"Devils Tower from the Joyner Ridge Trail" by S. Carter/NPS , public domain

Devils Tower

Guide 2018

brochure Devils Tower - Guide 2018
Devils Tower National Monument National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Offcial Newspaper 2018 Edition Welcome to Devils Tower National Monument! Welcome to America’s first national monument! Devils Tower is an iconic formation, a monolith rising above the surrounding countryside. As you explore the monument today, the Tower you see will be remarkable, everlasting in its powerful appearance. Yet depending on the time of day and the weather, the formation can look dramatically di°erent. Often, it is yellow-green against a clear blue sky, but in shadow the Tower is black and seems to stand a little taller. When fog rolls in, it is shrouded in mist, only peeking out occasionally to say hello. If you visit in the winter, the Tower will be covered in a dusting of snow. And if you stay for the sunset, the sun’s rays will turn its face orange, refecting the colors of the sky. In this way, the formation is remarkably dynamic, appearing different as the day progresses and the seasons change – if you come back, you may see a di°erent Tower than the one you see today. But Devils Tower is also timeless, changing only on a scale imperceptible to human eyes. Things To Do • Explore the visitor center • Watch the prairie dogs (p. 4) • Attend a ranger program (p. 5) • Become a Junior Ranger (p. 5) • Take a hike (p. 8) • Look for wildlife (p. 4) • Climb the Tower (p. 6) • Camp in the Belle Fourche River Campground (p. 5) • Visit the Sacred Circle of Smoke Sculpture • See the stars (p. 5) • Take beautiful photographs • Listen to nature Since people frst arrived at Devils Tower more than 10,000 years ago, the monolith has remained essentially unchanged. The Tower you are seeing today is the same formation that Theodore Roosevelt protected as the nation’s first national monument in 1906, the same landmark that explorers and settlers used as they moved west across the country, and the same stone monolith where Native Americans have gathered and prayed for thousands of years. The sense of awe that the Tower gives us is truly timeless. As you explore the monument today, we invite you to refect on this timelessness. What does Devils Tower mean to you? We hope that you will carry this meaning with you as you continue to explore America’s public lands – so get out there and Find Your Park! Parking at Devils Tower During the summer, parking around the visitor center between 10 am and 3 pm is often limited. Consider parking in other designated areas during these peak visitation hours. For vehicles with trailers, long-vehicle parking spaces are available to unhook your rig before heading up to the visitor center - fnd them on the way to the picnic area. The picnic area provides access to the Circle of Sacred Smoke sculpture and the prairie dog town. You can also fnd parking at Joyner Ridge trailhead (inaccessible to most RVs and other large vehicles). From these areas, you can choose to hike to the visitor center. 2 Geology l 3 Stories l 4 Flora & Fauna l 5 Programs 6 Rock Climbing l 7 Park Supporters and Neighbors l 8 Park Map Devils Tower National Monument l WY-110, P.O. Box 10, Devils Tower, WY 82714 l (307)-467-5283 www.nps.gov/deto Stories of the Tower The Geologic Story of Devils Tower Devils Tower is a unique geologic formation that defes expectations and explanations. The formation of the Tower has fascinated and inspired geologists and other casual passersby for hundreds of years. Kiowa Oral History of the Tower’s Creation Geologists agree on a couple of main points on the origin of the Tower. They agree that the Tower is composed of an igneous rock called phonolite porphyry. The Little Missouri Buttes, a formation to the northwest of the Tower and made of the same rock, were probably formed from the same body of magma as the Tower only a few thousand years earlier. Phonolite porphyry is relatively rare on the surface of the Earth and is only found in a few other places worldwide. The Tower formed about 1.5 miles below the surface when magma pushed up through sedimentary layers around 50 million years ago. What geologists still debate is how that process took place and whether or not the magma ever reached the land surface. Numerous ideas have evolved since the frst geologic studies of the Tower in the late 1800s. Today, there are four primary theories, but geologists continue to search for more detailed explanations. The following is a translation of a Kiowa