Pocosin LakesPungo Unit |
Pungo Unit of Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in North Carolina. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Pocosin Lakes
National Wildlife Refuge
Pungo Unit Regulations and Visitor Information
Welcome to Pocosin Lakes National
Wildlife Refuge
Pungo Unit
The National Wildlife Refuge System,
managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, is the world’s premier system
of public lands and waters set aside
to conserve America’s fish, wildlife
and plants. Since President Theodore
Roosevelt designated Florida’s Pelican
Island as the first wildlife refuge in 1903,
the System has grown to more than 150
million acres, 553 national wildlife refuges
and other units of the Refuge System,
plus 38 wetland management districts.
For more information visit the Service’s
National Wildlife Refuge System web
page at http://www.fws.gov/refuges/.
You are on the Pungo Unit of Pocosin
Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. The
Pungo Unit is 12,350 acres in size and
includes land in Hyde and Washington
Counties in North Carolina. The
purpose of the Pungo Unit, originally
established as Pungo National Wildlife
Refuge in 1963, is to provide habitat for
migratory, wintering waterfowl. It is an
inviolate waterfowl sanctuary, meaning
waterfowl are protected from hunting
and disturbance. The 2,800-acre Pungo
Lake, in the center of the Pungo Unit,
is a historic roost site for waterfowl and
one of the main attractions for the birds.
The lake is shallow, but because the
water is naturally dark in color, sunlight
does not penetrate and thus very few
plants that waterfowl feed on grow in the
lake. The birds primarily use the lake
for roosting and loafing (hanging out
between foraging excursions). The birds
forage in the surrounding wetlands and
agricultural fields (both on and off of the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Pocosin Lakes National Widllife Refuge
PO Box 329
205 South Ludington Drive
Columbia, NC 27925
There are 1,100 acres of agricultural
fields on the Pungo Unit. The Service
manages this crop ground via a
Cooperative Farming Program. We
enter into agreements with local farmers
to produce crops in the fields (we
alternate corn and soybeans as part of
an integrated pest management program
and double crop winter wheat in some
of the fields). Rather than pay us rent
for using the land, the farmers leave a
portion of corn standing in the fields for
waterfowl and other wildlife to eat. It’s
a win/win for all of us, the farmers, the
Service, and the critters.
A third component of our waterfowl
habitat management is our moist soil
management program. Moist soil units
are impounded areas where we can
control water levels to grow native
wetland plants that waterfowl eat. We
have five moist soil impoundments on the
Pungo Unit totaling about 450 acres.
The Refuge also provides thousands of
acres of forested wetland habitat for
wood ducks and other waterfowl species.
We can flood some of these areas on the
Pungo Unit during the fall and winter to
make tree mast even more available for
the birds to eat.
Migratory, wintering waterfowl (swans,
geese, and ducks) begin arriving
at the Pungo Unit in October with
large numbers arriving in November.
Waterfowl numbers continue to grow
until they reach their peak, usually in
December or January. The Pungo Unit
hosts peak numbers well in excess of
100,000 birds annually.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1 800/334 WILD
May 2018
Adult tundra swans are large, white
birds with black beaks and a small yellow
spot on their lores (between the eye and
the upper base of the beak). Juveniles
are gray. They tend to travel in small
groups. They nest in Alaska and western
Canada. While most of the waterfowl at
Pungo migrate north and south along the
Atlantic Flyway, tundra swans migrate
across the continent. Northeast North
Carolina hosts more than 80% of the
eastern subpopulation of tundra swans
and peak numbers at Pungo often exceed
Snow geese are larger than ducks, but
smaller than tundra swans. They are
white with black wing tips, but there is
also a dark color phase known as the blue
goose. Snow geese are very gregarious,
often flocking together in very large
There are several species of ducks on
Pungo in the winter including mallard,
American black duck, blue-winged and
green-winged teal, northern pintail, ringnecked duck, American wigeon, gadwall,
and northern shoveler. Wood ducks can be
observed year round on the refuge.
This is Bear Country!
The large areas of contiguous forest on
Pungo and the rest of Pocosin Lakes
Refuge, along with the supplemental
food from crops grown nearby, provide
great habitat for American black bears
and the Pungo Unit supports one of the
highest densities reported anywhere
in the scientific literature. Black bears
will normally avoid humans but keep in
mind that they are wild animals and can
be dangerous. Be very cautious around
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Do Not Feed Bears!
