"Views of Fort Matanzas National Monument, Florida" by National Park Service , public domain

Fort Matanzas

Junior Ranger

brochure Fort Matanzas - Junior Ranger

Junior Ranger brochure for Fort Matanzas National Monument (NM) in Florida. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Agustin Explores Matanzas Welcome to Fort Matanzas National Monument. My name is Agustín and I will be your guide. To become a Junior Ranger, choose three of the following: _____ Look at and read the exhibits and models at the visitor center and in the breezeway. _____ Visit the Fort. _____ Watch the video about the park and fort. _____ Walk the nature trail or the beach boardwalk trail. And then… “Search for your Stars!” Look for the colored stars and complete 5 or more activities marked with the color for your age group. Ages 4-7 activities are marked with a Ages 8-14 activities are marked with a Older children might wish to become Master Junior Rangers. To become a Master Junior Ranger, complete ALL Age 8-14 activities and either Be an Anthropologist or Be an Ecologist. Master Junior Rangers earn a special patch. When you are finished, bring the book back to the visitor center or mail it to the address on the back page and receive your Official Junior Ranger Badge and Certificate! 1 Meet a Ranger The Rangers at Fort Matanzas do many things. Some drive the boat or help handle the dock lines. Others greet visitors in the Visitor Center, and others give programs to visitors at the fort. Most of the Rangers will be wearing the ranger “flat hat” and a gray shirt with the National Park Service patch on the sleeve. Others dress like colonial soldiers. But just like Junior Rangers, they EXPLORE, LEARN, and PROTECT the park. For this activity you are to play the part of a newspaper reporter and interview a Park Ranger. Ask a Park Ranger this Question: What do you like most about working at Fort Matanzas National Monument? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Ranger’s Signature ____________________________________ 2 Going to Fort Matanzas In 1742, six to eight Spanish soldiers and their officer were sent out to Fort Matanzas from St. Augustine for thirty days at a time. They would come down the river by boat and bring everything they needed with them. I’m one of the Spanish soldiers getting ready to make the trip. Help me collect the gear and personal belongings I need to take by circling the items below. If you were going to Fort Matanzas NOW in the 21st century for thirty days, what would YOU bring? (It does not have to be anything pictured above. What would make you more comfortable out there?) ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 3 Turtle Hurdles This activity is from the book Discover Seashores and is used by permission from the Creative Company. The beach at Ft. Matanzas National Monument is used as a nesting area for endangered green and threatened loggerhead sea turtles. After laying about 100 eggs the size of ping-pong balls, the mother turtle returns to the sea. In about two months the eggs hatch, but the baby turtles face many dangers as they crawl to the ocean. Help this hatchling avoid the dangers and find its way safely to the sea. 4 Let’s Learn Spanish! 5 DICTIONARY: Colors: rojo (row-hoh) azul (ah-sool) verde (ver-day) amarillo (am-ar-ree-oh) anaranjado (ah-nah-rahn-há-doh) marrón (mah-roan) blanco (blahk-koh) negro (neg-roh) hola (Oh-la) hello buenas dias good day (boo-eh-nahs dee-ahs) adiós (ah-dee-ohs) goodbye sí (see) yes no (noh) no gracias (grah-see-as) thank you por favor (poor-fay-vor) please Numbers: uno (oo-no) dos (doughs) tres (trays) cuatro (qua-troh) cinco (sink-oh) diez (dee-es) one two three four five ten Misc. soldado (sol-dah-doh) fusil (foo-seel) espada (es-pa-dah) reloj (ray-low) red blue green yellow orange brown white black soldier musket sword watch Clothing: sombrero (som-bray-roh) hat camisa (kam-ees-sah) shirt calzones (kal-sone-es) pants/breeches falda (fal-dah) skirt casaca (kas-ah-kah) dress coat medias (may-dee-ahs) socks zapatas (sah-pah-tohs) shoes sandalias (san-dal-ee-ahs) sandals chaleco (chal-ee-koh) vest vueltas (voo-el-tahs) cuffs Answer these questions in Spanish: 1. The soldado’s sombrero is _______________ with a ______________ bow and ______________________ trim. 2. What parts of the soldado’s uniform are azul? _______________ and __________________ 3. What color are the vueltas? ___________ His medias? _________ 4. The soldado has una espada. Sí or No. ___________ 5. The soldado is wearing sandalias. Sí or No. 6. Can you see his chaleco rojo? Sí or No. _____________ ______________ 6 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! RECYCLED PRODUCTS are everywhere: at home, in your family's garden, at school, in the playground, and even in the clothing we wear. When you buy products made from recycled materials, you help conserve precious resources and eliminate waste from landfills. Draw a line from the item in the first column to what it can be recycled into. Some items can be recycled into more than one thing. What are the best things to recycle? What do you do to reduce and recycle? 