Fort Necessity
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Fort Necessity
National Battlefield
The Braddock Pathway
Fort Necessity – Braddock’s Grave – Jumonville Glen – Rindfuss Museum at Jumonville
As you hike along the
traces of the Braddock
Road, you are walking in
historic footsteps. The
road was originally called
the Nemacolin Trail,
after the Lenape Indian
who helped to blaze it in
1752. In 1754, George
widened it before their defeat at Fort
Necessity. In 1755, General Edward
Braddock was buried in the road as the
British retreated from the disastrous rout
at the Battle of the Monongahela. Along
with Braddock on this expedition were
George Washington, Daniel Boone and
Daniel Morgan. In 1803, Meriwether
Lewis used this route to go to Pittsburgh
to procure boats for his expedition to
the Pacific. Runaway slaves used this
trail to escape on the Underground
Railroad. Farmers discouraged the use
of the road and placed large rocks on it to force people to use the National Road, present-day Route 40. Today, we
encourage visitors to walk along this historic trail and/or drive nearby on the National Road to visit area sites.
Do not trespass on private land.
Please respect the rights and privacy
of the landowners. The majority of
land along the Braddock Road trace
is private property. The Braddock
Pathway sites listed in this brochure
are public areas where traces of the
historic Braddock Road can be
•The Great Meadows
The historic Braddock Road
trace at Fort Necessity
National Battlefield crosses
forests, meadows and
streams. Hiking shoes are
kBraddock Road Trace
at Fort Necessity
A year after Washington’s defeat at Fort
Necessity, Major General Edward Braddock had
road crews widen the trail to 12 feet so wagons
could get through the wilderness forest. Setting
out from present-day Cumberland, Maryland,
Braddock had the largest army assembled in
North America. With over 2400 soldiers, wagon
drivers, Indian guides and camp followers, this
army sometimes stretched 4 to 5 miles as it
marched towards Fort Duquesne, the site of
present-day Pittsburgh.
As the Braddock expedition continued through the
Great Meadows on June 25, 1755, an unknown
British officer wrote, “We marched about two Mile
the other side ye great Meadows. It was strongly
imagined if we met with any opposition, ye Meadows
would be ye place; but we marched through without
any Molestation or alarm. There are about 150 Acres
of Meadow-land entirely clear. In ye middle of this
spot is Fort Necessity; built by Mr. Washin(g)ton last
Year when he retreated from the French; …There are
many human bones all round ye spott; but at present
every thing is entirely pulled down.”
On the same day, Capt. Orme wrote in his journal,
“at daybreak, three men who went without centinels,
were shot and scalped…We this day saw several
Indians in the woods.” They continued for 2 more
miles before encamping for the night.
On June 24, 1755, as they hiked towards the
Great Meadows, they found an abandoned
Indian camp. British Captain Robert Orme, one
of Braddock’s aides, wrote in his journal, “our
Indians informed us that, by their hutts, their
number was about one hundred and seventy. They
had stripped and painted some trees, upon which
they and the French had written many threats and
bravados with all kinds of scurrilous language.”
They encamped on the east side of the Great
The Braddock Road trace at Fort Necessity is
approximately 1 ½ miles long. From here, the trail
goes onto private property. After your visit at the
park, turn left onto the historic National Road (US
Route 40). The Braddock Road trace parallels on
your left of the highway for about one mile then
crosses over Route 40 to the right of Braddock’s
Braddock Trace at Braddock’s Grave
ƒGeneral Braddock
Today, there is a monument marking Braddock’s
grave, located one mile west of Fort Necessity. This
is not the original location of Braddock’s grave. The
original trace of the Braddock Road runs through
the depression between the parking area and the
monument. Walk a short distance down the trail
and you will find the original gravesite.
General Braddock was mortally wounded at the
Battle of the Monongahela on July 9 near presentday Pittsburgh. Several days after the battle,
Braddock died from his wounds. George
Washington buried Braddock in the middle of the
road and the remaining army marched across the
gravesite to obliterate every trace. In 1804, road
workmen disinterred the body and reburied him on
the knoll where the monument now stands.
To continue your journey, turn right onto the
historic National Road. The Braddock Road
„Jumonville Glen
…Rindfuss Museum Jumonville
The Braddock Road parallels the Jumonville Road
on the right side as it enters onto National Park
Service land. It was here on May 28, 1754, a 15minute skirmish between French, British and
Indians marked the beginning of the French and
Indian War. A little over a year later, June 27, 1755,
the advance party of the Braddock army marched
parallels this route on the right. Go west for about 4
miles to the top of Summit Mountain and turn right
onto Jumonville Road.
On June 25, Capt. Orme wrote in his journal,
“obliged to let our carriages down a hill with tackles…
French and Indians endeavoured to reconnoiter the
camp… were discovered and fired upon by the
advanced Centinels. …Every soldier or Indian shall
receive five pounds for each Indian scalp.”
Along the Jumonville Road, you will find a historic
road marker about the Rock Fort Camp. On June
26, the army had marched 4 more miles and stopped
at Rock Fort Camp. Here, they found another
abandoned French and Indian encampment with
the fires still burning. Orme wrote, “They had
marked in triumph upon trees, the scalps they had
taken two days before …and many insolent
through this area. The road today is difficult to see
as it winds its way through the trees towards the
Jumonville retreat center.
Please watch your step and
take small children by the
hand as the trail into
Jumonville Glen can be
steep and slippery.
General Braddock divided his army east of Grantsville, Md.
and took a “flying column” towards Fort Duquesne. When
Braddock engaged with the French on July 9, the rear
detachment, commanded by Colonel Thomas Dunbar, was
encamped atop Chestnut Ridge. Here, Col. Dunbar received the news of Braddock’s defeat and that
Braddock himself was seriously wounded. On July 11, Capt. Orme had retreated back to Dunbar’s camp.
He wrote, “It was found necessary to clear some waggons for the wounded, many of whom were in a desperate
situation; and as it was impossible to remove the stores, the Howitzer shells, some twelve pound shot, powder,
and provision, were destroyed or buried.” On July 13, he noted, “We marched from hence to the Camp, near
the great Meadows, where the General died.”
Today, the area of Dunbar’s Camp is part of Jumonville, a Christian camp and retreat center. It is well
known for the sixty-foot white cross that stands high on Dunbar’s Knob, offering a breathtaking and
inspiring view for visitors. The Rindfuss Museum at Jumonville, operated by the Braddock Road
Presvervation Associaton, contains artifacts from the Dunbar’s Camp and the Braddock Road. Step back in
time to explore the original Braddock Trail and Dunbar’s Camp where Braddock stored his supplies and
ammunition. Tours and special programs about Dunbar’s Camp and the Braddock Trail are available by
For more information, tour appointments, free retreat packet, summer camp schedule, or DVD, visit their
website at, e-mail, or call the office at 724-439-4912.
For more information about the Braddock Campaign read:
“History of an Expedition” by Winthrop Sergeant,
“Braddock at the Monongahela” by Paul Kopperman,
“Guns at the Forks” by Walter O’Meara, or
“The Braddock Road Chronicles” by Andrew J. Wahl.
= Hiking opportunity on the Braddock Trace.
rev Jan-11