"Twisted Rock under a summer sky." by NPS/Michael Thomas , public domain
DinosaurBoating 2017 |
Dinosaur National Monument
National Park Service
US Department of the Interior
Boating in the Monument
2017 Information and Regulations
Warm Springs Camp
Photo by Jacob W Frank
Whitewater rafting is a popular way to experience the remote canyons in
Dinosaur National Monument, but the Green and Yampa rivers should
never be mistaken for placid rivers. When John Wesley Powell floated the
river in 1869, the scenery enthralled his group, but the rapids caused them
great anguish as boats overturned, men were hurt, and supplies were lost.
Even today, many boats end up pinned on rocks, their boatmen bruised
and battered. For that reason, permit holders and trip leaders must have
previous experience on comparable rivers. Depending on the water level,
some rapids are rated as high as Class 4.
Boating permits are limited to protect the natural and cultural resources
and to leave the river canyons unimpaired for future boaters. The following
rules and regulations have been put in place to assure that all travelers on
the river will have a safe, peaceful, and memorable trip.
The permit holder must know the rules and regulations described
in this booklet, and assure that all persons participating in your
boating trip are aware of them. You are accountable not only for
yourself, but for all the members of your group. Violators may
receive a citation and/or become ineligible for future permits.
What’s New, Definition of a Noncommercial River Trip, Forms of Payment
Fees and Deposits
Requirements and Regulations
Play Permits
Required Equipment Checklist
Map of the Green and Yampa Rivers
Watercraft Types Quick Reference Guide, Watercraft Capacities
Camping Regulations
Emergency Information and Incident Reports
Safety Recommendations
Launch Ramp and Take-Out Procedures, Shuttle Companies
Environmental Protection and Sanitation Requirements
River Mileages and Camping Areas, Contact the River Office
2 Boating Booklet
What’s New!
Current and Upcoming Changes for 2017
Effective Immediately:
1. ALL group members are REQUIRED to watch the “River and Safety
Information” video at the following link:
2. River permit management and issuance for permit holders is located on
recreation.gov. Please contact the River Office (970)374-2468 with questions.
3. Lottery applications will only be accepted via recreation.gov.
Definition of a Noncommercial River Trip
Noncommercial boating permits will be allocated to individuals or organizations
whose proposed trip meets the following criteria:
1. There is a bona fide sharing of cost where no part of the fees are:
a. collected in excess of actual costs of the trip,
b. for salary or financial gain in any manner for any of the group, its leaders,
or sponsors,
c. for capital increase of the major equipment or facilities used on the trip.
2. Boatmen and other crew may not be paid in ANY manner. Any or all goods,
activities, services, agreements, or anything offered to park visitors and/or
the general public for recreational purposes, which use park resources, and is
undertaken for or results in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit to an
individual, organization, or corporation, is considered a commercial enterprise.
3. There is no media or direct mail advertising or soliciting for trip participants.
Forms of Payment
All fees must be paid at the time of reservation through recreation.gov.
Entering Island Park
Photo by Amanda Wilson
Dinosaur National Monument 3
Fees and Deposits
All fees and deposits, except overlength fees, are nonrefundable.
Application Fee
A $15 application fee must be submitted with the lottery application. The $15
application fee must be paid immediately upon booking a trip by nonlottery
participants for either one-day or multiday trips. See page 3 for how to pay.
Multiday Trips
The permit fee for a multiday trip is $185. See page 3 for how to pay.
One-Day Trips
Split Mountain trips are available for booking through recreation.gov. The permit
fee for a one-day trip is $20, which is due at the time of booking. See page 3 for how
to pay.
Overlength Trip Fee
The overlength trip fee is $35, which is due at the time of booking. Overlength trip
requests cannot be approved or itineraries assigned until campsites are assigned for
all other permits, and it is determined that there are adequate campsite openings
for an overlength trip. See page 3 for how to pay. See page 6 for more information on
trip lengths.
