by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved
Carlsbad CavernsCanyons & Caves Vol 43, No 1 |
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Canyons & Caves
Newsletter of the Resources Stewardship & Science Division
Vol. 43, No. 1
January, 2017
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
Editor’s Letter
We are excited to resurrect the Canyons and Caves newsletter with this issue. We feel it is absolutely critical that we
provide the latest information to park staff, so each of you can
answer the thoughtful questions that our visitors are asking.
Because the newsletter will come out quarterly, we hope to
keep you abreast of upcoming resource management events
and research projects. We also hope to be able recognize our
successes and let other parks and researchers know about the
status of on-going projects and research. This electronic newsletter is the vehicle we hope to accomplish all this with. Canyons and Caves will be divided into the Physical, Biological,
and Cultural sciences, the three programs of the Resource Management Division. We are lucky
to have Cathryn Hoyt as our production editor, as she brings a fresh and professional look to
Canyons and Caves.
• Jan 19: Ellen Trautner presentation on new discovery in Lechuguilla. Pecos Valley
Grotto meeting, 7:00 pm, at National Cave and Karst Research Institute.
• Jan 21-28: Dr. Hazel Barton is leading a Lechuguilla expedition
• Jan 28-Feb 4: National Cave Rescue Commission regional training in Bend, TX
• Jan 29-Feb 4: Paul Burger surveying in Spider Cave
• Feb 16: Pecos Valley Grotto Meeting, 7 pm, at NCKRI
• Feb 17-20: Cave Research Foundation Restoration weekend in Carlsbad Cavern
• Feb 24-Mar 4: Derek Bristol leading a Lechuguilla expedition
• Mar 13-17: David Levy sampling water in Lechuguilla Cave
• Mar 16: Pecos Valley Grotto Meeting, 7 pm, at NCKRI
• Mar 25-Apr 1: Bat Echolocation Symposium in Tucson, AZ
• Apr 12-13: Lint Camp with Pat Jablonsky
• Apr 13-17: Cave climatologist Andreas Pflitsch will be in the park.
• Apr 20: Pecos Valley Grotto Meeting; 7 pm, at NCKRI
• Apr 22: NSS Southwest Region Spring Meeting at Parks Ranch Cave
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
Canyons &
Newsletter of the Resources
Stewardship & Science Division
Vol. 43, Issue 1
January 2017
Rod Horrocks Editor
Ellen Trautner Associate Editor
Cathryn Hoyt Production Editor
Luis Florez
Rod Horrocks
Cathryn Hoyt
Sam Denman
Ellen Trautner
Gosia Allison-Kosior
Dan Austin
Luis Florez
Tim Fogg
Jennifer Foote
Art Fortini
Cathryn Hoyt
James Hunter
Jaco Webber
Max Wisshak
Resources Stewardship &
Sciences Division
3225 National Parks Highway
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Image Front Cover:
Hazel Barton, dressed in a wet suit
with hoodie, swims across Lake Castrovalva in Lechuguilla Cave. Photo
by Tim Fogg.
Luis Florez, John Davis, and John Mitchell show off their day’s haul after pulling Johnson grass at Rattlesnake Springs. Photo by Jaco Webber.
Editor’s Letter 2
One Strange Rock, Indeed!
The Squeeze: Resource Notes & News
Physcial Sciences
Cultural Resources
Photo Essay: Butterflies of
Carlsbad Caverns National Park
Meet the Staff 24
Recent Publications 26
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
“One Strange
Rock,” Indeed!
by Ellen Trautner
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
In late October 2016, I accompanied crew members from Nutopia, a London-based production
company, into Lechuguilla Cave to film a sequence for an upcoming National Geographic series called “One
Strange Rock.” This ten episode event will air in 2018 and will feature all the many strange and unique ways
life has developed on this planet. Filming in Lechuguilla focused on microbial life that thrives in the extreme
cave environment. Because travel time to and from the filming sites would have been very slow if we came
from the surface each day, we camped in the cave for eight days and seven nights.
There were six of us who spent the entire week
underground. This included four crew members
from Nutopia: Chris, the assistant producer and
including Rod, and they gave me advice on packing and logistics.
