by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved

Death Valley

Guide Summer 2022

brochure Death Valley - Guide Summer 2022

Summer edition of the Visitor Guide for Death Valley National Park (NP) in Nevada and California. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Summer Visitor Guide E. LETTERMAN Death Valley National Park Wind ripples in the sand Welcome to Your Death Valley Adventure In a park as large as Death Valley, planning a trip can be overwhelming; now there's an app for that (for free)! Trip planning information is built into this printed visitor guide, but for those who prefer location-based digital experiences and self-guided audio tours, this app offers even more opportunities! The app covers all National Park Service sites, with specific Death Valley information written by expert rangers at the park. Features on the app include: • What to see • Things to do • Lodging and camping options • Hiking trails • Sunrise/sunset locations • Audio guided tours • Night sky viewing With limited internet and phone service available around the park, we recommend saving the Death Valley information for "Offline Use" so that location-based app features will work while you are visiting. Hottest, Lowest, Driest Death Valley National Park is the hottest place on Earth, with a recorded high temperature of 134°F (57°C) on July 10, 1913, and Badwater Basin is the lowest elevation in North America (282 feet/86 m below sea level)! These conditions combine to make Death Valley a land of extremes, where the powerful heat is a force of nature, and the air dries everything it contacts. June-August of 2021 tied with 2018 for the warmest summer on record at Furnace Creek with a 24-hour average temperature of 104.2°F (40.1°C). June 2021 was the park's warmest June ever recorded with an average temperature of 102.8 °F (39.3 °C). More Inside... Entrance Fees and Passes������������������2 Safety & Rules�����������������������������������3 Things to See������������������������������������4 Park Map������������������������������������������5 Average Temperatures�����������������������6 Death Valley is not only hot, it is also dry. On average, the park only receives 2.2 inches (56 mm) of rain a year. However, 1.45 inches (37 mm) fell at Furnace Creek in July 2021, making it the wettest July on record and resulting in washouts and flooding across many roads in the park. With extreme weather to be expected in Death Valley during the summer, it is critical to plan ahead in order to have a safe and enjoyable trip. Detailed safety information can be found on page 3. Whether auto touring with the air conditioning on, or walking at higher elevations of the park, visiting in the summer is all about staying cool! Junior Ranger Program Free Junior Ranger books are available at the Furnace Creek Visitor Center or can be downloaded from our website. Learn about the park and complete activities to earn a badge! Sunrise & Sunset Locations����������������7 Experiencing Night Skies�������������������7 Partnerships��������������������������������������8 Visitor Services ���������������������������������8 Camping�������������������������������������������8 NPS PHOTO Explore the Park With the NPS App! Death Valley National Park National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Parks are Living Museums Quick Facts • Size: 3,422,024 acres • Establishment: February 11, 1933 Death Valley National Monument was established, protecting nearly 2 million acres� • Redesignation: October 31, 1994 Another 1�3 million acres were added and the area was redesignated as Death Valley National Park� Park Mailing Address Death Valley National Park PO Box 579 Death Valley, CA 92328 Email deva_information@nps�gov Phone 760-786-3200 Website Social Media EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA™ Entrance Fee Required Pay your entrance fee at a visitor center or at one of the automated fee machines in the park� Annual and lifetime passes cover this fee� U�S� Veterans and Gold Star families are eligible for free entry� Show your pass and identification at a visitor center to receive an entrance tag, park map and trip planning guide� Display your entrance tag on your vehicle dash while visiting� 7-day Passes Private Vehicle�������������������������������������$30 Motorcycle������������������������������������������$25 Individual entering on bicycle or foot���$15 Annual and Lifetime Passes Interagency Annual Pass���������������������$80 Death Valley Annual Pass��������������������$55 Interagency Lifetime