Entrance Fees
Park entrance fees are NOT included
in your permit. The entrance fee is $20
per vehicle, unless you have a valid
federal park passes.
Campground Fees
Boating permit fees do NOT include
camping fees when you are at the
Gates of Lodore, Deerlodge Park,
Green River, or Split Mountain
campgrounds prior to putting on the
river or after taking off. Camping at
Gates of Lodore, Deerlodge Park, or
Rainbow Park (for Split Mt. permits
only) prior to launch is first-come,
first-served. Split Mountain group
campsites and some sites at Green
River Campground are available for
reservation through Recreation.gov.
Please see information about camping
fees at all put-in campgrounds.
4 Boating Booklet
Great Blue Heron on the Green River
NPS Photo
Requirements and Regulations
Boating within Dinosaur National Monument is by Permit Only
All individuals boating within Dinosaur National Monument must possess a permit
issued by the River Office or recreation.gov. Permits are nontransferable and are for
one launch only.
Individuals Can Have Only One Application in the High-use Lottery System
Having more than one application in the lottery system will result in any trip
acquired through that lottery being forfeited.
Individuals Can Have Only One MultiDay Permit at a Time
A person may only hold one multiday permit in their name at any time. This
includes all high-use and low-use multiday trips.
Launch and Take Out Dates and Locations
Permit holders must launch their trips on the date and at the location listed on their
permit. Likewise, they may only take out on the date and at the location listed on
their permit.
One High-Use Trip per Year
All noncommercial participants are limited to a maximum of one high-use trip
per year through any portion of the multiday section of the Green or Yampa
rivers within Dinosaur National Monument. Participation by the trip leader/
permit holder or any other member of a group on any prior noncommercial river
trip within the same year will result in that person’s (and the permit holder, if
other group member is in violation) disqualification from holding a permit in the
monument for the rest of that year and the subsequent year. Individuals may be the
permit holder and/or passenger on as many one-day and low-use multiday trips as
they wish. See page 22 for high-use season dates on the Green and Yampa Rivers.
Wearing Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Every person on board any vessel shall wear a Coast Guard
approved Type I, III, or V PFD at all times, except that PFDs may be
loosened or removed by persons 13 years of age or older between
Cove Campsite and Rainbow Park boat ramp. See page 9–10 for
more information on PFD requirements.
Age requirement for Permit Holders and Lottery Applicants
Lottery applicants, permit holders, and trip leaders must be 18 years or older by any
requested launch date.
Dinosaur National Monument 5
Permit Violations and Penalties
Permit holders who violate the terms and conditions of their permit (which are
outlined in this booklet) may receive a criminal penalty and/or have their privileges
to hold a permit in the monument revoked. Violations of the permit fall under 36
CFR and the Superintendent’s Compendium. Maximum fines can be up to $5,000
and/or up to six months in prison.
Trip Leader/Qualifying Boatman Experience
The trip leader and boatmen must have a working knowledge of
whitewater safety, general first aid, river equipment repair, and
techniques of whitewater navigation. The trip leader must be at
least 18 years of age. Experience on the Green and Yampa rivers in
Dinosaur National Monument or on other comparable class III or
higher whitewater rivers (such as the Rogue, Selway, North Platte, Grand Canyon,
Westwater, and others) is mandatory. The trip leader or another member of the
party should be familiar with the rivers within Dinosaur National Monument.
Trip Size and Travel Together
Noncommercial river trips shall include no more than 25 persons (total includes the
permit holder/trip leader) at any point on the trip. People boating under one permit
must launch, travel, camp, and take out together. Groups must remain within sight
and sound of each other throughout the trip. Failure to do so may result in penalty.
Trip Lengths
During high-use, the normal trip length on the Green River is four days or five days
for the Yampa River. If the permit holder requests and is granted an overlength trip,
the number of days can be extended to five days on the Green River,or six days on
the Yampa River. During low-use season the maximum trip length for the Green
River is six days, or seven days for the Yampa River. An extra charge is required for
extra days (see page 4). Trips may never exceed the trip lengths listed on the permit.