story told in 1987. Included in the novella First Encounters (available in the bookstore), it is one of the stories compiled by historian Dick Stone. Before the Kiowa came south they were camped on a stream in the far north where there were a great many bears, many of them. One day, seven little girls were playing at a distance from the village and were chased by some bears. The girls ran toward the village and the bears were just about to catch them when the girls jumped on a low rock, about three feet high. One of the girls prayed to the rock, “Rock take pity on us, rock save us!” The rock heard them and began to grow upwards, pushing the girls higher and higher. When the bears jumped to reach the girls, they scratched the rock, broke their claws, and fell on the ground. Four Theories of Tower Formation • Volcanic Plug Remnant - The Tower could be what is left from a cylinder-shaped igneous intrusion that plugged the fow to a volcano. Volcanic Plug Remnant • Igneous Stock - The Tower could be an irregularly shaped, igneous intrusion called a stock. It would have been formed when magma cooled and crystallized before reaching the earth’s surface. • Laccolith Remnant - The Tower could be the remains of a mushroom-shaped igneous intrusion. The magma that formed the laccolith would have solidifed before reaching the surface. Igneous Stock Formation • Remnant of a Diatreme/Lava Coulée - The Tower could be what is left from an explosive event known as a maar-diatreme volcano. Hot magma would have encountered shallow water and instantly turned it to steam, creating a large explosion. This explosion would have created a large crater called a maardiatreme. Magma would have fowed up into the crater before pooling and creating a dome called a lava coulée. The Tower during the summer Despite the uncertainty of how the Tower formed, geologists do agree on how it came to appear the way it does today. Until erosion began its relentless work, the Tower was hidden underneath the overlying sedimentary rocks. But the forces of erosion, particularly that of water, began to wear away the soft sandstones and shales above and around the Tower. The much harder igneous rock of the Tower survived the onslaught of erosional forces, and the gray columns of the Tower began to appear above the surrounding landscape. As rain and snow continue to erode the sedimentary rocks surrounding the Tower’s base, and the Belle Fourche River carries away the debris, more of the Tower will be exposed. Rocks do not often fall from the Tower’s sides, but occasionally do. Piles of rubble, broken columns, boulders, small rocks and stones lie at the base of the Tower, indicating that it was once larger than it is today. The forces of erosion continue to shape the Tower today. Laccolith Remnant 2 Devils Tower Remnant of a Diatreme/Lava CouléeThe initial crater and debris Remnant of a Diatreme/Lava Coulée - The formation of the Tower The rock rose higher and higher, the bears still jumped at the girls until they were pushed up into the sky, where they now are, seven little stars in a group (The Pleiades). In the winter, in the middle of the night, the seven stars are right over this high rock. When the people came to look, they found the bears’ claws, turned to stone, all around the base. No Kiowa living has ever seen this rock, but the old men have told about it - it is very far north where the Kiowa used to live. It is a single rock with scratched sides, the marks of the bears’ claws are there yet, rising straight up, very high. There is no other like it in the whole country, there are no trees on it, only grass on top. The Kiowa call this rock “Tso-aa”, a tree rock, possibly because it grew tall like a tree. Told by I-See-Many-Camp-Fire-Places, Kiowa soldier at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, 1897. An artist’s impression of the Cheyenne oral history of the Tower’s creation. Although similar to the Kiowa’s story, different tribes all had their own unique stories about the Tower. You can see a full-size replica of this painting in the visitors center. Tower Trivia • How high is the Tower? 