This may lead to bears losing their fear of
people which may lead to them having to
be destroyed. Do not get anywhere near
cubs (mom is usually close by and doesn’t
like it!). Try not to startle a bear (they
have fair eyesight and hearing and a
very keen sense of smell, but you can still
surprise them sometimes). Keep all food
in a part of your vehicle that will make it
difficult for bears to smell, like the trunk
(bears have damaged unattended vehicles
on the refuge while trying to get to food
inside). Treat your trash, and anything
else that might smell tasty to bears, the
same as food. And, of course, please take
your trash out with you.
Recreational Opportunities
Watching and photographing wildlife is
popular on the Pungo Unit. Waterfowl
observation (during the winter) and
bear watching (nearly year-round) are
the most popular, but other birds and
wildlife are plentiful on Pungo as well.
In addition, there are limited deer and
feral hog hunting opportunities and some
fishing in the many canals surrounding
the lake.
All visitors should be aware that the
Pungo Unit is open to deer (and feral
hog) hunting during the early part of
the North Carolina deer hunting season,
including that part of September when
the state deer season is open, October,
and November (although only archery
equipment may be used in November).
Hunting on Sundays is not allowed nor is
hunting allowed anywhere within Pungo
Lake, within 100 yards of the Duck Pen
Wildlife Trail, and within 100 yards of the
Pungo Lake Observation Platform on
the south side of the lake. When Pungo is
open to hunting, visitors should exercise
extra caution. Stay in your vehicle or on
roads and in other open areas where you
can be easily seen. And consider wearing
blaze orange clothing when away from
your vehicle.
Generally, the Pungo Unit is open for
daylight use only. We define daylight
as 30 minutes before official sunrise to
30 minutes after official sunset. Official
sunrise and sunset times change almost
daily and are different as you move east
and west. Official sunrise/sunset tables
are available on the internet and from
other sources. In general, however, you
cannot be on the Pungo Unit when it’s
There are approximately 44 miles of roads
on the Pungo Unit. All of them are dirt
surface and can get slippery and rough
during wet periods and dusty during dry
periods. About half of roads are open to
licensed vehicles at least part of the year.
Some of these roads are closed to vehicles
during the wintering waterfowl season
(November through February) and some
may be closed to all public entry during
that time. Closed roads are shown on
the map in this brochure and/or posted
with signs. Sometimes, roads have to be
temporarily closed because they become
impassable. State traffic laws apply
on refuge roads when they are open to
vehicles. The speed limit on all refuge
roads is 25 m.p.h. unless otherwise posted.
Unless closed to all public entry, the
roads on the Pungo Unit are open for foot
travel and bicycling. See the map in this
brochure for the location of the following
state, county, and refuge roads that can
be used to access refuge areas by licensed
NC Highway 45, a paved state road.
Pat’s Road, a paved county road.
South Pungo Road, a dirt refuge road.
Hyde Park Road, a dirt refuge road
that is gated at the southern refuge
boundary and closed to vehicles south
of South Pungo Road during the
wintering waterfowl season.
D-Canal Road, a dirt refuge road.
Molt Road, a dirt refuge road that is
closed to all public entry during the
wintering waterfowl season.
West Lake Road, a dirt refuge road
that may be closed to vehicles during
the wintering waterfowl season.
South Lake Road, a dirt refuge road
part of which may be closed to vehicles
or all public entry during the wintering
waterfowl season.
Refuge Road, a paved county road.
Van Staalduinen Road, a dirt refuge
road open to vehicles from Refuge
Road to South Pungo Road.
Allen Road, on the eastern edge of the
Pungo Unit, is normally closed to vehicles
because it is difficult to maintain and
becomes impassable when wet. Most of
Allen Road is within the boundaries of the
Pungo Unit and subject to Pungo Unit
regulations. There are three locations
(two roads and one foot-bridge) along the
Pungo Unit section of Allen Road where
visitors can walk or bicycle across the
Allen Road Canal to refuge lands east
of Allen Road and off of the Pungo Unit.
However, visitors should note the private
lands interspersed in this area and avoid
trespassing on these private properties.
Other Access Restrictions
All of the agricultural fields and moist
soil units on the Pungo Unit are closed
to all public entry during the wintering
waterfowl season (November – February)
to prevent waterfowl disturbance.
Pungo Lake is closed to all public entry
year round; boats are not allowed on
Pungo Lake at any time.
Waterfowl Observation
Although waterfowl can be seen almost
anywhere on Pungo during the waterfowl
season (November – February), we have
designated five observation areas/points
that usually provide good waterfowl
observation opportunities. Refer to the
map in this brochure for locations.