We entered the cave on October 21st. Between
onsite director, Johnny the cameraman, Mark the
film crew, sherpas, a microbiologist and myself,
sound guy, and Tim the rope safety advisor. Dr.
there were eleven people entering the cave. To
Hazel Barton, a well-known microbiologist who
avoid bottlenecks at the entrance rope and Boul-
has been coming to Lechuguilla for almost twenty
der Falls, we divided into three groups and spaced
years, rounded out our camping group. Besides
our entries about an hour apart. I was part of the
the six of us who were in there continually, Nuto-
last group, and we entered the cave a little after
pia had hired six very experienced Lechuguilla
one p.m. Down, down, down we went, deeper
cavers to be their sherpas. Each day, a team of
into the cave. There were many drops where we
three would come into the cave to bring fresh
used ropes, several traverses over exposed ledges,
batteries and other equipment, and then carry
and at the end, an uphill climb with two more
out used batteries and that day’s rushes. These
ropes to use as hand lines. Thankfully, the crawl-
sherpas also brought in all the camera gear at the
ing is minimal to get to camp, since we all were
beginning of the week and hauled it out at the end,
hauling our camp duffels, which weighed about
which was no easy task as there were eleven large
thirty pounds each. The sherpas with the camera
bags of equipment.
gear had even bigger packs.
Filming took place primarily in the southwestern
We took it slow, making several breaks, and
branch of the cave. This area includes such high-
finally rolled into camp about 7:15 p.m. The sher-
lights as Chandelier Ballroom, Pearlsian Gulf, and
pas turned around to head back to the surface,
the Lebarge Borehole. We camped in the branch’s
and those of us camping set up our tarps, sleep-
designated camping site, Big Sky. This was my first
ing bags, and started making dinner. We brought
camping trip inside Lechuguilla, or any cave for
several small backpacking stoves so we were able
that matter. The filming permit required a park
to boil water. We poured boiling water into our
representative to be present during all filming, and
freeze dried dinners and ate directly from the
I was the only person available. Having just started
packaging. This is also how we ate our oatmeal
in Cave Resources in June, I happened to be in
each morning. There is no gray water in Lechu-
the right place at the right time. I talked to many
guilla, so you cannot wash dishes, wash your
people who had camped in Lechuguilla before,
hands, or otherwise bathe or rinse. Water is for
drinking and cooking only. Personal hygiene is
limited to wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and teeth
Ellen arrives at Big Sky Camp with her camp duffel. Photo by
Gosia Allison-Kosior.
brushing—but spitting into a baggie. For me, dealCanyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
Chris, Mark, and Johnny set up the “jib” in Pearlsian Gulf. Photo by James Hunter.
ing with limited hygiene was the biggest challenge
moving camera gear easy, as we could make mul-
of camping in the cave.
tiple trips quickly. Pearlsian Gulf is a lake sur-
By 9:30 pm, we were all ready for bed. Of course
rounded by flowstone, stalagmites, and of course
the darkness is immediate, and almost tangible,
cave pearls. It is a clean area, which means we
when the last person turns off their headlamp.
each had to wear a clean set of clothes and our
The silence, which I would have enjoyed, is not
aqua socks. We spread out tarps to put the cam-
present when you have six people sleeping in the
era gear on so that it would not scratch the flow-
same room. Because the cave itself is so still and
stone or get wet. Then the slow process of filming
quiet, any little noise someone makes—a cough, a
began. Although Pearlsian Gulf was perhaps the
snore, adjusting their sleeping bag—sounds like a
easiest of all the sites to film, due to relatively flat,
shot in the dark. Ironically, I had to sleep with ear
even floors and plenty of walking space, there is
plugs in the cave!
also a learning curve for cave photography. Setting
Sunday morning we woke up to total darkness
up shots, figuring out lighting, and keeping the
and the sound of Hazel’s alarm going off. After
lenses from fogging all presented themselves as
breakfast, we headed over to Pearlsian Gulf, a
challenges during this time. How to get amazing
short walk away from our camp. It certainly made
shots while avoiding delicate floors and the lake,
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
necessitated creative thinking. Fortunately, Chris,
to contain our hair, skin cells, dirt, etc. Once we
Johnny, Mark, and Tim all were extremely con-
had all our equipment packed into clean dry bags,
scientious about cave protection the entire week.
we were ready to get in the water. It was COLD.
