"Harper's Ridge" by USFWS Mountain-Prairie , public domain

Charles M. Russell

National Wildlife Refuge - Montana

The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge surrounds Fort Peck Reservoir in northeast Montana. There are four major types of habitat within the refuge: river bottom, riparian zones and wetlands, shoreline, and upland (including forested coulees and prairie). The largest population of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) outside the Rocky Mountains lives within the refuge.



Fort Peck Vicinity Map of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Charles M. Russell - Fort Peck

Fort Peck Vicinity Map of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Driving Map of American Prairie in Montana. Published by American Prairie Foundation.American Prairie - Driving Map

Driving Map of American Prairie in Montana. Published by American Prairie Foundation.

Highway Map of Montana. Published by the Montana Department of Transportation.Montana State - Montana Highway Map

Highway Map of Montana. Published by the Montana Department of Transportation.


Map of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Charles M. Russell - Map

Map of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Detail Map of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Charles M. Russell - Map Detail

Detail Map of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Guide Map West of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Charles M. Russell - Guide Map West

Guide Map West of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Guide Map East of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Charles M. Russell - Guide Map East

Guide Map East of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Birds at Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).Charles M. Russell - Birds

Birds at Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

Charles M. Russell NWR https://www.fws.gov/refuge/charles_m_russell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_M._Russell_National_Wildlife_Refuge The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge surrounds Fort Peck Reservoir in northeast Montana. There are four major types of habitat within the refuge: river bottom, riparian zones and wetlands, shoreline, and upland (including forested coulees and prairie). The largest population of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) outside the Rocky Mountains lives within the refuge.
Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Refuge Boundary 191 US Route 19 State Route N 191 County Road Malta 2 Auto Tour Route 19 66 2 M issouri Ri Charles M. Russell NWR 19 km 10 10 ver To Glasgow Public Recreation Area 191 miles 0 Wolf Point Glasgow Zortman USFWS Wildlife Station 0 24 19 24 24 200 Fort Fort Peck Station Peck Wildlife Mis sou ri River 200 Fort Peck Rec Area To Harlem r v o i r To Malta To Malta 66 Bear Creek Rec Area 24 The Pines Rec Area Rock Creek Rec Area R e s e 191 souri Riv er James Kipp Rec Area Sand Creek Wildlife Station Rock Creek Boat Ramp ve Hell Creek State Rec Area Jordan Wildlife Station r P e To Lewistown 19 k McGuire Creek Rec Area Jordan 200 Muss 191 c Nelson Creek Rec Area els Crooked Creek Rec Area UL Bend NWR Fourchette Creek Rec Area Devils Creek Rec Area t F o r Bone Trail Boat Ramp hell R i Mis 200 59 To Billings To Lewistown To Miles City To Circle
