by Alex Gugel , all rights reserved
Capitol ReefBurro Wash, Cottonwood Wash, Sheets Gulch Slot Canyons |
Brochure and Map of Burro Wash, Cottonwood Wash, Sheets Gulch Slot Canyons at Capitol Reef National Park (NP) in Utah. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Capitol Reef National Park
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Burro Wash, Cottonwood Wash, and Sheets Gulch
These are classic examples of slot canyons which typify the canyon country of southern
Utah: deep, narrow, secret places within the Waterpocket Fold. The routes are largely
unmarked. A few rock cairns may mark key points; carrying a topographic map is
recommended. It is extremely hot in summer and water sources are unreliable; carry
adequate water. Use caution in narrow canyons during flash flood season (typically July–
All three canyons are difficult hikes and only experienced canyon-country hikers should
attempt these routes. All contain obstacles in the form of dry falls and chock stones
(large boulders wedged in narrow slots) which must be climbed over. The canyons are
extremely narrow in places; most people will have to work their way through sideways.
Often there are pools of water that may require deep wading or short swims.
Beginning at the Notom-Bullfrog Road, Burro Wash and Cottonwood Wash can be done
as long day hikes. Sheets Gulch can be done as a long day hike or an overnight, depending
on where you turn around. Free backcountry permits are required for all overnight trips
and can be obtained at the visitor center.
Burro Wash
Trailhead Locations
This route is not an official, maintained trail. Route conditions, including obstacles in
canyons, change frequently due to weather, flash floods, rockfall, and other hazards.
Routefinding, navigation, and map-reading skills are critical. Do not rely solely on
unofficial route markers (rock cairns, etc.); they are not maintained by the National Park
Service (NPS), may not indicate the route in this description, or may be absent.
All three canyons are located within a few miles
of each other and can be accessed from the
Notom-Bullfrog Road, which is paved south
of Hwy 24 until just past Cottonwood Wash.
The unpaved portion is usually passable to
passenger cars.
Each route begins where the road crosses the
wash, except for Sheets Gulch which begins
just north of the wash. All crossings are marked
with signs. There are trailhead parking areas at
Burro Wash and Sheets Gulch. At Cottonwood
Wash, there is a parking/dispersed camping
area adjacent to the road, and a designated
motorized route extends a short distance up
the wash (high-clearance vehicles only). Do not
drive up Burro Wash or Sheets Gulch.
Route Distances
Additional Information
The upper end of Sheets Gulch can be accessed
via the South Draw Road at Tantalus Flats. The
South Draw Road begins off of the Pleasant
Creek Road at the end of the park’s Scenic
Drive and requires a high-clearance, fourwheel-drive vehicle. Occasionally, South Draw
Road is impassable due to muddy conditions
and/or flash flood damage. Contact the visitor
center for current road conditions.
• Burro Wash: Notom-Bullfrog Road to impassable pour-off..................................3.4 miles (5.5 km)
• Cottonwood Wash: Notom-Bullfrog Road to impassable pour-off......................3.3 miles (5.3 km)
• Sheets Gulch: Notom-Bullfrog Road to turnaround point at
Rules and Regulations
The first few miles of each route cross Bureau
of Land Management (BLM) lands along
sandy wash bottoms surrounded by low hills.
Livestock may be present in open range outside
the park boundary.
cottonwood seep...............................................................................6.7 miles (10.8 km)
• Free permits are required for backcountry
camping, and are available at:
♦♦Capitol Reef Visitor Center
♦♦Bullfrog Visitor Center (Glen Canyon NRA)
♦♦Anasazi State Park (Boulder, UT)
♦♦Escalante Interagency Visitor Center
• Dispersed/at-large camping with vehicles is
prohibited within the park, including at or
near trailheads. Dispersed/at-large camping
is allowed on federal lands (USFS, BLM)
adjacent to the park, where you must use
established campsites on existing spur routes
Best season:
Spring and fall.
For more information:
Contact the Capitol Reef Visitor Center at
within 150 feet of an officially-designated
motorized route.
Pets are not permitted on trails or in off-trail
or backcountry areas. Pets are permitted on
roads and in designated campgrounds.
Fires are prohibited.
Collecting or damaging any park resource
(plants, animals, wood, rocks, bones, antlers,
artifacts, etc.) is prohibited.
Violation of these regulations may result in a
USGS 7.5-minute series: Notom, Golden
Throne, Bear Canyon, and Sandy Creek
Benches. Maps available at the visitor center.
Hike Description:
Burro Wash
Burro Wash is located 7.8 miles (12.6 km) south
of Hwy 24 on the Notom-Bullfrog Road. As you
proceed up the wash (west), always take the left
branch at major wash junctions. Approximately
two miles (3.2 km) in from the Notom-Bullfrog
Road, the canyon begins to narrow as it cuts
into the Navajo Sandstone. Soon you will
encounter a narrow, sandy wash on the right.
Proceed up this wash to a large chockstone,
which may be preceded by a pool of water.
You can bypass this obstacle by backtracking
20 yards (18 m) to a slickrock slide on the
south side of the canyon. A route leads from
the right side of the slide around the ridge over
the chockstone and down into the wash on the
other side.