They were willing to endure extra hardships if it
Johnny recorded Hazel, Chris and I getting in and
meant the cave would be better protected. Johnny,
swimming out and back. If any sound was recorded
who manned the camera, particularly had great
at that time, it would have been completely full of our
spatial awareness, which was important when he
yelps and screams because of the cold.
was getting very close to delicate speleothems.
The second day of filming was special for all of
Once we made it to the other side, we were in
awe of what we saw. Caves always feel somewhat
us. We were visiting Lake Castrovalva, an area
otherworldly to me, but this was the first time I
that had been discovered in the eighties but the
felt I was on a completely different planet. The
far shores hadn’t been visited in twenty years.
beautiful clear water, the giant lily pads that we
The original discoverers of the lake named it for a
tiptoed on, the pristine nature of this place; it was
“Doctor Who” episode, which in turn had gotten
like nothing I had experienced before. Although
the name from a lithograph by artist M.C. Escher.
we usually played music while we filmed to fill the
To approach the lake, we had to change into aqua
monotonous silence, we had no need of music on
socks and clean clothes, but the filming permit
that day. Castrovalva made its own music.
including the far side of the lake. The only way to
The next three days were more challenging in
get there was by swimming. Our trusty sherpas
many ways. We filmed one day in Land of the
had packed us skin suits, which were like wet suits
Lost, and two in Chandelier Ballroom. There was
without any insulation, and we had to wear the
no flat flowstone for us to easily walk on and set up
suits along with aqua socks and swim caps in order
the camera. In Land of the Lost, any step off trail
Chris, Johnny, and Hazel filming at the chandeliers. Photo by Gosia Allison-Kosior.
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
Johnny filming Lake Chandalar in Lebare Borehole. Photo by Gosia Allison-Kosior.
meant risking injury to beautiful aragonite bushes.
the end. Each day, at the end of filming, some of
The trail was narrow and went up and down over
the gear would get moved on to the next site. By
breakdown. Once the camera was set up on the
the end of the second day in Chandelier Ballroom,
trail, the only way to get to the other side was by
most of the bags had moved on to the Lebarge
crawling underneath it while someone held on to
Borehole. Thursday morning, we woke up early
the tripod legs. In the Chandelier Ballroom, we
and made our way to the Chandelier Ballroom to
had a little more room to work with, but setting
pick up the remaining gear bags and shuttled them
up the camera so close to the chandeliers meant
through Tinseltown Maze into the Lebarge Bore-
someone always had to be holding the tripod, and
hole. We did big “expedition” shots in the bore-
someone else always had to be spotting the camera
hole of Hazel leading her team through the cave.
as Johnny moved in close to get macro shots of
They also filmed a lot of “science” shots that day,
the crystals. Once again, Johnny demonstrated his
of Hazel collecting microbial samples and testing
excellent spatial awareness. Once he got to this
them. After three days of stressful filming in Land
filming site, he familiarized himself with exactly
of the Lost and Chandelier Ballroom, it felt nice to
where he could and could not go, and it seemed
be back in aqua socks on relatively flat flowstone,
like he automatically gained muscle memory for
far away from delicate crystals.
those spots.
That evening we wrapped filming a little earlier,
Over the course of the week, our filming sites
because the sherpas were waiting to take some
moved farther away from camp and closer to the
gear all the way to Boulder Falls. The next day,
entrance. This was done intentionally, to aid the
Friday, was going to be our exit day. We kept one
sherpas in bringing the packs out of the cave at
small camera for filming on the way out. When
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
Friday morning rolled around, we packed up
hauling all eleven bags of gear out of the cave. We
quickly. It was our eighth day in the cave and we
set up a haul system to get them up Boulder Falls,
all had “entrance fever.” We said goodbye to Big
and then the sherpas started doing laps from the
Sky Camp. We passed familiar sites: the turn-off
top of the Falls to the airlock. Eventually, all gear
to Lake Castrovalva, Land of the Lost, Chande-
made it out, and everyone who remained shoul-
lier Ballroom, and Lebarge Borehole. We slowly
dered a pack or two (or in some cases, three) and
made our way up the Little White Bastard, one at a
we hiked back to the cars.
