"Reflection Pond" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain


Guide Summer 2017

brochure Denali - Guide Summer 2017

Summer Visitor Guide to Denali National Park & Preserve (NP&PRES) in Alaska. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska Official newspaper S u m m e r 2 017 Alpenglow HAPPY B I RT H D AY FEB 26, 1917 DENALI NATIONAL PARK EST. 1917 ™ Wild, Wonderful, Waiting for You Discover the Next 100 PHOTO COURTESY SIERRA WILLOUGHBY Make the most of your time in Denali Two hours Four hours More than a day • Check out all of the cool offerings and exhibits at the Denali Visitor Center, 8 am to 6 pm. The park movie plays each half hour. • Ride a free shuttle to Savage River at Mile 15. Schedules are posted at bus stops. • Reserve a spot on a once-in-a­ lifetime, ranger-led backcountry Discovery Hike. Check fliers for trip descriptions and difficulty ratings. Sign up at the Denali Visitor Center, then buy a bus ticket for an 8 am departure from the Wilderness Access Center. • Drive to Mountain Vista Trailhead at Mile 13 for a possible first glimpse of Denali. • Enjoy a picnic and family play space at the Riley Creek Day Use Area. • Attend a noontime naturalist talk at the Murie Science and Learning Center. • Visit the historic Park Kennels for a Sled Dog Demonstration. During peak season, free shuttles depart the Denali Visitor Center bus depot at 9:20 am, 1:20 pm, and 3:20 pm. You'll be back about 90 minutes later. • Attend a ranger presentation at 7:30 pm at several park campgrounds. Check posted fliers for topics. • Hike trails throughout the entrance area. See maps and descriptions on pages 10-11. • Join a ranger-led walk or talk offered every few hours at the Denali Visitor Center. Check fliers for listings. Full day • Visit the Eielson Visitor Center at Mile 66. Bus tickets and departures are available at the Wilderness Access Center. • Take a day hike in the backcountry. Jump off a transit bus, explore, then wave down another green bus heading your direction. Stay Connected h t t p ://t wi t t er.co m /D e na liN P S www.f aceb o o k.co m /D e na liN P S • Reserve a tent or RV site at the Riley Creek Mercantile for one of six campgrounds throughout the park. • If you plan to bike or backpack overnight in the backcountry, be sure to pick up a free permit at the Backcountry Information Center. This orientation, safety, and planning process usually takes about an hour. As your travels continue, please visit the Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station, on B Street in Talkeetna, and Alaska Public Lands Information Centers in Fairbanks at 101 Dunkel St., and in Anchorage at 605 W 4th Ave. www.i n s t ag r am .co m /D e na liN P S www.f l i ckr.co m /p h o t o s /D e na liN P S www.yo u t u b e.co m /u s er /D e na liN P S Ranger Programs ...................... Page 3 Family Offerings ....................... Page 4 Special Events ........................... Page 5 Tour and Transit Buses ............. Page 6 Entrance Area Trails ............... Page 10 Artist-in-Residence ................... Page 18 Bear Safety Advisories ........... Page 19 Park Regulations ..................... Page 20 Happy 100th Birthday, Denali National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Denali National Park and Preserve P.O. Box 9, Denali Park, AK 99755 E-mail DENA_Info@nps.gov Website www.nps.gov/dena Phone 907 683-9532 Bus and campsite reservations 800 622-7275 Nationwide 907 272-7275 International www.reservedenali.com Tip Line to Report Crime 800 478-2724 Emergency Dial 911 We are so proud to be stewards for one of your crown jewels for appropriate development and public use with the need for long-term, sustainable conservation of increasingly fragile resources. by Don Striker Superintendent During such times, we are apt to remember the lessons of the past. Upon reflection, it took many diverse partners to fulfill a vision for setting Denali apart for the public. These partners include visionaries like Charles Sheldon, members of the Boone and Crockett Club as well as experts who had "been there, done that" like Harry Karstens and, of course Belmore Brown and his Campfire Club. But there also was support from the private sector like that of America's railroads, hoteliers and tourism proponents; conservationists attuned to the need to preserve special places; and our government officials, like then Utah Senator Reed Smoot, who sponsored the bill that led to the creation of the National Park Service in 1916. I believe we will be successful, because we will work together