As you proceed up-canyon you will encounter
several more chockstones that require some
climbing to negotiate and two sets of narrows
that constrict to shoulder-width. About 3.4
miles (5.5 km) in from the trailhead, two large
chockstones must be negotiated to access
the third and final section of narrows, which
is often preceded by a cold pool of water. At
the upper end of the final narrows is a large
chamber with an impassable pour-off. This
marks the end of the route for most hikers.
It is possible to bypass the pour-off by
backtracking a couple hundred yards (180 m)
through the last section of narrows and then
friction climbing up the steeply-sloping canyon
wall on the right (north). A few rock cairns
may mark the route. This section traverses steep
slickrock with loose footing and severe exposure
in several places, and is not recommended for
most hikers. Use extreme caution, especially if
wet or icy conditions exist. At the top, descend
back down into the wash above the pour-off.
The route continues another mile (1.6 km),
traversing several short sections of narrows and
eventually ends at a sculptured, fluted pour-off
which will be impassable to most. Continuing
up-canyon requires technical rock climbing
equipment and expertise and routefinding
skills. For those with such capabilities, the
canyon continues several more miles and will
eventually come out on the South Draw Road.
(See note above under Trailhead Locations.)
To return to the trailhead, retrace the route
back down the canyon.
Hike Description:
Cottonwood Wash
Cottonwood Wash is located 9.1 miles (14.6
km) south of Hwy 24 on the Notom-Bullfrog
Road. About one mile (1.6 km) up the wash
(west) from the trailhead, a side canyon enters
from the right (north) and could be mistaken
for the main drainage; stay left. A few hundred
yards (meters) further, the main canyon
narrows and a ¼-mile (0.4 km) stretch begins
that is choked with large boulders and requires
scrambling to negotiate; a bypass route over
and around the boulder jams follows the left
(south) side of the canyon. After another ⅓
mile (0.5 km), the narrows begin. Then, another
side drainage enters from the left (south); stay
right. Shortly beyond this point, the canyon
abruptly narrows to a thin slot. A deep pool
of water is often found here, and deep wading
or swimming may be required to continue up
canyon; hikers often choose to turn around
at this point. For the next mile (1.6 km), the
canyon alternates between tight narrows and
more open areas with a number of chockstones
that must be negotiated and possibly more
pools of water. An impassable 35-foot (11 m)
pour-off blocks the canyon at the end of this
stretch of narrows (just over 3 miles [4.8 km] in
from the road) and marks the end of the route.
To return to the trailhead, retrace the route
back down the canyon.
Hike Description:
Sheets Gulch
Sheets Gulch is located 12.7 miles (20.4 km)
south of Hwy 24 on the Notom-Bullfrog Road.
One mile (1.6 km) up the wash (west) you will
encounter a major side drainage on the right
(north); stay left. A short distance further up
canyon another drainage enters; stay right at
this junction. One mile (1.6 km) further, the
wash bottom narrows and you may find a few
pools of water associated with several small
chockstones and dry falls. The most difficult
obstacle along the route, another chockstone
and pool, is encountered about 4.1 miles (6.6
km) from the road. A good climber will be
able to negotiate this alone, but most people
will need assistance from another person. The
last obstacle is about 5.3 miles (8.5 km) from
the trailhead. Here you will encounter a high
pour-off in a cave-like chamber; bypass this
by backtracking about 100 yards (91 m) and
climbing out of the wash on the left (north) side
of the canyon. Beyond this point, numerous
stands of Douglas fir begin to appear on
cool, shaded, north slopes, and the canyon
walls begin to change from the white Navajo
sandstone to the red Wingate. There is an
intermittent seep with cottonwood trees about
6.7 miles (10.8 km) in from the trailhead. Soon
the canyon opens up and becomes much wider.
This is a good place to turn around if you are
on a day hike. To return to the trailhead, simply
retrace the route back down the canyon.
If you left a second vehicle at South Draw
Road/Tantalus Flats, or if you are on an
overnight trip (free backcountry permit
required), it is possible to continue up canyon
for several more miles. One-way distance from
the Notom-Bullfrog Road to South Draw Road/
Tantalus Flats is approximately 11.6 miles (18.6
km). Eventually, an old jeep trail will lead you
out of Sheets Gulch to South Draw Road and
Tantalus Flats. If you left a vehicle at Tantalus
Flats, your hike will end there. If your vehicle
is on the Notom-Bullfrog Road, return to the
trailhead by retracing the same route back
down the canyon.
Distance between
0.5 mi
1 km
Contour interval - 40 feet
Park boundary
Paved road
Unpaved road
Hiking route
Burro Wash and
Cottonwood Wash
Narrow slots with chockstone obstacles
First chockstone
Slot with
deep pool
Start of
Boulder jams
Cottonwood Wash
Burro Wash
lfrog Road
To Sheets Gulch
trailhead, and
Burr Trail Road
Road is unpaved
south of this point
To Highway 24,
Park Headquarters
B ul
omNo t
Route continues to
South Draw and
Tantalus Flats
and seep
Tall natural arch
To Burr Trail Road
1 km
1 mi
Distance between
Park boundary
Unpaved road
Hiking route
Contour interval - 40 feet
Sheets Gulch
First narrows
frog R
Sheets Gulch
To Burro and Cottonwood
washes, Highway 24,
park headquarters