Senior Pass����������$80 (U.S. citizens aged 62+) Interagency Annual Senior Pass�����������$20 (U.S. citizens aged 62+) Interagency Annual Military Pass������� Free (active duty U.S. Military and dependents, Veterans and Gold Star families) Interagency Access Pass�������������������� Free (permanently disabled U.S. citizens) E. LETTERMAN The National Park Service was established on August 25, 1916, "��� to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life [���] and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations�” Important Protection Measures Help protect yourself and the park by following these regulations: Obey speed limits and do not stop in the road—park safely beside the road on the shoulder. Drive only on roads; tire tracks scar the desert and destroy the pristine beauty of the park. Camp only in established campgrounds or in a permitted backcountry area. Check at a ranger station or visitor center for backcountry camping information. Campfires are only allowed in NPS provided metal fire pits. Gathering firewood is prohibited. Check for fire restrictions and closures. Put garbage where it belongs. Litter spoils the experience for others. Even fruit peels and toilet paper can take years to decompose here. Please recycle. Propane cylinder recycle bins are located in most campgrounds where you can leave both empty and full canisters. Stay out of closed areas. Mines, service roads, and other areas are closed for your safety. Pets are only allowed on roads and in developed areas. Pets are prohibited in wilderness, on trails and in buildings. Dirt roads provide great places for exploring with pets. Keep pets on a leash no longer than 6 feet. It is illegal to discharge a firearm anywhere in Death Valley or to bring one into a federal building. Hunting and trapping are illegal in the park. Feeding animals is illegal and dangerous. Once fed by people, animals tend to beg near roads, which endangers the animals and visitors. Rocks, plants, animals, and historic objects are protected just like in a museum. Picking flowers, stacking rocks, taking (or even moving) natural or historic items is not allowed. Despite being legalized by California and Nevada, possession or use of marijuana is illegal on federal lands like national parks. The use of drones/UAVs is prohibited in national parks. Drones disrupt wildlife and other visitors and can pose a hazard during search and rescue operations. Stop Damage in its Tracks! Death Valley is seeing an increase in damage from illegal off-road driving; you can help solve this problem by staying on designated roads and reporting incidents to rangers. These Scars Can Last a Lifetime Wildflowers & Wildlife It is Illegal Visitors come from around the world to enjoy the vast landscapes and scenic beauty. This photographer's paradise is diminished by every track that cuts through the pristine and unblemished desert; don't let poor decisions ruin others' enjoyment! Tires also spread seeds from weeds which crowd out native plants and cause health problems for wildlife. There are areas on nearby BLM and Forest Service land where "off roading" is permitted in accordance with those agencies' policies. National parks are set aside for conservation and recreation that does not damage the resources they protect. Driving off roads scars the fragile desert landscape, leaving damage that can last for decades. These tracks don't just disappear with the next rainfall! Tires crush and destroy native plants. Ruts compact soils and break up important soil crusts, which prevents plants like wildflowers from growing in future years. Further, driving off roads threatens the endangered desert tortoise and can crush them while they hibernate. In addition to harming the park, driving off roads is also illegal. A person driving off-road can be fined at least $750 and/or get 6 months of jail time (36 CFR § 4.10). Other passes honored Golden Age, Golden Access, Volunteer, and 4th Grade (Every Kid Outdoors). NPS PHOTO The fees you pay make a difference! The park uses these funds for projects that improve visitor services and protect natural and cultural resources such as: • Maintaining campgrounds & facilities • Providing education programs that reach thousands of students • Providing emergency medical services • Improving accessibility Extensive damage from illegal offroad driving on salt flats. 