To Harlem and Malta CANADA 2 93 Browning Kalispell 2 89 15 Malta 2 Wolf Point Great Falls 287 IDAHO 12 Helena ve n m City Miles 94 Billings 90 Bozeman 287 Se Refuge National Wildlife 12 212 191 ile Cr SOUTH DAKOTA ee Broadus k 212 Gullwing Reservoir 90 310 WYOMING l Co e eek ule pe Cr k ree va Du C gg Bo Antelo Dillon Glendive Charles M. Russell 87 191 89 Butte 15 Lewistown Rock Creek 90 Circle Jordan 87 Missoula NORTH DAKOTA Medicine Lake Glasgow 87McChesney 191 Reservoir 89 Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River Havre 2 303 Au Grand Island 851 202 101 to nn l ail r Tr 5 5 Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Area of Map GE i Tra 2.5 Kilometers 211 210 de Wil Miles 2.5 0 RID ROCKY POINT 862 ek Cre 309 886 878 To Grass Range 0 ER 210 861 nd ail 310 202 Rock Creek Boat Ramp Sa Sand Creek Tr 876 DONEY BOTTO MS k 854 405 Cree 303 Elk Viewing Area 201 869 LD Rock 101 Sand Creek 450 848 ek 875 WI Cre GE Sand Creek Wildlife Station 313 rya RID 312 870 203 a Sip LL 852 210 Armells Creek JONES ISLAND 101 874 James Kipp Recreation Area BE e KNOX RIDGE 209 850 ule 305 Lower Two 308 Calf Island 209 te GE KENDALL BOTTOMS 845 307 RID Co Upper Two Calf Island ou 307 191 l va ST Du LO rR 306 u To 853 407 Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Refuge Boundary Open Road Refuge Wildlife Station Auto Tour Route Information Kiosk Seasonally Closed Road Interpretive Stop 191 Federal Highway Historic Lewis & Clark Campsite Refuge Land Proposed Wilderness State of Montana Land Area beyond roads closed to public entry Private Land
300 000 310 000 290 000 280 000 270 000 260 000 W Co hisk ul ey ee 250 000 lsh ell Bay Valentine Creek ain e T20N Teleg raph Cree k sell C reek Jones Cou lee Wol f Cre ek Na nc yR us To Brusett 7 miles T19N s e ll Cr eek s se ll C ree k 5250 000 Dr n Cou lee yF or k 343 n Cou le Ca m e p ulee 0 N d oo nw o tt u Co T18N Co Lodgepo le Creek R31E 2.5 5 0 5240 000 To Sand Springs 17 miles 300 000 To Sand Springs 25 miles R30E lee 290 000 N Co elso ul n ee Cr ee k Seventynine Co iver lshell R Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator Grid: 10,000 meter, Zone 13 Horizontal Datum: 1927 North American Datum 344 5260 000 k ree nC ia Ind y Rus Sherma 317 To Winnett 32 miles R29E Nanc C oule e sse Mu 605 Musse 260 000 e le Cou 606 280 000 PETROLEUM COUNTY FERGUS COUNTY 250 000 230 000 220 000 UTM Ge rm Bra tte Cre e k 270 000 e Co ul ee 210 000 240 000 Historic Lewis & Clark campsite ill C ree k ek Interpretive sign ▲ awm g Cre ★ Administrative area Landing zone th S Sprin Boat ramp Elk viewing area 5270 000 u Landing area Hay yR Accessible hunting blind T21N South Sawmill Creek c an eN No landing area Cre e k tl Lit Proposed wilderness Information kiosk 604 343 317 Guide Map – West Aircraft ulee Refuge field station Special Designation Areas Designated wilderness vils e General Land Ownership FWS BLM State of Montana Private Other ▲ GARFIELD COUNTY Crooked Creek Recreation Area Alk a R28E De e oul rn C 103 Drag Ridg e Trail R27E 104 ek ulee Cre Big Co 245 447 k R26E National Wildlife Refuge Local or Refuge road Auto tour route All weather access road (not seasonal) Seasonally closed road (closed Aug 28 - March 1) Private road access by landowner permission PHILLIPS COUNTY e re eC ol R25E ▲ GARFIELD COUNTY Lost Creek s Co ▲ Dove To Winnett 19 miles ee Gras ek Bay ep R24E 448 Soda Cre tail C reek Creek nC oul 104 346 345 Sandbu Fa rg o k 311 Wils o Devils Creek Recreation Area Ghost Coulee 344 T22N 5280 000 IRON STAKE RIDGE Nor Cr ee dg Lo Bear Creek Reservoir Sage k e ▲ Cro PETROLEUM o COUNTY d Cr eek ked Cre e 410 Bay k 103 Do vet ail Tra il Chippy Cree 446 319 T23N 5290 000 oot ckf Bla en eek Sev Cr da SCHUYLER BUTTE ulee GE HERMAN RID 315 Croo ke Cre ek DS NOL REY L HIL So She d Co Deadman Coule e od d oo nw tto e Co oule C r Coule ee Blo lee Fort Peck Reservoir BRANDON BUTTE ▲ Mary Reservoir S LL HI Ca EDE rt T R rai IDG BL l E UE Co RID u lee GE Sh ort Arm Co str ule on gC e ou She lee ep Cou lee McC arty Cou lee Wo 377 Dr ag rC ree do MICKEY BUTTE 344 Valentine