"Harper's Ridge" by USFWS Mountain-Prairie , public domain

Charles M. Russell

Guide Map West

brochure Charles M. Russell - Guide Map West

Guide Map West of Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Montana. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

300 000 310 000 290 000 280 000 270 000 260 000 W Co hisk ul ey ee 250 000 lsh ell Bay Valentine Creek ain e T20N Teleg raph Cree k sell C reek Jones Cou lee Wol f Cre ek Na nc yR us To Brusett 7 miles T19N s e ll Cr eek s se ll C ree k 5250 000 Dr n Cou lee yF or k 343 n Cou le Ca m e p ulee 0 N d oo nw o tt u Co T18N Co Lodgepo le Creek R31E 2.5 5 0 5240 000 To Sand Springs 17 miles 300 000 To Sand Springs 25 miles R30E lee 290 000 N Co elso ul n ee Cr ee k Seventynine Co iver lshell R Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator Grid: 10,000 meter, Zone 13 Horizontal Datum: 1927 North American Datum 344 5260 000 k ree nC ia Ind y Rus Sherma 317 To Winnett 32 miles R29E Nanc C oule e sse Mu 605 Musse 260 000 e le Cou 606 280 000 PETROLEUM COUNTY FERGUS COUNTY 250 000 230 000 220 000 UTM Ge rm Bra tte Cre e k 270 000 e Co ul ee 210 000 240 000 Historic Lewis & Clark campsite ill C ree k ek Interpretive sign ▲ awm g Cre ★ Administrative area Landing zone th S Sprin Boat ramp Elk viewing area 5270 000 u Landing area Hay yR Accessible hunting blind T21N South Sawmill Creek c an eN No landing area Cre e k tl Lit Proposed wilderness Information kiosk 604 343 317 Guide Map – West Aircraft ulee Refuge field station Special Designation Areas Designated wilderness vils e General Land Ownership FWS BLM State of Montana Private Other ▲ GARFIELD COUNTY Crooked Creek Recreation Area Alk a R28E De e oul rn C 103 Drag Ridg e Trail R27E 104 ek ulee Cre Big Co 245 447 k R26E National Wildlife Refuge Local or Refuge road Auto tour route All weather access road (not seasonal) Seasonally closed road (closed Aug 28 - March 1) Private road access by landowner permission PHILLIPS COUNTY e re eC ol R25E ▲ GARFIELD COUNTY Lost Creek s Co ▲ Dove To Winnett 19 miles ee Gras ek Bay ep R24E 448 Soda Cre tail C reek Creek nC oul 104 346 345 Sandbu Fa rg o k 311 Wils o Devils Creek Recreation Area Ghost Coulee 344 T22N 5280 000 IRON STAKE RIDGE Nor Cr ee dg Lo Bear Creek Reservoir Sage k e ▲ Cro PETROLEUM o COUNTY d Cr eek ked Cre e 410 Bay k 103 Do vet ail Tra il Chippy Cree 446 319 T23N 5290 000 oot ckf Bla en eek Sev Cr da SCHUYLER BUTTE ulee GE HERMAN RID 315 Croo ke Cre ek DS NOL REY L HIL So She d Co Deadman Coule e od d oo nw tto e Co oule C r Coule ee Blo lee Fort Peck Reservoir BRANDON BUTTE ▲ Mary Reservoir S LL HI Ca EDE rt T R rai IDG BL l E UE Co RID u lee GE Sh ort Arm Co str ule on gC e ou She lee ep Cou lee McC arty Cou lee Wo 377 Dr ag rC ree do MICKEY BUTTE 344 Valentine Road Roads State highway te Carpen l Cou Crooked Creek Charles M. Russell 24 311 Ch ain Bu tte sT rai l Crooked Creek !Valentine Highways 191 Federal highway ulee 315 lee e ule Cou l SW 877 838 lee o nC n Bra 417 416 844 HERMAN POINT 416 315 k k Refuge boundary k lee Ha yC ou Fourchette Bay 5300 000 T24N Co u lee Co u k Cree man 872 322 897 837 Drag Creek Reservoir lde R22E 316 411 Cre ek Kill 321 864 Fourchette Creek Recreation Area ick ey Co ul ee 412 HAWLE Y FLAT 319 li C ree Bo xE To Grass Range 17 miles R23E UL Bend NWR 420 Hawley Creek 219 Co u Sk yli ne Tra il 320 839 k er Cree Bear Creek ee Cr u Co 191 19 o ten