2 Visitor Guide Safety & Park Rules Safety Sicherheit Sécurité Sicurezza y Water: drink at least one gallon (4 liters) of water per day. Carry plenty of extra drinking water in your car. y Wasser: Trinken Sie mindestens vier Liter Wasser pro Tag. Führen Sie immer noch zusätzliches Trinkwasser im Auto mit sich. y Boire de l’eau: buvez du moins un gallon (4 litres) d’eau par jour. Apportez beaucoup d’eau potable supplémentaire dans votre voiture. y Hitze & Flüssigkeitsverlust: Wenn Sie sich schwindelig fühlen, Ihnen übel ist oder Sie Kopfschmerzen bekommen, gehen Sie sofort aus der Sonne und trinken Sie reichlich Wasser. Feuchten Sie Ihre Kleidung an, um Ihre Körpertemperatur zu senken. Hitze und Flüssigkeitsverlust können tödlich sein. y La chaleur et la déshydratation: si vous ressentez des étourdissements, des nausées, ou des maux de tête, mettez-vous à l’abri du soleil et buvez beaucoup d’eau. Humectez des vêtements afin de baisser votre température corporelle. La chaleur et la déshydratation peuvent vous tuer. y Acqua: bevete almeno un gallone (4 litri) d’acqua ogni giorno. Portate più acqua nella vostra macchina in modo da averne abbastanza se finite l’acqua che portate con voi. y Fahren im Sommer: Bleiben Sie auf befestigten Straßen. Wenn Ihr Auto liegenbleibt, bleiben Sie vor Ort und warten Sie, bis Hilfe kommt. Seien Sie vorbereitet: nehmen Sie immer reichlich Wasser in Ihrem Auto mit. y La conduite en été: restez sur les routes pavées. Si votre voiture tombe en panne, restez là jusqu’à ce que les secours arrivent. Soyez prêt; apportez beaucoup d’eau supplémentaire. y Heat and dehydration: if you feel dizzy, nauseous, stop sweating, or have a headache, get out of the sun immediately and drink plenty of water. Dampen your clothing to lower body temperature. Heat and dehydration can kill. y Bleiben Sie wachsam und fahren Sie langsam: Die hauptsächliche Todesursache im Death Valley ist ein einfacher Autounfall. Ein Moment der Unachtsamkeit kann Sie, Ihr Auto und Ihre Lieben dazu verdammen, in der steinigen Wüste zu enden. y Summer driving: stay on paved roads in the summer. If your car breaks down, stay with it until help comes. Be prepared; carry plenty of extra water. y Stay alert and slow down: the most common cause of death in the park is single car accidents. A moment of inattention can send you, your car, and your loved ones flipping into the rocky desert. y Do not rely on technology! Your cell phone will not work in most of the park. GPS devices often recommend “shortcuts” which don't exist and lead off paved roads over the desert and into canyons. y Verlassen Sie sich nicht auf die Technik! Ihr Handy wird im größten Teil des Parks nicht funktionieren. GPS Geräte weisen Besucher des Death Valleys häufig an, die viel befahrenen Straßen zu verlassen und “Abkürzungen” durch die Wüste und die Canyons zu nehmen. y Dangerous animals: never place your hands or feet where you cannot see. Rattlesnakes, scorpions, or black widow spiders may be sheltered there. y Do not enter mine tunnels or shafts. Mines may be unstable, have hidden shafts, pockets of bad air, or poisonous gas. y Sturzfluten: Meiden Sie die Canyons während eines Sturms mit Regen und bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, jederzeit einen höher gelegenen Ort aufsuchen zu können. Achten Sie während der Fahrt auf Wasser, das in Pfützen und Schlaglöcher läuft. y Gefährliche Tiere: Setzen Sie nie eine Hand oder einen Fuß an eine Stelle, die Sie vorher nicht sehen konnten. Klapperschlangen, Skorpione, oder Schwarze Witwen (Spinnen) könnten dort Unterschlupf gefunden haben. y Betreten Sie keine Minentunnel oder Schächte. Minen können instabil sein, versteckte Schächte haben und Einschlüssen von schlechter Luft oder giftigem Gas enthalten. Regeln Rules y Entrance fees apply to all visitors. y Pets and bicycles are not allowed on trails or in wilderness which covers over 93% of the park. y Do not feed birds or animals. This is for your safety and the health of wildlife. Plus, it is against the law! y Ne pas dépendre de la technologie! Votre téléphone cellulaire ne marchera pas dans quasiment tout le parc. Les dispositifs GPS indiquent aux visiteurs de quitter les grands chemins et de prendre des «raccourcis» à travers le désert et dans les canyons. y Wandern: Wandern Sie im Sommer NICHT in den tieferen Lagen. Die Berge, welche das Death Valley umgeben, sind kühler und dort gibt es viele Wege. y Hiking: DO NOT hike in the low elevations when temperatures are hot. The mountains are cooler in the summer. y Flash floods: avoid canyons during rain storms and be prepared to move to higher ground. While driving, be alert for water running in washes and across road dips. y Rester vigilant