867 feet (264 meters) from the visitor center to the top of the Tower • How old is the visitor center? It was originally built in 1935 • How old is the Monument? It dedicated as the frst national monument in 1906 and will turn 112 this year • How big is the top of the Tower? About 1.25 acres, or the size of a football feld • Why is the rock of the Tower green? The rock itself isn’t green, but gets its color from lichen that grows on the rock surface. Lichen is a combination of fungus and algae that live together symbiotically • What kind of rock is the Tower? The Tower is made of phonolite porphyry, which is similar to granite but does not have quartz • Is rock climbing allowed at the Tower? Yes! In 2016 there were over 6,000 climbers on the Tower • How long does it take to climb the Tower? Most climbers take 4-6 hours to climb the Tower, but a climber named Todd Skinner made the fasted recorded ascent in 18 minutes! • Who was the frst person to climb the Tower? The frst people to climb the Tower were two local ranchers, Rogers and Ripley, who built a ladder into the Tower in 1893 Want to know more about Devils Tower? Stop by the visitor center! George Hopkins - an Unlucky Parachutist In October 1941, during the international upheaval and strife of the Second World War, Devils Tower National Monument made headlines across the nation. A professional parachutist named George Hopkins was stuck atop the Tower with no way down. Early in the morning on October 1st, 1941, without the consent or knowledge of National Park Service oÿcials, Hopkins parachuted from an airplane to the top of Devils Tower. He wanted to prove that a parachutist could land precisely on a small target - the Tower summit being just over one acre in size. His plan was to descend using a 1,000-foot rope which would be dropped from the plane after him. Hopkins hit his mark, but his rope landed out of reach on the side of the Tower, leaving him stuck on top. The National Park Service now had a problem to solve, and newspapers around the country ran with the story. While they considered options for rescuing the stranded man, airplanes dropped food, water and warm clothing to keep Hopkins alive. Letters written by concerned citizens, corporations and the military posed uncertain suggestions for getting him down. These suggestions included everything from using a blimp to requesting the use of an experimental helicopter. Eventually they decided on sending a climbing team up to rescue Hopkins. Jack Durrance, one of the early technical climbers to scale the Tower, o°ered to lead a rescue party that included several famous climbers including Chappell Cranmer and Paul Petzoldt. On October 5, Durrance and his party arrived at the monument. Working closely with the park service, they laid out a safe climbing route for rescue operations. On the following day, Durrance led the team to the summit of the Tower. They found Hopkins who, in spite of his ordeal, was in excellent physical condition and in good spirits. The descent was made without major incident. The stranded parachutist and the rescue operations attracted many spectators: during the six-day period, some 7,000 visitors came to the monument to witness events frst-hand. Devils Tower 3 Flora and Fauna at the Tower Exploring the Tower Please do not feed any of the wildlife. Human food is hard for many animals to digest and often contains additives that can kill them. Remember that these are wild animals. Ranger Programs During the summer, join a park ranger or park volunteer for a short program to learn more about the Tower. For more information about the daily schedule, topics, and any special events, please stop by the visitor center. Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs demonstrating natural eating behaviors Prairie dogs are small, burrowing animals that live in groups called “coteries”. Their “towns” form extensive networks of tunnels beneath the prairie, and abandoned tunnels can provide habitat for other species. Named for their high-pitched bark, they communicate and work as a group to evade predators. With short, muscular legs and long-nailed toes on their front and hind feet, they are well equipped for their burrowing lifestyle. Porcupines Porcupines are common at Devils Tower, although they can be hard to spot. They are the second largest rodent in North America, weighing up to 40 lbs. Porcupines are nocturnal, coming down from the trees at night to eat the cambium (inner bark) of ponderosa pines. Baby porcupines, called porcupettes, are born in April or May and weigh only one pound. Each adult porcupine has around 30,000 barbed quills, which both protect the porcupine and help to insulate it in winter. Exotic Plant Control Ranger Talk (20-30 minutes) - Join a ranger in front of the kiosk in the center of the parking lot for a short program of the ranger’s choice. Exotic species are organisms found outside of their native ranges. Exotic plants which grow or spread quickly, out-compete native