Road Roads State highway te Carpen l Cou Crooked Creek Charles M. Russell 24 311 Ch ain Bu tte sT rai l Crooked Creek !Valentine Highways 191 Federal highway ulee 315 lee e ule Cou l SW 877 838 lee o nC n Bra 417 416 844 HERMAN POINT 416 315 k k Refuge boundary k lee Ha yC ou Fourchette Bay 5300 000 T24N Co u lee Co u k Cree man 872 322 897 837 Drag Creek Reservoir lde R22E 316 411 Cre ek Kill 321 864 Fourchette Creek Recreation Area ick ey Co ul ee 412 HAWLE Y FLAT 319 li C ree Bo xE To Grass Range 17 miles R23E UL Bend NWR 420 Hawley Creek 219 Co u Sk yli ne Tra il 320 839 k er Cree Bear Creek ee Cr u Co 191 19 o ten C Kars mp ha HANSON FLAT T19N To Lewistown 37 miles T18N c au er e Creek Antelop 191 201 M Dry Lake ail k Cree Be Fis h y Dr ckt ked 318 ▲ lee Bla Cro o lee Carroll Coulee Beauchamp Bay 420 Coburn Coulee nst on z Cou 419 416 201 378 212 ★ ▲ 302 314 220 Fish Fossil Reservoir Missouri River 855 220 5260 000 UTM Bohemian Corner 321 Fowler Reservoir 849 u Co 304 201 n 211 407 tle 201 201 il ra pT m Ca rse Ho Lit 205 ▲ 201 e rd Ga 201 201 t se rri ou Ga olh ee l ho u Sc Co Coul e k 204 ee oul sC hol Farg o ree pC 203 207 ore k am k Nic ROCKY POINT 886 Cr ee ek Cre m ile 301 CK ve n 201 Mo RB LA 858 e Joh ee Cr ch Fo urc he tte Cre ek 856 401 Se rail lshell T Musse l Trai der l i W 5250 000 Indian Lake Cou le ee Cre ek Bo Cr x E ee lde k r 847 421 tgun Plu m La Pla T20N Box Eld Dry Lake ek Cre 878 il er Tra Wild e Tele gra ph ith au ing 201 854 861 862 Ridg e Ro ad ked Croo Third Creek 206 Sho SUN PRAIRIE FLATS Stratton Reservoir Sm Be Spr 5270 000 Cou le e ner ule d r Co Dow Dog Creek 201 Coule e Rock Creek Boat Ramp 202 ▲ H Co aine ule s e te Car Sand Creek Field Station n Sa 303 il Tra ek Cre nd Sa King Coulee k nd C reek 474 204 Wilde r 848 210 309 e Cre KC re e k GE RID ER LD WI ★ ★ 869 Sand Creek 450 Armells Creek Area 405DONEY876 BOTTO MS Sand Creek Tr ail 210 310 850 T21N ★ ★ 875 312 313 210 k 203 k Cree 852 Armells Creek Cr ee 205 JONES 101 ★ Elk Viewing ISLAND ★ 101 James
Cattle Cree k Hell kB ick 548 Ea st Co u lee Ar roy o BA DL AN DS Ar roy o RO YO BROWNIE BUTTE k on Cre e ers ck An d 5280 000 ek 489 215 T22N WILD HORSE PASS DANIELS POINT e Creek Lone Tre 215 M CrecGuir ek e Ba y Lon832 e Tre e Cre 365 e Lone Tree Creek k Bay Snap 622 621 Creek 366 NORTH TWITCHEL POINT Cr ee k 367 Sh dC ree ot Co t le e R41E 0 Refuge field station Special Designation Areas Proposed wilderness ▲ 494 Aircraft Information kiosk No landing area Interpretive center Landing area Historic Lewis & Clark campsite Accessible hunting blind Navigational marker Boat ramp Landing zone N 2.5 yC ree k 5 0 GARFIELD McCONE COUNTY COUNTY 10 2.5 5 Guide Map – East 10 1:200 000 u Co reek Horse C Road Ne lso n Cr ee 5260 000 Big Dr R40E To MT Hwy 200 8 miles 5270 000 ee T21N k 492 INDIAN ROCKS 390 000 R39E 380 000 R38E To MT Hwy 200 8 miles 370 000 360 000 Hell Creek Road 350 000 R37E Creek Cree k l 106 803 Co u 494 493 uire Jim 494 Wood y McG 216 Nelson Creek 496 Recreation 106 Area 366 Fla t 208 McGuire 496 Creek Recreation Area 380 368 To Jordan 10 miles Cre e k AR Road 370 Bug C re 538 BROWNIE BUTTE 340 000 330 000 371 Bug Creek Bay lee State of Montana Private Other Cree k T20N k ree rC FWS BLM National Wildlife Refuge 371 be General Land Ownership Charles M. Russell Bug South Fork Rock Creek ay k t Los y Ba S For kR Cree ock 218 k Roa d u Co to nw oo 535 ek Cre 807 217 5290 000 T23N 218 217 533 Lost Creek Cre ek 836 kB ree nC R35E To Jordan 15 miles 531 532 609 T24N 24 N Fork Rock Creek Road 107 y Ba Rock Cree k Bay 484 reek xC Bo 217 488 5300 000 Tim To Brusett 4 miles 814 107 Rock Creek Recreation Area SQUARE BUTTE Ash 813 er Ste INT PO 320 000 UTM 812 C 477 Cat Creek Gil be rt Creek Sha de