et freiner la voiture: la principale cause de décès à Death Valley est un accident impliquantun seul véhicule. Un moment d’inattention peut faire se retourner votre voiture, lançant vous-même et vos proches dans le désert rocailleux. y Eintrittsgebühren müssen von allen Besuchern gezahlt werden. y Hunde und Fahrräder sind nicht erlaubt auf Pfaden oder in der wildnis, die 93% des Parks umfasst. y Füttern Sie keine Vögel oder wilden Tiere. Dies dient Ihrer Sicherheit und der Gesundheit unserer Tierwelt. y Driving off roads is prohibited. Stay on established roads. y Fahren abseits der Straßen ist verboten. Bleiben Sie auf den ausgewiesenen Straßen. y Do not take anything! Leave rocks, plants, and historic objects where you find them for everyone to enjoy. y Nehmen Sie nichts mit! Lassen Sie Steine, Pflanzen oder historische Objekte dort, wo Sie sie finden, damit jeder sich an Ihnen erfreuen kann. y La randonnée: NE faites PAS de la randonnée dans les zones à basse altitude en été. Les montagnes qui entourent Death Valley sont plus fraîches et il y a beaucoup de sentiers. y Les inondations soudaines: evitez les canyons pendant les orages et soyez prêt à vous déplacer en terrain plus élevé. En conduisant, soyez attentif aux puissants débits d’eau et aux eaux dans les creux de la route. y Les animaux dangereux: ne placez jamais vos mains ou vos pieds là où vous ne pouvez pas d’abord voir. Des crotales, des scorpions, ou des veuves noires peuvent s’y cacher. y Ne pas entrer dans les tunnels ou les puits de mine. Les mines peuvent être instables, avoir des puits cachés, ou des poches d’air de mauvaise qualité et de gaz toxique. Règles y Les droits d’entrée s’appliquent à tous les visiteurs. y Caldo e Disidatrazione: se avete la testa che gira, la nausea o mal di testa, trovate subito dell’ombra o un posto dove non c’è il sole e bevete molta acqua. Inumidite i vestiti per abbassare la temperatura del corpo. Il caldo e la disidratazione possono uccidervi. y Guidare durante l’estate: rimanete sulle strade asfaltate. Se la vostra macchina si guasta, rimanete con la macchina finché arrivano i soccorsi. Siate preparati; portate tanta acqua. y State in allerta e rallentate: la causa di morte più comune nella Death Valley è un incidente di una sola macchina. Un momento di disattenzione può ribaltare la vostra macchina nel deserto roccioso, con voi e i vostri cari dentro. y Non fate troppo affidamento sulla tecnologia! Il vostro cellulare non funziona nella maggior parte del parco. I GPS dicono spesso ai visitatori del parco di prendere una “scorciatoia” attraverso il deserto e nei canyon, lontano dalle strade molto trafficate. y Escursionismo: non fate escursionismo a basse altitudini durante l’estate. Le montagne intorno alla Death Valley sono più fredde e ci sono molti sentieri. y Allagamenti: evitate i canyon durante i temporali e siate preparati a muovervi verso un punto più elevato. Mentre guidate, state attenti all’acqua che corre attraverso la strada. y Animali Pericolosi: non mettere mai le mani o i piedi dove non potete vedere. Crotali, scorpioni, o vedove nere potrebbero esservi nascosti. y Non entrare nei tunnel delle miniere o nei pozzi. Le miniere potrebbero essere instabili, avere pozzi nascosti e sacche di aria o gas tossici. Regole y Le tasse di entrata si applicano a tutti i visitatori� y Cani e Biciclette non sono permessi sui sentieri o nell’area selvatica che copre 93% del parco� y Non dar da mangiare agli uccelli o agli animali selvatici� Questa regola è per la vostra protezione e la salute della nostra fauna� y Les chiens et les vélos sont interdits sur les sentiers ou aux milieux sauvages, ce qui couvre plus de 93 pour cent du parc. y Ne pas alimenter les oiseaux ou les animaux sauvages. C’est pour s’assurer votre sécurité aussi bien que la santé de notre faune et flore. y La conduite hors route est interdite. Restez sur les routes établies. y È vietato guidare fuori dalle strade� Rimanete sulle strade segnalate� y Ne rien prendre! Laissez les pierres, les plantes, et les objets historiques là où vous les trouvez pour que tout le monde puisse en profiter. y Non portate via niente! Lasciate i sassi, le piante, e gli oggetti storici dove li avete trovati in modo che tutti possano goderne� Visitor Guide 3 Must-See Locations Check out the options below for places to see with minimum time in the heat! Artists Drive Walking Required? Travel from Furnace Creek The lowest point in North America, at 282 ft (86 m) below sea level. A surreal landscape of vast salt flats. You can see the salt flats from your vehicle. A short walk on a boardwalk takes you out to the flats. 