"Through the heart of the canyon" by U.S. National Park Service , public domain
Bighorn CanyonHiking |
Hiking at Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area (NRA) in Montana and Wyoming. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).
National Recreation Area
Hiking Guide
Experience Bighorn Canyon
Hiking the approximately 17 miles of designated trails within Bighorn
Canyon National Recreation Area is a great way to experience the
park. You will be surrounded by the effects of both the distant and
recent past. For example, the Hillsboro Trail takes hikers through a
historic ranch where Dr. Barry used the recreational opportunities of
Bighorn Canyon to create a successful guest ranch, a type of ranch
focused on visitors and tourism. Other hikes wander through areas of
disturbance, natural and human, that nature has begun to reclaim.
Whether hiking to be close to nature, for exercise, or just taking a break,
stop and consider the effects of your own footsteps. What
will you leave behind?
Trail Safety and Tips
Bighorn Canyon NRA is a desert with many terrific views. For your
safety, please take the following precautions whenever hiking.
9 810
1. Carry plenty of water, especially on
longer hikes and on hot summer days.
2. Wear good, sturdy shoes with closed
toes. The canyon trails are rocky
and have a lot of spiny vegetation.
3. There may be rattlesnakes
anywhere in Bighorn Canyon.
Although they generally shy away
from people, you need to watch
where you put your hands and feet.
4. Do not get too close to the canyon
rim. In some places there may be
weak, unstable overhangs and
winds can become hazardous.
5. Don’t forget sunscreen, a broadbrimmed hat, and sunglasses to
keep you protected from the sun.
6. After any spring or summer hike,
check your skin and clothing for ticks.
7. Stay on the trails; there is
poison ivy in the park. Remember,
“Leaves of three, let them be.”
8. If hiking alone, let someone
know where you are going and
when you plan to return.
Enjoy your hike and remember to stop and look around
occasionally. Sometimes the best views are behind you.
Visitor Center Pond
Description: Easy, Handicapped accessible, 0.26 Miles Round Trip
The Visitor Center Pond is located behind the Bighorn Canyon
Visitor Center just past Lovell, Wyoming. There is a concrete loop
around the pond, which offers a great place to see red-winged
blackbirds and boreal chorus frogs during the summer. The pond
was originally built to reflect light on solar panels that have long
since been removed from the building. The pond is now slowly being
reclaimed by nature and will one day become a small marshland.
Photo by Virginia DuBowy
Photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
Mountain Trail
Description: Hard, 4.6 Miles Round Trip with 250 feet elevation gain
Sykes Mountain Trail is a rugged hike up a desert mountain that directs
the hardy hiker to overlooks of Bighorn Canyon and Horseshoe Bend.
This is a favorite hike for many but is less enjoyable during hot summer
days. The trail begins at the Horseshoe Bend access road sign. You may
park in the Ranger Station parking area across the road. Follow the trail
markers around the hill and into the first drainage until you see a small
game trail. At the rockslide, cross to the east side of the drainage. Here
the game trail disappears. Continue to follow the trail markers, making
your way upward. At the top, a deep canyon forces you to go east.
Follow the ridge to where it begins to bend into a horseshoe. From here
follow the trail markers through the shallow drainage to the overlook.
There are two hills southwest of the overlook. The taller of the two is
called Crooked Creek Summit. For a longer hike cross the juniper flats
and proceed to the summit. From here you can see vistas of surrounding
landscapes and the mountains that enclose the Bighorn Basin.
Mouth of the
Canyon Trail
Description: Moderate, 1.8 Miles Round Trip
Seldom-seen views of the canyon, as well as spectacular views of the
Pryor and the Bighorn Mountains, can be seen from this trail. The deep
red Chugwater outcrops are a sharp contrast to the surrounding geologic
colors of Bighorn Canyon. To explore the colors and contrasting scenery
Horseshoe Bend has to offer, begin hiking at the service road on the
north end of loop B in Horseshoe Bend Campground near campsite
number B-15. Just before reaching the water storage tank, veer right onto
an abandoned two-track. Follow the two-track up and around the hills
toward the canyon. When the road disappears, follow the trail markers
along the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range boundary fence. From this
vantage point, you can see the mouth of the canyon and its union with
Crooked Creek. This colorful setting invites one to rest and watch the
horses graze below and the birds soar above. You may either go back
the way you came along the abandoned two-track road or follow the
trail through a juniper-lined draw to the top of the ridge and back to
the road. Please stay on the trail to help preserve the cryptobiotic soil.
Photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
4 State Line Trail
Description: Easy to Moderate, 1.52 Mile Round Trip
For a serene view of Bighorn Canyon, follow the trail markers from
the trailhead sign just north of the Montana state line. The trail
leads to the canyon rim through juniper scrubland above limestone
plateaus, culminating in a breathtaking view. You can easily follow
the trail markers along the ridge for several hundred feet, enjoying
different views of the river-carved canyon with every step.
Photo by Ben Goodlad
5 Ranger Delight
Description: Easy to Moderate, 0.66 Miles Round Trip
Park in the designated area on the west side of the park road one-half
mile north of the Montana state line. The trail begins on the east side of
the road on the lower north edge of the draw. While following the faint
road cut, it is easy to feel like the only person that has ever hiked this trail.
Continue to follow the trail through the saddle and toward the canyon. At
the cut-off fence post and trail marker, you can turn left and hike toward
the rim. This is the end of the trail. Walking to the right will bring you into
the bend of the river and give unique views of the canyon. Walking to
the left, you have a good view of the ledge below with a sheep trail that
treacherously traces the canyon rim. For more solitude and exploration go
back to the cut-off fence post and continue to follow the road cut and trail
markers to the State Line trail. The connecting trail is 0.37 miles each way.
Knob Trail
Description: Easy to Moderate, 0.75 Mile Round Trip
A mile north of the Devil Canyon Overlook junction, you will see Sullivan’s
Knob. Begin your hike from the parking area. Below the parking area
two trails meet. One, an ancient trail, known as the Bad Pass Trail, was
seasonally traversed by American Indians moving between the Bighorn
Basin and the Northern Plains. Nature is in the process of reclaiming
this trail and at times it seems to be camouflaged by the juniper,
mountain mahogany, and sagebrush. The other, a modern trail, will
lead the visitor south of the hill in front of the parking area and to the
canyon rim. This is a great place to try making the canyon walls echo.
Photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
Two Eagles
Interpretive Trail
Description: Easy, Handicapped accessible, 0.25 Miles Round Trip
The site has been used by Native Americans for over 10,000 years.
In the vicinity of the trail there are more than 140 stone circles. The
stones were used by tribal families to hold down the edges of tipis.
When they moved to their next encampment, they would simply roll
the stones off and leave the rocks in place for their next visit. This is
a historic site of cultural interest. The stones need to be left in place
for future generations to enjoy and learn from this rich history.
Photo from NPS collection
Photo by Ben Goodlad
Lower Layout
Creek Trail
Description: Easy to Moderate, 3.4 Miles Round Trip
The Lower Layout Creek trailhead is located at the cattle guard that
marks the northern end of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range. At
the cattle guard, park on either side of the road making sure you are
not blocking the flow of traffic. The trail begins by hiking the old twotrack road south of Layout Creek. There are several opportunities
to stray from the main trail to view Layout Creek Canyon as well
as see the bighorn sheep and horses that use the area. The trail
forks a short distance from Bighorn Canyon. Continue following the
trail to the right to the bottom of the plateau. A well-trodden horse
trail leads to the top of the plateau and another amazing view.
Upper Layout
Creek Trail
Description: Hard, 1.8 Miles Round Trip 250 feet elevation gain
Erastus T. Ewing came to Bighorn Canyon looking for gold.
Finding none he decided to try his hand at ranching. He knew
that to make it in this arid land he would need water. In 1897, he
filed to appropriate 200 inches of water per year from Layout
Creek for irrigation, mining, and milling. In passing years, other
inhabitants built holding ponds and added more ditch systems
From the park road, immediately beyond the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse
Range boundary, a historic site marker directs you to the Ewing/Snell
Ranch. The Upper Layout Creek trail begins in the parking area to the
right of the corrals. You may begin hiking here or drive to the end of the
gravel road. The road ends in a small parking area big enough for two cars
and the trail begins, following trail markers down to Layout Creek. The trail
winds up Layout Creek Canyon past the waterfall to Layout Creek Springs.
This lush secluded canyon offers a striking contrast to the surrounding
arid plateau and emphasizes the importance of water to the land.
Photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
Description: Easy to Moderate, 1 to 3 Miles Round Trip
Attracted to the colors of the canyon and the possibility of those
colors yielding gold, Dr. Barry began exploring Bighorn Canyon
in the 1890s. During his exploration, he happened upon the Trail
Creek Valley. He never found enough gold to make himself rich, but
the canyon and the surrounding environment offered all he needed
to make another kind of fortune. He converted to operating a guest
ranch. He used the natural opportunities of hiking, fishing, hunting,
camping, and horseback riding to entice more clientele to his ranch.
