"Coastal view, Cabrillo National Monument, 2015." by U.S. National Park Service , public domain

Site Bulletins


brochure Site Bulletins - Birds

Checklist for Birds at Cabrillo National Monument (NM) in California. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

Bird Checklist This list is prepared using a novel approach for describing the Seasonal Occurrence and Relative Abundance of birds that are observed in and around Cabrillo National Monument and Point Loma. Use the symbols below to become better acquainted with them and assist you in your birding efforts. Cabrillo National Monument AREA COVERED BY THIS LIST The area covered by this list extends as far north as Hill Street to the west of Catalina Boulevard (State Highway 209) and Cañon Street to the east. Important birding locations within this area include Sunset Cliffs Park, Point Loma Nazarene College, nearby residential areas, Shelter Island, Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, and Cabrillo National Monument. This list contains 377 bird species, 41 of which have been recorded nesting. SEASONAL OR TEMPORAL STATUS WHEN Are You Likely To Find Them? Y = Year Round Resident S = Summer Resident W = Winter Resident M = Seasonal Migrant V = Irregular Visitor # = Nests On Point Loma RELATIVE ABUNDANCE How likely are you to find them? a = Abundant – Very easily encountered in suitable habitat and season. c = Common – Expected in suitable habitat and season. u = Uncommon – Present but can be missed or overlooked. o = Occasional – Infrequently observed or encountered. r = Rare – Unusual, out of range or habitat. Contact others and call the San Diego Rare Bird Alert. x = Accidental – Very unusual. Far out of range or habitat. Contact others and call the San Diego Rare Bird Alert (619-688-2473) ADDITIONAL SPECIES The following sixteen species have been observed on Point Loma but their occurrence and status is unconfirmed, unpublished, or incompletely known: Buller’s Shearwater, Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel, Blue-footed Booby, Purple Gallinule, Common Black-headed Gull, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, Mitred Parakeet, Blue-crowned Parakeet, Red-masked Parakeet, Red-crowned Parrot, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Brown-crested Flycatcher, Gray Vireo, Verdin, Gray Silky-Flycatcher, and Pyrrhuloxia SUPPORTERS Cabrillo National Monument The Cabrillo National Monument Foundation and the National Park Service are dedicated to improving bird habitats and revitalizing the health of the surrounding plant community. This ongoing work is made possible by community volunteers and the generous contributions from the Cabrillo National Monument Foundation. To find out how you can help, contact (619) 222-4747 or email CNMFKaren@aol.com. For more information, please visit www.cnmf.org ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Useful information and assistance was provided by Philip Unitt of the San Diego Natural History Museum, Department of Birds and Mammals. Also, Richard Webster, and Don and Marjorie Hasting reviewed the list and provided valuable comments. Thank You. Cabrillo National Monument 1800 Cabrillo Memorial Drive San Diego, CA 92106 619.557.5450 www.facebook.com/cabrillonm www.nps.gov/cabr Published by Cabrillo National Monument Foundation Cabrillo National Monument Bird Checklist Compiled By