
Recreational Access Guide

brochure Ninepipe - Recreational Access Guide

Recreational Access Guide to Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

u .s. FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE Ninepipe Area Recreational Access Guide Photo by Mike Aderh old This map was produced cooperatively by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, United States Fish & Wildlife Service, and The Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribe. Printed: August 2010 Access - Montana~ LEGEND -D D D El .J Wildlife Management Area MT FWP Wildlife Management Areas USFWS -Waterfowl Production Areas USFWS - National Wildlife Refuges NO Hunting ~ clllott1"'11' 7Uit· Ill .... _. _ _ _ UJOUAll..l ! I T I I I I I I I - Tribal Trust Lands Private Lands Water I Wetlands NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SYST.M 'IW4Jifec&~ Tribal trust lands are generally open to fishing, hunting and other outdoor recreational activities with possession of the appropriate tribal license or permit. However, some of these lands are leased as home sites or may be posted against entry by the lessee and may not be open to recreational use. Map boundaries are not legal delineations and serve only as guides to state, tribal, and federal lands. Please respect priva te lands. User is responsible fo r knowing ownership of lands. Users are responsible for consulting the different land managers for agency specific rul es and regulations. Gridtic interval 2500 meters, UTM Zone 11 , NAD27 Data sources used to produce this map were obtained from the MT Natural Resource Information System; MT Natural Heritage Program; MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks; and The Confederated Salish & Kootena1 Tribe. ~~_?~ ~~~~r?~~~~~ br_~~ FWP · FWD- SPDS 1420 E. 6th Ave., Helena , MT; Flathead Indian Reservation • The Flathead Indian Reservation was created in 1855 and is home to the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes. The Mission Valley, in the east central portion of the Resen·ation, was at the southern extreme of the last continental glacier 'vvhich retreated some 12,000 years ago. Heavy, fertile soils and hundreds of small wetland basins left by the glacier, in conjunction with a favorable climate and a major irrigation project make this land highly productive for many wildlife species. The area is also part of a major migratory bird fly\vay in the Rocky Mountain Trench, and serves as a resting area for many birds in spring and fall. The area prm·ides high quality upland bird and waterfowl habitat, hunting and wildlife viewing. \X'inter raptor viewing is nationally acclaimed. Visitors should always be on the alert for bears. Grizzly and black bears occupy the nearby I\Iission Mountains and bear sightings on the open prairie of the yalley floor are not uncommon. Beginning in 2000, the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes began to acquire lands specifically for fish and wildlife habitat. Wetland and riparian restoration projects are currently being planned for these parcels. Hunting & Fishing Licenses • The Flathead Indian Reservation is open to hunting and fishing by non-tribal members who purchase the appropriate license and permits. A joint state/tribal license and the appropriate hunting/ f!shing stamps are required of all hunters and anglers \vho are not members of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. A Federal I\Iigratory Bird Stamp is required of all hunters 16 years of age or older who hunt waterfowl. Hunting bv non-tribal members is allowed only for ducks, geese, mergansers, coots, Hungarian partridge and pheasants. The entire reservation is closed to all other hunting by non-tribal members. Consult the Flathead Indian Reservation Joint Fishing, Hunting, and Recreation Regulations for season dates, methods of taking fish and game as well as bag and possession limits. Recreational Use- Tribal, State, and Federal Lands • • • • Tribal trust lands are open for recreational uses, including hunting and fishing, by non-tribal members with the appropriate joint state/ tribal license and perrnits unless specifically posted as closed. Ninepipe National \Vildlife Refuge is open for ,,·ildlife obsen·ation and pho tography, em·ironmental education, and fishing during appropriate seasons. Nu boats or floatation de,·ices are allowed. It is closed to all public access (including game retrieval) during the hunting seasons. Portions of the refuge :llT closed to public access during the nesting season, March 15 to July 15. \X1aterfowl Production Areas (WPA) are generally open to hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching and photography. No other uses arc allowed except under special permit. Ninepipe Wildlife Management Area (\\/MA) is open to hunting, f1shing, and other recreational uses compatible with wildlife conservation. State and Federal Lands Identified with Special Signs: NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Wildlife Mangement Area --w ~ cMmt.