7 Matanzas Critters Fort Matanzas is home to many animals. Some of these animals are hard to see because they blend in with their surroundings, just like the animals hidden in the letters below. If you are quiet and lucky, you may see a few of them during your visit. Can you find all the animals hidden in this puzzle? K T O R T O I S E A S B Z X O N K S W C R N A C S O B K M F A D A T P N S U O K C O K K R X E N U R RACCOON BAT BOBCAT EAGLE MOUSE OWL WOODSTORK C D T L E Y A K S O O A K T Y T T B E T O P M L E A U V T S N A B A C R R L K D O F G B D L T M N O R L O G O W L N P O E B B X L M E O S W OSPREY OTTER SEA TURTLE SKUNK FOX SNAKE TORTOISE 8 Who am I? - Connect the dots I can weigh 1000 pounds and be 9 feet long. I am an endangered mammal. I like to live in warm water. I have wrinkled, gray-brown skin, but no fur. I eat only plants, over 100 pounds a day! How did I get the marks on my back? I am a ______________________________ 9 Fort Matanzas Bingo Can you walk like a crab? THE WIND Where did you see it? What is ANY ANIMAL TRACKS Whose are What color was it? Whose hat is this? What is it? How does water get in? Fort Matanzas protects both natural and historic resources. See how many of these things you can find during your visit. Cross off only when you see them. 10 “Fuego!” (Fire!) Originally, Fort Matanzas had five cannon. How many are there now? __________ Two of them were left by the Spanish. Can you tell which ones? Here are six cannon. Circle the two that are the same. 11 Matanzas Math Fun 1. Fort Matanzas is 50 feet on each side. What is the perimeter of the little watchtower fort? Circle the answer. a. 100 feet c. 200 feet b. 150 feet d. 250 feet 2. The Spanish founded St. Augustine in 1565. They held Florida until 1763 when the British took over by treaty. The British held Florida for only 21 years. Then the Spanish got it back until they ceded (transferred) it to the United States by treaty in 1821. How long did the Spanish hold St. Augustine and Florida? Circle the answer. a. 235 years c. over 400 years b. 256 years d. 1763 years 3. How long has Florida been a part of the United States? Compute the answer. __________ years 4. Who has held Florida the longest? Circle the answer. Spain Great Britain United States 5. Fort Matanzas National Monument protects about 1 mile of ocean beach where sea turtles lay their eggs. If there are about 12 nests each summer, and each nest has an average of 110 eggs, what is the average number of eggs laid each summer on the Fort Matanzas beach? Circle the answer. a. 336 eggs c. 1320 eggs b. 720 eggs d. 3220 eggs Only about one turtle from every 1000 eggs lives to adulthood! What are some of the things that can happen to eggs and baby turtles? 12 Explore the National Park Service Why is there a National Park Service? The National Park Service was created in 1916. By that time, there were already many National Parks in the country, but not many of them were working together. So, just like we have teams for sports, the creation of the National Park Service put the different parks under one “team name” and combined all the parks under one mission. What is the Mission of the National Park Service? The Park Service was created to help preserve and protect the best parts of our country. There are mountains, forests, canyons, and lakes that need to be cared for. There are many endangered animals and other wildlife that need to be protected. There are also places where important historic events occurred and those areas need to be preserved so their stories can be told. In 1951, the team known as the National Park Service got an official logo: the Arrowhead. Did you know . . . · Yellowstone was the first national park in the world, founded in 1872. · Today there are over 400 national parks, located in every state and even in most territories. · National park areas include national parks, monuments, memorials, seashores, scenic rivers, historic sites, battlefields, parkways, and trails. 