and overcome differences of opinion to solve our challenges. I've always taken solace in President Abraham Lincoln’s words, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." The same spirit of cooperation from federal and local governments, private and public stakeholders, and motivated visitors like yourself is at work as you read these words, and WE ARE COMMITTED, TOGETHER, to make Denali better and more sustainable. I tend to be long-winded. But protecting Denali for your grandchildren's grandchildren is a task that lends itself to long windedness. Enjoy your stay! I invite you to enjoy the grandeur that is Denali, and I hope that she nourishes you as she nourishes the public servants who care for her cultural and natural resources. May she inspire in you a desire to experience more and protect the opportunity for those who will visit 100 years from now. This is YOUR park – your special place. As your steward-in-chief, I can tell you that we face many challenges in the next 100 years. We need to ensure our relevancy to an increasingly diverse American public and ever larger world economy. Additionally, we have to balance the need Entrance Fees Seven-Day Pass: Individual (age 16 and older), $10 Denali NPP Annual Pass: $40 America the Beautiful Interagency Passes: Annual, $80 Senior, $10 Access, Free Annual Military Pass, Free About 80 percent of fee dollars collected in the park return to Denali to pay for projects that have an impact on visitor experience, such as campground improvements, trail erosion mitigation, and the Artist-in-Residence program. } Happy Birthday, Denali, and thanks to those past who made her possible, and those who will step forward to make her a "forever place." Don't Go Hungry or Thirsty There is no food and limited water available beyond the park entrance area. Please be sure to pack well for your travels. Morino Grill The only restaurant in the park, adjacent to the Denali Visitor Center, also features a coffee bar and box lunches to go. Open 8 am to 6 pm with reduced hours in May and September. NP S P H OT O / K E N T M IL L E R Bookstores Wilderness Access Center A coffee cart and snacks are available 5 am to 7 pm daily. Alaska Geographic operates three bookstores in the park, 8 am to 6 pm, including the main Riley Creek Mercantile Denali Visitor Center campus, the Toklat Rest Area, Bottled drinks, sandwiches, and a variety of packaged snacks and and the Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station. Sales convenience groceries are available in the Riley Creek Campground. help fund park educational and interpretive programs. Open 7 am to 11 pm daily with reduced hours in May and September. More at www.alaskageographic.org/store Wilderness Access Center Backcountry Information Eielson Visitor Center Walter Harper Talkeetna Center Train Depot Mile 1.4 Park Road Denali Visitor Center Mile 0.75 Park Road Mile 1.5 Park Road Mile 66 Park Road Ranger Station Open 5 am to 7 pm daily for Mile 0.75 Park Road, Offers bus stop, railroad depot, Open 8 am to 6 pm daily. Open 9 am to 7 pm daily. B Street in Talkeetna rest rooms, coffee, bus depot. adjacent to the baggage check, Morino Grill, Offers general information, Offers general information, Open 8 am to 5:30 pm daily. Reservation desk opens 7 am. Wilderness Access Center. Alaska Geographic Bookstore, exhibits, interpretive programs, exhibits, interpretive programs, Offers mountaineering Information 7 am to 7 pm. Open 9 am to 6 pm daily. and Lost and Found. ranger-guided walks, ranger-guided walks, information for the Alaska Hours may vary during Offers backcountry information 907 683-9275 Artist-in-Residence installation. Artist-in-Residence installation. Range, general information, shoulder seasons. and permits, bear-resistant Film: Heartbeats of Denali Film: Climbing Mount McKinley exhibits, Alaska Geographic Offers bus tickets and food containers, maps. h t t p : / / g o . n p s. g o v / h t t p ://g o .n p s .g o v / Bookstore. 907 733-2231 campground information, 907 683-9590 DenaliDVC 907 683-9532 De n a liE V C coffee cart, "Grab & Go" food, retail sales. Film: Across Time Riley Creek Mercantile and Tundra. 