Deer FlatBrochure |
Brochure of Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Idaho. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Deer Flat
National Wildlife
Deer Flat National
Wildlife Refuge
provides a watery
oasis for resident and
migratory wildlife,
including spectacular
of waterfowl.
About the Refuge
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
has two units, Lake Lowell and the
Snake River Islands. The Lake Lowell
Unit encompasses 10,619 acres,
including the almost 9,000-acre Lake
Lowell and surrounding lands. The
Snake River Islands Unit contains
about 1,200 acres on 104 islands.
These islands are distributed along
113 river miles, from the Canyon-Ada
County Line in Idaho to Farewell
Bend in Oregon.
Diverse Habitats
The Refuge provides a mix of wildlife
habitats, from the open waters and
wetland edges of Lake Lowell to
the sagebrush uplands around the
lake and the grasslands and riparian
forests on the Snake River islands.
The variety of habitats makes Deer
Flat NWR an important breeding
area for resident and migratory birds
and other wildlife. The Refuge is also
a significant resting and wintering
area for birds migrating along the
Pacific Flyway, including spectacular
concentrations of mallards and
Canada geese.
A System
of Refuges
Snow and Ross’s geese
Deer Flat NWR is one of the oldest
refuges in the National Wildlife
Refuge System, which now includes
over 560 refuges. Managed by the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the
System preserves a network of
lands and waters set aside for the
conservation and management of
the nation’s fish, wildlife, and plant
resources for the benefit of present
and future generations.
This blue goose, designed by
J.N. “Ding” Darling, has
become the symbol of the
National Wildlife Refuge System.
A Brief History
Early Settlers
F.C. Horn/Bureau of Reclamation
Creating Lake
Before settlement, the land that
would become Deer Flat NWR was
a low-lying area with many springs.
In winter, herds of deer and elk
came from the mountains to eat the
abundant grasses. Early settlers
observing these herds dubbed the
area Deer Flat.
The reservoir was completed in 1908
at a cost of $2,500,000. Unfortunately,
local landowners greeted it with
outrage rather than cheers because
most of the water first used to fill the
reservoir either evaporated or leaked
out. Fortunately, the reservoir soon
began to hold water.
Needing water to irrigate crops,
settlers initially restricted their
settlements to land near rivers. In
the early 1900s, they began lobbying
and raising money for a reservoir. The
Bureau of Reclamation began work on
the Deer Flat Reservoir in 1906.
In 1945, Deer Flat Reservoir was
renamed Lake Lowell in honor
of James H. Lowell, who had
spearheaded efforts to establish the
reservoir in his position as president
of the local water users’ association.
Lake Lowell is now one of the largest
off-stream reservoirs in the American
West, with the capacity to irrigate
over 200,000 acres of land.
Between 1906 and 1908, two large
and two small earthen embankments,
or dams, were built to contain the
reservoir. The Upper Dam was
constructed using a smallgauge train to haul, dump,
and compact the material.
Horse teams were used
on the Lower Dam.
Workers also constructed
a diversion dam on the
Boise River and enlarged
the New York Canal,
which brings water from
the Boise River to the
of the Refuge
Left: Deer Flat
steam shovel
Below: Horse
teams compacting
the dam
F.C. Horn/Bureau of
With the reservoir completed,
President Theodore Roosevelt
realized that a nearly 9,000-acre
lake in an arid region would be
an oasis for wildlife, so he created
Deer Flat NWR in 1909, just three
days after water started flowing
into the reservoir through the New
York Canal. The Refuge remained
unstaffed until 1937, when 36 islands
in the Snake River were added
to protect a riparian corridor for
wildlife. Through land purchases,
donations, and other land-acquisition
methods, the Refuge
eventually expanded to
about 11,800 acres.
Seasons of Wildlife
A Brief History continued
Bureau of Reclamation
In the 1930s, a Civilian Conservation
Corps camp was established at
the Lower Dam and grew to over
100 corpsmen, who spent many
years quarrying lava rock to face
both dams. Crews from the Works
Progress Administration also worked
Corps crew working on Refuge projects. Some created
on parapet wall
nesting islands in
the eastern portion
of the lake, while
others would “line
up shoulder to
shoulder and walk
around the lake
pulling or digging
plants.” Both of these
programs ended with
the start of World
War II.
