"Take a Cultural Journey" by Cane River National Heritage Area , public domain

Cane River

National Heritage Trail

brochure Cane River - National Heritage Trail
Cane River Map.qxp_Layout 1 7/30/15 4:04 PM Page 1 Take a Cultural Journey as you travel the Cane River National Heritage Trail, a Louisiana Scenic Byway. Stretching from the Spanish Presidio of Los Adaes to the southern tip of Natchitoches Parish, the highways and byways of the Cane River region will engage you whether your interest is in historic plantations, military history, Creole culture and cuisine, or the scenic beauty of the area’s lakes, rivers, and forest. Natchitoches Convention and Visitors Bureau 780 Front Street Natchitoches, LA 71457 1-800-259-1714 OR VISIT: www.CaneRiverNHA.org Cane River National Heritage Area Office 1115 Washington Street Natchitoches, LA 71457 Cover Art courtesy ©Cane River Art Corporation features renowned folk artist Clementine Hunter’s painting of Melrose Plantation and documents the historic structures originally constructed by the descendants of freed Black slaves. Hunter’s paintings are noted for depicting everyday life in the rural South, specifically Cane River in the first half of the twentieth century. 1 Clarence Natchitoches Red River National Wildlife Refuge 5 485 7 West Side Exit 138 ? Fish d. ry R che Hat 494 Information Kiosk 119 Hagewood 1 6 120 8 9 Robeline West to Many and Toledo Bend Reservoir West Side 6 29 is 34 miles from I-49 fro Natchez chezz 6 Grand Ecore Visitor Center U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 15 Atahoe Plantation 16 St. Matthew High School 17 Carroll Jones House 18 Jones-Roque House 19 Badin-Roque House 20 Melrose Plantation 21 St. Augustine Catholic Church 22 Lewis Jones House 23 Metoyer-Cohen Plantation 8 Oaklawn Plantation 24 Magnolia Plantation Home 9 Cherokee Plantation 25 Cane River Creole NHP, Magnolia Plantation Unit 26 Kate Chopin Home Site 27 Chopin Plantation 28 Monett’s Ferry 13 Beau Fort Plantation 1 15 14 29 Fort Jesup State Historic Site Cypress Flora Travel down river and explore the plantation agriculture that shaped the economy and the lives of generations of people in the Cane River region. Historic plantation homes and outbuildings set the scene for the story of working plantations from the 18th to the 21st centuries. Exit 127 1 17 712 18 32 St. Anne Catholic Church 119 Trails 484 48 Isle Brevel Brevellee Cane River National Heritage Trail 20 Me Melrose 19 493 Isle Brevelle Trail 21 Montrosee El Camio Real National Heritage Trail 23 22 akeview Lakeview 24 25 117 De Derry Exit 119 Bellwood Kisatchie National Forest 31 Adai Indian Nation Cultural Center Down River 1 16 494 30 Los Adaes State Historic Site Red Dirt National Wildlife Management Preserve 830 Longleaf Vista Complex ? Longleaf Trail Scenic Byway Red River National Wildlife Refuge ? C Cloutie Cloutierville Information Boat Launch 26 Hospital Information Kiosk 27 49 Chopin 119 Exit 113 28 1 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE AND THE ALLIANCE OF NATIONAL HERITAGE AREAS South to Leesville and Ft. Polk Cane RiverNational HeritageTrail 10 The Old Plauche Place Plantation 12 133 7 Natchitoches National Fish Hatchery Bermuda Kisatchie Ranger District Cane River Creole NHP, Oakland Plantation Unit 12 St. Charles Borromeo Chapel 120 478 5 Fort St. Jean Baptiste State Historic Site Rigolette de Bon Dieu Provencal Down River 14 11 Cedar Bend Plantation 11 Exit 132 During the Spanish Colonial period in America, royal roads tied far-flung regions of Spain’s empire with Mexico City. One of these was El Camino Real de los Tejas, which provided the only primary overland route from what is now Mexico, crossing the Rio Grande to the Red River Valley in what is now Louisiana. 4 Northwestern State University of Louisiana La Cote Joyeuse 478 117 3 National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Traces of each era of Natchitoches Parish’s 300 years are reflected in the 33-block National Historic Landmark District. Giving testament to Natchitoches’ unique intersection of cultures are numerous architectural styles, new and long-standing businesses, surrounding stately homes, prominently placed churches and a historic cemetery where many early leaders rest. 49 1 2 Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts Historic Natchitoches 32 31 Natchitoches National Historic Landmark District Kisatchie National Forest Grand Ecore coree Exit 142 Fort Jesup SHS Fo F OR VISITOR INFORMATION: 6 Heritage Sites East to Winnfield 84 6 Cane River National Heritage Area Cane River National Heritage Area, Inc. is a not for profit organization that manages the congressionally designated Cane River National Heritage Area and works to protect, preserve, and promote the historic character and sustainability of the Cane River National Heritage Area region. 71 Campti Exit 148 30 Cane River National Heritage Area in northwestern Louisiana is a largely rural, agricultural landscape known for its historic plantations, its distinctive Creole architecture, and its multicultural legacy. 