"Aerial view" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
Channel IslandsIsland Fox |
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Channel Islands
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Channel Islands National Park
The Island Fox: Here Today...
The island fox (Urocyon littoralis) lives on six of the eight Channel Islands off the coast of southern California—San Miguel, Santa
Rosa, Santa Cruz, Santa Catalina, San Nicolas, and San Clemente. Each island has its own subspecies, and they are found nowhere
else in the world.
Once you could see island foxes on most any trip to the larger Channel Islands. Bounding through the grass, trotting along the trail,
peering intently at something underfoot—a fox sighting was often the highlight of your island adventure.
In recent years, island fox populations have declined 95% on the three northernmost islands—San Miguel, Santa Rosa, and Santa
Cruz. A park monitoring program on San Miguel Island saw their numbers drop from around 450 in 1994 to 15 in 1999. Without
aggressive recovery actions, foxes on these islands may be extinct within a few short years. How could this happen in such a
seemingly isolated and protected area? The puzzle is complex, with a variety of factors affecting the outcome.
The Mystery
Initially, the decline in fox numbers on San
Miguel Island was viewed as possibly a natural
fluctuation, not uncommon in wildlife. Genetic
studies and historical observations showed
other “bottlenecks” in island fox history, where
numbers greatly declined and then recovered.
During this recent event, San Miguel studies
showed that adults were slowly disappearing yet
still breeding successfully. However, very few
pups survived their first year. The decline also
moved from west to east across the island. At the
same time, on the southern islands, both adult
and pup populations were stable. In examining
the evidence, park biologists looked at a range
of causes: disease, parasites, predation, and
other environmental factors. The west-to-east
pattern suggested disease movement, so blood
and fecal samples were studied. There was no
A Conspiracy of
Historically, golden eagles were not found on
the Channel Islands. There was no prey base,
and the resident and highly territorial bald
eagles may have prevented them from utilizing
the islands. Since bald eagles feed mostly on
fish and carcasses, in a sense, island foxes were
protected. But bald eagles disappeared during
the 1950s and 60s due to the effects of the
pesticide DDT.
With the banning of U.S. production of DDT in
1971, continental bald eagle populations have
recovered. However, bald eagles have never
returned to the islands due to the persistence of
DDT in ocean food chains.
In more recent years, golden eagle numbers
have risen on the mainland. The increased
competition has caused them to search for
new food sources and territories across the
channel. With an abundance of feral piglets
on Santa Cruz Island, supplemented by island
foxes, golden eagles have found a new hunting
territory. The first golden eagle nest was
apparent disease that could have caused the
With foxes at the top of the island food chain,
predation on them had been rare, but telemetry
studies proved otherwise. Foxes on Santa Cruz
Island were radio-collared by researchers from
the Institute for Wildlife Studies. Of 29 foxes
that died over a two-year period, 21 had been
preyed upon. Golden eagles were suspected,
but initially there was no direct evidence.
In the fall of 1998, a follow-up telemetry study
was conducted by the National Park Service on
San Miguel Island. Within a few months, four
of the eight foxes collared had been attacked
and eaten. This time, the culprit left a feather at
one of the scenes. A lab identified it as “golden
eagle.” A major part of the mystery was solved.
discovered in 1999, and eagles have bred
annually on the island since then.
Compounding the situation is a general lack
of island vegetation. Years of grazing by
ranch animals have removed much of the
native chaparral cover, leaving only nonnative grasses in many areas. Since the foxes
hunt during the day and have few places
left to hide, they are easy targets for hungry
golden eagles.
Other complications in need of further study
are the diseases and parasites potentially
introduced to the foxes by domestic dogs.
When an important link in a food chain
is removed, there are other effects as well.
Recently, island mice populations rose
dramatically. Would this have happened if
foxes were still abundant? What else has
been affected by this change in unique island
food chains?
A Fox in Our Future?
Channel Islands National Park is coordinating
a recovery effort with the help of many
individuals and organizations. Canon U.S.A.,
Inc. provided a grant to study the fox decline,
and the National Park Foundation manages a
fund-raising campaign. On March 4, 2004, the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the island
fox as an endangered species. The was the last
chapter in the island fox’s long 19-year wait
for federal protection and will help provide
increased efforts to save this rare animal.