plants and alter ecosystems are referred to as invasive. These invasive plants disrupt natural food chains and become a nuisance for land managers attempting to preserve native ecosystems. Evening Programs (45 minutes) - Join a ranger in the amphitheater by the picnic area for a program about the Tower. The Special Presenter Series is a part of this program. Exotic species are introduced by human activity, either intentionally or accidentally. Agricultural crops, landscape ornaments, international trade, and tourism are all vectors for exotic introduction. Once established, an invasive species out-competes native species, leading to losses of individual species or even entire habitats. More than sixty exotic plant species have been identifed at Devils Tower National Monument. While some spread slowly, others have replaced native plant communities, reducing the biological diversity of the monument’s ecosystems. The monument’s most aggressive invasive plants are: • Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) • Houndstongue (Cynoglossum oÿcinale ) • Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) You can help control the spread of invasive plants by identifying exotic species and avoiding travel through infested areas. Clean vehicles, pets, clothing, and recreational Houndstongue equipment before leaving the area. Support the park’s e°ort in controlling invasive plants by spreading the word, not the weeds! A Porcupine walking through the snow Prescribed Fire Wild Turkey Tom (male) Turkey demonstrating a mating display 4 Devils Tower Wild Turkey are one of the most iconic birds in the United States and at the Tower. They can be seen year round at the monument. Turkeys spend most of their time on the forest foor scavenging for food. If you keep a sharp eye out you might even get to see where they have dug up the ground looking for food. These birds are also known for their mating rituals in which the males show o° their colors like the bird in the photo to the left. Despite their appearances, turkeys are capable of fight to escape from predators. Wildland frefghter managing a prescribed fre at the Tower As you explore the monument, you may notice that some of the tree trunks are blackened. The black markings are the result of a prescribed fre. Fire, despite the instinctual fear, is a healthy part of the ecosystem. The ponderosa pine, one of the primary components of the forests around the Tower, needs fre for successful growth. To promote these benefts and to limit the negative e°ects of fre on the ecosystems, the National Park Service occasionally conducts prescribed fres at the Tower. Pets are a part of the family, but taking them on trails here at Devils Tower is prohibited and puts your pets and the park at risk. Run-ins with wildlife like rattlesnakes can cause injury to pets. Our new Bark Rangers program lets your pets be involved in your trip, without putting them in harm’s way or breaking park rules. Ask about how your pet can become a Bark Ranger and earn their B.A.R.K. Badge today at the visitor center. Tower Walk (1-1.5 hour) - Join a ranger on a short 1.3 mile hike around the base of the Tower. Individual topics vary but can include ecology, geology, history and cultural information. If you have any questions about any of the wildlife or plants at the monument, please feel to ask any uniformed staff members or look online at www.nps.gov/deto/learn/nature. Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs Where Can Fido Go? Park Ranger giving a Ranger Talk Devils Tower’s frst offcial Bark Ranger, Mac Special Presenter Series The Special Presenter Series highlights the di°erent ways in which various cultures relate to the Tower, while also o°ering a shared vision for all of us who fnd meaning in a visit here. The programs are o°ered during the weekend evenings in the months of June, July and August at the Campground Amphitheater. You might meet Theodore Roosevelt, a Cheyenne champion Grass Dancer, or a world-renowned rock climber on a summer evening at Devils Tower. Each special guest will share their view of the importance of Devils Tower so we can share in their experiences and fnd our own ways to appreciate the Tower. Ask at the visitor center or check our online calendar for more information about guest speakers. An Astronomical Place... Devils Tower has exceptional night sky viewing, making the sky one of the most precious resources at Devils Tower. There are relatively few people living in the area around the park, which limits light pollution and allows for