907 683-9274 Mile 0.4 Park Road h t t p : / / go.nps.gov/ Full-service check-in for D e n a l iWAC campgrounds, bus tickets, convenience groceries, firewood, showers, laundry, and dump station. Open 7 am to 11 pm daily, with reduced Murie Science and Learning Center Mile 1.4 Park Road Open 9 am to 4:30 pm daily. Offers general information, exhibits, presentations, half-day classes, multi-day seminars, teacher trainings, and youth camps. More at ww w. n p s. g o v / r l c / mur i e 907 683-6432 Mile 53 Park Road 7 Open 9 am to 7 pm daily. plastic drink containers by refilling your bottle with free, fresh Offers general information, water from filtered dispensers at six park locations (from east to exhibits, Alaska Geographic west): Riley Creek Mercantile, Wilderness Access Center, Bookstore. Murie Science and Learning Center, Denali Visitor Center, Toklat Rest Stop Water sources are limited beyond the park entrance area. You can save money and reduce use of disposable and Eielson Visitor Center. hours in May and September. Wilderness Access Center Visitor Center Campus Eielson Visitor Center Murie Science and Learning Center Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station NPS PHOTOS / KENT MILLER 2 Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska A ranger at the Toklat Contact Station uses American Sign Language to discuss listings in the park newpaper with visitors who have hearing impairments. NPS PHOTO / SEAN PROCTOR Ranger Programs: Everyday Good Things To Do in Denali During peak visitor season, the park and its partners offer guided hikes, talks, theater presentations, and sled dog demonstrations. During May or September, offerings are more limited. • RANGER'S CHOICE PROGRAMS, Times Vary — Watch for posted fliers or inquire at the information desk for special topics and activities based at the Denali Visitor Center. Learn more about park ranger programs at http://go.nps.gov/DenaliRanger • 10 am, SLED DOG DEMONSTRATION — Buses begin to load at 9:20 am at the DVC campus bus stop. Expect to return about 11 am. DVC = Denali Visitor Center MSLC = Murie Science and Learning Center EVC = Eielson Visitor Center • 8 am, DISCOVERY HIKE, bus departs Wilderness Access Center. Advanced registration required at DVC within preceding two days — This off-trail, all-day hike with a park ranger to a different site every day is a great way to explore Denali. Offered June 8 to early September, hikes vary in difficulty. Participants must be prepared for uneven terrain, small stream crossings, dense vegetation, and unpredictable weather. While the hike itself is free, participants are required to sign up in advance at the DVC and to purchase a $34 Discovery Hike bus ticket at the Wilderness Access Center. Group size is limited to 11 hikers. More at http://go.nps.gov/DenaliDiscovery • 10 am, GUIDED NATURE HIKE, DVC — Join a ranger for a guided hike that lasts around two hours and covers about three miles round trip. This hike is considered moderate. Meet at the DVC front porch just before 10 am to participate. • 12 pm, NOONTIME FILMS & PRESENTATIONS, MSLC — Bring your lunch at noon to the Murie Science and Learning Center for film screenings and presentations by Alaska Geographic staff. • 1 pm, EIELSON STROLL, EVC — Join a ranger for a short naturalist walk of about 45 minutes around the Eielson Visitor Center. While no prior registration is required, please select a shuttle bus that departs by 8:30 am from the entrance area. The EVC is located at Mile 65.9 and is accessible by any Eielson, Wonder Lake, or Kantishna shuttle bus. • 1:30 pm, GUIDED NATURE HIKE, DVC — Join a ranger for a guided hike that lasts around two hours and covers about three miles round trip. This hike is considered moderate. Meet at the DVC front porch just before 1:30 pm to participate. • 2 pm, SLED DOG DEMONSTRATION — Buses begin to load at 1:20 pm at the DVC campus bus stop. Expect to return about 3 pm. NPS PHOTO / NATHAN KOSTEGIAN • 3:30 pm TUES thru SAT, RANGER TALK at DENALI SQUARE — This 30-minute presentation is open for all to attend at Holland America's Denali Square Amphitheater, a mile north of the Park Entrance in the Nenana Canyon. NPS PHOTO / KENT MILLER • 4 pm, SLED DOG DEMONSTRATION — Buses begin to load at 3:20 pm at the DVC campus bus stop. Expect to return about 5 pm. • 7 pm, EVENING SPEAKER SERIES, MSLC — On most Tuesday and Friday evenings, Alaska Geographic hosts presentations by visiting specialists for in-depth explorations of science and humanities at the Murie Science and Learning Center. Evening Campground Programs Check local campground bulletin boards for topics and schedules. Programs last 45 minutes. • 7:30 pm, RILEY CREEK CAMPGROUND Mile 0.2, parking available at Riley Creek Mercantile • 7:30 pm, SAVAGE RIVER CAMPGROUND Mile 12.8, accessible by courtesy bus or private vehicle • 7:30 pm, TEKLANIKA RIVER CAMPGROUND Mile 29.1, accessible only to campers at campground • 7:30 pm, WONDER LAKE