1 Allen Bayou Cypre Overlook Lena Exit 107 South to Alexandria Cover image ©Cane River Art Corporation North to Shreveport CANE RIVER N AT I O NA L H E R I TAG E A R E A Cane River Map.qxp_Layout 1 7/30/15 4:05 PM Page 1 10 The Old Plauche Place Plantation 11 An antebellum Greek revival cottage, the Old Plauche Place Plantation is the only Cane River plantation still possessing riverfront with no intervening roadway and therefore only its rear is visible ¼ mile from HWY 494, nestled among the live oaks and magnolias of the Cane River Lake. Private residence. 19 Cedar Bend Plantation 22 Badin-Roque House National Register of Historic Places National Register of Historic Places Cedar Bend is a 19th century French Colonial house once owned by Gabriel Prud’homme and his wife Algae. Family tradition states that during the Red River Campaign, the family raised the French flag outside the house to save it from destruction. Private residence. This bousillage house offers a look at Cane River Creole frontier life. It is one of a handful of structures remaining in the U.S. built in the style known as poteaux en terre (posts in the ground). The Lewis Jones House is a one story frame French Creole house with bousillage infill. A date of 1847 is inscribed under a stair leading to the attic. Private residence. 23 21 1 Natchitoches National Historic Landmark District Natchitoches, the oldest permanent settlement in the Louisiana Purchase territory, was established as a French trade outpost in 1714. The National Historic Landmark District, which fronts Cane River Lake, includes many historic homes, churches, and commercial structures. 2 3 4 5 Natchitoches National Fish Hatchery The Facility sits on the site of a historic Caddo village. The hatchery raises sport and endangered species and includes an aquarium that features native aquatic species and historic displays. 8 Oaklawn Plantation National Register of Historic Places Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts Oaklawn’s picturesque main house, constructed in the 1830s, sits at the head of the third longest oak allée in Louisiana. Private residence. National Center for Preservation Technology and Training 14 Rich in History Immerse yourself in the Cane River region’s rich history and vibrant living traditions. Take a leisurely drive along the river roads. Explore historic homes and plantation and hike local trails. Spend a night or two in a bed and breakfast. Shop and dine in the historic heart of Natchitoches. Take a cultural journey along the Cane River National Heritage Trail. 12 The chapel historically served as a mission church of St. Augustine Catholic Church in Melrose. It represents the only known instance in the United States of a white mission congregation sponsored by a church whose members were primarily people of color. Privately owned. 13 Fort St. Jean Baptiste State Historic Site Grand Ecore Visitor Center The facility, overlooking beautiful Red river, features exhibits on the natural and cultural history of the region. The site contains remnants of Civil War earthworks. St. Charles Borromeo Chapel Beau Fort Plantation National Register of Historic Places Built in the early 19th century, Beau Fort reflects the Creole construction techniques as well as the lifestyles of early French planters. Private residence. 9 Cherokee Plantation National Register of Historic Places The 1830s plantation is named for the Cherokee roses at its front gate. The elegant main house is typical of early Louisiana plantations. Private residence. Oakland Plantation is the most complete Creole plantation in the South. The historic agricultural landscape holds the main house, the plantation store, and 27 additional outbuildings. Together these resources tell the story of a plantation from 1789 to 1960. Open daily, free admission. 15 Founded in 1803, St. Augustine is the first Roman Catholic Church established by and for people of color in the U.S. Today, the church symbolizes the heart of the Cane River Creole culture. St. Augustine is the first traditional cultural property to be added to the National Register of Historic Places in Louisiana. 24 Kate Chopin Home Site National Historic Landmark Kate Chopin, a 19th century feminist writer, resided in the town of Cloutierville from 1880-1883. It was her experiences in Cloutierville that led her to record history, folklore, and lifestyles of the people of Cane River. The home was destroyed by fire in 2009. The site remains a National Historic Landmark. 27 Chopin Plantation Lands of this plantation were once owned by Oscar Chopin, husband of the late 19th century feminist writer Kate Chopin. 29 National Historic Landmark Zachary Taylor was the first commander of Fort Jesup, the American fort built in 1822. The fort was a gateway for Westward expansion and the staging ground for U.S. troops in the USMexican War. Open daily, admission charged. Magnolia Plantation Home National Historic Landmark The plantation house is the area’s largest. The original house was constructed in the 1830s, burned by the Union Army in 1864 and rebuilt in the 1890s. Private residence. 