by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved
Capitol ReefHistoric Fruita |
Brochure about Historic Fruita at Capitol Reef National Park (NP) in Utah. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Capitol Reef
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Capitol Reef National Park
Historic Fruita
Fruita’s historic period (1883–1941) illustrates the opening and closing of the
frontier in southern Utah.
The Gifford House
The self-sufficient community of Fruita was
made up of a few large, hard-working, and
interdependent families.
Gifford and his family occupied the home for
41 years, beginning in 1928, and were the last
residents to leave Fruita in 1969.
Calvin Pendelton, Fruita’s only polygamist,
built a stucco house in 1908. Pendelton constructed a barn, smokehouse and rock walls
on the mesa slopes above the house.
The rock walls may have been constructed by
the Pendelton children when they became
mischievous or bored. It also kept the family’s
sheep off the hilltop.
Jorgen Jorgenson owned the home after the
Pendeltons and worked the pasture until he
sold it to his son-in-law Dewey Gifford.
The Orchards
Nels Johnson planted the first orchards
soon after he constructed a small cabin above
the Fremont River. The soil and climate
allowed a wide range of crops—especially
fruit—to be grown.
The residents of Fruita planted apple, apricot,
peach, pear, plum and nut trees. Grape arbors
were prevalent within a decade and later
became part of a thriving, but illegal, local
alcohol industry.
Mulford Orchard
Today the orchards hold approximately 3100
trees, primarily apple, apricot, peach, pear, and
cherry, with a few plum, mulberry, almond,
pecan, and walnut trees.
Fruita is listed on the National Register of
Historical Places as a Historical Cultural
Landscape. The orchards and surrounding
three square miles are preserved and protected. The National Park Service maintains
the orchards with a small crew that is kept
busy year round with pruning, irrigation, and
orchard management.
One-Room Fruita School
Nettie Behunin was 14 when she began
teaching school in her parent’s backyard. She
taught outside for several years from the end
of fall harvest to the beginning of spring
planting until 1896, when Fruita residents
completed work on the one-room school.
First through eighth grade attended all at
once, and class sizes varied from eight to
twenty-six students. The building was used
for church services, town meetings, box
socials, and dances when school was out of
session. The Fruita School closed in 1941 due
to the dwindling population of Fruita.
Mail Tree
Mail delivery was considered unreliable in
1914 Fruita, arriving by wagon from Torrey
(11 miles [17.71 km] to the west) en route to
Hanksville (37 miles [59.57 km] to the east).
Mailbags and wooden boxes were hung on
a large tree in the center of the community.
Outgoing mail was picked up by the postman
who replaced it with new mail about every
three weeks.
A prominent Fremont cottonwood known
as the mail tree still stands in the picnic area
along the Scenic Drive, reminding us of
Fruita’s limited connection with the outside
world over a hundred years ago.
Pioneer Register
The need for an efficient transportation route
increased with the settlement of Fruita and
several pioneer towns to the east. Capitol
Gorge was indirect and subject to flash floods,
but it was less difficult than fording the
Fremont River numerous times.
Elijah Cutler Behunin and a small crew of
men set out in 1883 to clear over three miles
of Capitol Gorge for a new wagon road. It
took eight days to clear the boulders and small
shrubs. This became the main travel corridor
through the Waterpocket Fold until 1962,
when State Highway 24 was built.
Early travelers started carving their names
into the soft sandstone walls of the canyon
in 1871, long before the road was built. The
tradition continued as more people passed
through Capitol Gorge. This became known
as the Pioneer Register.
To protect the historic integrity of the Pioneer
Register, further additions are now illegal.
Additional information is available on our website which also links
to the Capitol Reef Natural History Association, a non-profit cooperating association
that sells publications on Capitol Reef’s cultural and natural history.