time on rope. We stopped to film in Snow White’s
The whole experience was productive, enjoy-
Passage and encountered the sherpa team heading
able, and successful. The film crew and the sherpa
down to fetch the last six bags from Lebarge Bore-
teams were all great people and made the expe-
hole. Between the four sherpas that came in that
rience a positive one. I even got to play at being
day, they got all the bags to Boulder Falls in record
part of the film crew by creating a “2nd unit” team
time while we were still working our way through
with Hazel to film behind the scenes footage for
the Rift. Unfortunately we all arrived at the bottom
“The Making Of” special that will be released in
of Boulder Falls at the same time, which meant a
conjunction with the series. Lechuguilla truly is
long wait while each person climbed the rope.
a strange and wonderful place and belongs in the
The surface never smelled so good. After a good
bigger story of “One Strange Rock.” I will never
night’s sleep on a real bed, we went back into the
forget this trip, my first week completely under-
cave on Saturday to film sequences at Boulder Falls
ground, and I look forward to seeing it brought to
and the entrance airlock. The final challenge was
life on screen.
The team that pulled all the bags out of the cave on the last day. Front row L to R: Ellen Trautner, James Hunter, Stan Allison.
Back row L to R: Chris Baron, Tim Fogg, Johnny Rogers, Gosia Allison-Kosior, Harlan Taney, Beth Cortright, Derek Bristol. Photo by
Gosia Allison-Kosior.
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
The Squeeze
Resource Notes & News
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
Lechuguilla Cave Expedition Summaries, 2014-2016
Thirty years after a group of explorers squirmed their way through a hole and into Lechuguilla Cave, the
cave continues to surprise us. Explorers continue to find new passages and researchers learn more about the
diversity of life within this pristine cave system.
Kent Taylor led day trips to the Ghost Town
area, November 8-14, 2014
Kent led some day trips to the Lake of the Blue
Midgets in the Ghost Town area of Lechuguilla
Cave. The survey crew attempted to climb to a visible passage beyond the Lake of the Blue Midgets
but had to abort their trip to prevent loose material
from being knocked into the lake. Returning later,
they determined the lead was not worth pursuing.
They surveyed a few shots in a couple of boneyard
areas and then failed to climb into another lead
they had noticed in the area.
Hazel Barton Expedition to the Lebarge
Borehole area, November 9-15, 2014
Hazel led a 6-person expedition to the Lebarge
Borehole and Voids area in the Southwest Branch
of Lechuguilla Cave. While resurveying a deadend passage at the top of a fissure lead above the
Lebarge Borehole, they discovered a previously
unnoticed lead that led to a significant discovery
that was named Neuland, which mean “new land”
or “virgin territory” in German. They discovered
several large rooms that they named the Icefields
Parkway, Moraine, Chandelier Wallroom, and the
Columbia Icefield, and a dome that they named
the Diplomacy Dome. They were able to survey
5,402 feet of total survey, with 2,885 feet of new survey and the rest resurvey of old problem surveys.
Cave to work on completing the South Winds and
Southern Climbs quadrangles. They surveyed
800 feet in a narrow vertical fissure and boneyard
maze located below the Tradewinds area that
they named the Chimera Crevice. They also went
back to the Neuland area to finish pushing leads
in their spectacular 2014 discovery. This included
a 200 foot aid climb that dead ended and which
they named the Polar Circus as well as 900 feet of
passage and borehole that they named the Quiet
Crisis, which they found off the top of the Diplomacy Dome. They found more gypsum chandeliers in the area. While checking 70 leads during
the expedition, they surveyed a total of 7,592 feet
of passage, including 2,267 feet of resurvey of old
problem surveys.
Derek Bristol Expedition to the Far West,
September 17-24, 2016
Derek led a 6-person expedition to the Far West
part of the western branch of Lechuguilla Cave.
