Ahupuaʻa O Kahana State Park, formerly Kahana Valley State Park, is located on the windward side of Oʻahu between Kaʻaʻawa and Punaluʻu. The park is located mauka (up hill) from Kahana Bay. It is Hawaii's only public ahupuaʻa, and it stretches from the sea to the tip of Puʻu Pauao at 2670 feet. It has a tropical climate, and it is one of the wettest areas in Oʻahu, averaging nearly 300 inches per year in parts of the valley. The main purpose of the park is to embrace and teach Hawaiian culture.
Brochure about Hiking Safely in Hawaiʻi. Published by Hawaii State Parks.
Ahupuaʻa ʻO Kahana SP
Ahupuaʻa O Kahana State Park, formerly Kahana Valley State Park, is located on the windward side of Oʻahu between Kaʻaʻawa and Punaluʻu. The park is located mauka (up hill) from Kahana Bay. It is Hawaii's only public ahupuaʻa, and it stretches from the sea to the tip of Puʻu Pauao at 2670 feet. It has a tropical climate, and it is one of the wettest areas in Oʻahu, averaging nearly 300 inches per year in parts of the valley. The main purpose of the park is to embrace and teach Hawaiian culture.
Kahana was a thriving fishing and farming
community prior to Western contact. Those living
in Kahana had an abundance of fresh water and
fertile soil on the valley floor to cultivate kalo (taro),
the staple crop. The loçi (ponded fields of kalo) were
irrigatedby çauwai (ditches) that diverted water from
the streams to the fields. Kahana Bay provided a
wealth of fish and shellfish.
In the 19th Century, following the unification
of the Hawaiian Islands by Kamehameha I, the
population rapidly declined as a result of Western
contact and the introduction of foreign diseases.
Sugar cane cultivation and the use of the valley as a
WWII jungle warfare training site, have altered the
natural and cultural environment of Kahana.
Trail Conditions:
• Trails can be wet, muddy, and slippery.
• Trails traverse uneven terrain with drop-offs along
the sides of the trail. Watch where you walk and
keep your eyes on the trail.
• There are two stream crossings along the Nakoa
Trail that may require wading through water that
is ankle to knee deep. There are slippery rocks in
the stream, so proceed with caution.
• Do not cross the stream if it has been raining and
the water is high and fast moving. Turn around
and return the way you came.
• The trails can get dark quickly because of the
dense vegetation. Start your hike early in the day
and allow enough time to complete your hike by
late afternoon.
• Expect mosquitos along the trail.
Checklist for Your Hike:
Good hiking boots
• Water and snack
Mosquito repellent
• First aid kit
Sunscreen and hat
• Rain gear
Whistle or cellular phone in case of emergencies
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease found in fresh
water. Do NOT drink the water or enter the stream
with open cuts.
Ahupua‘a ‘O Kahana State Park
52-222 Kamehameha Highway
(808) 237-7767
State of Hawai‘i
Department of Land & Natural Resources
The primary purpose of this park is to nurture
and foster native Hawaiian cultural traditions and
the cultural landscape of rural windward Oçahu.
Established as a “living park”, there are thirty-one
families living in the ahupuaça of Kahana. These
families assist with interpretive programs that share
the Hawaiian values and lifestyle. If you have a
group interested in a cultural program at the park,
please call 237-7767.
Hikers have gotten lost by leaving the trails in
Kahana. Stay on the designated trails and follow the
signs and arrows. Heed warnings along the trails.
Ahupuaça çO Kahana State Park is located on
the windward side of Oçahu, between Käne‘ohe
and Läçie, and 26 miles from Honolulu. Kahana is
a relatively unspoiled valley, and one of only a few
publicly owned ahupuaça, or ancient Hawaiian land
division, in the state.
