Cuyuna Country

State Recreation Area - Minnesota

Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area in Minnesota is being developed to rehabilitate a portion of the Cuyuna Range where mining pits and piles of waste rock were left behind after decades of open-pit mining for iron ore. Abandoned by mining companies more than 20 years ago, the state recreation area consists of regenerated vegetation and clear lakes that draw a wide range of recreation enthusiasts. The Cuyuna Lakes State Trail is a paved 6.1-mile (9.8 km) path that stretches through the multi-unit Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area.



Water Trail Map and Guide to the Pine River in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Pine River - Water Trail Map

Water Trail Map and Guide to the Pine River in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Map 5 - Aitkin to Brainerd - of the Mississippi River State Water Trail in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Mississippi River Water Trail - Map 5 - Aitkin to Brainerd

Map 5 - Aitkin to Brainerd - of the Mississippi River State Water Trail in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Map of Crow Wing State Forest (SF) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota State Forests - Crow Wing

Map of Crow Wing State Forest (SF) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Visitor Map of the northern Mahnomen unit of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Cuyuna Country - Mahnomen - North

Visitor Map of the northern Mahnomen unit of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Visitor Map of the southern Mahnomen unit of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Cuyuna Country - Mahnomen - South

Visitor Map of the southern Mahnomen unit of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Visitor Map of the Portsmouth area of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Cuyuna Country - Portsmouth

Visitor Map of the Portsmouth area of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Visitor Map of the Yawkey Mine area of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Cuyuna Country - Yawkey Mine

Visitor Map of the Yawkey Mine area of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

North West Quad of the Snowmobile Trails Map of Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota Snowmobile Trails - North West Quad 2024/2025

North West Quad of the Snowmobile Trails Map of Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Recreation Basemap of Mille Lacs Lake in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Minnesota Recreation - Mille Lacs Lake

Recreation Basemap of Mille Lacs Lake in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).


Map and Guide of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Cuyuna Country - Map and Guide

Map and Guide of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Campground Map of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Cuyuna Country - Campground Map

Campground Map of Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Birds at Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).Cuyuna Country - Birds

Birds at Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area (SRA) in Minnesota. Published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MNDNR).