13 Each symbol in the logo means something. Draw a line to connect each picture to its symbolism. · Preservation of archaeological sites and cultural history. · Protection of wildlife · Preservation of scenic and recreational values · Protection of vegetation In the box below, draw your own team logo with symbols that mean something to you. 14 Marshy Shores — Who Lives Here? Tidal marshes, like those found on Rattlesnake Island, are grassy areas that are flooded at high tide. Here spartina grass, sea oxeye daisy, saltwort, and other salt-tolerant plants trap mud, silt, and decaying plant matter. This mixture, called detritus, becomes food for fish, crabs, shellfish, and small mammals. Marshes also as provide shelter and protection for the young of many species. Many animals live in and around the waters of tidal marshes. Some are easy to spot. Others hide in the grasses or in the mud. Identify the animals in this picture by matching the correct letter to the name in the list below. ____ Osprey ____ Fiddler crab (one big claw) ____ Ghost Crab ____ Raccoon ____ Great Horned Owl ____ Dragonfly ____ Mullet ____ Marsh Rabbit ____ Rice Rat ____ Oysters ____ Great Blue Heron ____ Sandpiper 15 Which ones did you see during your visit? Did you see any other animals in or near the marsh? ____ Ghost Crab Did you know? Tidal marshes are very important to us. Marshes protect the mainland from storm waves and erosion. Many of the ocean fishes and shellfish you eat spend part of their lives in tidal marshes growing big on the rich nutrients found there. 16 Tammy Tortoise Many gopher tortoises live in the sand dunes at Fort Matanzas National Monument. These turtles, about the size of a dinner plate, can live to be 80 years old. They love to eat prickly pear cactus. Tammy Tortoise was out eating cactus and now wants to get some shade. Help Tammy find her way through the dunes back to her home. You can sometimes see gopher tortoises along the nature trail. 17 Senses Scavenger Hunt As you explore Fort Matanzas National Monument, use your senses to see, smell, hear, and feel. Remember that as a Junior Ranger, it is part of your job to help take care of and protect the park, so don't pick anything or disturb any plants, animals, or historic objects. Find each of the following and tell what you found and where. 1. Something fuzzy: _____________________________________ 2. Something rough: ____________________________________ 3. Something yellow: ___________________________________ 4. The feel of wind: _____________________________________ 5. A good place for an animal to live: ______________________ 6. Something that smells: ________________________________ 7. The sound of a bird: __________________________________ 8. Something else that makes a noise: ______________________ 9. Something mushy: ___________________________________ 10. Something alive: ____________________________________ 11. Something an animal eats: _____________________________ 12. Something pretty: ___________________________________ 13. Something that reminds you of yourself: ________________ ___________________________________________________ 18 The Web of Life Everyone eats someone or something. Draw arrows from each animal to its food. An animal may eat more than one thing, and more than one animal may eat the same thing. When you are finished, this page may look complicated, even messy. Nature can be like that! (Seeds) (Plankton) 19 Color By Numbers When you get home, color these soldiers! Spanish British The Spanish built the Fort and held it from the time it was built until 1763, and then again from 1784 to 1821. The British held the Fort for only 21 years, from 1763 to 1784. 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 1. Red 2. Dark Blue 3. Black The ribbon on his hat is red and the trim is yellow. His buttons are brass. 1. Red 2. Dark Blue 3. Black The ribbon on his hat is black, and the trim is white. His buttons are silver. 20 Be an Ecologist — Master Jr. Ranger Project #1 An ecologist is a person who studies plants and animals and how they interact with their habitats or homes. In fact, the word “ecology” comes from the Greek word eco, meaning home, and ology, meaning study of. Fort Matanzas National Monument preserves at least three distinct habitats within its 300 acres. Ecologists learn a lot about plants and animals by carefully observing them in their natural habitats. Hint: The bulletin board by the restroom building describes the habitats at Fort Matanzas National Monument HABITAT #1 — THE SALT MARSH (A good place to explore this habitat is the Salt Marsh Trail to the North of the Visitor Center.) What are