Ro Cree ad k lso Ne Local or Refuge road All weather access road (not seasonal) Seasonally closed road (closed Aug 28–March 1) Private road access by landowner permission 815 BY UB To Brusett 3 miles San ST 310 000 400 000 Spr Pe n GOAT MOUNTAIN SNUFF GAP 814 477 222 South Fork Box Creek Ha xb yR oa d Cr ee ow Sn Bay Cree k ay lee ow Co u lee lC ou Hil W id ay kB rC re e be yC ree k Cre ek yA rm Box Elder Creek Bay No Dawson Creek rth Fo rk Bo xC 221 re ek Bear d Bay oyo r r dA e le ou eC State highway 476 372 g id 24 Cr ee Dr Br Highways 191 Federal highway lle k ek Cre Refuge boundary raw s Pas Roads R34E rvi ee k ree tC oo ckf Bla CHALK BUTTE T25N ad Ro k ee Cr g rin Sp 372 e ven Se R33E To Brusett 9 miles 826 479 T20N 5260 000 UTM No gD 616 e 463 ek Cre Bill 548 ked o Cro Creek HILL 818 k ee Cr 356 k For H Wood y oul dC ek Cre ell oule an C Jord H BALDY BUTTE 5270 000 Rie ek ell Cre e ow 105 451 k ee DGE Hell Creek Recreation Area and State Park dC ree n Coule 459 601 Sn ke 452 lee e Cr Cr oo B 547 801 t Ge ta wa yC ou ek 352 ay ay ek Cre 349 353 Johnso 465 464 624 352 rin 617 359 358 357 Eas 602 349 349 PETERSON POINT Sp Sag kB ep 351 355 ay Bobcat Creek B cat ob Big E KINCAID POINT 356 H ▲ 350 ROUND BUTTE 349 Snow Creek ▲ 325 J The Sag Cr ee ree rt C ▲ 327 ir For t Peck R eser vo B kB GRAVE POINT be Tim E ge Gil r Fo DG d oa R k ee Cr at bc o B LUCKY Cut Coulee Sa BELL POINT She PHILLIPS COUNTY RI ec tP Crooked Creek Bay oul kC dic Bur ek ulee Cre Big Co H se r Cr eek 373 ▲  oir v r RID 353 ▲ 348 TH ay lee HT Beebe Coulee Bay ▲ I ▲ Bea 828 825 SAGE CREEK POINT kB 504 623 ly C ou Bay EN D ree pC 327 348 Bil 433 RID ee lee HERMAN RI T21N e K IG F nd C reek TH E GE 441 SE V 374 GE The Pines Recreation Area IDG e kR 508 425 L 347 ▲ on C 213 oule York Island TH RID Sh u Co lfe Wo lee Bone Trail Recreation Area EE erla Carpenter Creek 428 Ca bin Co u Wa g DL 513 Suth 505 325 ID erla nd C reek lee GE M k SW ee y Ca EDE Co rt T RID ul rai GE BL ee l UE RID Co ule GE e Arm Short Shed Cou Cou stro Cou lee VALLEY COUNTY lee lee ng GAR She FIEL ep Cou DC OU lee Chippy Creek NTY Mc Car ty C oul T22N ee IRON STAKE RIDGE 5280 000 Wils on C oule e Suth ee Cr C 324 Co ut T t C ule hroa 325 e ou t Ca lee rn ey 326 Co ul ee 213 or 438 lee Harpe r Ridg e Roa d 339Sh le C oul gC ou SIX 5310 000 Ro ck ne Kin Cree k 330 Co u e HR 8 52 Fo rk Co ule e 329 331 le 276 518 IFT nt 332 Cou y Hw rth hth Du l Ho 440 Po i 333 ay No k Do LA 5290 000 Hel 517 er Eig ee Cr S ILL H RB kB ee Cr Hu 529 nd SHUFIELD RIDGE 442 102 Co ule e F Cr ee ry ng R43E 410 000 d lan T23N ve nt h Upp er th k ee Plum Se le e dl e o u Midhth C Eig Su d e Roa Ridg Murray Road Two Forks Reservoir th FOUR k INDIAN HILL Sa ve nt h ar T26N ND
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Wildlife List Welcome This goose, designed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, is the symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, located along the Missouri River and scenic Fort Peck Reservoir in Central Montana, is a 1.1 million-acre Refuge that contains native prairie, forested coulees, river bottoms, badlands, and the 250,000-acre Fort Peck Reservoir. Refuge wildlife include mule and white-tailed deer, elk, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, coyote, bobcat, beaver, sharp-tailed grouse, and many species of migratory birds. Common songbirds in spring and summer are the western meadowlark, vesper sparrow, yellow warbler, and lark bunting. Popular shorebirds include the upland sandpiper, long-billed curlew, and mountain plover. Thousands of mourning doves nest on the Refuge. Bald eagles are quite common near the east end of the Refuge during winter and early spring. “vagrants” have been observed only a