The length of the permit cannot be changed after the permit has been issued.
Permits are Not Transferable
Noncommercial permits are not transferable. The permit holder must accompany
the entire river trip. If the original permit holder is disqualified from the trip
or cannot go on the trip for any other reason, the noncommercial trip will be
cancelled. This rule may be waived by the NPS in cases where documentation is
provided for death or serious medical cases only. The NPS will make its decision on
a case-by-case basis.
Passenger Lists
An accurate passenger list must be on file in the River Office at least one business
day prior to launch. Requests to increase or decrease the number of people
traveling on your permit must be approved by the River Office a minimum of one
business day prior to launch, and are approved on a case-by-case basis. Additions or
substitutions to the passenger list will not be allowed at the launch site.
6 Boating Booklet
Trip Checkout Form and Required Identification/Documentation
All permit holders must present a valid photo identification (e.g., driver’s license,
state issued identification, or passport) during the check-in inspection. The permit
holder must also present their permit, which they are required to have with them
for the duration of the trip. In addition to the permit, the permit holder is required
to have a copy of the 2017 Boater’s Information Booklet and their passenger list.
Without these items, the trip will be subject to citation and/or administrative
penalty. If a ranger is not available at your permit launch point, the permit holder
must complete a trip check-in form found at the kiosk at the boat ramp before
departing. Permit holders must turn their permit in at the boat ramp at takeout.
Cancelling Trips
The permit holder must notify the River Office of the inability to use their scheduled
launch date. All fees are nonrefundable. A no-show will result in an administrative
penalty, as will cancellation within two weeks of the launch date.
Permit Holder and Member Responsibility
The permit holder must complete all portions of the permit application procedure
and is directly responsible for the actions of their group. Failure by the permit
holder or any member of the group to adhere to any of these regulations may result
in revocation of the permit, citation of the permit holder and/or members, and
possible administrative decision that may affect future use on the Green and Yampa
rivers within Dinosaur National Monument. Permits must be reserved and issued
more than 48 hours prior to launch. This rule may be waived if the permit holder
calls the River Office.
Generator Use
Because the river corridors are Recommended Wilderness, generators may only be
used on boat ramps at the launch and take-out points.
Echo Park Boat Ramp
Due to high-use at the boat ramp, please tie boats as closely together as possible.
The boat ramp may be used for accessing day hikes (e.g., Whispering Cave),
drinking water, and lunch spots.
River Ranger Patrols
A river ranger may, on occasion, travel with or inspect noncommercial parties to
ensure compliance with permit conditions and to provide additional safety through
major rapids. Rangers may request information such as a copy of your permit,
passenger list, and regulations. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to have these
items present. Rangers carry radios and satellite phones and are able to call in
additional resources if there is an emergency.
Pets are not permitted on river trips.
Dinosaur National Monument 7
ADA Accessibility
Please contact the River Office for more information regarding accessibility options
for those with disabilities.
Resource Protection
Natural or historical features, such as rocks, old mining artifacts, fossils, flowers,
antlers, or Native American artifacts, may not be removed or disturbed. Removing,
disturbing, or defacing natural, historic, cultural, or archeological features is
prohibited. Shooting, trapping, molesting, or feeding wildlife is prohibited. Please
report wildlife observations on the back of the river permit. Picking or gathering of
plants, unless for immediate consumption, is prohibited.
Fishing is permitted, subject to all state regulations and licenses of
the state in which the person is fishing. Anyone fishing must have a
valid Colorado and/or Utah fishing license, depending upon the
state in which they fish. People fishing should also be familiar with
the rules and guidelines regarding the handling of endangered and/
or exotic fish of concern. An illustrated guide to the endangered and exotic fish of
concern in the monument can be downloaded from the monument website.
