"Salt marsh on Toms Cove" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
Trail GuidesLife of the Marsh trail guide |
Brochure about The Life of the Marsh Nature Trail at Assateague Island National Seashore (NS) in Maryland and Virginia. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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7 Marsh birds
8 Are wetlands wastelands?
Wading birds, shore birds, gulls, songbirds, and even hawks and owls
utilize the rich food resource of the salt marsh. The snowy egret, a
common egret at Assateague, wades in the shallows, stirring up the
sediments with its yellow feet and snatching invertebrates and small
fishes with its bill. The greater yellowlegs, a shore bird, wades in
water up to its belly and probes the sediments with its long bill to
feed on crustaceans and fishes. The northern harrier (“marsh
hawk”) can be seen flying low over the marsh hunting rodents and
other small animals. The willet is one of the shore birds that
commonly use the marshland as a nesting site. This large member of
the sandpiper family appears as a drab, gray-brown bird when
resting, but in flight it displays a striking black-and-white wing
Wetlands may be freshwater, saltwater or brackish. Owing to their
great productivity and importance as wildlife habitat, salt marshes
are the most valuable of all wetlands. They support a great diversity
of birds, mammals, crustaceans, mollusks, and other wildlife. They
are nurseries for many game and market fishes harvested from
brackish and salt waters. Decaying plant fragments (detritus) from
marshes are a major component of the nutrients flowing through the
estuaries and coastal seas.
Sadly, these habitats, so essential to the welfare of humans and
wildlife, have been destroyed at a fearsome rate. Wetland
preservation laws now provide a measure of protection, but the
attrition continues. National parks and other public preserves along
the coasts are thus of immeasurable importance.
9 Common reed
This tall grass (Phragmites australis)is a widespread species that
grows in both fresh and brackish marshes, on bayshores and stream
banks, and on spoil areas. It is considered a pest in many natural
preserves, where its dense growth rapidly crowds out species more
valuable to wildlife. Red-winged blackbirds often perch on its
swaying stalks; and colony nesters such as cattle egrets, glossy ibises,
and black-crowned night herons sometimes nest on or near the
ground in dense Phragmites stands on dredge deposition sites.
Thank you for visiting Assateagues’s salt marsh. Alterations by man
and invasive species may remain in these marshes for years to come.
But Assateague’s marshes will remain protected always for coastal
plant and animal life and visitors to learn from and enjoy.
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Assateague Island National Seashore
The Life of the Marsh Nature Trail
birds and thus are a vital link in island food chains. The National
Seashore does not attempt to control mosquito populations.
The Life of the Marsh
The salt marsh is perhaps the most misunderstood of all coastal lands and wetlands. Mud, biting insects and the
odor of decomposing marsh grasses tend to overshadow the salt marsh’s beauty, complexity and ecological
value. Enjoy discovering the subtle variations in elevation that determine the bayside salt marsh community.
1 Brushy edge zone
The edge zone of the coastal marsh community offers enough
elevation for a wide variety of plants and animals to live here. Young
black cherry trees, most often associated with loblolly pine in eastern
maritime forests, are a dominant plant. Notice how the mature
cherry trees are riddled with small holes. The holes are bored by the
yellow-bellied sapsucker, a woodpecker that winters on Assateague.
What do the bulldozer tracks, manmade channels, berms and
mosquito ditches tell you about the capacity of salt marshes to
recover from the alterations of man?
4 Marsh grasses
Linger a few moments (especially in spring) and look and listen for
red-winged blackbirds, yellow warblers, boat-tailed grackles,
catbirds, kingbirds and may be even indigo buntings.
2 Spoil bank vegetation
3 Men, machines & marshes
Saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) is the predominate grass
of east coast salt marshes. Growing in the lowest areas of the marsh,
it often forms vast grassy expanses and borders along the edges of
tidal channels and guts. In higher areas of the marsh, areas that are
inundated only by the highest tides, saltmeadow cordgrass (Spartina
patens) dominates. Seashore saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) is
commonly found with saltmeadow cordgrass growing in higher areas
of the marsh that are irregularly flooded.
This boardwalk is placed on an old spoil bank. Material was dredged
from each side to form a dike. Long ago a marina was planned to
shelter boats on Assateague before the establishment of the National
Winged sumac grows on this spoil bank along with typical high
marsh shrubs like groundsel-tree and marsh elder. Dog-fennel, a
perennial in the thistle family, grows in this previously disturbed
area. In summer, dog-fennel has graceful, feathery, lustrous-green
foliage and in winter clumps of dead stems remain standing.
Alteration of this marshland ecosystem was part of an ambitious
project initiated in the 1950s to develop all the Maryland portion of
Assateague Island. The channel on either side of the board walk is
manmade. The scalloped edge of the marsh was created by the treads
of a bulldozer as it backed up while building this dike.
Notice the straight, narrow ditches across the marsh on the right as
you cross the bridge. These ditches were dug as an intended control
measure of the saltmarsh mosquito. Ironically, such actions may
have enhanced mosquito breeding. It is important to mention the
larvae, pupae, and adults of mosquitos are food for many fishes and
Marsh grasses are among the most important of all wild plants. They
support a vast array of seashore animals and furnish much of the
nutrient material that is the food base for coastal bay communities
and shallow seas along the coastline.
5 Glassworts
Growing amongst the marsh grasses is slender glasswort (sometimes
called saltwort—a name that more properly belongs to a plant of the
sea beach, Salsola kalli). Glassworts (Salicornia species) are members
of the spinach family, which includes such edibles as beets and
chard. They produce tiny brown flowers; the leaves are mere fleshy
sheaths on the translucent stems. In autumn they turn the marsh into
a rich red carpet sprinkled with the violet of the delicate sea
6 Salt pannes
Depressions in the high marsh may become inundated by the highest
tides and after evaporation, become hypersaline---with soil too
salty for most marsh plants. Eventually these salt pannes may be
colonized by such salt-tolerant plants as glassworts; these can
actually help remove excess salt from the soil, eventually allowing
normal succession cycles to proceed.