Refuge Visitor
Center built by
the Job Corps
In the early 1970s,
Job Corps students
from the nearby
center in Marsing,
Idaho constructed
many of the current
Refuge facilities,
including the
Visitor Center, shop, a residence,
and facilities at the Lower Dam
Recreation Area.
Resident Canada geese set up nesting
territories on the Snake River islands
in early March, and goslings hatch
by mid-April. At the same time,
large numbers of white-fronted
geese gather on the Snake River
below Homedale and Weiser for up
to a month before continuing their
northward migration.
© Dan & Lin Dzurisin
Work Crews
Canada goose
Bald eagles, osprey, and great horned
owls nest on both units of the Refuge,
with most feeding nestlings by the
end of April. Nesting great blue
herons, black-crowned night herons,
and double-crested cormorants get a
slightly later start. They nest in large
rookeries on some of the Snake River
islands in April, May, and June.
Great horned owl
© Matt Knoth
Seasons of Wildlife continued
© Linda Tanner
Dancing western
In early summer, western and Clark’s
grebes can be seen dancing on Lake
Lowell in search of a mate, while
nesting bald eagles look for food for
their young. Visitors can see large
numbers of white pelicans on the lake
and large broods of Canada geese on
pastures and fields adjacent to the
Snake River.
By late July and early
August, mallards and
wood ducks begin to
congregate on the lake,
looking for food in flooded
vegetation. As summer
progresses and the lake
is slowly drawn down for
irrigation, large numbers
of shorebirds come to feed
on the exposed mudflats.
Look for dowitchers,
sandpipers, godwits,
yellowlegs, and plovers.
As fall approaches, the number of
birds using the Refuge increases.
The large exposed mudflats continue
drawing vast numbers of shorebirds.
Resident flocks of ducks and Canada
geese are usually on Lake Lowell by
the second week of October.
As cold weather
drives migrating
ducks and geese
south, migratory
birds join the
resident birds
at the lake.
Some birds pass
through, while
others spend the
winter. By midNovember, the
goose population
© Teddy Llovet
Canada geese
© Ingrid Taylar
© Mike Shipman
White pelican
Flocking geese, ducks, and gulls at
Lake Lowell
Managing Habitats
Seasons of Wildlife continued
© Enrico Mevius
Lake Lowell
Wetland Habitats
© Mark Winchester
Addison Mohler/USFWS
Canada geese in
local croplands
Duck populations peak in midDecember. Geese and ducks roost on
the lake at night, their activity usually
keeping patches of water open all
winter. At dawn,
they depart
in large flocks
to feed in the
area. Visitors can
see these flights
of ducks and
geese at dawn or
dusk, or view the
large flocks of
geese that feed
on nearby fields during the day. Bald
eagles, which move into the area to
feed on weak and injured birds, can
often be seen around the lake.
Bald eagle
© Mark Winchester
Western grebes in
During spring and summer, water
is released from Lake Lowell to
irrigate surrounding farm fields.
This slow draw-down of the lake
exposes mudflats that provide
abundant habitat for shorebirds. The
lake also produces a bumper crop of
aquatic vegetation for birds to feed
on, particularly smartweed. In fall,
smartweed seeds provide a feast for
migratory ducks heading south. The
Refuge also has marsh areas where
the water is manipulated to provide
feeding, nesting, and resting habitat
for mallards, sora rails, yellow-headed
blackbirds, and other wildlife.
Addison Mohler/USFWS
The Snake River
also provides
a winter home
for a variety
of waterfowl,
wood ducks,
teals, and a large
number of
Wildlife needs a variety of habitats for
food, shelter, and raising young. Deer
Flat NWR is managed to improve and
maintain habitat for wildlife.
© Lauren Giebler
Managing Habitats continued
© Trish Gussler
Screech owl
in a cavity nest
Snake River
Riparian areas near the lake, as
well as many of the Refuge islands,
contain primarily cottonwood,
peachleaf willow, and coyote willow.