CAMPGROUND Mile 84.4, accessible only to campers at campground Alpenglow, Summer 2017 3 N P S P H OT O / K E N T M IL L E R Sled Dog Demonstration at Historic Park Kennels is One-of-a-Kind The historic Park Kennels are open to visitors year round, 8 am to 5 pm daily, near Park Headquarters at Mile 3.4 of the Park Road. Free courtesy shuttles are provided throughout the visitor season. Public parking in the area is limited. If you drive yourself, do not expect to find a parking spot. Free demonstrations are offered three times daily during peak season, at 10 am, 2 pm, and 4 pm. In May and September, offerings are more limited. No registration necessary. Arrive at Denali Visitor Center bus stop 40 minutes prior to start time to board the “Dog Demonstration” courtesy bus. There are no late departures. • Be sure to check in with staff and read all safety information as you arrive. • For the safety of your pets, please leave them at another safe location while you visit the sled dogs. Demonstrations depict how rangers and dogs work together to practice a traditional Alaskan mode of travel. These 30-minute programs include an opportunity to tour the kennels and visit Alaskan huskies. Programs are given rain or shine, so be prepared with an umbrella or rain coat. Some seating is available, and there is plenty of standing room. • Keep children at your side at all times. • If any dog acts excited (jumping, barking, pacing) or nervous, please visit a different dog. • Help train the park dogs to have good NPS PHOTO / CLAIRE ABENDROTH manners. They should not jump on you, chew on fingers, or eat any human food. NPS PHOTO / MOLLY McKINLEY NPS PHOTO / DANIEL LEIFHEIT The Denali Discovery Pack program features kid-themed backpacks families may check out free during their visits. Inside there are books, hands-on activities, and guides to explore tundra and taiga habitat. Visit the Denali Visitor Center to borrow a backpack for your whole family. If you complete a Junior Ranger Activity Book while you're here, show your work to a park ranger, take an oath, and receive a badge. Free copies are available from bus drivers and at seven park locations — Denali Visitor Center, Murie Science and Learning Center, Savage Check Station, Wilderness Access Center, Toklat River Contact Station, Eielson Visitor Center, and the Walter Harper Talkeetna Ranger Station. Learn more at ht t p: //g o.nps .g ov/ D e n ali J u n io r 4 Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska The new Riley Creek Day Use Area near the Denali Park Post Office and Park Entrance offers families open space for picnics and outdoor play. Within walking distance of the Riley Creek Campground and McKinley Station trailhead, the site includes covered picnic shelters, tables and restrooms. Family Fun Weekends take place on summer holiday weekends – Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. Special events will be offered 11 am to 5 pm on Saturdays at the Mountain Vista Rest Area near Mile 13 of the Park Road, and also from 11 am to 5 pm on Sundays at the Riley Creek Day Use Area. Watch for postings of activity schedules, or check at the Denali Visitor Center for more information. Special Events • SUMMERFEST Set for Sat Jun 10, this is the park's signature summer 100th birthday celebration kick-off event featuring musical performances, food, birthday cake, children's activities, and more. http://go.nps.gov/Denali100 • HISTORIC FILM SERIES The park's Cultural Resources staff will host free screenings of historic films at the Denali Visitor Center at 7 pm on the second Wednesday of each month, on Jun 14, Jul 12, and Aug 9. http://go.nps.gov/Denali100 • DENALI MUSIC FESTIVAL This sixth-annual event, hosted in partnership with the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival, takes place Mon Jul 24 with activities based at the Denali Visitor Center and other local venues. Learn more @ http://go.nps.gov/Den aliFestival • HEADQUARTERS CULTURAL LANDSCAPE KICKOFF In August, Cultural Resources staff will host a ribboncutting ceremony and celebration for new interpretive and cultural opportunities afforded by the restoration of a historic cabin and early landscaping. NP S P H OT O / K E N T M IL L E R We Are What We Leave Behind by Jacob McCommons Park Ranger We are what we leave behind. What does that mean? Wild adventures? Cultural connections? Lessons in history? Family memories? As you join us in Denali during its 100th birthday year, think about what you hope to take away from your visit. Have you ever thought about what you leave