The park has undertaken the following
emergency actions to restore natural
populations of island foxes:
A Fox Profile
Colonizing the Islands
Since 1999—2000, the National Park
Service has been implementing recovery
actions on Santa Rosa and San Miguel
Islands, including captive breeding of foxes
and removal of golden eagles. The National
Park Service and The Nature Conservancy
began captive breeding of island foxes on
Santa Cruz Island in 2002.
This captive breeding has been very
successful. Foxes have been released to the
wild on Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Santa
Cruz Islands. Some of these foxes have
successfully bred and produced pups.
Since 1999, golden eagles have been
captured and released in northeastern
California. None have returned to the
Bald eagles are being reintroduced as part
of a feasibility study funded by settlement
monies from a DDT contaminant case.
These young eagles are establishing
territories and will hopefully, deter golden
eagles from the islands. In 2006, for the first
time in more than 50 years, two bald eagle
chicks were hatched unaided from two
separate nests on Santa Cruz Island.
Feral pigs are being removed from Santa
Cruz Island through a joint project by the
National Park Service and The Nature
Conservancy that began in 2004.
While methods have been developed to help
other endangered animals, islands pose unique
challenges. Since the fox cannot migrate
elsewhere, nor can its habitat be duplicated
on the mainland, restoring its island home is
the highest priority. Recovery efforts include
removing exotic weeds and animals, replanting
native vegetation, and improving water quality.
But it’s a slow, tedious process and merely a
complement to the natural recovery, which
could take generations.
On each of the six islands, a different subspecies
occurs, distinguished by both genetic and
physical differences. For example, San Miguel
Island foxes have shorter tails, due to one less
tail vertebra, and longer noses than the other
island foxes. The island fox is the largest native
mammal on the Channel Islands, but one of
the smallest canid species in the world. They
average from 12 to 13 inches in height, 23 to 27
inches in length (including tail), and three to
four pounds in weight—about the size of a small
housecat. The island fox is nearly 20 percent
smaller than its closest relative, the mainland
gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). Similar in
appearance to the gray fox, the island fox has a
gray back, rufous sides (reddish-brown), and
a white underside. There are distinctive black,
white, and rufous markings on the face.
Geologists believe the northern Channel Islands
were never connected to the mainland, yet the
fossil record shows the arrival of foxes at least
16,000 years ago. So how did they cross this
water barrier?
The foxes adapted to their new island home,
evolving into a dwarf or smaller form of the gray
fox. Environmental and ecological factors such
as overcrowding, reduction in predators, food
limitations, and genetic variations could have
contributed to the natural selection for a smaller
size. As the climate warmed and ocean levels
began to rise, canyons filled with seawater.
Santarosae was divided into the islands of San
Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, and Anacapa.
Because of a lack of permanent freshwater,
the island fox did not persist on Anacapa, but
the other three northern islands had all the
requirements for foxes.
During the last ice age, 10—20,000 years ago,
ocean levels were up to 400 feet lower than
today’s. The channel between the islands and
mainland narrowed, perhaps to just four to
five miles across. The northern islands became
one large island we call Santarosae. Gray foxes
could have “rafted” to this island on driftwood,
propelled by storms or currents.
The Chumash Connection
Evidence of Native Americans has been found
on the Channel Islands dating back at least
13,000 years. Well-developed trade routes
existed between the Chumash on the northern
Channel Islands and the Gabrieliño/Tongva on
the southern islands. Scientists believe island
foxes were transported to the southern Channel
Islands of Santa Catalina, San Nicolas, and
San Clemente through trade by island peoples.
Foxes may have colonized San Clemente Island
as recently as 500 years ago.
Mating takes place in February and March with
pupping usually in April or May. Average litter
size is two. The adult males play an important
role in the raising of young. Unlike nocturnal
gray foxes, which hunt exclusively at night to
avoid predators, island foxes normally have no
natural predators, so they can be active during
daylight hours. As “generalist omnivores,” they
eat almost all available foods on the islands,
including fruits, vegetation, insects, mice, and
The Chumash give special status to the fox,
considering it to be a pet of the sun or dreamhelper. The island Chumash performed a fox
dance and probably used the pelts to make
articles such as arrow quivers, capes, and