Pushing a highly decorated 6 to 8-foot-wide lead
in the Boomtown area, they encountered a deep
lake that continues off the south edge of the map,
which they had to abandon until mitigating measures can be identified to cross the lake on a future
expedition. An aid climb in the Oz area led to 360
feet of new survey. A second aid climb in Oz led
to 1,045 feet of survey, with two domes and one pit
Max Wisshak Expedition to the Deep Seas
Camp, November 14-21, 2015
lead left for a future expedition. One of the domes
Max led a 9-person expedition to the Deep
and was named the Nostril, which would place the
Seas Camp in the Western Branch of Lechuguilla
Blackness ahead in the Neuland area in the Southwest
Branch of Lechuguilla Cave. Photo by Max Wisshak.
was in a large room and measured 200-foot high
top approximately 80 feet below the surface and
about the same elevation as the airlock. In addition, the expedition surveyed 2,297 feet of mop-up
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
The Squeeze Physical Sciences
Red Tides, a new room discovered on the southern edge of the Western Borehole in Lechuguilla Cave.
Photo by Dan Austin.
survey in the Keel Hall, Sanctuary, and the 1988
for the trip centered around the Red Lakes area,
Room areas. They were able to eliminate 50 leads
between Oasis and Huapache Highway, which is
while adding an additional 13 leads. The results of
located at the far western end of the Western Bore-
the expedition included 4,402 feet of total sur-
hole in the Keel Hall quad (Quad I35). The main
vey; 3,730.5 feet of new survey and 671.6 feet of
objective was to push a tight slot that appeared to
excluded survey. The expedition added 0.71 miles
open up beyond a constriction. That lead opened
to the length of Lechuguilla Cave.
into a highly decorated chamber 100’ x 80’ in
Dan Austin Expedition to Red Lakes Area,
November 18, 2016
diameter with 30’ high columns and dry pool
After obtaining a permit to investigate a tight
basins that they named Red Tides. They left two
climbing leads for a future return trip while sur-
lead on the south edge of the Western Borehole in
veying 288 feet in the new room. A nearby lead led
the Red Lakes area, Dan Austin led a group of five
to a new pool they named Goldmember Pool and
cavers on a one-day push trip. All of the objectives
produced 116 feet of survey. They left a lead con-
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
tinuing on the other side of the pool for a future
and in the Kachina Lakes area, which is close to
expedition. Most of the 404’ of survey accumu-
but above the Grand Guadalupe Junction level.
lated during the 18-hour trip was in virgin passage.
This proved fruitful as climbs were started that will
John Lyles Expedition to the Far East,
November 14-20, 2016
John led an expedition with six other cavers,
need follow up during future expeditions. Resurvey on the route to the Generation X Room found
an additional narrow inclined passage that contin-
including two German cavers, into the Far East of
ues. One team went to the far south end to Coch-
Lechuguilla Cave. They accomplished some resur-
ise Stronghold, and surveyed two small passages,
vey work that was needed by the cartographer of
both on the southwest edge of the cave. Finally, a
the area, Pat Kambesis. The expedition brought
new effort was started in the large area under the
together the three most active surveyors of the
Ruby Chamber, along the main trail in the Wild
past decade in the Far East branch, John Lyles,
Black Yonder area. The teams added 2,634.2 feet
Ron Miller, and Rich Sundquist. They worked in
of new passage to the length of the cave, raising
the very complex Outback area, mopping up and
the total length of the Lechuguilla survey to 141.07
connecting in additional loops to nearby surveys.
miles, or about 227 km. In addition, the German
They also worked in and around Coral Seas area
cavers brought multi-flash digital SLR setup and
Goldmember Pool, a new pool discovered on the southern edge of the Western Borehole in Lechuguilla Cave.
Photo by Jennifer Foote.
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
The Squeeze Physical Sciences
photo-documented parts of the Outback that have
never been captured via high-quality photography
Hazel Barton & Art Fortini Expedition to the
West, December 11-17, 2016
Due to scheduling issues, Art’s team joined
Hazel’s expedition to the west. Hazel went to an
area along the Western Borehole that is located
underneath the Chandelier Graveyard; where
they mopped up numerous leads and resurveyed
numerous problem surveys. Hazel’s team surveyed 3,482 feet of new passage, while resurveying
6,196 feet of problem surveys. After Art’s group
The corrosion residue-covered horizontal pancake passages
discovered at the top of the Neverland climb on 12/13/16
by Art Fortini’s climbing expedition. They named the area
Never-Never Land. Photo by Art Fortini.