Abandonment of property
Property left more than 24 hours or that interferes with visitor safety may be
impounded by the superintendent at any time. The owner of record or the permit
holder may be liable for any charges associated with removal of property. Recovery
of property must be coordinated through the River Office.
Day Hikes and Lunch Spots
The use of boat ramps for lunch is prohibited. Please be aware of
others’ needs if you stop for lunch at campsite landings as the site
may be assigned to the group behind you for the evening. If you stop
for lunch at high-use trail heads or scouting locations, please ensure
that others can still use these locations. There are day-hike boat
parking locations at Rippling Brook (250 ft downstream of Rippling Brook campsite
1) and Jones Hole (between Jones Hole 3 and Jones Hole 4). At Echo Park, please try
not to block the access to the river. See page 12–13 for more hiking locations.
Firearms and Other Weapons
Possession of firearms must comply with state law; however, use of firearms is
prohibited. The possession or use of other weapons, explosives, or fireworks is
Alcohol and Other Controlled Substances
Boating under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance is prohibited. All
underage drinking is prohibited. Marijuana use while on the Green and Yampa
rivers is governed by federal, not state, regulations.
8 Boating Booklet
Play Permits
A permit is required to boat into the monument from upstream of Gates of Lodore
or Deerlodge Park. Play permits for launches above these locations are free and
issued by the River Office, any on-site park ranger and volunteer camp host, or the
Quarry Visitor Center; no advanced reservations are necessary. This play permit
allows groups to launch upstream of Dinosaur National Monument to begin their
multiday trip through the monument. One play permit each day will be issued for
groups who wish to take out at Lodore or Deerlodge.
Boaters who possess a multi-day river permit entering the Monument at Deerlodge
or Lodore under a play permit, must perform a check-in with a ranger before
continuing down river.
A separate play permit is required for boating below the Split Mountain Boat Ramp.
These play permits are free and are issued by the Quarry Visitor Center, any on-site
park ranger and volunteer camp host, or the River Office. No advanced reservations
are necessary.
Required Equipment Checklist
It is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure that all required equipment is fully
functional. Failure to possess all required equipment upon check-in inspection will
result in the inability to launch.
Adult Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs)
Type I, Type III, or Type V Coast Guard approved PFDs must be properly worn
by each participant while on any craft in the river (except from Cove Campsite
to Rainbow Park boat ramp on the Green River). Type III and Type V life jackets
must be approved for whitewater activities (rafting, paddling, etc.), must have a
static shell with a minimum inherent buoyancy of 15.5 lbs (for adults), must be
appropriate for the size and weight of the user, and must be in good condition. PFDs
showing excessive signs of wear will not be approved for use. Horse-collar type
PFDs or ski and fishing vests are not acceptable.
Floating towards Split Mountain
Photo by Jacob W Frank
Dinosaur National Monument 9
Child PFDs
Children must properly wear an appropriately sized, Coast Guard approved, Type
III or V PFD rated for their weight with a static shell and a minimum inherent
buoyancy of 11 lbs at all times. Horse-collar type PFDs and ski and fishing vests are
not acceptable. You must bring a spare child-size PFD for all trips with children. All
children under 13 must wear a PFD at all times while on a watercraft.
Spare PFDs
Spare PFDs must be Type I, Type III, or Type V of an appropriate size and weight for
the potential users, which includes spare PFDs for children. Each oar boat, dory, or
paddleboat must carry a spare PFD. In addition, if there are small craft, one spare
PFD is required for every five small craft (e.g., six small craft requires two spare
PFDs). Spare PFDs for small craft may be carried on support boats.
Spare Oars/Paddles
One spare oar for each raft or dory, one spare paddle for each paddle raft, and one
spare paddle for every three small craft must be carried (paddles designed to be
strapped to or worn on the hands meet this requirement). If there are fewer than
three kayaks or canoes as part of the trip, one extra paddle is required. Spare oars/
paddles for small craft may be carried on a support boat.