17 mi (27 km) south on Badwater Road 30 minutes A scenic loop drive through multi-hued hills. The 9 mile (14.5 km) drive is one-way. No vehicles over 25 feet long Enjoy the views from your vehicle. A short stop at Artists Palette would require exiting your vehicle. Entrance to the one way road is 8.5 mi (13.7 km) south on Badwater Road 15 minutes Golden colored badlands and a spectacular spot for sunrise. A 1/4 mi (400 m) long, 60 ft (18 m) elevation gain walk up a paved path to the viewpoint from the parking area. 4.8 mi (7.7 km) east on Highway 190 15 minutes Zabriskie Point E. HOERNER Badwater Basin Description E. HOERNER Location J. JURADO 1 - 2 Hours — The do-not-miss list for a visit to Death Valley! Dantes View Harmony Borax Works Walking Required? Travel from Furnace Creek Gold dunes rise smoothly nearly 100 ft (30 m) from Mesquite Flat. The dunes can be viewed from your vehicle. Sand temperatures can be hot enough to melt sandals midday- use caution! 22.4 mi (36 km) west on Highway 190 30 minutes Breathtaking viewpoint over 5,000 ft (1,500 m) above the floor of Death Valley. No vehicles over 25 feet long No walking required. ADA accessible viewing platform. Higher elevation offers slightly cooler temperatures. 12 mi (19 km) east on Highway 190; 13.2 mi (21 km) on Dantes View Road 1 hour Borax was some of the most profitable ore mined in the area. See the remains of a processing building and a historic 20-mule team wagon. A 0.4 mi (650 m) long, 35 ft (11 m) elevation gain walk on a paved path. 1 mi (1.6 km) west on Highway 190 3 minutes E. HOERNER Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes Description NPS PHOTO Location K. MOSES Extra few hours — Stop at one of these unique spots, but be sure to avoid afternoon heat! Charcoal Kilns Father Crowley Vista Point 4 Visitor Guide Travel from Furnace Creek No walking required. View the crater from a paved sidewalk by the parking area. 17.1 mi (27.5 km) west on Highway 190; 33.4 mi (53.8 km) on North Highway to Ubehebe Crater Road 1 hour These ten dome-shaped structures are among the best preserved in the West. Built in 1876 to provide charcoal to process silver/lead ore. No vehicles over 25 feet long The kilns can be viewed from your vehicle. 33.6 mi (54 km) west on Highway 190; 28.2 mi (45.4 km) on Emigrant Canyon Road. Final 2 mi (3 km) are gravel 1.5 hours Overlook Rainbow Canyon, a colorfully layered landscape created by lava flows and volcanic cinders. No walking required. View the canyon from a paved sidewalk by the parking area. 62.8 mi (101 km) west on Highway 190 1.5 hours Roughly 2,000 years ago, rising magma came into contact with groundwater, resulting in a steam and gas explosion that left a 600 ft (183 m) crater. E. HOERNER Ubehebe Crater Walking Required? Description W. KESSLER Location W. KESSLER Half Day Adventures — Add these longer adventures to see different parts of the park! Park Map More detailed maps are available at Furnace Creek Visitor Center with proof of a valid park pass. Not all roads are shown. Lida To Tonopah and Reno 266 Paved road Unpaved road High clearance 4x4 road Hiking trail Timbisha Shoshone trust lands Salt flats 95 168 Gold Point To Big Pine No RVs or trailers longer than 25 ft (7.6 m) on: • Artists Drive • Dantes View beyond trailer parking • Emigrant Canyon Road • Wildrose Road 267 Eureka Dunes Eureka Dunes Deep sand D tle SE as LO C C ’s ty ad ot Ro Sc nd a Racetr ack Roa d Ubehebe Crater Grapevine Mesquite Spring Rhyolite (ghost town) Tit us Sharp rock; requires heavyduty tires. Saline Valley Dunes The Racetrack Lone Pine Stovepipe Wells Village Homestake Emigrant 136 Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes Salt Creek Mosaic Trail Canyon Trail Furnace Creek nt igra Em Panamint Dunes 395 190 Harmony Borax Works Palette o Wildrose Peak Trail Darwin Wildrose Charcoal Kilns Thorndike Mahogany Flat Furnace Creek Devils Hole Death Valley National Park 20 Mule Team Canyon Information ASH MEADOWS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE 127 Drive Panamint Springs 373 Artists Artists y wa Olancha To Las Vegas Amargosa Valley ne Darwin Falls Trail Lathrop Wells 190 Golden Canyon Trail ad Ro 190 95 Zabriskie Point C n yo an Father Crowley Vista Point ad Ro ss Pa Keane Wonder Mill and Mine Mesquite Dunes Keeler ht ig yl Beatty 374 Hells Gate (Information) To Manzanar, Bishop, and Yosemite Eastern Sierra Interagency Visitor Center d oa Can yon R Da Saline Valley Ranger station