behind? • DENALI STAFF REUNION If you've ever worked in Denali – as park staff, inholders, bus drivers or concessioners – you're invited to join a reunion on Labor Day weekend, Fri Sep 1 to Sun Sep 3 Learn more at www.facebook.com/DENAreunion2017 • ROAD LOTTERY This year’s Road Lottery is Fri Sep 15 to Tue Sep 19, with Military Appreciation Day set for Sat Sep 16. For each day of the lottery, 400 names are drawn and those winners may drive the length of the Park Road in personal vehicles. Applications are accepted May 1-31 and winners are notified by mid-June. http://go.nps.gov/DenaliLottery Human Hundred Centennial Challenge Denali challenges its visitors and staff to get outside, get active, and log up to 100 miles of human-powered travel to commemorate its 100th birthday. You can walk, bike, run, ski or snowshoe. What are we doing? Some things are subtle, others are purposely not. Have you noticed recycling bins? Water refill stations? The absence of plastic bags distributed in the park? Doyon/Aramark Joint Venture promotes reusable water bottles, uses compostable packaging for boxed lunches on tours, and encourages a stewardship culture among its employees. The park expanded recycling efforts, both by adding locations and increasing the types of materials that are recycled. The Denali Education Center and local schools are engaging youth, and encouraging gateway businesses to join in. What can you do to help? Help keep America beautiful by considering: Even with best intentions, 500,000 annual visitors create more than just footprints and memories. Last year, Denali launched an exciting new program, the Zero-Landfill Initiative. With help from Subaru of America, the National Parks Conservation Association, and the Denali Education Center, the park set an ambitious target of diverting 30 percent of its waste from the landfill by the end of 2017. Similar initiatives are underway at Yosemite and Grand Teton national parks. As Denali enters its second century, it's joining with its concessioner, Doyon/Aramark Joint Venture, to be examples of stewardship and sustainability. NPS PHOTOS BY ALEX VAN DER STUYF, KENT MILLER. CHARLOTTE BODAK This means a lot of what is thrown out doesn’t need to end up in the landfill. To remain at the forefront of doing things a better way, we all need to continue existing recycling efforts, and step up new ones. After looking through our own trash bins, we have learned a few things — more than 45 percent of the park’s waste is organic. Almost 27 percent is paper, 16 percent is plastics, and 7 percent is glass. • Do you need it? • Use refillable water bottles, food containers, and camping fuel containers during your adventures. • Choose paperless receipts/reservations when possible. • Bring a tote bag or backpack with room for your souvenirs. • Choose gear and food with the least amount of packaging. Can you recycle or reuse it? After that hike or bus ride, take the extra effort to separate recyclables from your trash and ask for help if you cannot locate appropriate bins. When you’re done with this newspaper, return or recycle it. Use rechargeable batteries. Encourage other Alaska travelers and businesses to join the movement. Share stories of your efforts #DontFeedTheLandfills, and help your park start another century of environmental stewardship. Watch for ranger-led events you can attend to help you achieve your Human Hundred, or you can just get out and about on your own. Once you've succeeded, claim a sticker at a park visitor center. Learn more at ht t p://g o .nps.gov /De nali10 0 Alpenglow, Summer 2017 5 Wilderness Access Center Mile 0.7 Savage Check Station Bus and Campsite Reservations Mile 14.7 i Sanctuary CG 800 622-7275 Nationwide Mile 22.6 907 272-7275 International − + m www.reservedenali.com − − +m Teklanika River CG Teklanika Rest Area Mile 29.1 Mile 30.2 + m Kantishna Toklat Rest Area Mile 92.4 + m − Mile 53.5 Eielson Visitor Center Mile 84.4 (Junction) Mile 12.8 Riley Creek CG and Mercantile Mile 0.2 − Polychrome Overlook Igloo Creek CG Mile 34.0 Stony Overlook Mile 65.9 Wonder Lake CG + m − Savage River CG + m 10 miles (16 km)  The paved section of the Park Road from the entrance at the George Parks Highway to the Savage River Check Station at Mile 14.7 is open to private vehicles during the regular season. The area is served by the Savage River Shuttle, a free courtesy bus with parking and departure points throughout the entrance area. It's especially well-suited for hiking and cycling logistics, and shoulder season outings. Plan on two hours round trip. See