Toilet Containers
Each group must carry and use at least one container toilet system that is washable,
reusable, crush resistant (e.g., steel “rocket box”), and will not leak when inverted,
to carry out human waste on multi-day trips. It must be accessible for use during the
day. Bag systems (such as wag bags or PET systems) are only permitted for small
craft, self-supported river groups. Toilet systems are strongly recommended, but
not required, on one-day trips (see also page 20).
Spray Skirts and Flotation
Water-tight spray skirts and flotation for each hard shelled kayak and/or decked
canoe are required.
A mesh strainer for dishwater and ashes is required for multi-day trips, but not for
one-day trips.
Kitchen Ground Tarp
Kitchen ground tarps must be placed under food preparation and serving tables to
leave the beach free of food scraps. The food scraps caught by kitchen ground tarp
should be disposed of in an appropriate trash container.
Fire Pan
A fire pan is required if you intend to build a fire. Fire pans must be elevated off the
ground with legs, rocks, or other items. If there is a Type I fire ban in the monument,
open fires are prohibited.
10 Boating Booklet
Fire Blanket
A fireproof blanket or welder’s cloth must be carried and placed under a fire pan. It
must be of sufficient size to catch coals and ashes around the fire pan. Dispose of ash
properly. Trips are only required to have a fire pan and fire blanket if building a fire.
Bailing Device
Each boat with a nonself-bailing floor must carry a bailing device, except kayaks.
Flotation for Open Dories and Whitewater Canoes
Open dories and whitewater canoes must have securely attached flotation, which
should be equal to two-thirds of volume.
Helmets are required for all small craft and must be worn in all named rapids,
including: Tepee, Little Joe, Five Springs, Big Joe, Warm Springs, Winnies, Disaster
Falls, Harp Falls, Triplet, Hells Half Mile, Greasy Pliers, Moonshine, SOB,
Schoolboy, and Inglesby. Bike helmets are not appropriate. You must carry one
spare helmet for every five small craft.
Throw Bag
One throw bag is required for all rafts and dories, including those under 16 feet.
Rescue Kit
One rescue kit (a.k.a sweep kit or Z-drag kit) containing adequate gear to rescue
a trapped boat is required per group. Participants should have knowledge of river
rescue techniques. A rescue kit must add mechanical advantage.
First Aid kits
One major first aid kit for the entire group must be included, in addition to one basic
first aid kit for each large craft on the trip. A major first aid kit must contain supplies
(including gloves, facial barrier, splinting material, trauma dressings, etc.) for
treating medical emergencies and traumatic injuries. A minor first aid kit only needs
to include supplies for treating minor wounds and injuries.
Boat Repair Kits
Repair kits suitable for each type of boat on the trip are required. A suitable repair
kit includes supplies capable of repairing tears in fabric and replacing or repairing
valves and frame components.
Air Pump
An air pump is required in each group with inflatable large and/or small craft.
A current copy of the 2017 Information and Regulations booklet, an accurate
passenger list that matches the one on file in the river office, and a signed permit for
launch are required to be readily available at all times.
Dinosaur National Monument 11
River Map
Distances in Dinosaur National Monument
Gates of Lodore
Paved Road
Graded Dirt Road
(may be impassible when wet)
River Campsites
Pot Creek
Jones Hole
Fish Hatchery
Island Park
Boat Ramp
Hiking Trailhead
Rippling Brook
Wild Mountain
Jones Hole
Compromise Seacliff
Ranger Station
Fish Hatchery
(access from river on the Jones Creek Trail
at Jones Hole river campsites)
Echo Park
Rainbow Park
Visitor Center
The Cove
Big Joe
Laddie Park
en River
Split Mountain
14 9
Tepee Hole
H arp e r s C o
Green River
Wade & Curtis
The Yampa River is 71 miles from Deerlodge Park to Split Mountain.