C Kars mp ha HANSON FLAT T19N To Lewistown 37 miles T18N c au er e Creek Antelop 191 201 M Dry Lake ail k Cree Be Fis h y Dr ckt ked 318 ▲ lee Bla Cro o lee Carroll Coulee Beauchamp Bay 420 Coburn Coulee nst on z Cou 419 416 201 378 212 ★ ▲ 302 314 220 Fish Fossil Reservoir Missouri River 855 220 5260 000 UTM Bohemian Corner 321 Fowler Reservoir 849 u Co 304 201 n 211 407 tle 201 201 il ra pT m Ca rse Ho Lit 205 ▲ 201 e rd Ga 201 201 t se rri ou Ga olh ee l ho u Sc Co Coul e k 204 ee oul sC hol Farg o ree pC 203 207 ore k am k Nic ROCKY POINT 886 Cr ee ek Cre m ile 301 CK ve n 201 Mo RB LA 858 e Joh ee Cr ch Fo urc he tte Cre ek 856 401 Se rail lshell T Musse l Trai der l i W 5250 000 Indian Lake Cou le ee Cre ek Bo Cr x E ee lde k r 847 421 tgun Plu m La Pla T20N Box Eld Dry Lake ek Cre 878 il er Tra Wild e Tele gra ph ith au ing 201 854 861 862 Ridg e Ro ad ked Croo Third Creek 206 Sho SUN PRAIRIE FLATS Stratton Reservoir Sm Be Spr 5270 000 Cou le e ner ule d r Co Dow Dog Creek 201 Coule e Rock Creek Boat Ramp 202 ▲ H Co aine ule s e te Car Sand Creek Field Station n Sa 303 il Tra ek Cre nd Sa King Coulee k nd C reek 474 204 Wilde r 848 210 309 e Cre KC re e k GE RID ER LD WI ★ ★ 869 Sand Creek 450 Armells Creek Area 405DONEY876 BOTTO MS Sand Creek Tr ail 210 310 850 T21N ★ ★ 875 312 313 210 k 203 k Cree 852 Armells Creek Cr ee 205 JONES 101 ★ Elk Viewing ISLAND ★ 101 James Kipp Recreation Area C 851 202 Rock 5280 000 To Winifred 25 miles Rock Creek 209 209 ile Gullwing Reservoir k ree nC KNOX RIDGE m an ary 306 874 ve n 303 ★ Calf Island Se Sip k k 101 LO 191 307 ST RID Upper Two G Calf Island KENDALL BOTTOMS E 845 ▲ 305 307 Lower Two 308 ★★ lf Cree Two Ca k R33E Tank Coulee Seco Sagebrush Reservoir GE RID LL BE T22N Trine Cree ★ e ut Ro lee ur ou To lC to va Au Du lee k 323 853 Co u dC ree e ule Co val Du ek Cre gg Bo ed Co tto nw oo ★ Grand Island Re tle ★ Antelope Creek 5290 000 Lit R32E Bison Bone Reservoir McChesney Reservoir d Cree nwoo Cotto ★ Second Creek School Dry Fork Road J D Reservoir DY Junction To Judith Landing 41 river miles Up pe r W i T23N ld a Miss nd our ▲ Sce i Na To Winifred 31 nic tio FERGUS miles Riv nal COUNTY er D Cr ee For kC ree k 5300 000 R31E To Malta 39 miles Sun Prairie reek rk C ry Fo k 191 R30E Creek hette Fourc lee ou yC Ha Bull Creek Phillips Reservoir n an ary Sip Creek k Cree Cow p R29E To Malta 41 miles 310 000 Ca m Shed Lake Dr y Wi nte r To Malta 44 miles To Zortman 4 miles R27E k ree pC 66 B R26E am ch THORNHILL BUTTE reek ull C 240 000 230 000 220 000 R25E au Be Cre ek R24E To Harlem 48 miles lch Gu BLAINE COUNTY PHILLIPS COUNTY 210 000 R23E se ou Gr T24N R22E R32E 10 2.5 5 10 1:200 000 To MT Hwy 200 13 miles North Fork Lodgepole Creek R33E 15 15 20 20 Kilometers Miles Disclaimer: This map is a product of Charles M. Russell NWR and is for reference purposes only. The map is not designed to provide site-specific information or to be used at a scale larger than 1:200 000. The map is not a survey and should not be used to establish legal ownership. Information depicted was derived from various sources with varying levels of accuracy. Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this map, but it is not guaranteed to be without error. Charles M. Russell NWR expressly disclaims responsibility for damages or liability that may arise from the use of this map.

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