Carvers CreekRockefeller House |
Brochure of the Legacy of James Stillman Rockefeller at Carvers Creek State Park (SP) in North Carolina. Published by North Carolina State Parks.
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Park Information
Carvers Creek State Park
2505 Long Valley Road
Spring Lake, NC 28390-1645
GPS: 35.2110525, -78.9774719
Carvers Creek State Park is located on the north side of E.
Manchester between Hwy 87 and Hwy 210 just north of Spring
Lake, North Carolina.
Park Hours
North Carolina State Parks are open every day, with the exception
of Christmas Day. Park hours vary with the seasons.
Please visit the North Carolina State Park website or contact the
park office for the most current information about seasonal hours,
activities, alerts, camping fees, programs rules and weather.
The Legacy of
James Stillman Rockefeller
at Carvers Creek State Park
How Rockefeller Gave Back
To Carvers Creek State
Park’s Long Valley Farm
access. After a short walk
down the Rockefeller Trail
you will come to a large,
t wo -stor y house. The
Rockefeller house, listed
on the National Registry
of Historic Sites, overlooks
the scenic millpond. James
Stillman Rockefeller, a man
of many accomplishments
whose life spanned 102
years through some of the
most eventful decades of
American history, used
this property as a winter
getaway. His thoughtful
foresight contributed to the creation of Carvers Creek State Park.
Upon his death on August 10, 2004, his estate left the 1,420 acres
of Long Valley Farm to The Nature Conservancy for protection and
preservation. In 2010, the conservancy gifted this land to North
Carolina’s state parks system.
James Stillman Rockefeller donated his time and money to many
causes such as the American Museum of Natural History, New York’s
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and many environmental
organizations. The Rockefeller family created and funded a nonprofit
conservation organization called Overhills Foundation. In 2011,
this foundation granted funds to help educate the public, and to
preserve the historic significance of Long Valley Farm. This money
has helped purchase educational materials such as the interpretive
panels you see along the trails, books, canoes, fishing gear and
much more. Some grant money will also assist with renovation
of the Rockefeller house.
The Early Years
James Stillman Rockefeller was born June 8, 1902 in New York to
William Goodsell Rockefeller and Elise Stillman. Rockefeller was born
into a family of wealth. His grandfather William Rockefeller and
great uncle John Davison Rockefeller were founders of Standard
Oil of Ohio in 1870.
Rockefeller attended Yale University where he was elected into Phi
Beta Kappa and Yale’s secret society, Scroll and Key. He became
captain of the Yale rowing team and won a gold medal at the 1924
Summer Olympic Games in Paris. That same year, he graduated
from Yale and appeared on the cover of Time Magazine on July 7.
After college, he worked at a bank called Brown Brothers before
moving to National City Bank.
On April 15, 1925, he married Nancy Campbell Sherlock Carnegie,
daughter of Andrew Carnegie II and Bertha Sherlock. The first
of their four children was born in 1926. Their names are James
Stillman Rockefeller Jr., Nancy Sherlock Carnegie Rockefeller,
Andrew Carnegie Rockefeller, and Georgia Stillman Rockefeller.
Rockefeller acquired Long Valley Farm in 1937. He soon hired
George McNeil to manage the farm and they got started right
away on construction of the house. The house was completed in
May 1938. The location was very convenient for Rockefeller while
he was stationed at Fort Bragg as a lieutenant colonel of the U.S.
Airborne Command during World War II.
A view from Rockefeller’s office
After World War II
After the war, he returned to his banking career and helped merge
First National Bank of New York with First National City, which is
now called Citibank. He was president of this bank from 1952 to
1959 and chairman from 1959 to 1967. He also became a director
of Pan American World Airways, Northern Pacific Railroad, National
Cash Register, and Monsanto.
Long Valley Farm was his winter estate. He visited here on long
weekends throughout the year and during holidays to get away
from the hustle and bustle of New York City. He would spend his
days working on the farm, swimming in the millpond, and enjoying
the scenery. His permanent residence was in Greenwich, Conn.
and was much more grand than the house here.
The Later Years
Mrs. Rockefeller died in 1994 after 69 years of marriage. On August
5, 2004, Rockefeller suffered a stroke. Per his wishes, he was not
placed on life support and passed away five days later at the age
of 102. In his final years, he was the oldest living Olympic Gold
Medal recipient.
A view from the family room
Park Plans for the House
The master plan for Carver’s Creek State Park envisions this house
as a multi-use educational and community center, to include
exhibits interpreting the story of the Overhills Estate and Long
Valley Farm and the natural history and cultural lore of the park
itself. Its rooms could function as classrooms, conference rooms
and venues for special occasions. Aside from offering staff office
space and a ranger contact area, the house would be available
for the public to rent for weddings, family reunions, corporate
retreats, community meetings and similar functions.
Renovation of the Rockefeller house is being completed in stages.
The first stage has been completed with installation of new roof
shingles. Plans for the second stage involve all needed repairs to
the exterior, including replacement of anything missing, broken
or rotting. The next step will be repairs to the interior. Major work
must be completed to the electrical, plumbing, heating and air
conditioning systems.
The Rockefeller house is a wonderful historical resource that holds
much promise for our local communities and the state park. Our
hopes for the house will require a great deal of planning, approvals,
funding, and work. There is no timetable for completion, but we
are moving forward.