"Sunset over the preserve, Big Cypress National Preserve, 2015." by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
Big CypressAmerican Alligator |
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Big Cypress
American Alligator
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Big Cypress
National Preserve
NPS/Niki Butcher
The American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) is an amazing reptile that has remained unchanged since the time
of the dinosaurs. The alligator is the symbol of wildlife and of untouched lands in the Southeastern United States. The
early Spanish settlers to South Florida were amazed by the largest lizard they had ever seen, calling it “el legarto”
meaning “the lizard.” The term has evolved to alligator, but the feeling is still the same.
rocodillians have survived for millions of years and
their species has changed relatively little over time other
than in overall length. As living fossils passed down from
prehistoric times, these relics from the past are incredible
for their tenacity. They are the planet’s largest living reptiles.
Part of their success can be explained by their anatomy.
Armed with sharp conical teeth, muscular tails and tough,
scaly skin, they are extremely efficient predators.
A Stealthy Hunter
Known for their strong bite, the American alligator can
exert massive pressure per bite, inflicting one of the most
powerful bites in the animal kingdom. The jaws, however,
are not the only weapon in the alligator’s arsenal. Like
other nocturnal animals such as owls, the eyesight of an
alligator is exceptional at night. Like cats, the alligator has
a thin layer of special reflecting tissue behind each retina
called a tapetum lucidum. This tissue acts like a mirror to
concentrate all available light during the darkest of nights.
It also causes the eyes to reflect when caught in a flashlight
beam. A secondary set of eyelids, known as the nictitating
Alligator or Crocodile?
• Alligators have a broader snout than a crocodile.
• The bottom teeth of the alligator are mostly hidden when
the mouth is closed. The crocodile’s teeth are always
• Alligators tend to be grayish-black in color, but
crocodiles have a grayish-green appearance.
membrane, act as underwater goggles, allowing the alligator
to see underwater. Alligators can stay underwater for much
longer than humans. A typical dive might last 10-20 minutes.
In a pinch an alligator can stay submerged for up to two
hours if it is at rest. And, in very cold water, an alligator can
last up to eight hours submerged.
What’s for Dinner?
Alligators are carnivorous. Their very strong jaws can crack
a turtle shell. They eat snails, invertabrates, fish, birds, frogs,
and other mammals that come to the water’s edge such
as raccoons, otters, white tail deer, and even small black
bears. They use their sharp teeth to seize and hold their
prey. Smaller prey is swallowed whole, and larger prey is
ripped into smaller, more manageable pieces. If it is very
large, alligators take a bite, and spin on the long axis of their
bodies to tear off smaller more easily swallowed pieces.
Despite being a top predator, the alligator may only feed 1520 times per year with the majority of feeding taking place
during the spring months.
• Crocodiles have a salt excreting gland in their mouths
making them comfortable in saltwater. The alligator
lacks these glands, and is therefore found more often in
• In the US the alligator is much more common and is
usually larger than the crocodile.
Out of the 11 species of crocodilians found throughout the
world, the American alligator inhabits the coldest regions.
The geologic flatness of Florida provides the alligator with
ample sunshine throughout the day, which is necessary for
the cold-blooded creature to survive. The Florida ecosystem
also provides many millions of gallons of freshwater daily,
which allows for easy hunting. The clear water helps the
alligator to see and selectively choose the best prey from
a distance. The Big Cypress Swamp is especially attractive
to the alligator because of its protected status. There are
over 729,000 wild acres, which offer the alligator abundant
habitat to live and hunt with limited human interaction. This
ecosystem allows the alligator to live between 35-60 years
New Family
Most alligators become sexually mature before reaching
seven feet in length, although females can reach maturity
at six feet. It may take 10–15 years for a female to reach this
length and a male 8–12 years. Courtship begins in early
April, and mating occurs in May or June. In late June or
early July females deposit an average of 32-50 eggs into a
mounded nest that she builds out of soil and vegetation.
The eggs incubate and hatch after approximately 60-65 days,
which typically occurs in late August or early September.
Sex of the young is determined during the first three weeks
of incubation. Warmer temperatures inside the nest will
produce males, while eggs at cooler temperatures will
become females. Unlike almost all other types of reptiles,
the female alligator will raise her young for up to three years
after birth. Eighty percent of all newborn alligators do not
make it to adulthood as they are a preferred food source
for many wading birds and other animals. The mother’s
presence provides some protection to the young until they
are old enough to fend for themselves.
Survival Story
The American alligator has been a vital part of the South
Florida ecosystem for millions of years. From the late 1800s
through the early 1900s, the alligator was hunted to near
extinction as a food source as well as for their hides which
are used to make alligator leather. In 1962, a Florida law
was passed to protect the alligator. Part of this law included
the creation of alligator farms to provide meat and hides,
helping to keep wild numbers high. Since the inception
of the Florida law, the alligator population has increased
to more than one million in Florida. While no longer a
threatened species the alligator is still protected under
Florida law due to its similarity to the endangered American
Living With Alligators
Every day in the state of Florida there are over 400 new
residents moving in and calling Florida home. As the human
population grows there is a greater chance of an alligator
encounter. There are a few things to keep in mind as we live
in closer proximity to these prehistoric reptiles.
Under no circumstances should you ever approach an
alligator; they are very agile even on land. There have been
reports of alligators running at speeds of over 15 mph,
much faster than a human. Stay alert when you are around
any body of water; there is a good chance that there is an
alligator inhabiting the waters surrounding you. Always keep
pets safe when in alligator territory; keep them on leashes
and within your sight at all times. Never swim in areas
alligators inhabit unless otherwise posted for swimming.
The American alligator, as with all wild animals, deserves
respect and should be given the same courtesy.
Did you know?
The largest alligator measured in the United States was 19
feet two inches, from the state of Louisiana. In Florida, the
largest alligator ever measured was 17 feet five inches.
US Fish & Wildlife Service www.fws.gov/species/species_accounts/bio_alli.
Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission www.myfwc.com/gators/
Florida Museum of Natural History: www.flmnh.ufl.edu/cnhc/cbd.html
A juvenile alligator takes in some sun on a branch.
American Alligator_FINAL.indd on HQ shareall, interp publications: 4,000 printed 10/2010, stored at Oasis & WC