Volunteer-In-Park Claude G. Edwards – July 2002. According To The American Ornithologists’ Union, 7th Edition, 1999. GAVIIDAE (Loons) □ Red-throated Loon WMu □ Pacific Loon WMc □ Common Loon WMc PODICEPEDIDAE (Grebes) □ Pied-billed Grebe WMu □ Horned Grebe WMu □ Eared Grebe WMc □ Western Grebe WMc □ Clark’s Grebe WMu PROCELLARIIDAE (Shearwater) □ Northern Fulmar WMo □ Pink-footed Shearwater Mr □ Sooty Shearwater Mr □ Short-tailed Shearwater WMr □ Black-vented Shearwater WMu HYDROBATIDAE (Storm-Petrels) □ Ashy Storm-Petrel Mr □ Black Storm-Petrel Mr □ Least Storm-Petrel Mr SULIDAE (Boobies) □ Brown Booby Vx PELICANIDAE (Pelicans) □ Am. White Pelican Vx □ Brown Pelican Yc PHALACROCARIDAE (Cormorants) □ Brandt’s Cormorant Yu □ Double-cr. Cormorant Yc □ Pelagic Cormorant Wu FREGATIDAE (Frigatebirds) □ Magnificent Frigatebird Vr ARDEIDAE (Herons & Egrets) □ Great Blue Heron Yc # □ Great Egret Yu # □ Snowy Egret Yc □ Cattle Egret Vr □ Green Heron Vr □ Black-cr Night-Heron Yc # THRESKIORNITHIDAE (Storks & Ibises) □ White-faced Ibis Vx CATHARTIDAE (New World Vultures) □ Turkey Vulture Mr ANATIDAE (Geese & Ducks) □ Gr. White-fr. Goose Mx □ Snow Goose Mr □ Canada Goose Mr □ Brant Wu □ Gadwall Mx □ American Wigeon Mo □ Mallard Mu □ Blue-winged Teal Mx □ Cinnamon Teal Mr □ Northern Shoveler Mr □ Northern Pintail Mr □ Green-winged Teal Mr □ Canvasback Mx □ Redhead Mx □ Greater Scaup WMr □ Lesser Scaup WMc □ Surf Scoter WMc □ White-winged Scoter WMo □ Black Scoter WMr □ Long-tailed Duck WMr □ Bufflehead WMc □ Common Goldeneye WMr □ Common Merganser WMx □ Red-breasted Merganser WMu □ Ruddy Duck WMo ACCIPITRIDAE (Hawks) □ Osprey Yu □ White-tailed Kite Mr □ Mississippi Kite Mx □ Bald Eagle Mr □ Northern Harrier Mu □ Sharp-shinned Hawk WMc □ Cooper’s Hawk Yc # □ Red-shouldered Hawk Yu # □ Broad-winged Hawk Mx □ Swainson’s Hawk Mx □ Zone-tailed Hawk Mx □ Red-tailed Hawk Yu # □ Ferruginous Hawk Mx □ Rough-legged Hawk Mx □ Golden Eagle Mx FALCONIDAE (Falcons) □ American Kestrel Yu □ Merlin Mo □ Peregrine Falcon Yu # □ Prairie Falcon Mo ODONTOPHORIDAE (Quails) □ California Quail Yu # RALLIDAE (Rails) □ Black Rail Vx □ Sora Mr □ American Coot WMu CHARADRIIDAE (Plovers) □ Black-bellied Plover Wmu □ Amer. Golden-Plover Vx □ Snowy Plover WMr □ Semipalmated Plover WMu □ Killdeer WMu HAEMATOPODIDAE (Oystercatchers) □ American Oystercatcher Wr □ Black Oystercatcher Yo RECURVIROSTRIDAE (Stilts & Avocets) □ Black-necked Stilt Vx □ American Avocet Vx SCOLOPACIDAE (Sandpipers) □ Greater Yellowlegs Mo □ Lesser Yellowlegs Mx □ Solitary Sandpiper Mx □ Willet WMc □ Wandering Tattler WMu □ Spotted Sandpiper WMc □ Whimbrel WMc □ Long-billed Curlew WMo □ Marbled Godwit WMu □ Ruddy Turnstone WMu □ Black Turnstone WMu □ Surfbird WMo □ Red Knot Mr □ Sanderling WMu □ Western Sandpiper WMo □ Least Sandpiper Wmu □ Pectoral Sandpiper Vx □ Dunlin WMu □ Short-billed Dowitcher Mo □ Long-billed Dowitcher Mr □ Common Snipe Vx □ Wilson’s Phalarope Mr □ Red-necked Phalarope Mr □ Red Phalarope Mo LARIDAE (Gulls & Terns) □ Pomarine Jaeger WMo □ Parasitic Jaeger WMu □ Laughing Gull Vx □ Franklin’s Gull Vx □ Bonaparte’s Gull Wc □ Heermann’s Gull Ya □ Mew Gull Wu □ Ring-billed Gull Wc □ California Gull Wa □ Herring Gull Wu □ Thayer’s Gull Wr □ Western Gull Ya # □ Glaucous-winged Gull Wo □ Glaucous Gull Wx □ Black-legged Kittiwake Wo □ Sabine’s Gull Vr □ Caspian Tern Su,Wr □ Royal Tern Yu □ Elegant