You may visit Hillsboro in the Trail Creek Valley one of two ways: the
first, a one-mile round trip hike begins by driving up the red dirt road
between Trail Creek campground and Barry’s Landing to a closed
gate. From there, a half-mile hike will take you to the abandoned
site of Hillsboro ranch. Take some time to explore the buildings and
learn how the Barrys ran the Hillsboro Guest Ranch. Don’t forget to
stop at the corrals below the kiosk on your way back. The second
option is a three-mile loop. You may start either in the campground
or at the gate and walk to the ranch. The trail continues behind Eddy
Hulbert’s cabin on the historic ranch road up to the park road. Follow
the road to the Barry’s Landing turnoff back to where you began.
Photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
Barry’s Island Trail
Description: Moderate, 4 Miles Round Trip
The Barry’s Island trail starts as a two-track road leading north from
the Barry’s Landing parking lot. The trail goes around Chain Canyon,
a secret escape route for cattle rustlers in the late 1800s and early
1900s. At Barry’s Island, the road to the west goes to Medicine Creek
Campground, a boat-in or hike-in only campground. Continue following
the road northeast (clockwise) around the island. The variation in
water elevation is evident. During years of high water, the trail can be
covered. If that is the case, take the bypass trail above the main trail.
Photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
Photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
Lockhart Ranch
Description: Easy, 0.5 or 2.1 Miles Round Trip
Beyond the Barry’s Landing junction, the park road becomes
unpaved. Follow this dirt road to the trailhead. The Lockhart Ranch
is representative of life for western ranchers in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries. The gentle flow of Davis and Cottonwood
Creeks provided the life force of the ranch. Ditches running from
Davis Creek took advantage of the natural topography of the
land by using gravity to irrigate the surrounding pastures.
You can take the half-mile loop through the ranch or you can take an
extended two-mile hike along the historic county road. The trail begins at
the two-track road east of the corrals near the garage. Follow the road
along the northern edge of Caroline Lockhart’s livestock pastures. This
path leads to Davis Creek. Following the two-track along Davis Creek
will bring you to an old metal gate and the dirt road. Instead of going
through the gate, follow the inside of the fence to the crossing at Davis
Creek. Continue following cowpaths along the inside of the fence over
the hill to a corner post. Seven fence posts south of the corner post a faint
two-track turns southeast. Follow the two-track to loop back to the ranch.
Bighorn Head
Gate Trail
Description: Easy, 0.1 Mile Round Trip
Drive through the Afterbay Campground past the sign that says “No
Camping Beyond this Point,” to the pit toilet at the end of the road. From
here a short hike down a gravel path takes you to a quiet area near what
remains of the Bighorn Head Gate. The Bighorn Head Gate was part of
the original irrigation system used in the upper Bighorn Valley in the early
1900’s before the dam was built in 1965. The best time of year to view the
head gate is during the winter since most of the head gate is underwater
during the summer months. This is a great place for bird watching.
Photo by Ben Goodlad
Beaver Pond
Nature Trail
Description: Moderate, 2.6 Mile Round Trip
Begin hiking at the west end of the sidewalk at the Afterbay Contact
Station. Travel across the yucca flats to the ridge above Lime Kiln
Creek. Below, the creek is covered with gnawed trees and other building
materials. This is one construction site you will want to take a closer look at.
The trail begins to wind down the steep hillside to the bottom, where you
can sit among the beaver ponds and marvel at these creatures’ ingenuity.
If you are looking for a longer hike, cross the bridge and make
your way along the opposite plateau. The views of the Afterbay
are yours alone to enjoy. The trail continues to the service road.
You come to a “T” in the road. Take the right to end your hike at
the Afterbay Campground for a total of 1.3 miles each way.
Photo by Ben Goodlad
Three Mile
Access Trail
Description: Easy, 2 Miles Round Trip
At the west end of the Three Mile Parking Area, near the pit toilet, follow
the gravel path along the Bighorn River. Travel along the well-trodden
footpath skirting the field along the river. The trail ends in a grove of
cottonwoods with giant downed logs perfect for watching the graceful
casting of the fly fishermen that come from all over to enjoy the world
class fishery supported by the Bighorn River. It is also a tranquil setting
to watch the ducks floating by or just listen to the sounds of nature.
Photo by Ben Goodlad
Western National Parks Association supports parks across
the West, developing products, services, and programs
that enrich the visitor experience. WNPA is a nonprofit
education partner of the National Park Service.
Copyright © 2017 by Western National
Parks Association, Tucson, Arizona
Designed by Amanda Johnson
Cover photo by AIRs Diane Durant & Devyn Gaudet
Maps courtesy of the National Park Service