: From Battlefield to Homefront,” in which the group was prominently featured. He participated in programs as far as Pennslyvania to premote the iniative.
Don is a native of Ohio and has called New Mexico home since he retired here with
his family in 2000 after 20 years of service in the U.S. Navy. This included service
on the USS John F. Kennedy and the USS Iowa. He enjoys being a full time grandfather, serving the community as a member of the Alta Vista Regional Hospital staff,
and participating with the Los Zapateados cultural dance group with his family.
Don Bovia volunteers in the 3rd NM Living History Unit, firing muskets and cannons. He shares with park visitors the history of Fort Union. To find out more
about volunteer opportunities at Fort Union, contact us at (505) 425-8025 Ext. 0.
Photo Credit: Richard Gonzales
Fort Union National Monument
P.O Box 127
Watrous, New Mexico 87753
Box Holder
FortUnion PostReturn Newsletter
Fort Union is located off of Interstate 25 near Watrous; exit 366, then proceed west 8 miles on NM-161.
2016 Schedule of Events
Glimpses of the Past
7:00 PM Join Fort Union, Santa Fe Trail Interpretive Center, and the CCHP on the third Thursday of the month (March –
October) for presentations that encompass the bountiful natural, cultural, and historical resources of the Southwest. (Located at
CCHP 116 Bridge Street, Las Vegas NM.) Contact Fort Union for the complete presentation list.
Junior Ranger Camp June 2 (ages 7-9), June 3 (ages 10-12). 10:00AM –4:00PM
Geared for the youngest of our visitors, the Junior Ranger Camp is an all-day exploration of Fort Union’s unique cultural, natural, and military aspects. Each camp is limited to 20 - so please call to make a reservation. Enrollment will be taken beginning
April 1, 2016.
Fort Union Days June 18-19
Step back into Fort Union’s history in a two-day event filled with guest speakers, living history encampments, cannon and
musket firing demonstrations, and guided tours that encompass the diversity of natural, cultural, and military resources of the
fort and the surrounding area.
Fort Union National Monument
From 1851-1891, Fort Union was
the largest frontier military post and
supply center of the Southwest.
Charles Strickfaden
Mailing Address P.O. Box 127,
Watrous, New Mexico 87753
Website www.nps.gov/foun
Candlelight Tours August 13
Join the Conversation
Find us on Facebook
Walk under the stars and back into history, to witness historical based skits which bring to life the stories of Fort Union’s past.
Each tour is limited to 20 – please call to make a reservation beginning on July 15, 2016. Tour times TBA
Phone 505-425-8025, Ext 0
E-mail FOUN_interpretation@nps.
Camp of Instruction September 10-11
Witness the training of Company “A” of the 3rd New Mexico Volunteer Infantry, one of many Union Hispanic regiments
organized at Fort Union that once defended the New Mexico Territory during the Civil War.
First Fort & Arsenal Tours September 17
Journey back into history to the beginning of Fort Union at the First Fort and Arsenal site on this ranger guided tour. 1st Tour
9:00 AM, 2nd Tour 10:30 AM, 3rd Tour 12:15 PM, Final Tour 2:00 PM
To learn more about Fort Union visit
our WNPA Park store at the Fort or
Park Store www.wnpa.org