These areas provide food, nesting
sites, and cover from
predators for a variety of
tree-dependent species.
Of the 320 species of Idaho
birds, nearly one-third nest
in cavities in hollow trees.
The 104 islands of the Snake River
Islands Unit provide a variety of
habitats, including areas dominated
by grasses, sagebrush, and trees
such as maples, box elders, and
cottonwoods. These islands
provide ideal nesting habitat for
Canada geese, ducks, herons, gulls,
cormorants, and various songbirds.
To protect nesting birds, the islands
are closed to all public entry from
February 1 to June 14 for most
islands, or June 30 for several heron
and gull-nesting islands.
Mule deer in
sagebrush upland
Sagebrush, rabbitbrush, and the
bunchgrass Great Basin wild rye
dominate the uplands near the lake
and on the islands. Large blocks of
this native habitat can be visited just
west of the Visitor Center and on
several of the larger Refuge islands.
Addison Mohler/USFWS
Riparian Forests
Rabbits, gophers, mule deer, and even
grasshoppers feed on upland plants
and rely on them for nesting sites
and cover. Predators such as badgers,
foxes, coyotes, red-tailed hawks, or
American kestrels may later eat
these animals.
Badger at a burrow
© Mark Winchester
© Mike Shipman
Herons in rookery
Wildlife Viewing Tips
How to See
The Refuge is open all year during
daylight hours. Wildlife is generally
most active in the mornings and early
Mule deer
If driving, your car is an excellent
observation and photographic blind.
Stay in your car to have better
viewing opportunities. If walking,
move slowly and quietly to avoid
scaring wildlife.
The best season for viewing a wide
variety of wildlife is from September
through December.
Addison Mohler/USFWS
When to Visit
With over 250 bird species and 30
mammal species on the Refuge, the
patient observer or photographer
has many excellent wildlife viewing
© Dan & Lin Dzurisin
Use binoculars or a spotting scope to
view animals up close without
disturbing them.
Where to Go
Look closely at your surroundings for
tracks, chewed leaves or branches,
and any other evidence that animals
have been there before you.
Some areas of the Refuge are closed
to protect wildlife, so watch for signs
and check the map.
Learn more about wildlife. A Refuge
bird list is available at the Visitor
Center. In addition, a good field guide
can help you identify the species
you see.
For an auto tour, drive the 29.5-mile
bird tour around Lake Lowell or the
47-mile bird tour that includes the
Snake River. Both tours start and
end at the east end of the Upper
Dam. Written guides for these tours
are available at the Visitor Center or
on the refuge web site.
Those who prefer to walk can visit
the short, self-guided Nature Trail
at the Visitor Center. For a longer
hike, there are several miles of trails
that begin near the Visitor Center,
near Gotts Point, and at the end of
Tio Lane.
Please be considerate. Do not
approach other wildlife watchers or
wildlife too closely.
Do not pick up wildlife. While you
may think that a young animal has
been abandoned, more than likely
it has a parent watching anxiously
Gull nesting colony
on refuge island
Pets will scare wildlife before you get a
chance to see it. Consider leaving pets
at home.
Enjoying the Refuge
The Refuge is open to the public all
year during daylight hours only. Please
help protect wildlife and their habitats
by obeying all regulations. Some areas
are closed to public use to protect
wildlife, so please observe signs.
Access is allowed through designated
accesses only.
Visitor Center
The Visitor Center provides an
observation room overlooking Lake
Lowell, interpretive panels about the
wildlife and history of the refuge, and
a kid’s activity area.
The Visitor Center is open weekdays
from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and
Saturdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm,
except on Federal holidays. Organized
groups can be accommodated at
other times by making special
arrangements with Refuge staff.
Refuge facilities are available to
teachers and other educators to help
promote an understanding of wildlife
and the natural environment. Refuge
staff can provide short presentations
to visiting groups or assist teachers
before or after Refuge visits. Call
the Refuge office to schedule an
educational program or to discuss
facility availability.
An accessible fishing dock is available
on the west end of the Upper Dam.
The Centennial Trail is an accessible
interpretive trail from the Visitor
Center to and across the Upper Dam.