The Green River is 44 miles from the Gates of Lodore to Split Mountain.
It is 88 miles by road from the Split Mountain boat ramp to Deerlodge Park.
It is 141 miles by road from the Split Mountain boat ramp to Gates of
Please see page 24 for River Mileages and Camping Areas.
Harding Hole
Deerlodge Park
River guidebooks and maps are available for purchase from:
Intermountain Natural History Association
P.O. Box 155
Jensen, UT 84035
Phone: (800) 845-3466
Fax: (435) 781-1304
Monument Headquarters
& River Office
Anderson Hole
12 Boating Booklet
Dinosaur National Monument 13
Watercraft Types Quick Reference Guide
Rangers have final discretion when approving crafts for launch.
Oar Raft/Paddle Boat/
Dory and Canoe
Secure, adequate
If over 19 feet, then frame flotation, or sealed
and oars required (paddle chambers required
boats over 19 feet are not (approx. 2/3 of volume—
air mattresses are
At least three
separate chambers.
Boatmen must have highvolume river experience.
Rafts are considered
“large” or “support”
Canoes are considered
craft. See page 9–11 for
“small craft.” See page
required equipment.
9–11 for required
At least three separate
chambers or hard shell.
Must be approved
for whitewater and
constructed from durable
Skirt required if hard
Kayaks are considered
“small craft.” See pages
9–11 for required
Approved with support craft:
Craft with fewer than three chambers such as a packraft, “shredder,” paddlecat,
“stinger,” stand-up paddleboard, and riverboard.
These are considered “small craft.” See pages 9–11 for required equipment.
Motor boats, conventional rowboats, foldboats, swimming pool rafts and toys,
inner tubes, air mattresses, and other flimsy craft.
Watercraft Capacities
Exceeding passenger carrying capacities on boats is prohibited. Capacities for boats
shall be determined from the manufacturer specifications. As a general guideline,
capacity may be determined by the dimensions of the boat (approximately 22 square
feet per person for boats with frames and oars or approximately 18 square feet per
person for paddled craft).
14 Boating Booklet
Camping Regulations
During high-use season, camp only in assigned campsites. During
low-use season, when completing their paperwork, boaters may
choose at which designated campsites they wish to stay. Sites are
available first-come, first-served, and the River Office will inform if
there are conflicts.
Campsites must be packed up, and boats loaded and moved out of
landings by noon to allow the next group to occupy the site. Adhere to
Leave-No-Trace principles, and leave your campsite as you found it or better.
If not assigned a campsite at Jones Hole, use the day-use access between Jones
Hole campsites 3 and 4 for hiking. If not assigned a campsite at Rippling Brook,
use the day-use access between the two campsites for hiking.
During a river trip, camping is not permitted at Echo Park, Rainbow Park, or in
the Split Mountain Gorge.
Do not expand trails, enlarge camping areas, or trench tent sites.
The use of kitchen ground tarps to minimize and concentrate impacts
and collect food crumbs is required and a kitchen ground tarp is required
equipment (see page 10).
Fire ash must be strained, and large/floatable contents removed, before the
remainder may be deposited in the main river current. All floatable fire residue
must be carried out. (See page 10 for required equipment information.)
Human waste must be carried in an approved container (see page 20).
Pack out all trash along the river and at Deerlodge Park, Gates of Lodore, and
Echo Park. Trash bins at Rainbow Park are NOT for use by multiday river
Only one permitted group per campsite. A maximum of 25 river trip
participants per site is allowed on private trips.
10. When you are in an area with multiple campsites, remember to respect your
neighbors. Quiet hours are between 10:00 pm and 6:00 am. Each group must
remember to stay within their assigned, designated site; do not spill over to the
next site (look for posts to distinguish boundaries between areas with multiple
campsites, e.g., Jones Hole, Harding Hole).