An ahupuaça includes lands from the mountains
to the sea (mauka-makai), encompassing all of the
resource zones needed for subsistence. The ahupuaça
of Kahana encompasses almost 5,300 acres, ranging
from sea level at Kahana Bay to 2,670 feet at Puçu
Pauao on the crest of the Koçolau mountains. Kahana
is one of the wettest valleys on Oçahu. Overcast skies
and showers are frequent, with an average annual
rainfall of 75” along the coast to 300” at the back of
the valley. Temperatures can range from the mid-60s
to the mid-80s.
(formerly Kahana Valley State Park)
Archaeologists from the Bishop Museum
found extensive remnants of Hawaiian culture
in the valley, including a heiau (religious
temple), koça (fishing shrines), fishponds,
house sites, stone-walled enclosures, çauwai
(irrigation channels), agricultural terraces,
walls and planting areas. While many of
these sites are inaccessible to the public,
Kapaçeleçele Koça and Keaniani Kilo (lookout)
are accessible via a trail on the west side of
the valley mouth. From the kilo, the kilo iça, or
fish watcher, spied schools of akule in the bay
and signaled to valley residents who would
collectively net them. Huilua Fishpond,
the most impressive site in the valley, and
presently under restoration, can be visited
from the east side of the bay.
Hunting is allowed within designated
hunting boundaries, on weekends
and holidays ONLY. Permits must
be obtained IN PERSON from the
park office in Honolulu.
Gobies (oçopu), Hawaii‘s only native
freshwater fish, can be found in the
middle and lower valley streams.
Mullet (çamaçama) and Milkfish
(awa) are commonly seen in and
around Huilua Fishpond. Huilua
Fishpond and other lowland areas
are also home to the Black Crowned
Night Heron (çauku‘u), and the
Golden Plover (kolea), as well as two
endangered species, the Hawaiian
Coot (çalae keçokeço) and the Hawaiian
Gallinule (çalae çula). The upper
valley supports native songbirds
such as çapapane and çamakihi, as
well as introduced species such as
mynahs, cardinals, ricebirds and
doves. Kahana is also an ideal
habitat for feral pigs. Introduced by
the original Polynesian colonizers,
and later interbred with Eur
Several plant species are identified along the
trail route. These plants are not all native, but
there are examples of endemic species (found
only in Hawaii), indigenous species (native to
Hawaii but also found elsewhere), Polynesian
introduced species (brought by the original
Hawaiian settlers over a thousand years ago),
and alien species (recent introductions brought
intentionally or accidentally following western
contact in 1778).
Polynesian-Introduced Species:
Ki (ti). A very important
plant to Hawaiians, ti leaves
have widespread uses,
including house thatching,
cooking, clothing, fishing, lei
making, and ritual uses.
Noni. This bark and trunk
of this tree was used by
Hawaiians for dyes, and
the fruit and leaves have a
variety of medicinal uses.
Endemic Species:
‘Akia. Hawaiians pounded the poisonous
bark of this shrub into a powder. When placed
in a pool , fish would be stunnedand could then
be easily collected.
Kauna‘oa. The stems of this low-growing
leafless vine were used in lei making.
Indigenous Species:
Hau. The wood of this low, twisting tree is
very buoyant, and was used by Hawaiians for
canoe outriggers and fishing net floats. The
bark was made into ropes and cordage.
Hala. This small tree
has long, sharp leaves
and fruits resembling
leaves were woven
into floor mats,
baskets, pillows and
fans. The dried small
pieces of the fruit were
used as brushes to
Laua‘e. This creeping
fern has shiny, dark-green fronds. This plant
was used to scent dyes which decorated kapa.
Alien Species:
Guava. Introduced to Hawaii in the early 19th
KO‘A &
century as a cultivated plant, the fruit is made
into paste, jams, preserves and juice. Guavas
reproduce prolifically, their seeds being spread
by pigs, cows and birds.
Octopus-tree. This ornamental tree was
introduced to Hawaii about 1900 and has
rapidly spread in the wild. It reproduces
quickly and has colonized large lowland areas,
crowding out native species.