~ 'Fislt· .-~~®.~ _,v~~(;,;. UNAUTHORIZ ED EN TRY PROHIB I TED WI ........ _,.. . .. """' N - - ~ 1 -" C ' - ''"''" .,. " I 'Jl f,.,CI I - > n i"'- U I &•: - .. ..-• OPEN TO PUB L. IC HUNTING u. a. ~ ... ~ l ll l ><f O, l <>f .. u MOII " ' " ili~ .. ~~. .... .. . . ....... ., f Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge Ninepipe N ational Wildlife Refuge is an easem ent refuge on Con federated SalishKootenai Tribal land and is managed by the U.S. Fish and \Xfildlife Service as a unit o f the ational Wildlife Refuge System. N inepipe N ational Wildlife Refuge is n ot open to hunting at any time. Seasonal closures prevent human disturbances to birds and enhance the quality of hunting in the :Mission Valley by providing birds with a sanctuary during the hunting season. Ninepipe Wildlife Management Area The Ninepipe Wildlife Management Area is owned and managed by Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. T he WMA was acqtlired, developed, and is managed primarily with funds generated by hunting license fees and excise taxes on hunting equipment. Beginning in 1953, these land s were acquired for the conservation of waterfowl and pheasant habitat and to provide a place for public hunting. Land continues to be added to th e Wl\IIA primarily fo r the con servation of game bird p opulations although a great va riety of wildlife sp ecies benefit fro m habitat enhancement and protection. Lake County Waterfowl Production Areas Waterfowl Producti on Areas are units of the I ational Wildlife Refuge System within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. WPAs are acquired with funds from the sale of Federal :Migratory Bird Stamps (Duck Stamp s) and are managed to provide wetlands and nes ting cover for waterfowl and m any other species of wildlife. T he \X!PAs are open to public hunting. Rules & Restrictions • • • • • • Firearms are permitted only during op en hunting seasons. Target practice or clay-bird sh oo ting is prohibited at all times on th e refuge, WMA and \X!PAs . Motor vehicles are prohibited fro m operating on \X!PAs and WMA. Parking is allowed in designated parking areas or along the shoulder of public roads. No fires, camping, or overnigh t use is allowed. No commercial activities are allowed on the Wl\IIA. Any commercial use on the WPAs requires a special use permit. Blinds must be removed daily. Non-toxic shot is required fo r all bird hunting on the Flathead Reservation. Dog Use • • • On the \Xfi\tlA and \X!PAs, dogs must be on a leash from April1 to August 31. They must be under the owner's immediate control at all other times. Free roaming pets are prohibited on any portion of the \X1MA and \X!PAs. D og training by individuals is permitted on \X!PAs and \Xfi\tlA under the above constraints of control. Commercial and professional dog training is not allowed on \X!PAs. D og training is prohibited on tribal lands. Personal Conduct • • Public lands belong to everyone, but individuals also have responsibilities in protecting and preserving them. Pack out all litter. Leave all vegetation and natural objects undisturbed for others to enj oy. Respect other users and keep disturbances at a minimum. Leave all gates as yo u find them. The possession and discharge of firework s or other explosives on the \VNIA or \WAs is prohibited. This is not a complete list of rules and regulations. Please consult annually published tribal, federal, and state hunting and .fishing regulations or contact: Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation 51396 Hwy 93 N Pablo, MT 59855 (406) 675-2700 US Fish and Wildlife Service National Bison Range 132 Bison Range Road Moiese, MT 59824 (406) 644-2211, ext 0 http: //mountain-prairi e.f\ I Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Region ·1 490 No rth Me ri dian Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 752-5501 Telephone D evice for the Deaf: (406) 444-1200 http: // www. fw p.m

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