Great Dismal Swamp


brochure Great Dismal Swamp - Birds

Birds at Great Dismal Swamp (NWR) in North Carolina and Virginia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge 3100 Desert Road Suffolk, VA 23434 757/986 3705 757/986 2353 Fax Federal Relay Service for the deaf and hard-of-hearing 1 800/877 8339 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD October 2012 Swainson's warbler ??? U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge Birds This blue goose, designed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, has become the symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Downy Woodpecker This brochure lists more than 210 birds that have been identified on the refuge, and is in accordance with the Seventh American Ornithologists Union Checklist. Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge is one of more than 550 refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System administered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The refuge, established by Congress in 1974, consists of over 112,000 acres of forested wetlands. Lake Drummond, at 3,100 acres is the larger of two natural lakes found in Virginia, lies at the refuge’s center. The refuge was established to protect and restore the biologically important Great Dismal Swamp ecosystem. Within that mission a primary concern is to provide protected habitat for migratory birds. Most birds are migratory and their seasonal occurrence and relative abundance are coded as follows: Season Sp spring S summer F fall W winter March – May June – August September – November December – February Relative Abundance Relative abundance indicates how frequently you might see a bird in its favored habitat. a c Birding is popular in the refuge April through June, but is best from earlyApril to late-May, the peak of the spring neo-tropical bird migration. As many as thirty five species of warblers have been observed and provide the principal attraction. u o r acc abundant common a species which is very numerous likely to be seen or heard in suitable habitat uncommon present, but not certain to be seen occasional seen only a few times during a season rare may be present but not every year accidental seen only once • Birds known to nest on or near the refuge Sp Swans – Geese – Ducks David Schneider Introduction ___ Snow Goose_________________________ ___ • Canada Goose_______________________ ___ Brant______________________________ ___ Tundra Swan________________________ ___ • Wood Duck__________________________ ___ Gadwall____________________________ ___ American Wigeon____________________ ___ American Black Duck_________________ ___ • Mallard_____________________________ ___ Blue-winged Teal____________________ ___ Northern Pintail_____________________ ___ Green-winged Teal___________________ ___ Canvasback_________________________ ___ Redhead____________________________ ___ Ring-necked Duck___________________ ___ Lesser Scaup________________________ ___ Bufflehead__________________________ ___ Common Goldeneye__________________ ___ • Hooded Merganser___________________ ___ Common Merganser__________________ ___ Red-breasted Merganser______________ ___ Ruddy Duck_________________________ c c c c o o u u r o u r r c c u r c o o u S u r c o r F W u c r u c o o c u u o u r o c u u c c c c c c o o c u r o u o o c c o c o o c Gallinaceous Birds ___ • Wild Turkey_________________________ c ___ • Northern Bobwhite__________________ c S F W c c c c c c r o u r u o c c Loons ___ Common Loon_______________________ o Grebes ___ ___ Pied-billed Grebe____________________ u Horned Grebe_______________________ r Cormorants ___ Double-crested Cormorant____________ c Anhingas ___ Anhinga____________________________ o c ??? Sp Mourning dove Sp S F u r r u u u u c u u r r Osprey - Kites - Hawks - Eagles ___ Osprey_____________________________ ___ Swallow-tailed Kite___________________ ___ Mississippi Kite______________________ ___ • Bald Eagle__________________________ ___ Northern Harrier____________________ ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk_________________ ___ • Cooper’s Hawk______________________ ___ • Red-shouldered Hawk________________ ___ Broad-winged Hawk__________________ ___ • Red-tailed Hawk_____________________ ___ Golden Eagle________________________ r Falcons ??? ___ • American Kestrel____________________ c ___ Merlin______________________________ r Brown-headed nuthatch Bitterns – Herons – Egrets ___ American Bittern____________________ ___ • Great Blue Heron____________________ ___ • Great Egret_________________________ ___ Snowy Egret________________________ ___ Little Blue Heron____________________ ___ Cattle Egret________________________ ___ • Green Heron________________________ ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron __________ ___ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron__________ r c c o r o c u o Ibises ___ White Ibis__________________________ r New World Vultures ___ • Black Vulture________________________ c ___ • Turkey Vulture______________________ a r a a o o c u o r c o r c o Rails ___ • King Rail___________________________ r ___ Virginia Rail________________________ ___ Sora_______________________________ r ___ American Coot______________________ o c a c a c a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Greater Yellowlegs___________________ Lesser Yellowlegs____________________ Solitary Sandpiper___________________ Spotted Sandpiper___________________ Whimbrel___________________________ Semipalmated Sandpiper______________ Western Sandpiper___________________ u o c c c u u u u c r c r r u c r r r r r o c American Avocet_____________________ Sandpipers - Phalaropes r r c u u Avocets ___ r o u Plovers ___ Semipalmated Plover_________________ r ___ • Killdeer____________________________ c r u W r c c acc r o r u r r u r o r u r o r r Sp ___ Least Sandpiper_____________________ ___ Short-billed Dowitcher________________ ___ Common Snipe______________________ o ___ • American Woodcock__________________ u F W r u r r o u o r Sp S ___ Common Nighthawk__________________ r ___ • Chuck-will’s-widow___________________ u ___ •Whip-poor-will_______________________ o u o Nightjars Swifts Laughing Gull_______________________ Ring-billed Gull______________________ Herring Gull________________________ Lesser Black-backed Gull _____________ Great Black-backed Gull______________ Caspian Tern________________________ Royal Tern__________________________ Common Tern_______________________ Forster’s Tern_______________________ Black Tern__________________________ Bonaparte' s Gull_____________________ u c u c o o o Doves ___ Rock Pigeon_________________________ r ___ • Mourning Dove______________________ c Typical Owls ___ • Eastern Screech-Owl_________________ c ___ • Great Horned Owl___________________ c ___ • Barred Owl_________________________ c ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl______________ c u o o u u o o r c c u c c c c a c a c c c c a c a o a c c c c a c a c c c a r c r r r u c u a u c u u c u u a c c u u r r u u ___ • Ruby-throated Hummingbird__________ c Kingfishers ___ • Belted Kingfisher____________________ c r c c c o u c c c c c c c Eastern Kingbird Woodpeckers c c c r ___ • Red-headed Woodpecker______________ ___ • Red-bellied Woodpecker______________ ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker______________ ___ • Downy Woodpecker__________________ ___ • Hairy Woodpecker___________________ ___ • Northern Flicker____________________ ___ • Pileated Woodpecker_________________ Tyrant Flycatchers Vireos ??? r u c Hummingbirds ___ • Eastern Wood-Pewee_________________ ___ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher______________ ___ • Acadian Flycatcher___________________ ___ Alder Flycatcher_____________________ ___ Willow Flycatcher____________________ ___ Least Flycatcher_____________________ ___ • Eastern Phoebe_____________________ ___ • Great Crested Flycatcher_____________ ___ • Eastern Kingbird____________________ Barred owl W o Cuckoos ___ Black-billed Cuckoo__________________ o ___ • Yellow-billed Cuckoo__________________ c ___ • Chimney Swift_______________________ c u F ??? Skuas - Jaegers – Gulls – Terns ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ S ___ • White-eyed Vireo____________________ ___ • Yellow-throated Vireo_________________ ___ Blue-headed Vireo___________________ ___ Warbling Vireo______________________ ___ Philadelphia Vireo____________________ ___ • Red-eyed Vireo______________________ a c u o o c a c c c c c c Sp ___ • Blue Jay____________________________ c ___ • American Crow______________________ c ___ Fish Crow__________________________ c Swallows ___ Purple Martin_______________________ ___ • Tree Swallow________________________ ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow______ ___ Bank Swallow_______________________ ___ Cliff Swallow________________________ ___ • Barn Swallow_______________________ u u r r r c S F W c c u c c u c c c u o r ___ • Carolina Chickadee___________________ a ___ Black-capped Chickadee______________ ___ • Tufted Titmouse_____________________ c ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch_______________ ___ • White-breasted Nuthatch_____________ c ___ • Brown-headed Nuthatch______________ u ___ • Gray Catbird________________________ c ___ • Northern Mockingbird________________ u ___ • Brown Thrasher_____________________ u a c c a u c c u u o u u Pipits ___ c a c c u Brown Creeper______________________ u Wrens ___ • Carolina Wren_______________________ a ___ House Wren_________________________ o ___ Winter Wren________________________ u ___ Marsh Wren_________________________ a Kinglets Golden-crowned Kinglet______________ u Ruby-crowned Kinglet________________ c Old World Warblers ___ • Blue-gray Gnatcatcher________________ c ___ • Eastern Bluebird____________________ ___ Veery______________________________ ___ Gray-cheeked Thrush_________________ ___ Bicknell’s Thrush____________________ ___ Swainson’s Thrush___________________ ___ Hermit Thrush______________________ ___ • Wood Thrush________________________ ___ • American Robin_____________________ W ___ • European Starling___________________ u u o r Creepers Thrushes F Starlings u u u r u c c a American Pipit______________________ r Waxwings a r c Nuthatches ___ ___ S ___ Titmice – Chickadees ___ Sp Mimic Thrushes a r c c u o c u u u a a u r u r o u u c c u o u Cedar Waxwing______________________ c Wood Warblers ___ Blue-winged Warbler_________________ ___ Golden-winged Warbler_______________ ___ Tennessee Warbler___________________ ___ Orange-crowned Warbler_____________ ___ Nashville Warbler____________________ ___ • Northern Parula_____________________ ___ • Yellow Warbler______________________ ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler_______________ ___ Magnolia Warbler____________________ ___ Cape May Warbler___________________ ___ Black-throated Blue Warbler__________ ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler_______________ ___ • Black-throated Green Warbler_________ ___ Blackburnian Warbler________________ ___ • Yellow-throated Warbler______________ ___ • Pine Warbler________________________ ___ • Prairie Warbler______________________ ___ Palm Warbler________________________ u r r u r c u u u u c c u o c a a u r u u c r c u u c c a o u o u u o u u c c u o u c u c c c r u u o c c o u c a a ??? Crows - Jays Prairie warbler Cardinals - Grosbeaks - Allies ___ • Northern Cardinal___________________ ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak______________ ___ • Blue Grosbeak_______________________ ___ • Indigo Bunting______________________ ??? Blackbirds – Orioles Prothonatary warbler ___ Bay-breasted Warbler________________ ___ Blackpoll Warbler____________________ ___ Cerulean Warbler____________________ ___ • Black-and-white Warbler______________ ___ • American Redstart___________________ ___ • Prothonotary Warbler________________ ___ • Worm-eating Warbler_________________ ___ • Swainson’s Warbler__________________ ___ • Ovenbird___________________________ ___ Northern Waterthrush________________ ___ • Louisiana Waterthrush_______________ ___ Kentucky Warbler____________________ ___ Mourning Warbler___________________ ___ • Common Yellowthroat________________ ___ • Hooded Warbler_____________________ ___ Wilson’s Warbler_____________________ ___ Canada Warbler_____________________ ___ • Yellow-breasted Chat_________________ o u o c c a c c a c c r r a a r o c Tanagers ___ • Summer Tanager____________________ c ___ Scarlet Tanager______________________ u Sparrows - Towhees ___ • Eastern Towhee_____________________ ___ American Tree Sparrow_______________ ___ • Chipping Sparrow____________________ ___ Field Sparrow_______________________ ___ Vesper Sparrow______________________ ___ Savannah Sparrow___________________ ___ Fox Sparrow________________________ ___ • Song Sparrow_______________________ ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow____________________ ___ Swamp Sparrow_____________________ ___ White-throated Sparrow______________ ___ White-crowned Sparrow______________ ___ Dark-eyed Junco_____________________ S c c a c c a c r a a W o o u c u c c r u u a u u u a r o r u u c r c c c Finches ___ Purple Finch________________________ ___ • House Finch________________________ ___ Pine Siskin__________________________ ___ • American Goldfinch__________________ c u u c r u r c c r o u a u u c o c a o a F S F W c u u c c c c u c u u u o u c o u u c r u r c o c u u o u o c c c u c o c a o u r a o c o r c o u o c o u Notes u Trail(s)____________________________________________ Date____________________ Time______________________ Observers_________________________________________ Weather___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ a r c u r u u c o c a o a We hope you enjoy your visit. Post your special sightings on our facebook page or send us an email to our website. Be sure to include your name, date, time, and location. ??? Sp ___ Bobolink____________________________ ___ • Red-winged Blackbird________________ ___ Eastern Meadowlark_________________ ___ Rusty Blackbird_____________________ ___ Brewer’s Blackbird___________________ ___ • Common Grackle____________________ ___ Boat-tailed Grackle___________________ ___ • Brown-headed Cowbird_______________ ___ • Orchard Oriole______________________ ___ Baltimore Oriole_____________________ Sp White-throated sparrow

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