State of Hawaiçi
Department of Land & Natural Resources
Ahupuaça çO Kahana State Park
(808) 237-7766
Kahana, O‘ahu
This trail consists of a 1.2 mile
loop along the western side of the
mouth of Kahana Valley. Allow
about an hour for the hike.
The trail originates at the park
Orientation Center and climbs a
gradual slope to an elevation of 150
feet. The first part of the trail follows
the route of the former “Ko‘olau
Railway” which hauled sugar cane
grown in Kahana to the Kahuku
sugar mill in the late 1800s. Kahana
was the southern terminus of the
This trail offers stunning views of
Kahana Bay and passes two
important cultural sites, Kapa‘ele‘ele
Ko‘a (fishing shrine) and Keaniani
Kilo (lookout). Look for plant
identification signs along the path.
A ko‘a is a shrine dedicated to
fishing. Hawaiians made offerings
here to ensure bountiful harvests of
the akule fish (Bigeye scad). The
offering might include the first fish
caught. The akule is an important
food fish that formerly schooled in
Kahana Bay in large numbers. This
ko‘a is a rectangular alignment of
boulders that is open toward the sea.
The name Kapa‘ele‘ele literally
means “black cloth”. Kapa is
Hawaiian cloth made from the bark
of the wauke tree (paper mulberry).
The name of the ko‘a may be a
reference to a god or a specific ritual
associated with offerings given here.
The site has deteriorated over
time, and we ask that you help us to
preserve the site by remaining on the
trail and not entering the shrine.
Please do not disturb the stones or
leave rock wrapped in ti leaves. This
is not an appropriate offering.
This spot served as a lookout (kilo)
for fishermen. From here, the kilo i‘a
(fish watcher) could spy schools of
akule fish which would sparkle as the
sun reflected off of them like a mirror
(aniani). He would then direct a
group of waiting fishermen in canoes
via a set of signals using a pole with a
flag of white kapa. The fishermen
would then surround the school of
fish with their nets, and villagers of
all ages would gather on the shore to
hukilau (pull in the nets). The catch
was then divided equally between all
participants. Additionally, a malihini
(guest) share was set aside for any
passers by or visitors who were
watching, an early example of what
is today known as the “Aloha spirit.”
A second kilo was located at
about the same elevation on the
opposite side of the bay. The time of
day determined which lookout was
used, taking advantage of the sun’s
Huilua Fishpond
probably began as a sand
bar formed by the crosscurrents from the ocean
and stream mouth. This
sand bar was stabilized
with the construction of a
rock wall along the
exterior face. Over time,
the rock wall was built up
on both sides.
Huilua was a kuapä type of fishpond. The 500foot long rock wall is attached to the shoreline and
encircles the ocean waters of Kahana Bay. The wall
is built of rocks carried to the shoreline from the
streambeds and valley slopes of Kahana. No mortar
was used, but with the careful locking of the stones,
the rock wall could withstand the daily wave action.
The loose cobble and sand fill of the wall allowed
the movement of water through the wall and into
the pond. The width at the base of wall and the
sloping sides provided stability. The walls were 34 feet wide and about 4 feet above the high tide.
The two mäkähä were built through the wall and
sand bar to connect with the stream mouth. A third
mäkähä was built in the 1950s along the wall facing
the ocean, but it never worked properly.
Fishponds are a unique Hawaiian development
for raising fish and maintaining a sustainable food
supply for a growing population .
Huilua Fishpond was declared a National
Historic Landmark in 1962. Recognized as an
important historic site, the fishpond also illustrates
the management practices of the Hawaiians prior
to Western contact. While the fishpond functioned
for hundreds of years, it has suffered from several
tsunami in the 20th Century and remains
susceptible to the impacts of high surf.
A restoration of the fishpond wall was initiated
by State Parks with archaeological research in 1993
and construction of a model section of wall. The
Friends of Kahana, an organization of Kahana
residents, has taken the lead with the restoration
project in recent years.
Please show respect when visiting the fishpond.
Walking on the fishpond wall is not recommended.
There is no fishing allowed in the pond.