the primary plants in this habitat? (Grasses? Bushes? Trees? Other?) Name at least one plant in this habitat. How would you describe the plants in general? (look carefully, feel and smell them.) Rough?, Smooth? Thin? Tall? Short? Many? Few? Other characteristics? What is the soil like? Sandy? Muddy? Warm? Cool? Color? What animals live here? 21 What do they eat? Where do they live? HABITAT #2 — THE HAMMOCK OR MARITIME FOREST (A good place to explore this habitat is along the Nature Trail.) What are the primary plants in this habitat? (Grasses? Bushes? Trees? Other?) Name at least one plant in this habitat. How would you describe the plants in general? (look carefully, feel and smell them.) Rough?, Smooth? Thin? Tall? Short? Many? Few? Other characteristics? What is the soil like? Sandy? Muddy? Warm? Cool? Color? What animals live here? What do they eat? Where do they live? HABITAT #3 — THE DUNES AND SCRUB (A good place to explore this habitat is from the boardwalk that goes to the beach from the parking lot ¼ mile south of our main lot.) What are the primary plants in this habitat? (Grasses? Bushes? Trees? Other?) Name at least one plant in this habitat. How would you describe the plants in general? (look carefully, feel and smell them.) Rough?, Smooth? Thin? Tall? Short? Many? Few? Other characteristics? What is the soil like? Sandy? Muddy? Warm? Cool? Color? What animals live here? What do they eat? Where do they live? 22 Be an Anthropologist — Master Jr. Ranger Project #2 An anthropologist is a person who studies how people live. For this Master Junior Ranger Project, you can have fun exploring Fort Matanzas! See how many of these things you can find during your visit to the fort. A. FOODS 1. With all of the salt water around, what do you think the soldiers ate? 2. How did the soldiers cook their food? 3. Name at least four foods we have now that they did not have here in the 1740s. B. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1. Where did the soldiers get their drinking water? 2. In the 1700s people did not have electric lights. Name two (2) other things related to science and technology that we use nearly every day that the Spanish soldiers at Fort Matanzas did not have in 1743. 3. Would it be very healthy living at Fort Matanzas? Why or why not? C. CLOTHING AND FASHION 1. Name two things about the soldier’s clothing that is different from our clothing today. Look closely! 2. How comfortable would the clothing have been? What makes you think this? 23 D. CUSTOM AND CULTURE 1. Find something that shows that the Spanish soldiers were religious. What religion was it? 2. What holidays might they have celebrated? 3. What holidays didn’t they have? E. RECREATION AND LEISURE 1. Find 2 things that show what the soldiers might have done in their free time. 2. What else might they have done for fun? (Remember that most soldiers could not read or write in 1743. 3. Find something that a soldier might have made himself. F. THINK ABOUT IT 1. Look at and feel the mattresses. What are they stuffed with? 2. What sounds might a soldier have heard at Fort Matanzas? 3. What is a “Powder Magazine”? How did soldiers get powder out of it? 4. What might be one good thing about being at Fort Matanzas? 24 Connections to Our History Castillo de San Marcos National Monument Located 14 miles to the North, the Castillo de San Marcos is the oldest masonry fortification in the continental United States. It was constructed between 1672 and 1695 under the Spanish government with labor from the local Timucuan Indians. British forces obtained the fort in 1763 as a result of the French and Indian War, but the Spanish regained control in 1784 at the end of the American Revolution. Florida became a United States territory in 1821, and the Castillo, renamed Fort Marion, was used as a supply depot, a military base, and a Native American prison over the years. The fort was named a National Monument in 1924, and the National Park Service restored its original name, Castillo de San Marcos, in 1942. Today, the Castillo is an immensely popular tourist attraction, and it helps tell the unique story of St. Augustine, the oldest continuously inhabited European settlement in the continental United States. www.nps.gov/CASA 25 Fort Caroline National Monument Fort Caroline and its surrounding village were built in 1564 by René Goulaine de Laudonnière and 200 French Huguenots who were escaping religious wars in France. When the King of Spain found out about the French settlement in Spanish Florida, he sent Pedro Menéndez de Avilés to get rid of them. In September