thousands of stars to be visible on clear nights. Hey Kids, Become a Junior Ranger! Discover Devils Tower National Monument through our Junior Ranger program. Special Presenters from the Black Hills Raptor Center in 2017 ...With Astronomical Events! Devils Tower National Monument is committed to educating the public about astronomy. During major astronomical events the park will host free night sky programs. The park is open 24 hours, so come late to enjoy the stars because “Half the Park is After Dark!” Ask for a Junior Ranger booklet at the visitor center. Return your completed booklet, and earn a Junior Ranger badge and certifca te. You can also mail the certifi cate. booklet in to the park to get your badge. Most National Parks and Monuments have their own Junior Ranger programs, so you can earn more badges at each place you visit! Stay the Night at the Campground Make lasting memories at the Belle Fourche River Campground at Devils Tower! Situated above the Belle Fourche River near Prairie Dog Town, staying at the campground is a wonderful way to experience the park. There are 50 campsites available, including 4 accessible sites and 3 group sites for groups between 10 and 20 people. The campground is open from May through October. All campsites are available on a frst-come, frst-served basis, and fees are $20/night for individual sites and $30/night for group sites. For interagency or senior pass holders, the cost is only $10/night. For more information, ask a camp host or other park sta°. Devils Tower 5 Rock Climbing at Devils Tower Supporting Partners Thanks, Partner! ROCK CLIMBING IS DANGEROUS; WITHOUT THE PROPER TRAINING, EQUIPMENT, AND GUIDANCE, ACCIDENTS AND/OR DEATH MAY OCCUR. The History of Climbing at the Tower Remnants of the Stake Ladder The frst recorded climb of Devils Tower occurred over ten years before its establishment as a national monument. Willard Ripley and William Rogers were two ranchers living near the Tower in the 1890s. Working together, the two managed to construct a simple stake ladder which they used to climb to the Tower’s summit. The feat occurred on July 4th, 1893 and drew spectators from as far away as Rapid City, SD. As years went on, an unknown number of people used the ladder to scale the Tower columns. But by the 1920s the ladder was in a state of serious disrepair. The bottom section has since been removed, with the top 200 feet restored by the park service in 1972. The next evolution in climbing at the Tower occurred in 1937 when a group of rock climbers sought to make history Fritz Wiessner by scaling the sides without the use of a ladder. Leading His Team Fritz Wiessner, a German-American climber and member of the American Alpine Club, climbed the Tower with Lawrence Coveney and William House. Wiessner led the trio in the frst free climb of Devils Tower and helped set the standard of rock climbing at the Tower. His name is still attached to the route he and his cohorts pioneered in 1937, the Weissner route. The following year, Jack Durrance began the second expedition up the Tower columns. He studied the route Wiessner used the year before, and determined there could be a slightly easier option. What became known as the “Durrance Route” is today the most popular climbing route on the Tower. Considered by many to be the least diÿcult route, it still provides a challenge to experienced climbers scaling the Tower for their frst time. These pioneering climbers started a tradition of climbing at the Jack Durrance at the Devils Tower Visitor Center Tower that exists to this day. 6 Devils Tower How Do They Get to the Top? The majority of climbers “free climb” the Tower, meaning climbing without the use of artifcial aid, mechanical means or ladders. They climb up by gripping onto features of the rock, such as cracks and edges. Climbers use precautions to protect themselves in the event of a fall, such as ropes, harnesses and removable pieces of equipment placed in cracks in the rock. The frst, or lead, climber places removable equipment like cams or nuts, while the second climber keeps the rope taunt (a process known as belaying). If the lead climber falls, the belayer catches them with a friction device on the rope and they are held up by the equipment that they have placed. Once the leader has reached the end of the rope, they make an anchor and belay the second climber up. The second climber removes the gear as they ascend. Park entrance fee money is used to support the following projects: • Climbing education & outreach • Campground maintenance • Interpretive