more details listed on Page 10. Thanks For Riding The Bus Car Seats The bus that you ride in Denali is key to conserving the park's wilderness character for future generations. Each bus takes the place of dozens of personal vehicles, saves on fuel and emissions, and allows you to watch and enjoy scenery and wildlife. Departure Tour buses depart from area hotels and the Wilderness Access Center. Please check pickup location prior to the date of departure. Transit buses depart from the Wilderness Access Center, except for the Camper Bus, which leaves from Riley Creek Bus Shelter. Dates of Operation Regular Season May 20 to Sep 14 Shoulder Season May 10-19 and Sep 15-20 Dates subject to change Accessibility Wheelchair accessible buses are available on all bus systems. Please advise staff of your needs as you make reservations. American Sign Language interpretation is available with advanced request. Alaska State Law requires children to be in a car seat or booster seat. Children younger than 1 year of age or less than 20 pounds (9 kg) must be in a rear-facing infant seat. Children 1-4 years and at least 20 pounds (9 kg) must be in a child restraint. Children 5-7 years who are less than 57 inches (1.4m) tall or less than 65 pounds (30 kg) must be in a booster seat. Parents are responsible for providing the appropriate car seat. The concessioner makes efforts to provide infant and toddler seats free of charge at the Wilderness Access Center, Baggage Claim, and other areas. Some buses are equipped with two built-in toddler seats. Firearms The park concessioner does not allow firearms on tour buses. Passengers may carry a firearm on transit buses but it must be unloaded and stored in a locked container. Check with the concessioner in advance for more information. NPS PHOTO / KENT MILLER  Natural History Tour This tour focuses on presenting the rich cultural and natural history of Denali. Your driver/naturalist provides a great introduction to the landscape, geology, and history of the park as you travel 30 miles into the park. Morning and afternoon departures are available. A snack and water are provided.  Tundra Wilderness Tour A narrated tour traveling 53 miles into the park as far as the Toklat River Contact Station offers opportunities to view the park’s wildlife and scenery. Tours depart in early morning and afternoon. A box lunch and water are provided. Length: 7 to 8 hours Length: 4-1⁄2 to 5 hours More at http://go.nps.gov/DenaliBuses 6 Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska  Kantishna Experience This narrated tour provides exceptional opportunities to view park wildlife and scenery while learning about early park history on this fully-narrated tour. Travels the full length of the Park Road to the historic mining district of Kantishna at Mile 92. A park ranger joins the tour to lead a short walk and tour in Kantishna. Lunch and water included. Morning departures only. Length: 12 hours How to Make Reservations for Buses, Campsites Advance reservations for all bus services and campsites for the 2017 season are available through mid-September. Each reservation for a transit buses may include a maximum of eight seats. Phone lines are open from 5 am to 5 pm daily (Alaska time). Tickets may be purchased by phone prior to the day before travel and picked up at the Wilderness Access Center (WAC). Dial 800 622-7275 nationwide, or 907 272-7275 international, or visit w w w.re s er ve d enali.co m Tickets Prepaid, reserved tickets may be picked up at the WAC. It is not necessary to check in at the WAC if you already have your bus tickets. Be prepared to board at a loading deck on the west side of the WAC 15 minutes before your departure. Any unclaimed, prepaid tickets for buses departing before 7 am may be picked up from staff on the bus deck. Bus drivers do not sell tickets. Campground permits and bus tickets may be picked up at either the Riley Creek Mercantile or the WAC. The Camper Bus loads at the Riley Creek Bus Shelter. Transit buses  Transit Buses Transit buses are for transportation and wildlife viewing. Passengers may get off along the Park Road to hike and explore, then reboard later shuttle buses on a space available basis with a ticket for that day. Waits of up to one hour to reboard a shuttle bus are possible. All transit buses have racks available for two bicycles. See page 9. Refund Policy For each transit bus seat or campground site there is a $6 cancellation fee. Transit bus cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before departure time. Campground cancellations must