mopped up some passage in the Fubar area on the first day of the expedition, his team spent the next
three days continuing the overhanging climbing lead on the Treehouse/Neverland climb. Although the
top started looking more and more like an alcove the higher they climbed, when they finally did reach
the lip, they found wide, going, pancake type of passages that averages three-feet high with pillars everywhere and few visible walls. The area is covered in corrosion residue and has significant airflow. They
surveyed 1,610 feet before they ran out of time in this significant new discovery. They left over 60 leads
in this new area for a return expedition. Combined, Hazel’s and Art’s expeditions surveyed 1.03 miles of
new cave, bringing the Lechuguilla Cave survey to 142.10 miles or 228.67 km. —ROD HORROCKS
Carlsbad Cavern Expedition Summaries, 2014-2016
Visited for over 100 years, Carlsbad Caverns still has leads that are being explored and surveyed.
Derek Bristol led day trips to the Chocolate
High & Guadalupe Sections, 12/30/15 – 1/2/16
Derek led a 6-person, 4-day expedition to the
Guadalupe Room and Chocolate High Sections of
Carlsbad Cavern. They were able to photo-document the Southern Splendor area, which had been
the expedition, they were able to survey 3,968 feet
of total survey, which includes 219 feet of redundant survey. The expedition added 0.71 miles to the
length of Carlsbad Cavern, which brought the cave
survey up to 32.35 miles.
lost for 23 years. They surveyed 2,500 feet of new
Ed Klausner Led Day Trips to the Lower Cave
area, September 29-October 4, 2016
cave in a series of deep pits on the east edge of the
Ed led a series of CRF organized day trips to
section and mopped up some leads near the Sand
mop up as many high leads as he could in the
Room. In the Chocolate High area they surveyed
Lower Cave area of Carlsbad Cavern. Bringing a
some leads off the edge of the map and mopped
22-foot folding ladder into the cave, he was able to
up several other leads for 1,468 feet of survey. For
check 37 leads. They surveyed some a short dis-
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
tance, while others could only be sketched because
they were either too delicate, merely alcoves,
Cave Survey Lengths
or blocked by pools. A few couldn’t be climbed
without lead climbing with full vertical gear. Alto-
Lechuguilla Cave 142.10 miles (228.67 km)
gether, his teams were able to survey 865 feet of
Carlsbad Cavern 32.47 miles (52.25 km)
survey in 60 shots. This included 682 feet of new
passage and 183 feet of redundant survey. The only
leads left in Lower Cave are numerous difficult
Spider Cave 5.49 miles (8.83 km)
Slaughter Canyon Cave 3.78 miles (6.08 km)
climbing leads. The expedition added 0.13 miles
to the length of the Carlsbad Cavern survey, which
brought the cave survey up to 32.47 miles. —ROD
The Mystery of the Colonel
Boles Formation
Interpretive ranger Mannie Bemis contacted the Cave
Resources Office in June 2016 about the many stories
surrounding the Colonel Boles Formation in Lower
Cave. These stories, mostly attributed to ranger lore,
concern the natural breaks in several columns.
Some stories say the columns were broken on
purpose, in order that rangers could remove the
center section to illustrate the fact that columns
do not, in fact, hold up the cave. Other stories
include an epilogue, stating that after those crazy
early days of the park, the column has since been
repaired. Some say by glue, some claim other
While we know that Colonel Boles did indeed
remove the center section of one of the columns
to entertain his guests, there is no source stating
that it was broken intentionally. Also, in talking to
former Cave Specialist Dale Pate, he stated that the
Cave Specialist Rod Horrocks removes the center piece of the
Colonel Boles formation. NPS Photo.
formation had not been repaired during his tenure
at the park (1991-2011) and he had no knowledge of it ever being repaired.
