Fort Necessity

Ski Trails

brochure Fort Necessity - Ski Trails
Fort Necessity National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Fort Necessity National Battlefield Ski Trail Map Welcome The ski trails throughout the park offer opportunities for various skill levels and a chance to experience winter in the woods and meadows of the Allegheny Plateau. We ask that you follow some simple procedures to help make your visit safe and enjoyable. Please: Stop and pay the entrance fee at the Visitor Center. The fee is $5.00 per person. Children 15 and under are free All trails start from the visitor center. Trails are marked on the map for suggested direction of travel. Please stay on the marked trail. Watch for trail markers at intersections. Some areas of the park are closed to the public. This is a natural and historical area, set aside for all to enjoy. Respect the environment and leave the area the same for others. Ski Safety and Etiquette: Yield to skiers coming downhill. If you are out of control, simply sit down, hips first. If you’ve fallen on a steep hill, place your skis across the slope and downhill from you, before you try to get up. Make sure you are well equipped and prepared for harsh conditions. Extreme loss of body heat (hypothermia) presents a real threat to life. Stop and proceed with caution when crossing roads. Please avoid walking in ski tracks. If someone is injured and cannot walk or ski out, have one person remain with the victim, give all spare clothing to them, and contact a ranger. Gently place skis, packs, and some clothing underneath the victim to protect from the cold snow. Cover the victim with remaining clothing and be calm and reassuring. Ski Trails All trails start from the Visitor Center. Trail distances are marked on the map. Please stay on the marked trails Novice Trails (.6 miles): The novice trails are located around the vicinity of the fort and are mostly flat terrain. this area include the French Camp (wooded area to the left of the fort) where the Fench and Indians hid while dierecting ther most effectiv fore on Washington's foreces. It also includes a short section of the Braddonck Road, built by General Braddock's troops on their way to Fort Duquesne in 1755. Intermediate Trails (2.4 miles): The intermediate trails traverse a wide spectrum of mountain environments. Beginning in deciduous forest, the trail continues from the traffic circle on top of the hill. It passes through open meadows (mowed lanes) and provides picturesque vistas of the surrounding mountains with Chestnut Ridge looming to the west. Beyond the first knoll, you may choose to turn right and go down the steep hill on the Inner Meadow Trail or traverse the gentler slopes on the Outer Meadow Trail. Both trail return to the fort. Advanced Trail (1.0 miles): The advanced trail has an elevation change of approximately 150 feet. It starts to the left of the traffic circle on top of the hill. Because it is a gravel road, a minimum of six inches of snow in needed to enjoy this trail. This road loops around the picnic area. EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA

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