Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey

Where are the Birds?

brochure Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey - Where are the Birds?

Where are the Birds brochure of Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (NCA) in Idaho. Published by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Where Are the Birds? Twenty-four raptor species spend all or part of the year in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. Species JAN. FEB. MAR. Breeding Raptors MAY JUN. JUL. AUG. American Kestrel Can be seen in the NCA year-round Golden Eagle Can be seen in the NCA year-round Ferruginous Small number in NCA through the winter Hawk Migrating Osprey Prairie Falcon Turkey Vulture Central & South America Migrating Central and South America Migrating Southwest U.S. Can be seen in the NCA year-round SW U.S. & Mexico National Conservation Area Migrating Argentina Migrating National Conservation Area Migrating Argentina Migrating Southwest U.S. and Mexico Migrating Southwest U.S. and Mexico Can be seen in the NCA year-round SW U.S. & Mexico Migrating National Conservation Area Can be seen in the NCA year-round Long-eared Owl National Conservation Area Migrating Higher Elevations Migrating National Conservation Area Migrating Can be seen in the NCA year-round Western Screech Owl Can be seen in the NCA year-round JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. National Conservation Area Cooper's Hawk National Conservation Area Gyrfalcon Possibly in National Conservation Area Migrating Merlin National Conservation Area Migrating Northern Goshawk National Conservation Area Migrating Peregrine Falcon Southwest U.S. & Northern Mexico Migrating MAY JUN. Migrating National Conservation Area Currently Unknown - Possibly Southwest U.S. (Arizona) Short-eared Owl Bald Eagle DEC. NOV. Small number in the NCA through the winter Moves to Higher Elevation Prairies National Conservation Area Great Horned Owl Species OCT. Migrating National Conservation Area Migrating Barn Owl Burrowing Owl SEPT. Can be seen in the NCA year-round Red-tailed Hawk Swainson's Hawk Migrating National Conservation Area Northern Harrier N. Sawwhet Owl Migrating Raptors APR. JUL. AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. Central and Northern Idaho & other regions further north Higher elevation areas in Idaho Migrating Arctic regions of Canada and Alaska Canada and Alaska Central Idaho Mountains/Forests Historically used the National Conservation Area Rough-legNational Conservation Area ged Hawk Sharp-shin- National Conservation Migrating ned Hawk Area In the NCA Migrating Migrating Possibly in National Conservation Area Migrating National Conservation Area Migrating Arctic regions of Canada and Alaska Higher elevations in Idaho Migrating Migrating Higher elevation plains National Conservation Area Migrating Migrating National Conservation Area Southwest U.S. & Northern Mexico National Conservation Area National Conservation Area Not in the NCA U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT B u re a u o f L a n d Ma n a g e me n t - Idaho

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