1. Hyde Park Observation Point
This area features one of our moist soil
management units. Often, millet is
planted in part of this impoundment and
it sometimes attracts large concentrations
of ducks. From November through
February, most of the section of Hyde
Park Road south of the South Pungo
Road intersection is closed to all public
entry to prevent waterfowl disturbance
in this moist soil unit. However, you can
park at the Hyde Park/South Pungo Road
intersection (please do not block the gate
or roads) and walk a short distance south
on Hyde Park Road (to the “Closed Area”
signs) to look at the birds.
2. Pungo Lake Observation Platform
This elevated platform on the southern
tip of Pungo Lake provides unobstructed
views of the lake and the surrounding
forested wetlands. Large concentrations
of waterfowl can sometimes be seen from
the platform, usually when the wind is
from southerly directions.
3. Pungo Lake Observation Point
Take a stroll on the Duck Pen Wildlife
Trail out to the Pungo Lake Observation
Point on the south-central side of Pungo
Lake. Park along the shoulder of South
Lake Rd near the trailhead; do not block
the road or trail, but be careful to not get
off of the road bed as you could easily get
your vehicle stuck.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The trail is approximately ½ mile long
leading to an observation/photo blind
on the shore of Pungo Lake. Large
concentrations of waterfowl can usually
be seen on this part of the lake from
November through February. Be very
quiet as you walk the trail and while in
the blind to avoid disturbing and scaring
the birds away. Please keep all the cover
flaps over the observation holes in the
blind closed except when being used (if
you’re wondering what the black pipe on
the covers is for — it hopefully looks like
camera or spotting scopes sticking out of
the blind all the time so the birds get used
to them and, hopefully, stay close when
your lens is sticking out).
Stay on the trail and within the fenced
areas; all of the surrounding areas are
closed to all public entry to protect
wildlife. The trail and observation point
are open for foot travel only during the
waterfowl season; bicycles and pets are
not allowed on the trail.
4. West Lake Road Observation Point
Located at the south end of West Lake
Road (near the intersection with South
Lake Rd), this point is a great location for
watching waterfowl flying back and forth
between Pungo Lake and foraging areas
to the west and southwest during the
winter. Early morning and late afternoon
are often the best times to see these
5. North Lake Woods Observation Area
The wooded area between North Lake
Road and Pungo Lake provides a
naturally concealed area for visitors to
see large concentrations of waterfowl on
the lake. To prevent disturbance to the
birds, you are not allowed to go out of
the woods and into the open lakeshore
area. Park at the gate on North Lake
Road near the D-Canal Road intersection
(please do not block the road or gate) and
walk east on North Lake Road. About
one mile down the road (see a farm road
going off to the left) there’s a trail going
into the woods on the right leading to
Pungo Lake. Less than ½ mile further
east on North Lake Road is a small road
on the right that also leads to Pungo
General Prohibitions
Generally, everything other than those
activities specifically authorized are
prohibited on national wildlife refuges.
Prohibited activities include:
n taking wildlife or wildlife parts (eggs,
antler sheds, etc.) other than as
authorized under our hunting and
fishing regulations
n entering or being on any portion of
Pungo Lake
n cutting or removing vegetation
n spotlighting (shinning lights, including
vehicle headlights, on wildlife)
n open fires
n All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) except as
provided for in our hunting regulations
n all commercial activities except as
allowed under a Special Use Permit
n baiting (placing any food, lure, or
attractant on the refuge for any
n littering
Our Mission
The mission of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service is working with others
to conserve, protect and enhance fish,
wildlife, plants and their habitats for
the continuing benefit of the American
people. We are both a leader and trusted
partner in fish and wildlife conservation,
known for our scientific excellence,
stewardship of lands and natural
resources, dedicated professionals and
commitment to public service.
Pocosin Lakes Refuge:
Pungo Unit
F-2 Road
Maintenance compound
North Lake
Observation areas
Roads closed to vehicles from Nov-Feb
Roads closed to vehicles
Roads open to vehicles
Pungo Unit boundary
Duck Pen Wildlife Trail to Observation Point
West Lake
Areas closed from Nov-Feb
Farm fields - closed Nov-Feb
Moist soil units - closed Nov-Feb
Pungo Lake - closed year round
Observation points:
1. Hyde Park Obs Point
2. Pungo Lake Platform
3. Pungo Lake Obs Point
4. West Lake Road Obs Point
5. North Lake Woods Obs Area
Observation areas and routes
may be subject to closure at
management’s discretion.
Park along road edge.
South Pungo Road
Van Staaldulnen
NC Highway 45
Refuge Road
NC Highway 45