Minnesota Valley

State Recreation Area - Minnesota

Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area is not continuous but is composed of waysides, four of which are strung along the Minnesota River between Shakopee and Belle Plaine. The various waysides are interspersed with units of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, a part of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area.



Map 6 - Henderson to the Mississippi River - of the Minnesota River State Water Trail in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota River Water Trail - Map 6 - Henderson to Mississippi River

Map 6 - Henderson to the Mississippi River - of the Minnesota River State Water Trail in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Visitor Map of the western area of Minnesota Valley State Park (SP) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota Valley - Visitor Map

Visitor Map of the western area of Minnesota Valley State Park (SP) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Official Visitor Map of Mississippi National River & Recreation Area (NR & NRA) in Minnesota. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).Mississippi - Visitor Map

Official Visitor Map of Mississippi National River & Recreation Area (NR & NRA) in Minnesota. Published by the National Park Service (NPS).

South East Quad of the Snowmobile Trails Map of Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota Snowmobile Trails - South East Quad 2024/2025

South East Quad of the Snowmobile Trails Map of Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Recreation Basemap of St. Paul in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota Recreation - St. Paul

Recreation Basemap of St. Paul in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).


Map of Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota Valley - Map and Guide

Map of Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Birds at Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota Valley - Birds

Birds at Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Minnesota Valley SRA https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/park.html?id=sra00304#homepage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Valley_State_Recreation_Area Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area is not continuous but is composed of waysides, four of which are strung along the Minnesota River between Shakopee and Belle Plaine. The various waysides are interspersed with units of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, a part of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area.
MINNESOTA VALLEY STATE RECREATION AREA AND TRAIL © 2021, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources MAP AND GUIDE: MINNESOTA VALLEY RECREATION AREA 19825 PARK BOULEVARD JORDAN, MN 55352 SCOTT COUNTY 651-259-5774 VISITOR TIPS • Share the trail with other users. Bikes yield to horses and pedestrians. Pedestrians yield to horses. NOTE: No horses or snowmobiles are allowed on the eastern segment. • Check for ticks after your hike. • Watch out for wild parsnip plants. • In the winter, snowmobiles must be registered or have a snowmobile state trail sticker to use the state trail. For more information on snowmobiling opportunities, visit mndnr.gov/snowmobile • In an emergency call 911. • Non-emergency sheriff’s number: 952-445-1411. ONLY HAVE AN HOUR? • Bring your GPS and search for a hidden geocache. • Hike the Hiking Club Trail to find the hidden password. • Pack a picnic breakfast, lunch or dinner and enjoy the quiet sounds. • Watch for wildlife like river otters, beavers, deer and birds. • Bike the new River Bottoms segment. LOOKING FOR MORE TO DISCOVER? VISIT MNDNR.GOV/MINNESOTAVALLEY ABOUT THE RECREATION AREA The Minnesota Valley State Recreation was created in 1994 when several existing trails, and the land around them, were combined. Today, it protects 5,490 acres of diverse plant and wildlife communities. It also offers equally diverse recreation like hiking, biking, bird watching, horseback riding, snowmobiling and more. Look for evidence of the area’s past during your visit. Ten thousand years ago, Glacial River Warren carved the Minnesota River Valley. It then retreated, leaving behind this broad valley and a much smaller stream. Enjoy historic sites like the Strait House in the Lawrence Unit. TRAIL HIGHLIGHTS Hiking Hike the Minnesota Valley State Trail or walk miles of mowed trails around prairies and wetlands in the Lawrence Unit of the recreation area. For even more hiking, visit the recreation area’s waysides: • Carver Rapids/Louisville Swamp offers parking and merges the Minnesota DNR trails with the United States Fish and Wildlife trails. • Gifford/Nyssen Lake combines hiking and fishing all in one location. Hike the Minnesota Valley State Trail or fish the Minnesota River or Gifford Lake. • Shakopee hosts a long stretch of the Minnesota Valley State Trail and has many connecting trails for additional mileage. Park at Memorial or Huber parks in downtown Shakopee. Biking Bicycle 28.8 miles between 2 segments through varied landscapes on the Minnesota Valley State Trail. You’ll encounter natural and paved surfaces along the way. Horseback Riding Purchase a horse permit at the self-registration kiosk and you and your horse can travel trail from Belle Plaine to Chaska. The terrain varies from flat to gradual inclines. Expect hills in the Lawrence and Carver Rapids units. An equestrian campground in the recreation area offers the chance for a longer trip. The Minnesota Valley State Trail is typically closed to horseback riders December 1 – May 15. SO EVERYONE CAN ENJOY... A full set of STATE PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS is available at mndnr.gov. RECREATION AREA OPEN 8 a.m.