Campground RV dump station Picnic area Restaurant Lodging Gas station Store Restroom Accessible Natural Bridge Trail Devils Golf Course 190 Trailer parking Death Valley Junction To Pahrump & Las Vegas Badwater Dantes View Telescope Peak Trail Furnace Creek Airport West S Sunset id ad Texas Springs Ranch at Death Valley e Ro Furnace Creek Visitor Center Shoshone Borax Museum To Pahrump & Las Vegas Timbisha Shoshone Village (private) 0 190 Ashford Mill (ruins) Inn at Death Valley 127 To Tecopa & Las Vegas 0.5 Kilometer 0.5 Mile 0 Trona 395 Ibex Dunes 178 Ridgecrest North To Los Angeles 01 10 Kilometers 01 10 Miles Visitor Guide 5 E. LETTERMAN Get to Know Death Valley What's in a Name Average Temperatures Death Valley National Park is the hottest place on Earth, with the record setting temperature of 134 °F (57°C) measured on July 10, 1913! Average monthly temperatures for low elevations: Maximum Minimum January 67°F (19°C) 40°F (4°C) February 73°F (23°C) 46°F (8°C) March 82°F (27°C) 55°F (13°C) April 90°F (32°C) 62°F (17°C) May 100°F (38°C) 73°F (23°C) June 110°F (43°C) 81°F (27°C) July 116°F (47°C) 88°F (31°C) August 115°F (46°C) 86°F (30°C) September 106°F (41°C) 76°F (24°C) October 93°F (34°C) 61°F (16°C) November 77°F (25°C) 48°F (9°C) December 65°F (18°C) 38°F (3°C) Imagine that you and your family have been stranded in an unfamiliar desert for the past four weeks, with dwindling food supplies. When rescue finally arrives and your wagon rolls over the ridge leaving the valley and bringing a sense of relief, you look back and exclaim: "Goodbye, Death Valley!" Although the name wasn't adopted until much later, these heart-felt words uttered by a member of the Bennett- Arcan party in February 1850, as they were led by William Manly out of the valley, began a trend of ominous names given to this landscape. While the Timbisha Shoshone people who have lived here since time immemorial have found Death Valley to be a place of life, early Euro-American settlers and miners often didn't feel the same way. Were these names part of what drew you to the park? How do the names we choose for places impact the way we view that place? Jagged salt formations at Devils Golfcourse where "only the Devil would play golf." Despite its intimidating name, we hope your time here will show you that Death Valley is a place full of life! Surviving the Extreme Pets in the Park The plants and animals which call Death Valley home have developed incredible strategies to live in one of most extreme environments on Earth. Humans can turn on the air conditioning in a vehicle or building, but how are plants and animals able to survive the harsh conditions of a Death Valley summer? These organisms survive by seeking or moving to more ideal conditions when temperatures rise. This could mean moving to higher elevations or limiting activity to nighttime, when temperatures are the coolest. Avoiders Some organisms have short life spans and only live when conditions are ideal. In the spring, when temperatures are warm but not hot, wildflowers grow rapidly, bloom and seed. The seeds are dispersed and can withstand extreme summer heat (sometimes for many years) until conditions once again become favorable and new seedlings sprout. Other plants grow in only the most favorable environments in the park such as near springs and at higher elevations. B. GREENBURG Seekers Desert Fivespot are Avoiders which bloom before the summer heat. These plants and animals are some of the most impressive–they are able to stay put and survive, despite the harsh conditions. Plants such as mesquite trees have roots up to 80 ft (24 m) long that allow them to reach water deep underground. Did you know that there is a small snail that lives at Badwater? The Badwater snail has adapted to live in water temperatures that range from 4°F (5°C) to 104°F (40°C) and can survive a huge range of salinity; measurements of the pool have varied from 18–115 parts per thousand! An example of this is the Salt Creek Pupfish, which must swim upstream toward the spring during the summer, where the water is deeper and overhanging banks and vegetation provide protection from the sun. Kit Foxes are Seekers which are mostly nocturnal. NPS PHOTO D.MANLEY • Pets are not allowed on trails, off roads, in the visitor center or in wilderness areas. Your pet can only go where your car can go. • Walk pets only on roads. Be sure to stop and feel the ground often— ground temperatures can reach 160°F-200°F, enough to cause 3rd degree burns to paws! • You may not leave your pet