few times on the Refuge. Please report any additional sightings of vagrants to the Refuge staff. Seasons of Occurrence Sp S F W Spring (March-May) Summer (June-July) Fall (August-November) Winter (December-February) Seasonal Abundance a c u o r v abundant, common species, very numerous common, certain to be seen in suitable habitat uncommon, present, but not certain to be seen occasional, seen only a few times during a season rare, seen once a year or less vagrant, less than five sightings on the Refuge • Other Codes Species known to nest on the Refuge An Auto Tour Route near the west end of the Refuge offers good access to bird watching areas. Most of the Refuge offers bird watching opportunities, but many of the roads and trails become impassable during inclement weather. Visitors should take special precautions when entering remote areas of the Refuge. About this Checklist The 276 species of birds listed in this leaflet have all been observed on or near the Refuge according to the latest edition of Montana Bird Distribution and local bird watchers. All species names are in accordance with the A.O.U. Checklist of North American Birds, 7th edition, 1998, and 42nd supplement (2000) to the checklist. For clarity, some of the former names are shown in parentheses. Those species listed as Sharp-tail grouse Common Bird Name Sp S F Loons Red-throated Loon Pacific Loon Common Loon c u Yellow-billed Loon v r u v Grebes • Pied-billed Grebe Horned Grebe Red-necked Grebe • Eared Grebe • Western Grebe Clark’s Grebe c c c u u r c c c c c c u u u Pelicans American White Pelican c c c Cormorants • Double-crested Cormorant c c c Bitterns, Herons, and Egrets • American Bittern u u u • Great Blue Heron c c c Snowy Egret r Little Blue Heron v Black-crowned Night-Heron c o Ibises and Spoonbills White-faced Ibis r New World Vultures Turkey Vulture o W Common Bird Name Sp S F • Redhead c u c Ring-necked Duck o o • Lesser Scaup c u c Surf Scoter o White-winged Scoter r r Black Scoter Long-tailed Duck (formerly Oldsquaw) r Bufflehead c u c Common Goldeneye c u c Barrow’s Goldeneye o o Hooded Merganser u u • Common Merganser c u c Red-breasted Merganser c o o • Ruddy Duck c u c r Osprey, Kites, Hawks, and Eagles • Osprey Bald Eagle • Northern Harrier • Sharp-shinned Hawk • Cooper’s Hawk Northern Goshawk Broad-winged Hawk • Swainson’s Hawk • Red-tailed Hawk • Ferruginous Hawk Rough-legged Hawk • Golden Eagle c c c c a u u o o o r c c a c o u c c c u u c u o o r c a o c c W v o c r c c o c c Falcons and Caracaras • American Kestrel c a c o • Merlin u r u o Gyrfalcon r Peregrine Falcon r r r • Prairie Falcon u u u o Swans, Geese, and Ducks Greater White-fronted Goose o o Snow Goose u u Gallinaceous Birds Ross’ Goose r r • Gray Partridge (introduced) • Canada c c c Goose c c c o • Ring-necked Pheasant (introduced) c c c Tundra Swan o o • Greater Sage-Grouse • Wood Duck c c c o o o • Sharp-tailed Grouse • Gadwall c c c c c c` • Wild Turkey • American Wigeon u u u c c c American Black Duck r r • Mallard Rails a c a c • Blue-winged Teal Virginia Rail r r c a c • Sora • Cinnamon Teal u u u r r r • American Coot • Northern Shoveler c c c c c c • Northern Pintail a c c o • Green-winged Teal Cranes c c c o • Canvasback Sandhill Crane c c c u c c c c c u o Common Bird Name Sp S F Plovers Black-bellied Plover American Golden-Plover Semipalmated Plover • Piping Plover • Killdeer Mountain Plover o r c u u c a u u o r c u c u Stilts and Avocets • Black-necked Stilt • American Avocet r u W Sp S F Sabine’s Gull v Black-legged Kittiwake • Caspian Tern u u u • Common Tern c c u • Forster’s Tern c c u • Least Tern o o Black Tern u u u r u u Sandpipers and Phalaropes Greater Y

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