signs on the Tower Trail • Habitat restoration • 3D imaging of Devils Tower Rock Climber part way through the ascent The National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass Series A pass is your ticket to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites. Please stop by either the visitor center or park entrance for more information or to pick up one for yourself. Devils Tower Annual Pass - $40 per year America the Beautiful Pass - $80 per year Senior Pass (62+) - $80 for life or $20 for one year Annual Military Pass- Free for current U.S. Military Annual 4th Grade Pass - Free for 4th graders at www.everykidinapark.gov Access Pass - Free for life for U.S. citizens with a permanent disability Volunteer Pass - Free for a year for volunteers who donate over 250 hours to federal land agencies. Devils Tower Natural History Association Devils Tower Natural History Association supports interpretive and educational programs at Devils Tower. The association operates the bookstore located in the visitor center. When you make a purchase at the bookstore, proceeds are donated to the monument that support park programs, such as the Junior Ranger Program, and many other services. You can also consider becoming a member of the association. Membership benefts include a 15% discount in the bookstore and a discount on items purchased at other national park cooperating association bookstores. Park Neighbors in the Black Hills Interested in Climbing the Tower? Check in at the Climbing Oÿce or self-register at the kiosk in the parking lot in front of the visitor center to obtain a free, mandatory climbing permit. The oÿce has information on climbing routes and weather conditions. Routes are “TRAD” (traditional climbing) and are generally long; plan for 6-10 hours round trip. • Take plenty of gear - 2 ropes, double rack, helmets. Talk to a ranger or refer to a guidebook if you aren’t sure what you need. • Make plans for self-rescue or assistance from other climbers for unexpected incidents • Use caution in crowded areas - Durrance, Bowling Alley, Meadows Rappel, etc. • Watch the weather. Storms can develop quickly! Assorted Rock Climbing Equipment Voluntary June Climbing Closure Northern Plains Native Americans regard the Tower as a sacred site. Out of respect to Native Americans, the monument’s Climbing Management Plan provides a voluntary closure to climbing during the month of June, an important ceremonial month for tribes aÿliated with the Tower. During June we recommend climbers utilize one of the several worldclass climbing areas near the Tower such as Spearfsh Canyon, White Rock, Needles, Fremont Canyon, Ten Sleep Canyon, Tongue River Canyon, Shoshone Canyon, Wind River Range, and Sinks Canyon. You can pick up a map of these locations at the visitor center or climbing oÿce, as well as on our website. The Tower is a sacred place to many Native American Tribes NPS / ERIC DODD For over a hundred years, climbers have tested their skills on the vertical faces of Devils Tower. Using various techniques and specialized equipment, climbers have inched their way up and down the steep walls. Today there are over 200 routes around the Tower. It has been climbed by a variety of people including a six-year old boy and an eighty-seven-year old man. Yes, we mean you! By paying the entrance fee, you become partners with the National Park Service through the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act Program. Your entrance fee is used to help support park projects, such as improved roads, signs, campgrounds, visitor facilities and more! 80 percent of all entrance fee money stays within Devils Tower. Jewel Cave National Monument Custer State Park Mount Rushmore National Memorial Wind Cave National Park Jewel Cave is 100 miles east of Devils Tower on US Hwy. 16. With more than 180 miles surveyed, it is the third longest cave in the world. Cave tours provide opportunities for viewing this cave system and its wide variety of speleothems. Call (605) 673-8300 to plan your visit. www.nps.gov/jeca Custer is located 115 miles East of Devils Tower via US Hwy. 16. At 71,000 acres, it is one of the largest state parks in the nation. It has many lakes, and hiking opportunities. Call the Peter Norbeck Visitor Center at (605) 255-4515 to plan your visit. www.custerstatepark.info Mount Rushmore is located 126 miles east of Devils Tower via I-90, US Hwy. 16 and SD Hwy. 244. From the history of the frst inhabitants to the diversity of America today, Mount Rushmore brings visitors face to face with the rich