To set some of these rumors to rest, Rod, Mannie, and Ellen headed down to Lower Cave on June
21st, 2016. They first determined that the columns were broken by settling as the underlying cave silt
contracted. After putting down a nylon cloth so that they would not track mud onto the flowstone, they
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
The Squeeze Physical Sciences
were able to demonstrate that it had not been
repaired, as Cave Specialist Rod Horrocks was
easily able to remove the center piece. They also
were able to document that both ends were natural
breaks. Neither end was a manmade cut. Unfortunately, this piece has obviously been removed
Iron Pool in Left Hand Tunnel
The Iron Pool in the Left Hand Tunnel in Carlsbad
Cavern is an interesting mystery.
The current thought is that the greenish color
many times in the past. The lower break has been
in the Iron Pool is due to the Tyndall Effect, which
worn down to the point that it is no longer a clean
refers to light being scattered by a very fine colloid
break. Luckily it still balances quite well.
that is in suspension in water. The green color is
Now that it has been established and documented that both breaks are natural, and have
not been repaired, there is no need to repeat this
experiment. —ELLEN TRAUTNER
consistent with a colloidal suspension of iron. Geologist Carol Hill helped Douglass E. Caldwell collect
an aquatic bacterium name Leptothrix sp. from the
Iron Pool in 1969. This organism has the ability to oxidize
Douglass published a paper
in Geomicrobiology on this
organism in 1980, where he
stated that it is filamentous and
is incased in an iron-containing
hexagonal sheath, which covers the surface of the cells. The
width of the hexagonal subunits are only 0.1 angstroms,
with no iron observed within
the subunits. It’s also interesting that nearby pools are not
the same green color, with only
one moonmilk pool occasionally showing signs of going
yellow. Geologist Michael
Queen stated, “Why the two
nearby pools are so different
is particularly mysterious, perhaps we need to do some more
Interpretive Ranger Dustin Baker shines a light on the Iron Pool during a tour of Left
Hand Tunnel. Photo by Cathryn Hoyt.
Canyons & Caves Vol. 43 (1) 2017
testing.” —ROD HORROCKS
The complexity of the the Big Room in Carlsbad Caverns will help test evolving ideas about what constitutes a cave chamber or
passage. Results from the LIDAR survey of this, and other cave chambers around the world, will be presented in July, 2017, at the
International Congress of Speleology in Sydney, Australia. Photo by Cathryn Hoyt.
LIDAR Survey of the Big Room in Carlsbad Cavern
Tim and Jane Allen, cavers from the United Kingdom, recently completed a LIDAR survey of the Big Room in
Carlsbad Cavern. They were joined by fellow UK cavers Andy Eavis and Roo Walters in a project to make a
detailed 3D map of the Big Room. The purpose of the survey was to calculate the volume of the Big Room, in
order to determine where the Big Room ranks in the largest cave chambers in the world.
This survey is part of a 3-year project to visit all the world’s largest chambers so that the first detailed
comparison can be made of them, not only to assess which is the largest chamber, but also to find out
more about their structure and how they were formed. “Previous estimates of size are largely informed
guesswork,” explained Roo Walters, who is responsible for collating the data into 3D models from which
measurement can be made. “This equipment allows us to measure down to each square centimeter of
the cave walls separately, which means a highly detailed and accurate model can be built.”
The actual calculation for the size of the Big Room is 0.93 million cubic meters, which is 10% larger
than the cavern previously thought to be the largest in the Americas: The Belize Room, in Belize. However, there is another contender, La Munenca, a large chamber in Mexico, that hasn’t been revisited
since it was discovered in 1989. The team will visit La Munenca in 2017. “What we discovered during this
project,” said team leader Tim Allen, “is that until we measure it, we just don’t know.” —ROD HORROCKS
Canyons & Caves 43(1) 2017
The Squeeze Biological Sciences
Wildlife Handling SOP
On October 12, 2016, Superintendent Doug
Neighbor reviewed and signed the Wildlife Handling SOP. The purpose of the SOP is to provide
park employees with guidelines on how to deal
with wildlife that are suspected of carrying rabies
infection. A copy of SOP 16-02, “handling of
Wildlife with Suspected Rabies Infection,” can
be found on the Shared Drive (S:) at: SOP’s-Archived/2016/16-02.
We also hope to form a CAVE wildlife responder
team comprised of volunteers from each park
division. Training will be provided. More on this in
Native Plant Revegetation
Revegetation Plots
In 2012 and 2013, Native Plant Revegetation plots
were constructed at