11. The superintendent may close campsites for resource management or safety
concerns (such as bighorn sheep lambing season, bear activity, or wildland
12. Do not collect firewood in campsites (see firewood restrictions on page 21).
Dinosaur National Monument 15
Emergency Information and Incident Reports
Communication and Signaling
A satellite telephone or emergency beacon is recommended
(although not required) equipment. In the event of an emergency,
please dial one of the following numbers to connect with the
appropriate 911 dispatch center:
Above Echo Park call the Craig, CO, dispatch at (970) 824-6501.
Below Echo Park call the Vernal, UT, dispatch at (435) 789-4222.
Main monument phone number: (435) 781-7700, seven days/week
during business hours.
If you are not carrying a satellite phone or emergency beacon, be aware that
river rangers and many outfitters carry emergency communication equipment.
Additionally, an emergency radio is located on the south exterior wall of the ranger
station at Echo Park.
Requirement to Report Incidents
Any incidents resulting in injury, death, or disappearance of any participant, or
property damage greater than $2,000 must be reported to Dinosaur National
Monument within 24 hours or as soon as practical.
Boaters at Mitten Park
Photo by Peter Williams
16 Boating Booklet
Safety Recommendations
Trip leaders should review river safety procedures with the entire group before
and during the trip.
• All group members are required to watch the “River and Safety” video.
Always properly wear an approved life jacket, protective footwear, and
appropriate clothing.
Stand up only in shallow, calm water (i.e., below your knees). Beware of foot
Keep your hands and legs in the boat to avoid crushing limbs between boats
and obstacles.
Tie gear inside the boat to avoid injuries in the event the boat flips. “Rig to flip!”
Allow the group ahead of you to pass through a rapid before you enter it.
Bring more medication than you expect to use. Bring medications for all known
allergies. Consider storing medications in two different locations, so if you lose
some due to an accident, you will still have some.
Bring enough drinking water for the entire trip. Do not drink water from
natural sources without treating appropriately.
Be prepared for temperature extremes. Protect skin from sun and be prepared
for cold night temperatures. Snow is not uncommon in spring, early summer,
and fall.
10. During lightning storms, stay away from metal objects, solitary trees, and high
elevations. Lightning can also strike the water and inner canyons. Watch for
flash floods when camping near the mouth of side canyons. Immediately move
to high ground if you suspect a flash flood.
11. Due to swift currents, sharp drop-offs, sandbars, and other unseen hazards,
swimming is not recommended. If you are swimming, you should wear a PFD.
12. Inquire with the River Office about the availability of drinking water at Gates of
Lodore, Deerlodge Park, Echo Park, and Split Mountain before your trip.
13. Emergency beacons (such as “SPOT” and “inReach”) work intermittently in the
canyon corridors. It can take time for your message to be relayed to authorities.
14. Be aware of the placement of your tents and kitchens. Box elders and
cottonwoods have a propensity to lose limbs, sometimes unexpectedly. Also, be
aware of the potential for rockfall from cliffs near your camp.
15. Dinosaur is bear country—be very bear aware while camping along the river.
Store your food appropriately so that we do not create habituated bears.
Dinosaur National Monument 17
Launch Ramp and Take-Out Procedures
Please look for the ranger at the launch ramp or office. If a
ranger is not available, fill out a self check-in form found at the
information kiosk and deposit it in the box near the boat ramp.
Please be considerate of other groups by minimizing time and space on the boat
ramps. After unloading or loading is complete, vehicles must be moved to the
parking lot. High-use at boat ramp is generally noon–4:00 pm. A ranger may be
present to assist at the takeout during times of heavy traffic, and instructions
must be followed.
Due to the congestion at the launch ramps, rigging between the hours of 8:00
and 10:30 am will only be for those trips leaving that day. Please be courteous
of other groups if playing music on the ramp.
Vehicles at Deerlodge Park must be parked along the paved road above the
campground. Vehicles parked in other areas will be towed.
Bathing, washing dishes, and sleeping in the launch ramp rest rooms is
prohibited. The water spigots near