"Salt marsh on Toms Cove" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
ActivitiesCrabbing at Assateague - Virginia |
Brochure about Crabbing at Assateague Island National Seashore (NS) in Virginia. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
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Assateague Island
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Assateague Island National Seashore
Crabbing at Assateague Island - Virginia
Beautiful Swimmer
Callinectes sapidus The literal translation of this Latin name is the beautiful (calli)
swimmer (nectes) that is savory (sapidus). Named for the color of its claws and not
its temperament, the blue crab is one of Assateague’s best known and most sought
after creatures. As predator and prey this crustacean is a keystone species, vital for
sustaining the health of Assateague’s coastal bays.
Growing Up
Blue crabs begin life as eggs carried beneath the
“apron” or abdomen of their mothers. Mature
female crabs can carry up to two million orange
eggs beneath their apron. After hatching into tiny
larvae they live in the plankton community for
one to two months. Most become food for fish,
shellfish and other plankton feeders.
Those that survive to become juveniles depend
on submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) areas as
important nursery habitats. These underwater
grass beds provide hiding places from predators
and offer an abundance of food.
and 7”) within a year. After maturing, they usually
survive from one to three years.
Crabs only spawn in salt water, yet young crabs
thrive and grow to their largest size in brackish
water. Females prefer saltier waters than males.
Equipped with powerful claws and the ability
to swim, blue crabs are skilled predators and
scavengers. They are omnivores, feeding on clams,
oysters, worms, small crustaceans, dead plants
and animals, and each other. In spite of their
defenses, adults are food for fish, birds, turtles,
humans and other mammals.
Young crabs grow rapidly by repeatedly molting
their shells, often reaching adult size (between 5”
Before You Go Crabbing
Crabs can pinch! It’s their best defense. To avoid
getting pinched, pick the crab up at the base of
one of its back swimming legs where it connects to
its body. In the event that you get pinched, place
the crab in water so that it will let go.
When is the best time to go crabbing?
Crabbing can be done anytime, but the best time
is when the tide is moving.
What equipment do I need?
- a hand line or string with a weight and/or a crab
pot or trap
- bait (chicken necks, bait fish)
- net with long handle
- ruler to measure the crabs
- cooler with lid and ice
How do I catch the crabs?
When it comes to bait, the best options are types
that can stay on your line like chicken necks or
bait fish.
Tie the bait onto the line, and hold the line with
one hand and drop it into water until bait hits the
bottom. When you feel a crab tugging on your
line, slowly pull the line with the crab until it is
just below the surface. Use a net to scoop up the
crab before it lets go of the bait.
Place crab in a cooler with ice if it is a “keeper”
(see regulations). Crabs will not survive in a
bucket or cooler of water. Take only what you will
eat. If you are not keeping it, return it to the water
Wash your hands after handling bait. Never cook
dead crabs, throw them out. Bacteria accumulate
quickly in dead crabs.
Sallies, Sooks, & Jimmies
Crab graphics courtesy of the Integration and Application Network (ian.umces.edu/symbols/)
claws = blue
Immature Female
claws = red tips
male = Washington Monument
Regulations in Virginia
(hard shell crabs)
Mature Female
claws = red tips
Shape of abdomen (apron)
immature female = pyramid
Female with Eggs
“Sponge Crab”
mature female = Capital dome
Regulations change frequently. Please check at the
Toms Cove Visitor Center or with Virginia Marine
Resources Commission (757-247-2200, www.mrc.
state.va.us/index.shtm) for the latest regulations.
Crabs are measured from point to point across the
widest part of their shell.
Recreational crabbing on Assateague in Virginia
does not require a license. The season is open
from mid-March through November. June through
September are the best months. Hand lines and
two collapsible traps or crab pots per person are
permitted. Crabbing equipment (crab pots, hand
lines) must be attended at all times.
• Males & immature female: 5 inches
• Mature females: no size limits.
• Mature females with eggs: special regulations
apply. Check at the Toms Cove Visitor Center.
We recommend that you throw back any egg
bearing females, also called “sponge crabs”.
Limit: one bushel per person per day.
Where to Crab
Toms Cove
Visitor Center
Assateague Island
5 inches from point to point
(not to scale)
Crabbing is permitted in Toms Cove, along the
shore west of the Assateague Bridge and along
the roadside of Swan Cove. Portions of the Toms
Cove shoreline may be seasonally closed for
nesting birds. Crabbing is not permitted from
Assateague Bridge or anywhere else in Swan
Cove. Check at the Toms Cove Visitor Center for
the current status of these areas before crabbing.
Atlantic Ocean
Toms Cove
Chincoteague Island
Crabbing Area
Crabbing is permitted:
• In Toms Cove.
• Along the shore west of the Assateague Bridge.
• Along the roadside of Swan Cove. Visitors must
remain on the shore.
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