of 1565, after creating the city of St. Augustine, Menéndez led a group of Spanish soldiers to Fort Caroline and captured it. www.nps.gov/FOCA 26 Fort Frederica National Monument Fort Frederica was a military outpost established in 1736. It was built to defend the Georgia Colony from the Spanish forces in Florida. The territory of Georgia was often called the debatable land because both Spain and Britain claimed it. In 1742, the Spanish attacked British forces at Fort Frederica. The Battle of Bloody Marsh ended in a British victory. The Spanish were forced to retreat back to St. Augustine. This battle ended the debate: Georgia was a British colony. www.nps.gov/FOFR 27 Fort Mosé Historical State Park In 1738, the Spanish governor of Florida chartered Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mosé, or Fort Mosé, as the first legally free black settlement in North America. The fort was built on the edge of a marsh, two miles north of St. Augustine and the Castillo. In 1740, when British soldiers attacked St. Augustine, Fort Mosé was abandoned at first, but the brave militiamen of Mosé recaptured their home from the British and forced them to retreat back to Georgia. www.floridastateparks.org/fortmose 28 Suggested Reading List for Junior Rangers Barlowe, Sy. 101 Questions about the Seashore. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1997. Carlson, Laurie. Colonial Kids. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1997. Chandler, Linda, ed. Fort Matanzas National Monument Handbook. St.. Augustine: Historic Print and Map. Company., 2002. Gioia, Robyn. America’s REAL First Thanksgiving. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press, 2007 Katz, Cathie. The Nature of Florida’s Beaches. Great Outdoors Publishing Company, 1995. Manucy, Albert. Menéndez. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press, Inc., 1983. Weitzel, Kelly G. The Timucua Indians : A Native American Detective Story. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000. Witherington, Blair and Dawn. Florida’s Living Beaches. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press, 2007. The History of the Castillo de San Marcos. St. Augustine Historic Print and Map Company, 2005. Florida Fabulous Series (Waterbirds, Reptiles and Amphibians, Insects, etc) Hawaiian Gardens, CA: World Publications. Credits This Junior Ranger Booklet was created by the staff of Fort Matanzas & Castillo de San Marcos National Monuments. The cartoon soldiers and rangers were drawn by Jeffrey Edel. The “Color By Number” soldiers were drawn by volunteer Frank Suddeth. This book is dedicated to our volunteers who give their time as deckhands, visitor center hosts, interpreters, and living history reenactors 29 Junior Ranger Pledge I, (your name)_______________________________ promise to take care of our National Parks by: Learning as much as I can about parks and sharing what I learn with my friends and family. Exploring as many National Parks as I can and getting involved with their Junior Ranger Programs. Helping take care of our parks by not feeding the wildlife, not climbing on historical structures, by picking up litter, and leaving only footprints. Remember the Junior Ranger Motto— EXPLORE! LEARN! PROTECT! While you are at the Fort, please be safe and treat it with respect. Do not sit, stand, or climb on any of the cannons or on the walls of the fort. The coquina stone the fort is built out of is very fragile, and we would like Fort Matanzas to be here for years to come. Please help us preserve this National Monument for future generations of Junior Rangers. 30 REMINDERS FOR A SAFE AND FUN VISIT . . . · Fort Matanzas was built for war, not safety. Watch for uneven and slippery surfaces. · Do not climb, sit, or stand on the cannons, cannon carriages, or the shell stone walls of the Fort. · Parents--WATCH your children on the ladder to the fort's roof. · Beware of slippery rocks and sharp oyster shells when fishing or beach-combing along the river banks. · Avoid the dock, beach, and trails when threatening weather appears. · Lightning can strike without warning. Seek shelter before the storm arrives. Stay indoors until it has passed. · Wear bug spray as needed. Mosquitoes and gnats live here, too. · Wear sunscreen, and drink plenty of water. It’s hotter than you think! · Respect wildlife. Watch, but do not touch, feed, or tease the deer, birds, raccoons, spiders, snakes, or crabs. Help keep Fort Matanzas National Monument green. Take only pictures and leave only footprints.

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