28 Monett’s Ferry The Civil War battle of Monett’s Ferry, Red River Campaign, was fought here in April 1864. Union troops pushed through Confederate lines on their retreat south to Alexandria. Fort Jesup State Historic Site 30 Los Adaes State Historic Site National Historic Landmark 17 Carroll Jones House This is the site of an 18th century Spanish mission and presidio. Built in an effort to cease French expansion, it served as the capital of Spanish Texas for over 50 years. Tours by appointment only, call (318)357-3101 National Register of Historic Places Atahoe Plantation This Creole Plantation house was built around 1818 by Francois Roubieu and is the oldest house in the parish to be raised a full story. Following the Civil War, the house was purchased by John Carroll Jones, an African American, who moved here from Tennessee. After settling in Rapides Parish, Jones married Catherine Clifton, a Choctaw woman, and relocated to Natchitoches Parish after the Civil War. Jones became a wealthy farmer, owning several thousand acres and two homes by 1890. Private residence. Formally established in 1873 by Pierre Emmanuel Prud’homme, Atahoe was once part of the Prud’homme owned Bermuda Plantation. Bermuda was renamed Oakland Plantation in 1873. Private residence. 16 St. Matthew High School National Register of Historic Places Founded in 1916 adjacent to Saint Matthew Baptist Church, the school was formally established in 1952. The St. Matthew School is recognized for its pre-eminence in education of African American children prior to school integration. St. Augustine Catholic Church and Cemetery 26 Metoyer-Cohen Plantation The Metoyer-Cohen Plantation house is a 19th century home located on the original Spanish land grant given to Dominque Metoyer, son of Marie Thérèse Coin Coin in 1796. Private residence. National Register of Historic Places Cane River Creole National Historical Park, Oakland Plantation Unit National Historic Landmark Northwestern State University of Louisiana The historic site explores the stories of 18th century French colonial life in the New World. Living historians guide tours through the replica of the French fort, and a visitor center recounts the area’s colonial history. Open daily, admission charged. 6 7 Lewis Jones House National Register of Historic Places 18 31 25 National Historic Landmark 20 Melrose Plantation Jones Roque House National Historic Landmark National Register of Historic Places This legendary plantation was established by a family of “gens de couleur libres” (free people of color) around the time of the Louisiana Purchase. A 20th century artist retreat, Melrose was the home of Clementine Hunter, a nationally renowned folk artist. Open daily, admission charged. Constructed in 1845, this is one of only a few intact Creole cottages in the Cane River region, with two of the best examples of Creole wraparound fireplace mantles with the original faux finish. The building has been moved and restored. Private residence. Cane River Creole National Historical Park, Magnolia Plantation Unit The plantation outbuildings comprise the agricultural and industrial portion of an extensive Creole cotton plantation. The plantation store, the quarters, the overseer’s house, the blacksmith shop, and the cotton press tell the stories of the working life on a plantation. Open daily, free admission. The history of the Adai Indians is linked with the French and Spanish as allies through trade and military alliance. The center features exhibits on historic and contemporary American Indian culture. Open daily, admission charged. Cane River Creoles The Isle Brevelle community has been the home and heart of Louisiana’s Cane River Creoles since the late 1700s. This community provides the region with stories of traditions of family, community, and cultural renaissance. In places like BadinRoque House, Melrose Plantation, and St. Augustine Catholic Church and Cemetery, you will gain a new appreciation of the complexity of culture in our nation. Adai Indian Nation Cultural Center 32 St. Anne Catholic Church National Register of Historic Places Built in 1916 this church is a rare example of Gothic revival architecture and the fourth building erected by Adai tribal members. St. Anne serves as the mother church of the Adai Indian Nation. Exploring the Outdoors Hiking. Fishing. Stargazing. Birding. From the region’s many waterways to Louisiana’s pine uplands and darkest star-filled skies, it is easy to find the right outdoor experience for every individual or family. Kisatchie National Forest, the Red River National Wildlife Refuge, Briarwood Nature Preserve, and Cane River Lake are only a few of the places you might want to explore.

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