be made by 11 am the day before arrival. Tour bus cancellations must be made seven days prior to departure. No refund is granted within seven days. A $5 change fee is levied for changes made to existing reservations. Fares are dependent on turn-around destination and do not include entrance fees. Youth discounts apply. Fares listed are for an adult age 16 and over. Youths age 15 and under are free. Bring plenty of food, water, and adequate warm clothing. No food is available for purchase beyond the entrance area. You may also want to bring field guides, binoculars, insect repellent, and head nets. Destination Highlights Start Time Fare Toklat River Mile 53.5, 85.4 km Offers rest rooms, visitor information desk, bookstore. Highlights include braided river, views of Divide Mountain, wildflowers, Dall sheep, grizzlies, caribou. May 20 6-1/2 hours round trip Adult, age 16 and older $26.50 Youth, age 15 and younger FREE Eielson Visitor Center Mile 65.9, 106.1 km Offers rest rooms, visitor information, art gallery, picnic tables. Highlights include views of Denali, tundra, trails, golden eagles, grizzlies, arctic ground squirrels. June 1 8 hours round Adult, age 16 and older trip $34.00 Youth, age 15 and younger FREE Wonder Lake Mile 84.4, 135.9 km (to Park Road junction) Offers rest rooms and picnic tables. Highlights include views of Denali, kettle ponds, moose, beaver, waterfowl, blueberries. June 8 11 hours round trip Adult, age 16 and older $46.75 Youth, age 15 and younger FREE Kantishna Mile 92.4, 148.4 km This area is primarily a destination for lodge visitors and backpackers. Please respect private lands. June 8 12 hours round trip Adult, age 16 and older $51.00 Youth, age 15 and younger FREE Camper Bus Tent campers can access backcountry units or Sanctuary, Teklanika River, Igloo Creek, and Wonder Lake campgrounds by camper bus. Specify when making a camping reservation. Camper Bwus passes are good on any transit bus with space available, for the entire time you are west of Mile 20. Pick up at Riley Creek Bus Shelter. June 1 Depends on destination Adult, age 16 and older $34.00 Youth, age 15 and younger FREE Entrance Fees Entrance fees are $10 per person age 16 years and older. Payment is included with your bus reservation. Otherwise, payment may be made at the Denali Visitor Center by credit card, cash, or money order. NPS PHOTO / KENT MILLER Visitors board tour and transit buses. Bus and campsite reservations 800 622-7275 Nationwide 907 272-7275 International www.reservedenali.com Restroom Location Milepost Typee Teklanika Rest Area 30 SST ô Toklat Rest Area 54 SST ô Eielson Visitor Center 66 Flush ô Wonder Lake Campground 84.5 Portable ô Wonder Lake Ranger Station 86.5 Outhouse Boundary Gravel Pit 87.5 SST ô Moose Creek Bridge 89 SST ô Kantishna Airstrip 92 SST ô Plan Ahead Stops for bathroom breaks typically occur every 60 to 90 minutes while traveling by bus along the Denali Park Road. If you need to use the outdoors, please adopt “Leave No Trace” principles. Bury your waste, and pack out used toilet paper. Please do not abandon waste for wildlife or park staff to discover and mitigate. NPS PHOTO / KENT MILLER SST = Sweet-Smelling Toilet A row of "Sweet-Smelling Toilet" (SST) facilities at the Toklat Rest Area at Mile 54. Alpenglow, Summer 2017 7 NPS PHOTO / KENT MILLER Keeping A Clean Site Is Key to An 'Uneventful' Campground Experience • Check in after 11 am. Check out by 11 am. • Store and cook food away from sleeping areas. • Quiet hours are between 10 pm and 6 am. • Keep a clean camp and wash dishes immediately At Riley Creek, Savage River, and Teklanika River campgrounds, generators may be operated only from 8 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 8 pm. in designated locations. • Fires are allowed only in established grates at Riley Creek, Savage River, and Teklanika River dumpster, available at campgrounds. Be sure dumpster lids are closed and latched. • Scrape unwanted food from pots and plates, and place in a secure trash container. No exceptions. • Dispose of trash in a bear-resistant trash can or • Pets may be walked along the Park Road, in parking lots, on campground roads, along • Never leave food, containers, or garbage the Bike Path from the park entrance to the unattended even for just a few minutes. visitor center campus, and the Roadside Trail • Whenever they are not in use, all food, food between the visitor center campus and Park campgrounds. The use of power saws and containers, coolers

also available

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