Cuyuna Country SRA Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area in Minnesota is being developed to rehabilitate a portion of the Cuyuna Range where mining pits and piles of waste rock were left behind after decades of open-pit mining for iron ore. Abandoned by mining companies more than 20 years ago, the state recreation area consists of regenerated vegetation and clear lakes that draw a wide range of recreation enthusiasts. The Cuyuna Lakes State Trail is a paved 6.1-mile (9.8 km) path that stretches through the multi-unit Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area.
MAPS LEGEND WANNA GO MOBILE? Mountain Bike Trails Easiest/Adapted (at Rally Center and Sagamore Unit only) Easy More Difficult Very Difficult Download these GeoPDF maps into your mobile device! Extremely Difficult (experts only!) (for informa�on on difficulty ra�ng defini�ons, please visit: h�ps:// 1 Trail Markers A EMS Access Points 21508 Coordinates: Office N 46° 28.723 W 93° 58.597 Two-Way Trails One-Way Trail Direc�on Public road crossing: Cau�on! Other roads/trails Miner’s Mountain Rally Center N 46° 29.06 W 93° 59.563 State Trail (paved) Hiking/Access Path Paved Road Unpaved Road Facilites and Informa�on Itasca State Park Parking Primi�ve Toilet Park Office Drinking Water Campground Dumpster Walk-in Campsite Boat Trailer Access Group Center Carry-in Access Yurt Swimming Beach Informa�on Mine Lakes Self-pay Sta�on Natural Lakes Overlook Private Land Changing Room Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area 307 3rd Street Ironton, MN 56455 218-772-3690 VEHICLE PERMIT REQUIRED - purchase at park office, self-pay stations or online at 911 Addresses Hospital/Clinic For More Information: New, digital GeoPDF maps are now available —for free— for Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area as well as for state parks, OHV, snowmobile and other recreational trails. Download the AvenzaMaps app today and search in the store, keywords “Cuyuna Country” Portsmouth Campground N 46° 29.528 W 93° 58.655 Yawkey Unit Parking (yurts) N 46° 29.977 W 93° 56.686 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Information Center 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-6157 888-MINNDNR (toll free) Cover photo: Chuck Carlson Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area Maps and Guide AREA OVERVIEW Black Bear Lake OPEN DAILY: 8 AM - 10 PM Mountain bike trail closures will be posted on the CCSRA website and at obvious loca�ons in the field. CROW WING STATE FOREST MAHNOMEN UNIT (north) Trommald Park Facili�es and Features: - 33 Campsites (18 electric) - 1 Group camp - 3 Yurts - Designated trout lakes - Scuba diving opportuni�es - Swimming beaches at Portsmouth Campground and Rally Center - Mountain bike trails - Groomed fat �re bike trails in winter - Cuyuna Lakes State Trail ke La T S V m no ) men Pascoe Lake Arco Q Alstead L C Carlson Lake B MISSISSIPPI RIVER SAGAMORE UNIT 59 ine eM or am g Sa 20141 Black Hoof Lake 128 Snoshoe Mine NOTE: Hiking is allowed on the mountain bike trails, unless posted restricted. H n Mine Penningto M O 23659 YAWKEY UNIT Agate Lake Croft Mine 210 th Mine Portsmou Cascade Lake N Armour #2 Mine F I 23759 Manuel Mine Portsmouth Campground 17951 Crosby 19406 Ironton Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Serpent Lake 210 Deerwood MAHNOMEN UNIT (south) Reno Lake ABOUT CUYUNA COUNTRY STATE RECREATION AREA Little Black Hoof Lake Riverton Miner’s Mountain Rally Center P 21508 Mallen Pit J Mahnomen #1 A Spruce Lake Roe Mine in on M t ing t Hun G e D ge rta Little Rabbit Lake Ma Mine E ake Po me hno Mine Jun • 9.6 miles, paved 18071 n #2 ke L 23196 Louise Mine Pit U a eL Yawkey Mine K M e d (W 6 23501 e m nna PORTSMOUTH UNIT ah hno a st M 30 en U Virginia Mine 31 34 Morroco Mine 23522 R Cuyuna Trails continue into Crow Wing State Forest. For more information, visit: Turner Lake 210 Trail/facility construction 2021/2022. Please follow signage and stay out of construction zones. Boat access still open. Abandoned by mining companies more than 30 years ago, this area now boasts 5,000 acres of regenerated vegeta�on. The area offers a variety of recrea�on opportuni�es including biking (paved and mountain bike trails), snowmobiling, fishing, boa�ng, hiking, wildlife-watching, scuba diving, camping and more. The 38-mile long mountain bike trail system covers nearly 800 acres. Check out the Yawkey Mine Lake, or forRice a grLake eat view, go west through the Miner’s Mountain Rally Center to see the Miner’s Mountain Overlook and the Hun�ngton Mine Lake. Klondyke Lake When it rains, the single track trails will be immediately closed to all users (foot bike) un�l trail condi�ons dry out Riceor Lake or improve. Please contact the park office for up-to-date informa�on or visit the CCSRA website. In addi�on Olander to 27 miles of natural shoreline, six mine lakes connect Lake to create 267 acres of con�nuous water; perfect for exploring by boat or canoe. Anglers can cast a line for trout (with a trout stamp), northern, bass, crappie or sunfish. Divers will find clear water with sheer walls and flat terraces, characteris�c of the mine roads, railroads and other Orland remnants of the mining industry. Lake Rose Lake 1,260 R OU NT AI 1 , 280 280 GALLOPING 16 N 19 D PRIVATE PROPERTY 14 PIN LLO GA G 8 GO OSE 40 1,2 EN 6 C ER OV n o t g t
Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area Campground 32 30 33 31 14e 13e 16e 12e 15 17 29 28 27 26 11e 18e 10e 20e 19 22e 21 24e 23 25e 9e 7e 8e Self-service Station 30 1e e Mountain bike trail Restroom Campsites with electricity Drinking water Group camp Swimming beach Dumpster Private property 2e 3e 4e 5 Drag 6 Line Campground Location CUYUNA COUNTRY STATE RECREATION AREA Portsmouth Mine Lake
Birding at Cuyuna State Recreation Area Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area is over 1800 acres of second-growth woodlands, ponds and lakes in a setting of rolling hills and old iron-mine pits. These rolling hills are excellent habitat for a wide variety of birds. Nearly 170 species have been recorded during migration and during the breeding season. Nineteen species of warblers occur in the area. You should travel to the top of Miner’s Mountain in the summer months to spot the Eastern Towhee and enjoy great views of Huntington Mine Lake. STATE PARK BIRDS Occurrence Sp - Spring (Mar—May) S - Summer (Jun—Jul) F - Fall (Aug—Nov) W - Winter (Dec—Feb) Abundance C - Common (Present, relatively easy to find) U - Uncommon (Present, not certain to be seen) O - Occasional (Infrequent, may not return each year) R - Rare (Observed at least once, may not return) Date: Enter the date you saw the bird. Bird Identification Tips When you observe a bird, make note of at least three characteristics. Location: Where did you see the bird? (water, forest, feeder, lower branch, tree trunk, etc.) Body size and shape: Compare to a known bird. (smaller than a...bigger than a...plump like a...slender like a...) Look at tail, legs and bill. (long, short, thick, thin, curved, straight) Colors and markings: Look on wings, tail, back, belly, rump and head. (stripe above eye, white spot on tail, etc.) Sounds and movements: How do they act and sound? (travel alone or in groups, in-flight wing position - soaring, flapping, flap and glide, etc.) F W Canada Goose DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W SWIFTS GEESE, SWANS, DUCKS U U Trumpeter Swan U Chimney Swift O HUMMINGBIRDS Wood Duck C C C Blue-winged Teal C C C Northern Shoveler U U U Gadwall O Mallard C Green-winged Teal Redhead Ring-necked Duck Key Sp S Ruby-throated Hummingbird U U U Sp S F W U U U O O O CRANES U U U U Great Horned Owl U U U U Little Gull R Snowy Owl O Franklin's Gull R Barred Owl U U Great Gray Owl U U Long-eared Owl O O O Northern Saw-whet Owl O O O Whooping Crane R Black Tern O O O O Common Tern U U O Greater Scaup O O Lesser Scaup U U Killdeer C R Semipalmated Plover O U SANDPIPERS AND ALLIES Surf Scoter C O U Common Goldeneye C C C Whimbrel Hooded Merganser C C C Marbled Godwit U Common Merganser O O Ruddy Turnstone R Ruddy Duck R Stilt Sandpiper O U Sanderling O O R U Ring-necked Pheasant O O O O Dunlin U U Ruffed Grouse U Baird's Sandpiper U U Least Sandpiper U U White-rumped Sandpiper R U U U GREBES Pied-billed Grebe U Eared Grebe O U U Rock Pigeon U U U Mourning Dove U U U CUCKOOS O O O NIGHTJARS U O Belted Kingfisher C O C Red-bellied Woodpecker U U U Yellow-bellied Sapsucker U U U Downy Woodpecker C C C C Hairy Woodpecker C C C C U Northern Flicker C C C O U Pileated Woodpecker U U U U American Kestrel U U U O Merlin U O U Great Crested Flycatcher C C C Eastern Kingbird C C C C BITTERNS, HERONS, EGRETS, NIGHT-HERONS Great Egret U Green Heron U U U C C C FLYCATCHERS OSPREY Osprey U U U O Northern Harrier U U U O Eastern Wood-pewee U U U O Alder Flycatcher U U U Pectoral Sandpiper U U Sharp-shinned Hawk U U U Semipalmated Sandpiper U U Cooper's Hawk U U U Least Flycatcher U U U Short-billed Dowitcher O O Northern Goshawk O O O Eastern Phoebe C C C Long-billed Dowitcher U U Bald Eagle U U U Spotted Sandpiper U U Broad-winged Hawk U U U Yellow-throated Vireo U U U Solitary Sandpiper U U Red-tailed Hawk U U U Blue-headed Vireo U U Rough-legged Hawk U Philadelphia Vireo O O U U FALCONS U NEW WORLD VULTURES Turkey Vulture U O O O O O O U U Red-headed Woodpecker CORMORANTS Great Blue Heron U WOODPECKERS KITES, HAWKS, EAGLES Buff-breasted Sandpiper PIGEONS AND DOVES Common Loon Double-crested Cormorant Bufflehead PARTRIDGE, PHEASANTS, GROUSE, TURKEYS Forster's Tern KINGFISHERS LOONS C R U U U U U U U U Herring Gull U U U U U R O O Ring-billed Gull Caspian Tern R F W U O O O Black-bellied Plover Sp S Eastern Screech Owl Sandhill Crane PLOVERS STATE PARK BIRDS R C C DATE TYPICAL OWLS Sabine's Gull Bonaparte's Gull American Golden-plover Black-billed Cuckoo STATE PARK BIRDS GULLS, TERNS RAILS, GALLINULES, COOTS American Coot DATE VIREOS U Common Nighthawk O O O Lesser Yellowlegs U U Eastern Whip-poor-will O O Greater Yellowlegs U U Warbling Vireo U U U Wilson's Phalarope O O Red-eyed Vireo C C C Red-necked Phalarope R R DATE STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S F W JAYS, MAGPIES, CROWS, RAVENS STATE PARK BIRDS Sp S C C C C American Crow C C C C Common Raven O O O LARKS European Starling C C O O O House Sparrow U C C C C C U U U PIPITS Bank Swallow U U U Tree Swallow C C

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