–10 p.m. daily. VEHICLE PERMITS Permit required for the Lawrence Unit; purchase at trail center kiosk. Trail Conditions The Minnesota River may flood when large amounts of rain enter the watershed. Be sure to check the DNR website for closures before you visit. The trail travels closely along the Minnesota River and may be prone to flooding. (photo from Gifford Unit) The following trail segments are often wet and muddy, so bring proper footwear: west of the Thompson Ferry Unit parking area, west of the Carver Rapids Unit Parking area, east of the Chaska Parking area, and many sections in the Lawrence Unit. − CURIOUS ABOUT THE MINNESOTA VALLEY STATE TRAIL? VISIT MNDNR.GOV/STATETRAILS PETS WELCOME Keep on 6-foot leash; pick up after; attend at all times; not allowed in buildings or at beaches. − CAMPGROUND QUIET HOURS 10 p.m.– 8 a.m.; only registered campers may be in campground during quiet hours. FIREWOOD Must be purchased at this site or from vendors who sell wood approved for this site; no gathering firewood in the park. Memorial Park MORE INFORMATION Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Information Center 500 Lafayette Rd. , St. Paul, MN 55155-4040 888-646-6367 or mndnr.gov/parks The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is an Equal Opportunity Employer. This information may be available in alternative format upon request.
Birds of MN Valley Rec Area Sp Su Fa Wi ❏ Black-capped Chickadee ❏ Tuffted Titmouse ❏ Red-breasted Nuthatch ❏ White-breasted Nuthatch ❏ Brown Creeper ❏ House Wren ❏ Winter Wren ❏ Sedge Wren ❏ Marsh Wren ❏ Golden-crowned Kinglet ❏ Ruby-crowned Kinglet ❏ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ❏ Eastern Bluebird ❏ Gray-cheeked Thrush ❏ Swainson’s Thrush ❏ Hermit Thrush ❏ Wood Thrush ❏ American Robin ❏ Gray Catbird ❏ Brown Thrasher ❏ European Starling ❏ Cedar Waxwing ❏ Blue-winged Warbler ❏ Golden-winged Warbler ❏ Tennessee Warbler ❏ Orange-crowned Warbler ❏ Nashville Warbler ❏ Northern Parula ❏ Yellow Warbler ❏ Chestnut-sided Warbler ❏ Magnolia Warbler ❏ Cape May Warbler ❏ Yellow-rumped Warbler ❏ Black-throated Green Warbler ❏ Blackburnian Warbler C C C C O U U O C C C C O C C C U U U U U U U U C C O C C C C C C C C O U U U C C O O O C C C O C C C C C C C C C C C C C U U O U O C C U U C C U U C C C C C U U O O C C U U U U U Birds of MN Valley Rec Area ❏ Palm Warbler ❏ Bay-breasted Warbler ❏ Cerulean Warbler ❏ Black-and-white Warbler ❏ American Redstart ❏ Prothonotary Warbler ❏ Ovenbird ❏ Northern Waterthrush ❏ Mourning Warbler ❏ Common Yellowthroat ❏ Wilson’s Warbler ❏ Canada Warbler ❏ Scarlet Tanager ❏ Eastern Towhee ❏ American Tree Sparrow ❏ Chipping Sparrow ❏ Clay-colored Sparrow ❏ Field Sparrow ❏ Vesper Sparrow ❏ Lark Sparrow ❏ Savannah Sparrow ❏ Henslow’s Sparrow ❏ Fox Sparrow ❏ Song Sparrow ❏ Lincoln’s Sparrow ❏ Swamp Sparrow ❏ White-throated Sparrow ❏ Harris’s Sparrow ❏ White-crowned Sparrow ❏ Dark-eyed Junco ❏ Northern Cardinal ❏ Rose-breasted Grosbeak ❏ Indigo Bunting ❏ Dickcissel ❏ Bobolink Sp Su Fa Wi U U U U O C C C C C O O C C C U U U O C C C U U U U U U U U U U C Birds of MN Valley Rec Area ❏ Red-winged Blackbird ❏ Eastern Meadowlark ❏ Western Meadowlark ❏ Rusty Blackbird ❏ Common Grackle ❏ Brown-headed Cowbird ❏ Orchard Oriole ❏ Baltimore Oriole ❏ Purple Finch ❏ House Finch ❏ Pine Siskin ❏ American Goldfinch ❏ House Sparrow Sp Su Fa Wi MINNESOTA VALLEY C C C STATE RECREATION AREA C C C C C C C C C C C O C C U O C C C O ✓ BIRD Checklist O O C C C C O O C C C C C C C C C C C C C O O C C U U U U O U O U U O C C Date:__________________________________________ C C C U Weather:_______________________________________ U ________________________________________________ C C C C C U U U U C C C Observers:_____________________________________ ________________________________________________ Notes:__________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ C C C C C C C C C C Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks & Recreation O U U U March 2004 DNR Web Site: www.dnr.state.mn.us Birding Opportunities at MN Valley State Recreation Area The Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area is a long, linear park comprised of multiple units. It contains a magnificent combination of habitats including river lowlands, floodplain forests, lakes, marsh and prairie all located along the Minnesota River. Significant portions of this recreation area stretch through the south­ western suburbs and communities of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. A wide variety of species can be found here including wading birds, waterfowl, flycatchers, thrushes, warblers, vireos, swallows and sparrows. The fall migration of sparrows is excellent in the grass and brush habitat. Season and Abundance Key The seasons in the checklist are defined as follows: Sp (Spring) = March, April, May Su (Summer) = June, July Fa (Fall) = August, September, October, November Wi (Winter) = December, January, February Abundance codes are defined as follows: C = Common — present, relatively easy to find U = Uncommon — observed, may be difficult to find O = Occasional — may or may not be present in any year R = Rare — has occurred at least once, may or may not be expected to recur The names and taxonomic arrangement of species follows that of the Checklist of the Birds of Minnesota (January, 2001), prepared by the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee. This checklist contains the names of all birds that have been documented in the park by reliable observers. It was constructed by Robert B. Janssen and the MN DNR-Division of Parks & Recreation using observations of Mr. Janssen, park staff and other observers, as well as Minnesota Ornithologist’s Union records and data contained in research reports. If you are interested in the specific sources used for a particular park, contact the Parks Division Resource Manage­ ment Program Coordinator by telephone at 651-297-1158 or by mail at MNDNR-Parks, 500 Lafayette Road, Box 39 St. Paul, MN 55155-4039. “Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is available to all individuals regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital st

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