heritage we all share. Call (605) 5742523 or visit www.nps.gov/moru Wind Cave is located 126 miles east of Devils Tower on US Hwy. 385. It is one of the world’s longest and most complex caves. It is famous for its boxwork, an unusual calcite cave formation resembling honeycomb. Call (605) 745-4600 for additional information. www.nps.gov/wica Badlands National Park Badlands is located 190 miles east of Devils Tower via I-90 and US Hwy. 240. Badlands consists of 244,000 acres of sharply eroded buttes, pinnacles and spires blended with the largest protected mixed-grass prairie in the U.S. Call (605) 433-5361 to plan your visit. www.nps.gov/badl Minuteman Missile National Historic Site Minuteman Missile is located 182 miles east of Devils Tower on I-90. The site preserves a launch control facility and a nuclear missile silo of the Minuteman II missile system. Tours by reservation only . Call the site at (605) 433-5552 or stop by the visitor center. www.nps.gov/mimi Devils Tower 7 Devils Tower Park Map Pets are welcome to walk in the parking areas or gravel lot on a leash. They may not be walked 0 Hiking trail 0.5 Kilometer 0.1 0 0.5 Mile 0.1 North on trails or left unattended at Distance indicator 0.3mi 0.5km Ranger station Unpaved road Wheelchair-accessible Parking area or turnout Restrooms any time. Dead end road Collection of rocks, plants, or Jo yn er any other natural material without a permit is prohibited Trail Ridge 0 .6 m i Dead end road 1k m Bel m 1.5m i 2. 4 k Fo urc he Riv ) op (lo by law. le er DEVILS TOWER NATIONAL MONUMENT Collection of archeological artifacts is prohibited by law. il 0 .5 1. 3m i 2. 1 km mi 0. Tr a .3 m i w er To dogs. 2k m Tra il DEVILS TOWER Bed s 5112ft 1558m Re d Visitor Center can be dangerous and requires 0 a permit . N W Offcial Website - www.nps.gov/deto 8 Devils Tower er Riv ad ew Vi ey Belle Fourche River Campground A B Belle Fou rche Ro th Sou Instagram - @DevilsTowerNPS il YouTube - Devils Tower NM Va ll Tra e S id m 0k 1. Dead end road National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Twitter - @DevilsTowerNM 24 l i a uniformed employee. Facebook - Devils Tower National Monument ai Amphitheater Picnic area park regulations, feel free to ask Email: deto_interpretation@nps.gov 0.6 m Sculpture If you have any questions about Phone: (307) 467-5283 mi DO So h 0.6 Long vehicle parking Devils Tower National Monument P.O. Box 10, Devils Tower, WY 82714 110 G TO 1 Tr mi ut Administration Building 0 .7 E il Tra RI ds .1k m AI Be for the safety of visitors, park Devils Tower rises 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River. Also known as Bear Lodge, it is a sacred site for many American Indians. President Theodore R o o s e v e l t p ro c l a i m e d D e v i l s To w e r the first national monument in 1906. Devils Tower Post Offce m i 0 . 5k m .3 PR Red 25 Speed limits are strictly enforced wildlife and employees. Entrance station To Hulett and Belle Fourche, SD 110 SPEED LIMIT 3850ft 1174m 1 .0 k m Travel above the boulder feld 8k 1 feed wildlife, including prairie il Re d It is illegal and dangerous to m Be ds a Tr 24 To 90 , Moorcroft, and Sundance Hiking Trails at Devils Tower The Tower Trail- 1.3 mi les (2 km), moderate with a steep start and rolling hills - A short rolling hike around the base of the Tower. This is the easiest and most popular trail at the monument. Enjoy close-up views of the Tower as you walk through the boulder feld and ponderosa pine forest around the base. This is the only paved trail at the monument. Hours The park is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Please call the park or check our website for current visitor center hours. Fees & Passes Red Beds Trail - 2.8 miles (4.5 km), moderate with signifcant elevation changes - The longest and most intense trail at the monument. This trail meanders through pine forests and meadows, with views of the valley foor, distant hills, and Belle Fourche River. It also features spectacular views of the blu°s known as the Red Beds, the formation from which the trail gets its name. All passes can be purchased at the park entrance and are good for up to 7 days. See p. 7 for information on annual passes. Joyner Ridge Trail - 1.5 miles (2.4 km), moderate with some elevation change - This trail traverses the ridge top and descends a sandstone cli° into a secluded meadow. The north and west faces of the Tower are visible from the trail. Private vehicle: $20.00 Motorcycle: $15.00 Individual (foot or bike): $10.00

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