unattended in vehicles if it creates a danger to the animal, or if the animal becomes a nuisance. Minutes in a hot car can kill. • If you plan to hike, someone must stay behind with the pet, or you will need to make arrangements with a kennel service outside the park. There is no kennel service in the park. • Pets need to be on a leash no longer than six feet at all times. • Park regulations require that you always clean up after your pet and dispose of waste in a trash receptacle. Resisters At first glance, it is easy to mistake Death Valley for a lifeless wasteland, full only of rocks, wind and scorching heat. However, upon closer observation, visitors to this otherworldly landscape are treated to signs of abundant life: the tracks of reptiles and kangaroo rats at Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, the shadow of a raven as it flies overhead, the red of a high elevation wildflower and the sound of a coyote howling at night. NPS PHOTO Bringing a pet to Death Valley may limit some of your activities and explorations in the park. Follow these pet regulations to ensure a safer, more enjoyable visit for yourself, your pet, other park visitors and park wildlife. 6 Visitor Guide In the early 1930s when mining opportunities in the area were drying up, mining companies decided to tap a new revenue source: tourism. Companies used the fear of the unfamiliar to draw tourists to their hotels and lobbied to make Death Valley a national monument to further increase its appeal. How better to entice tourists to come to a remote area than to give it interesting and frightening names? As you drive around the park or look at your map, notice how many places have scary names such as: Devils Golfcourse, Hells Gate, Coffin Peak, Funeral Mountains, and Dantes View. NPS PHOTO Month Many Death Valley locations have frightening names, but don't be intimidated; these places are often not as scary as they seem. Resister creosote bushes have small, waxy leaves which help prevent water loss. NPS PHOTO The Skies Above summer temperatures often still above 100°F, the coolest time of day in Death Valley is usually just before sunrise. Some of the best times of day at Death Valley are sunrise and sunset. In the early morning, light turns the mountains to the west a rosy pink and wildlife enjoy the last moments of shadow before the sun rises above the peaks to the east, bringing with it the full heat of a summer day in the hottest place on Earth. With nightly low Although temperatures are much hotter at sunset, a quick moment outside air conditioning gives visitors the opportunity to experience the last rays of light and if you’re lucky, brilliant orange and red colors painted in the clouds. If it isn't too hot, stay out long enough to watch the moon rise and nocturnal animals wake. Ranger sunrise favorites • Dantes View or Zabriskie Point: see the light hit the top of the Panamint Mountains and move down to the valley floor below. • Ranger sunset favorites • Father Crowley Vista Point: watch light change the colors of the mountains to the east. Dantes View or Zabriskie Point: see the sun set behind the Panamint Mountains. • Badwater Basin: watch shadows grow across the salt flats. • Artists Drive: enjoy highlights and shadows among colorful hills. NPS PHOTO K. MOSES Night Sky Viewing Tips Death Valley is an International Dark Sky Park with a Gold Tier rating. The skies here are virtually free of light pollution, so stars can be seen by the thousands! Stargazing under some of the darkest night skies in the country can be an unforgettable experience! Low energy, downward pointing lights at Furnace Creek and Stovepipe Wells help protect the night sky. During your visit, we encourage you to take a moment to look up and experience the wonder of truly dark skies. Here, thousands of stars can be seen without needing a telescope! You can be a dark sky ambassador for your neghbordood by helping bring stargazing opportunities like those at Death Valley closer to your own home. If you, your neighbors, and local businesses took just a few small steps to help reduce light pollution, the changes could add up to be significant! Our dark night skies can be attributed not only to the remoteness of the park, but also to rethinking our lighting. • Shadows at Mesquite Dunes at sunset. Night Skies Why is stargazing here so great? The answer is simple: darkness. With so few lights "polluting" our night skies, stars are visible here by the thousands like they were to gene

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