Access difficulty elsewhere varies.
Disabled visitors should consult the
Refuge office for suggestions about
visiting the area safely.
Snake River
All Refuge islands are closed to all
entry from February 1 to June 14 to
protect nesting wildlife. Several heron
and gull-nesting islands are closed to
all entry from February 1 to June 30.
Signs indicate seasonal island closure
Vehicle Travel
All motorized vehicles, including
all-terrain-vehicles (ATVs), are
restricted to county roads. Park only
in designated parking areas.
Snow geese flying over refuge
Visitor Center
Addison Mohler/USFWS
Enjoying the Refuge continued
Hiking the Gotts
Point Trail
Some areas, marked by signs or
buoys, are permanently or seasonally
closed to protect wildlife nesting and
foraging habitat. Boaters may not
anchor on or pull onto permanently
or seasonally closed lands.
Hiking is allowed seasonally off of
designated trails as follows: East
Side and South Side Recreation
Areas, all year; Gotts Point, 2/1-9/30;
Murphy’s Neck, 3/15-9/30; North Side
Recreation Areas, 8/1-1/31.
Refuge management encourages
the use of CARB star-rated motors
at the level of two stars and above
to minimize negative impacts to
water quality.
© Mike Shipman
Lake Lowell
Between April 15 and September 30,
motorized and non-motorized boats
may be used. Airboats and air-thrust
boats are prohibited. Boat-launching
facilities are located at the Lower
Dam Recreation Area, the east and
west ends of the Upper Dam, Access
No. 1, and Access No. 7. All launching
facilities are subject to closure due to
low water levels. Between October 1
and April 14, human-powered boats
and float tubes may be used, but only
in the areas 200 yards in front of the
Upper and Lower Dams. Boat ramps
are blocked during this time.
Boating is permitted during daylight
hours only. Please observe all No
Wake Zones. Some are indicated
by buoys; however, the No Wake
Zone along the south shore is not
marked by buoys. It is a 200-yard
buffer measured from the edge of the
shoreline or the vegetation, whichever
is closer to the center of the lake.
© Mike Shipman
Kiteboarders and windsurfers may
launch from any open shoreline, but
must comply with all No Wake Zones.
Enjoying the Refuge continued
Organized Group
Swimming and other water play is
allowed from April 15 to September
30. Swimmers are encouraged to
use designated swimming beaches
at the East Upper Dam boat launch
and at the Lower Dam Recreation
Area. No lifeguards are present.
Swimming and other water play is
not allowed around fishing facilities
or immediately adjacent to boat
Limited organized group activities
are allowed, but only at the Lower
Dam Recreation Area. For event
requirements, contact the Refuge.
Jogging is allowed in the Lower Dam
Recreation Area and on trails and
roads in the North Side and East Side
Recreation Areas. Groups of more
than ten joggers require a Special
Use Permit. Competitive events are
Biking and
Horseback Riding
Biking and horseback riding are
allowed on designated multiuse trails
and maintained roads in the North
Side and East Side Recreation Areas.
Groups of more than ten bicyclists or
horses and riders require a Special
Use Permit. Competitive events are
Pets are allowed on designated
multiuse trails, on maintained roads,
and in the Lower Dam Recreation
Area as long as they are on a physical
leash (6 feet long or less) at all times.
Pet waste must be promptly removed.
Hunting dogs may be off leash while
actively hunting, but they must
remain under strict voice control.
Target shooting is prohibited at
all times. The use or possession of
air guns, spears, gigs, paint-ball
weapons, or other non-firearm
weapons is prohibited.
Glass containers, open fires,
fireworks, camping, overnight
parking, driving a motorized vehicle
off of roads, using radio-controlled
vehicles and vessels, using unmanned
aerial vehicles,using metal detectors,
gathering wood, dog training, and
collecting plants, animals, rocks, or
other specimens are prohibited.
Area Services
Food, gasoline, campgrounds and
motels are available in nearby
Horseback riding on the
Observation Hill Trail
Susan Kain/USFWS
Hunting & Fishing
Lake Lowell Unit
All waterfowl, coot, upland game,
and mourning dove hunters on the
refuge are required to use non-toxic
shot and may not possess lead shot in
the field. Hunting dogs must remain
under strict voice control at all times.