Tern SMc □ Common Tern Mu □ Arctic Tern Vx □ Forster’s Tern Yc □ Least Tern So □ Black Tern Mr □ Black Skimmer Yr ALCIDAE (Alcids) □ Common Murre Wo □ Xantus’ Murrelet Wr □ Craveri’s Murrelet Vx □ Ancient Murrelet Vx □ Cassin’s Auklet Vx □ Rhinoceros Auklet Wo COLUMBIDAE (Pigeons & Doves) □ Domestic Pigeon Yc # □ Band-tailed Pigeon Mo □ Spotted Dove Vr □ White-winged Dove Mo □ Mourning Dove Yc # □ Ruddy Ground-Dove Vx □ Common Ground-Dove Vx TYTONIDAE (Barn-Owls) □ Barn-Owl Yr STRIGIDAE (Typical Owls) □ Flammulated Owl Vx □ Great Horned Owl Yu # □ Burrowing Owl Vx □ Long-eared Owl Vx □ Short-eared Owl Vx CAPRIMULGIDAE (Goatsuckers) □ Common Nighthawk Vx □ Lesser Nighthawk Mr □ Common Poorwill Mr □ Whip-poor-will Vx APODIDAE (Swifts) □ Black Swift Mr □ Chimney Swift Vr □ Vaux’s Swift Mu □ White-throated Swift Yu TROCHILIDAE (Hummingbirds) □ Black-chinned Hummingbird So # □ Anna’s Hummingbird Ya # □ Costa’s Hummingbird Yu □ Calliope Hummingbird Mo □ Broad-tailed Hummingbird Vx □ Rufous Hummingbird Mc □ Allen’s Hummingbird Mu, Wo ALCEDINIDAE (Kingfishers) □ Belted Kingfisher WMu PICIDAE (Woodpeckers) □ Lewis’s Woodpecker Mx □ Acorn Woodpecker Mo □ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Vx □ Red-naped Sapsucker WMo □ Red-breasted Sapsucker Wmu □ Williamson’s Sapsucker Mx □ Nuttall’s Woodpecker Vo □ Downy Woodpecker Mx □ Hairy Woodpecker Mx □ Northern Flicker Yu TYRANNIDAE (Tyrant Flycatchers) □ Olive-sided Flycatcher Mu □ Greater Pewee Mx □ Western Wood-Pewee Mc □ Willow Flycatcher Mu □ Least Flycatcher Vr □ Hammond’s Flycatcher Mu,Wx □ Gray Flycatcher Mo, Wx □ Dusky Flycatcher Mo □ Pacific-slope Flycatcher Mc □ Black Phoebe Yc # □ Eastern Phoebe Mr □ Say’s Phoebe WMc □ Vermilion Flycatcher Mr □ Dusky-capped Flycatcher Mx □ Ash-throated Flycatcher SMc # □ Great Crested Flycatcher Vr □ Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Vx □ Tropical Kingbird Mo □ Cassin’s Kingbird SMu # □ Thick-billed Kingbird Vx □ Western Kingbird Mc □ Eastern Kingbird Vr □ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Vr LANIIDAE (Shrikes) □ Loggerhead Shrike WMo VIREONIDAE (Vireos) □ White-eyed Vireo Vx □ Bell’s Vireo Vr □ Plumbeous Vireo Mo □ Cassin’s Vireo Mu,Wr □ Blue-headed Vireo Vr □ Yellow-throated Vireo Vx □ Hutton’s Vireo WMo □ Warbling Vireo Mc □ Philadelphia Vireo Mo □ Red-eyed Vireo Vr □ Yellow-green Vireo Vr CORVIDAE (Jays & Crows) □ Steller’s Jay Vx □ Western Scrub-Jay Yc # □ Clark’s Nutcracker Vx □ American Crow Yc # □ Common Raven Yc # ALAUDIDAE (Larks) □ Horned Lark Mo HIRUNDINIDAE (Swallows) □ Purple Martin Mo □ Tree Swallow Mu □ Violet-green Swallow Mu □ N. Rough-w. Swallow Mu □ Bank Swallow Mo □ Cliff Swallow SMc □ Barn Swallow SMc # PARIDAE (Chickadees &Titmice) □ Mountain Chickadee Vx □ Oak Titmouse Vx AEGITHALIDAE (Bushtits) □ Bushtit Ya # SITTIDAE (Nuthatches) □ White-breasted Nuthatch Mr □ Red-breasted Nuthatch WMr □ Pygmy Nuthatch Mx CERTHIIDAE (Creepers) □ Brown Creeper Vr TROGLODYTIDAE (Wrens) □ Cactus Wren Vx □ Rock Wren WMo □ Bewick’s Wren Yc # □ House Wren Wc, Sr □ Winter Wren Vx □ Marsh Wren Vx REGULIDAE (Kinglets) □ Golden-crowned Kinglet WMo □ Ruby-crowned Kinglet WMa SYLVIIDAE (Old World Flycatchers) □ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Wo, Mu □ California Gnatcatcher Yu TURDIDAE(Thrushes) □ Western Bluebird Vx □ Mountain Bluebird Vr □ Townsend’s Solitaire Vr □ Gray-cheeked Thrush Vx □ Swainson’s Thrush Mu □ Hermit Thrush WMc □ Wood Thrush Mx □ American Robin Yu # □ Varied Thrush WMr TIMALIIDAE (Babblers) □ Wrentit Yc # MIMIDAE (Mimic Thrushes) □ Gray Catbird Vr, Wx □ Northern Mockingbird Yc # □ Sage Thrasher Mo □ Brown Thrasher Mr □ Bendire’s Thrasher Mr □ California Thrasher Yc # STURNIDAE (Starlings) □ European Starling Ya # MOTACILIDAE (Wagtails & Pipits) □ Red-throated Pipit Mx □ American Pipit WMu BOMBYCILLIDAE (Waxwings) □ Cedar Waxwing WMc PTILOGONATIDAE (Silky Flycatchers) □ Phainopepla Mu PARULIDAE (Wood Warblers) □ Blue-winged Warbler Vx □ Golden-winged Warbler Vx □ Tennessee Warbler Mo, Wr □ Orange-crowned Warbler Yc # □ Nashville Warbler Mc, Wr □ Virginia’s Warbler Mr □ Lucy’s Warbler Mr □ Northern Parula Mo □ Yellow Warbler Mc □ Chestnut-sided Warbler Mo □ Magnolia Warbler Mo, Wx □ Cape May Warbler Mr, Wx □ Black-thr. Blue Warbler Mo □ Yellow-rumped Warbler WMa □ Black-thr. Gray Warbler Wo, Mc □ Black-thr. Green Warbler Mo □ Townsend’s Warbler WMc □ Hermit Warbler Mc, Wx □ Blackburnian Warbler Mo □ Yellow-throated Warbler Mr □ Grace’s Warbler Mr, Wx □ Pine Warbler Mr, Wx □ Prairie Warbler Mr □ Palm Warbler Mo, Wr □ Bay-breasted Warbler Mr □ Blackpoll Warbler Mo □ Cerulean Warbler Mx □ Black-and-white Warbler Mo □ American Redstart Mo, Wx □ Prothonotary Warbler Mr □ Worm-eating Warbler Mr □ Ovenbird Mo, Wx □ Northern Waterthrush Vx □ Kentucky Warbler Vx □ Connecticut Warbler Vx □ Mourning Warbler Mr □ MacGillivray’s Warbler Mu □ Common Yellowthroat Mo, Wx □ Hooded Warbler Mr □ Wilson’s Warbler Mc, Wr □ Canada Warbler Mr □ Red-faced Warbler Vx □ Painted Redstart Mr □ Yellow-breasted Chat Mo THRAUPIDAE (Tanager) □ Western Tanager Mc, Wo □ Summer Tanager Mo, Wr □ Scarlet Tanager Mr □ Hepatic Tanager Vr, Wx EMBIRIZIDAE (Towhees & Sparrows) □ Green-tailed Towhee Mo □ Spotted Towhee Yc # □ California Towhee Ya # □ Rufous-crowned Sparrow Yu # □ American Tree Sparrow Mr □ Chipping Sparrow Yu # □ Clay-colored Sparrow Mo □ Brewer’s Sparrow Mo □ Black-chinned Sparrow SMo □ Vesper Sparrow Mo □ Lark Sparrow Mo □ Black-throated Sparrow Mr □ Sage Sparrow Mr □ Lark Bunting Vx □ Savannah Sparrow WMu □ Grasshopper Sparrow Mr □ Baird’s Sparrow Mx □ Fox Sparrow WMu □ Song Sparrow Yu # □ Lincoln’s Sparrow Mu, Wo □ Swamp Sparrow Vx □ White-throated Sparrow Mo, Wr □ Harris’ Sparrow Mr, Wx □ White-crowned Sparrow WMa □ Golden-crowned Sparrow WMu □ Dark-eyed Junco WMc □ Lapland Longspur Vx □ Chestnut-collared Longspur Vx □ Little Bunting Vx CARDINALIDAE (Grosbeaks & Buntings) □ Rose-breasted Grosbeak Mo, Wr □ Black-headed Grosbeak Mc □ Blue Grosbeak Mo □ Lazuli Bunting Mu □ Indigo Bunting Mo □ Painted Bunting Mr □ Dickcissel Mr ICTERIDAE (Blackbirds & Orioles) □ Bobolink Mr □ Red-winged Blackbird Mu □ Tricolored Blackbird Mr □ Western Meadowlark WMu □ Yellow-headed Blackbird Mr □ Rusty Blackbird Vx □ Brewer’s Blackbird Yu # □ Common Grackle Vx □ Great-tailed Grackle Vx □ Brown-headed Cowbird SMc # □ Orchard Oriole Mr, Wx □ Hooded Oriole SMc # □ Baltimore Oriole Mo,Wr □ Bullock’s Oriole Sc,Wo # □ Scott’s Oriole Mo,Wx FRINGILLIDAE (Finches) □ Purple Finch WMo □ Cassin’s Finch Mr □ House Finch Ya # □ Red Crossbill WMr □ Pine Siskin WMu □ Lesser Goldfinch Yc # □ Lawrence’s Goldfinch Mo □ American Goldfinch WMou □ Evening Grosbeak Mr PASSERIDAE (Weaver Finches) □ House Sparrow Ya #

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