Roanoke River


brochure Roanoke River - Birds

Birds at Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in North Carolina. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge Bird List Larry Wade, USFWS prothonotary warbler USFWS barred owl common yellowthroat Larry Wade, USFWS Larry Wade, USFWS Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge Larry Wade, USFWS belted kingfisher Larry Wade, USFWS ruby-throated hummingbird yellow-crowned night heron Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1989, consists of 21,000 acres of forested wetlands. A primary refuge objective is to provide sanctuary for migratory birds. Exceptional birding is possible in the Roanoke River wetlands from March through June, the spring migration and nesting season, but is best from mid-April - mid-May. Fifty-one species of neotropical migrants, songbirds that nest in temperate North America and fly south to winter in the West Indies and Central and South America, have been observed. Over 200 species of birds have been identified on or near the refuge. Other species, especially spring and fall migratory transients, will certainly be added to the list. Your help is needed to develop a more complete list. Please notify refuge staff when you observe additional species or obvious differences in indicated seasonal occurrences. Most birds are migratory, therefore, their seasonal occurrence is coded as follows: Seasonal Appearance Sp - Spring March - May S - Summer June - August F - Fall September - November W - Winter December - February *Birds known or suspected to nest on or near the refuge. Italics indicate threatened/endangered species. Relative Abundance: a - abundant, a species which is very numerous USFWS c - common, likely to be seen or heard in suitable habitat Swainson’s warbler u - uncommon, present, but not certain to be seen o - occasional seen only a few times during aseason r - rare, may be present but not every year SP Loons - Grebes ___Pied-billed Grebe.......................... ....... u ___Common Loon .............................. ....... r Pelicans - Cormorants - Allies ___Brown Pelican................................. ...... ___Double-crested Cormorant*............. .. c ___Anhinga*......................................... ...... u Bitterns - Herons ___Least Bittern*................................... ... o ___Great Blue Heron*........................... ... c ___Great Egret*..................................... ... c ___Snowy Egret..................................... .... o ___Little Blue Heron................................. o ___Cattle Egret...................................... ... o ___Green Heron*.................................. ..... u ___Black-crowned Night Heron........... ... r ___Yellow-crowned Night Heron*....... .... u Ibises - Storks ___White Ibis........................................ ..... ___Wood Stork..................................... ...... r Swans - Geese - Ducks ___Tundra Swan.................................... ..... ___Snow Goose..................................... ...... ___Canada Goose*................................ ..... c ___Wood Duck*................................... ....... c ___American Black Duck..................... ..... u ___Mallard*............................................ .... u ___Northern Pintail................................... ___Blue-winged Teal.................................. o ___Green-winged Teal........................ ....... ___Northern Shoveler........................... .... S u u o c c o o o u F W o r u r r u u c u u r u r u u o o c c o u r o c u c u o c o u r u c c c u r c o SP ___Gadwall............................................ ...... ___American Wigeon............................ ..... ___Greater Scaup....................................... ___Lesser Scaup.................................... .... ___Ring-necked Duck........................... .... ___Bufflehead........................................ ..... ___Hooded Merganser*........................ .... c ___Red-breasted Merganser................. ... ___Ruddy Duck..................................... ..... Vultures - Hawks - Allies ___Black Vulture*................................ ...... u ___Turkey Vulture*.............................. ..... c ___Osprey*........................................... ...... c ___Bald Eagle*..................................... ..... u ___Northern Harrier............................. .... u ___Sharp-shinned Hawk...................... ..... u ___Cooper’s Hawk*.............................. ..... u ___Red-shouldered Hawk*................... .... c ___Broad-winged Hawk....................... ..... r ___Red-tailed Hawk*............................ .... c ___Mississippi Kite*............................. ..... u ___Swallow-tailed Kite......................... ..... r ___Merlin.............................................. ...... r ___American Kestrel............................. .... u ___Peregrine Falcon.................................. Quail - Turkey ___Northern Bobwhite*.......................... . u ___Wild Turkey*..................................... ... c Rail - Coots - Gallinules ___King Rail......................................... ...... r ___Sora........................................................ o ___Virginia Rail.......................................... r ___American Coot................................. ..... ___Common Moorhen........................... .... r Plovers - Sandpipers ___Killdeer*................................................ u ___Greater Yellowlegs............................ ... o ___Solitary Sandpiper............................. .. o S r u c c u r c c u u c F u c r u c u u r o W u c r u c u c r o u c u u u c u c r c u c u u u u c c o u r r u u c u c r r u o r u r u o o u u r SP ___Spotted Sandpiper........................... ..... c ___Least Sandpiper.............................. ..... o ___Pectoral Sandpiper........................... .... o ___Common Snipe................................ ..... ___American Woodcock*..................... ...... u S o Gulls - Terns ___Herring Gull.................................... ..... o ___Ring-billed Gull.............................. ...... a ___Black Tern............................................. r ___Caspian Tern................................... ..... o ___Common Tern.................................. ..... o ___Forster’s Tern....................................... r Pigeons - Doves ___Rock Dove*..................................... ...... c ___Mourning Dove*............................. ..... a F u o o o u W o c r o o c o u r c a c a c c r Owls ___Common Barn Owl .............................. r ___Eastern Screech-Owl*..................... ... u ___Great Horned Owl*......................... .... u ___Barred Owl*.................................... ..... c r u u c r u u c Nighthawks - Nightjars ___Chuck-will’s widow*...................... ...... u ___Whip-poor-will*............................. ....... u ___Common Nighthawk*..................... ..... u u u o o o u Hummingbirds - Kingfishers ___Ruby-throated Hummingbird*........ .. c ___Belted Kingfisher*.......................... ..... c c c c c c o c u c u c u u c u c u Cuckoos ___Yellow-billed Cuckoo*................... ....... c ___Black-billed Cuckoo....................... ...... r Woodpeckers ___Red-headed Woodpecker*............... ... u ___Red-bellied Woodpecker*............... .... c ___Yellow-bellied Sapsucker................ ..... u ___Downy Woodpecker*....................... .... c ___Hairy Woodpecker*...................... ....... u c u c a r u u c SP ___Northern Flicker*......................... ...... u ___Pileated Woodpecker*.................. ....... c S u c F c c W c c Flycatchers ___Eastern Wood-Pewee*......................... u ___Acadian Flycatcher*..................... ....... a ___Eastern Phoebe*........................... ....... u ___Great Crested Flycatcher*............ ..... c ___Eastern Kingbird*........................ ....... u u a o c u u a u u u u u u u Larks - Pipits - Shallows - Swifts ___Horned Lark*....................................... u ___American Water Pipit................... ....... u ___Purple Martin*............................. ........ u ___Cliff Swallow*.............................. ......... r ___Barn Swallow*............................. ......... c ___Tree Swallow*....................................... c ___Northern Rough-winged Swallow* ... u ___Bank Swallow................................ ........ r ___Chimney Swift *................................ ... c c u u u r c c r r c Chickadees - Titmice ___Carolina Chickadee*.................... ........ c ___Tufted Titmouse*......................... ........ a c a c a c a o c o u a o u o c o u a o u c c c c c Nuthatches - Creepers - Wrens ___Red-breasted Nuthatch....................... o ___White-breasted Nuthatch*........... ...... c ___Brown-headed Nuthatch*............ ....... o ___Brown Creeper............................. ........ u ___Carolina Wren*............................ ........ a ___House Wren................................. ......... o ___Winter Wren................................ ......... u Gnatcatchers - Kinglets ___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher*............... ....... c ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet................. ....... c ___Golden-crowned Kinglet.............. ....... c Bluebirds - Thrushes - Robins ___Eastern Bluebird*......................... ...... c ___Veery............................................ .......... o ___Hermit Thrush.............................. ....... u u c r u c o a c c c o u r c u SP ___Swainson’s Thrush...................... ......... o ___Wood Thrush*............................. ......... c ___American Robin*......................... ........ u W c u F o u c Mockingbirds - Thrashers ___Gray Catbird*.............................. ......... u ___Northern Mockingbird*................ ...... c ___Brown Thrasher*......................... ........ u o c u u c u o c u Jays - Crows ___Blue Jay*............................................... c ___American Crow*................................... c ___Fish Crow*............................................ c c c c c c u c c u Shirkes ___Loggerhead Shrike........................ ...... r r r r Waxwings ___Cedar Waxwing*............................ ...... c r c c a r c Vireos ___Red-eyed Vireo*........................... ........ a ___Warbling Vireo.............................. ....... r ___Philadelphia Vireo........................ ........ ___Yellow-throated Vireo*................. ....... c ___White-eyed Vireo*.......................... ..... c ___Blue-headed (Solitary) Vireo........... ... u Wood Warblers ___Northern Parula Warbler*............. .... a ___Yellow-throated Warbler*............. ...... c ___Black-throated Green Warbler....... .... r ___Prothonotary Warbler*................... .... a ___Black-and-white Warbler*.............. .... u ___Blackpoll Warbler......................... ........ u ___Black-throated Blue Warbler........ ...... u ___Cerulean Warbler*............................... u ___Magnolia Warbler.......................... ....... ___Yellow-rumped Warbler............... ........ c ___Canada Warbler............................ ........ r ___Cape May Warbler....................... ........ r ___Chestnut-sided Warbler............... ....... r ___Bay-breasted Warbler.......................... r ___Blackburnian Warbler................... ...... r S c c a c r a o u o c c u c u r c c u u u u a o u o o o c r r a SP ___American Redstart *...................... ..... c ___Pine Warbler*.................................. ..... u ___Prairie Warbler*.............................. .... u ___Palm Warbler................................... ..... u ___Blue-winged Warbler....................... .... u ___Yellow Warbler................................ ...... o ___Swainson’s Warbler*....................... .... u ___Worm-eating Warbler*..................... ... r ___Tennessee Warbler.......................... ..... r ___Orange-crowned Warbler................ .... ___Wilson’s Warbler............................ ...... r ___Hooded Warbler*............................. .... u ___Kentucky Warbler*.......................... .... u ___Common Yellow-throat*.................. .... c ___Yellow-breasted Chat*..................... ... u ___Northern Waterthrush...................... .. u ___Louisiana Waterthrush.*................... . u ___Ovenbird*.............................................. u Tanagers ___Summer Tanager*............................ ... c ___Scarlet Tanager*............................... ... u Cardinals - Grosbeaks - Allies ___Northern Cardinal*........................... .. a ___Rose-breasted Grosbeak.................... . u ___Blue Grosbeak*................................. ... c ___Evening Grosbeak............................. .. o ___Eastern Towhee*.............................. ... u ___Indigo Bunting*................................ ... a ___American Goldfinch*....................... .... c ___Pine Siskin......................................... ... o ___House Finch*........................................ o ___Purple Finch...................................... ... u ___Dickcissel.......................................... .... r Sparrows ___White-throated Sparrow.................. ... a ___White-crowned Sparrow................. ..... o ___Chipping Sparrow*........................... ... u ___Field Sparrow*................................. .... u ___Swamp Sparrow............................... .... c S c u u u u F W c u u u u o u u o r u o o r u u c o u r u u u c u u u a a u c o u a c o o u r u r u u c u c u a u o r u u a o u u c a o u c o o u a o u u c SP ___Fox Sparrow..................................... ..... ___Song Sparrow................................... .... c ___Vesper Sparrow............................... ..... r ___Lincoln’s Sparrow............................ .... ___Savannah Sparrow........................... .... c ___Dark-eyed Junco.............................. .... c ___House Sparrow* .................................. u USFWS Blackbirds ___Bobolink........................................... ..... u ___Eastern Meadowlark*...................... ... c ___Red-winged Blackbird*................... .... c ___Rusty Blackbird............................... .... o ___Common Grackle*................................ a ___Brown-headed Cowbird*................. ... c ___Orchard Oriole*............................... .... u ___Northern Oriole................................ ... o ___European Starling* .............................. u S u u r a c u u F o c r r c c u u u a o a u o o c W u c r c c u c a o a u c U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal federal agency responsible for conserving, protecting and enhancing fish, wildlife and plants and great blue heron their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge is one of over 535 refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The National Wildlife Refuge System is a network of lands and waters managed specifically for the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitat and represents the most comprehensive wildlife management program in the world. Units of the system stretch across the United States from northern Alaska to the Florida Keys and include small islands in the Caribbean and South Pacific. The character of the refuges is as diverse as the nation itself. The Service also manages National Fish Hatcheries, and provides Federal leadership in habitat protection, fish and wildlife research, technical assistance and the conservation and protection of migratory birds, certain marine mammals and threatened and endangered species. Sighting Notes Date _____________________________ ______________________________ Time _______________________________ _______________________________ Weather _____________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ No. of species _______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Route or area ______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Observers _____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Remarks ___________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ This blue goose, designed by J. N. “Ding” Darling, has become a symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge System. ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ For further information, contact: Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge P. O. Box 430 Windsor, North Carolina 27983 252/794 3808 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service September 2004

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