Dog training is not allowed. Target
shooting is prohibited.
Contact the Idaho Department of
Fish and Game for current hunting
Hunters may enter the Refuge one
hour before legal shooting hours and
remain on the Refuge until one hour
after legal shooting hours.
Although use of permanent blinds
is prohibited, portable blinds are
allowed if they are removed at the
end of each day. Temporary blinds
may be constructed from natural
vegetation less than 3 inches in
diameter and are available on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Duck hunting
at Lake Lowell
Todd Fenzl/USFWS
Duck and coot hunting is limited to
200 yards from the shoreline within
hunting areas. Hunting in the East
Side Recreation Area is walk-in only;
no float tubes or boats are allowed.
Duck and coot hunters in the South
Side Recreation Area may use float
tubes, nonmotorized boats,
and boats with
electric motors
only. The use or
possession of
motors is
No trapping is allowed on the Refuge.
Trapping is allowed on State land,
which is below the ordinary high
water line adjacent to the Snake
River Islands Unit.
Canada geese
Hunting on the Lake Lowell Unit
is limited to the East Side and
South Side Recreation Areas. Only
pheasant, quail, partridge, mourning
doves, ducks, coots, and deer may
be hunted. State seasons apply.
Duck and coot hunters are limited
to the use or possession of 25 shells
per day per hunter. The deer hunt
is a controlled hunt; check specific
State and Refuge regulations. Goose
hunting is prohibited throughout the
Lake Lowell Unit.
Snake River
Islands Unit
Hunting of waterfowl, coots, upland
game, mourning doves, and deer is
allowed on all islands of the Snake
River Islands Unit from September
1 to January 31 in accordance with
State regulations. Where the Snake
River is the boundary between Idaho
and Oregon, hunters from either state
may hunt the islands according to
the regulations of the State for which
they are licensed. Lead buckshot is
prohibited for hunting deer on the
Snake River Islands Unit.
Refuge Signs
Hunting and Fishing continued
Lake Lowell Unit
Snake River
Islands Unit
Game fish in the lake include
largemouth bass, smallmouth bass,
perch, crappie, bluegill, rainbow trout,
channel catfish, and brown bullhead.
Contact the Idaho Department of
Fish and Game for current fishing
Shoreline fishing is allowed all
year. Wading access to fishing is
allowed March 15 to September 30.
However, some areas of the Refuge
are permanently or seasonally closed
to protect wildlife; please watch for
signs and check the map. Ice fishing
is allowed in Fishing Areas A and B,
within 200 yards of the dams, unless
otherwise posted by the Bureau of
Fishing from the shore of the Snake
River Islands is prohibited during
nesting season. All islands are closed
from February 1 to June 14. The
nesting closure extends through June
30 on a few heron and gull-nesting
islands. Watch for signs.
Refuge signs inform visitors of
permitted or restricted activities.
Please help protect wildlife and
their habitats by respecting these
This sign marks the Refuge
Areas designated by this sign are
closed to all entry year round to
protect wildlife.
All public entry prohibited
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior
Areas designated by this or
similar signs are closed to all
entry between the designated
dates to protect wildlife.
Entry Prohibited
October 1 – January 31
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior
Entry Prohibited
February 1 — June 14
Limited public
fishing under
Federal and
State laws.
Consult Manager for current
Regulations In
Refuge islands are closed to all
entry between the designated
dates to protect nesting waterfowl
and other birds.
Areas designated by this sign may
be hunted as permitted by refuge
regulations. See the Hunting and
Fishing section of this brochure
for more information. Target
shooting is prohibited throughout
the Refuge.
All migratory bird and upland
game hunters on the Refuge are
required to use non-toxic shot and
may not possess lead shot in the
© Janice Engle
Refuge Manager
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge
13751 Upper Embankment Road
Nampa, Idaho 83686
Phone 208/467 9278
Fax 208/467 1019
For Refuge information
1 800/344 WILD
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
June 2016
Cover photo: Black-necked stilt
© Mark Winchester