Schools of fish can be spotted in Kahana Bay
from kilo (lookout) on the ridges along the bay.
From these kilo, the kilo iça (fish watcher) would look
for sun reflecting off the fish like a mirror.
Fishermen also made offerings at a nearby koça or
shrine to ensure bountiful harvests. To learn more
about this fishing technique, take the 1.2-mile hike
along the Kapaçeleçele Koça and Keaniani Kilo Trail
along the western side of Kahana Bay.
State of Hawaiçi
Department of Land & Natural Resources
Ahupuaça çO Kahana State Park
(808) 237-7766
Kahana, O‘ahu
The ahupuaça (traditional land division) of
Kahana runs mauka from the crest of the Koçolau
mountains to makai at the waters of Kahana Bay.
Central to the ahupuaça is Kahana Stream that flows
the length of the ahupuaça to the ocean. Along the
lower reaches of the stream were 3 fishponds - 2
were inland ponds (puçone) and Huilua is still
present at the mouth of Kahana Stream.
Huilua Fishpond
A kiaçi loko (pondkeeper) lived next to the pond
and oversaw the repair and cleaning of the pond,
as well as, the stocking and harvesting of the fish.
The residents of the Kahana ahupuaça would assist
the pondkeeper with the care of the pond and in
return, the pondkeeper shared the fish. From 1924
until 1946, Sam Pua Haçaheo was the pondkeeper,
the kilo who watched for akule fish in the bay, and
the fishing konohiki (headman) who organized
hukilau (fishing by many people using a seine net ).
Other features associated with the fishpond
include a pöhaku kuçula (fish god stone) and koça
where offerings were left to insure an abundance
of fish. There was also a moço or large, lizard-like
creature that protected the fishpond. The moço of
Huilua Fishpond lived at the northwest corner of
the pond and dried leaves floating on top of the
water in this corner of the pond were seen when
the moço was present.
Huilua can be translated as twice joined.
Perhaps this name refers to the two mäkähä that
linked the pond to Kahana Stream. The water of
the fishpond was a mix of fresh water from the
stream and springs (pünäwai) with the salt water of
the bay. The fish chosen for the fishpond were ones
that migrate between fresh and salt water.
Mäkähä were gates made of lashed poles that
allowed the circulation of water and the harvesting
of fish. The spaces between the poles were wide
enough to let little fish and water into the pond.
Once inside, the fish would grow and fatten to a
point where they could not leave the pond. When
water enters the pond, the fish gather at the mäkähä
where they can be easily caught with nets or by
Fishponds represent a transition from catching
fish to growing fish. At Kahana, the wall of Huilua
Fishpond encircles 7 acres of ocean water adjacent
to the estuary. Because of its location, the water in
the fishpond is a mix of fresh wate
State Parks
A Visitor's Guide to Park
Resources and Recreational
Department of Land and
Natural Resources
Division of State Parks
Cover photograph of the Makua-Keawaula Section of Ka‘ena Point State Park,
O‘ahu with remnants of the former railroad bed around Ka‘ena Point.
Railroad at
Ka‘ena Point, ca.1935
Historical Society
Aloha and Welcome
to Hawai‘i State Parks!
Hawai‘i is the most remote land mass on earth. Its
reputation for unsurpassed natural beauty is reflected in
our parks that span mauka to makai (mountains to the sea).
Hawai‘i’s state park system is comprised of 50 state parks,
scenic waysides, and historic sites encompassing nearly
30,000 acres on the 5 major islands. The park environments
range from landscaped grounds with developed facilities to
wildland areas with rugged trails and primitive facilities.
Outdoor recreation consists of a diversity of coastal and
wildland recreational experiences, including picnicking,
camping, lodging, ocean recreation, sightseeing, hiking, and
pleasure walking. The park program protects, preserves,
and interprets excellent examples of Hawai‘i’s natural and
cultural history. The exceptional scenic areas are managed for
their aesthetic values and developed for their superb views.
We invite you to experience Hawai‘i, learn about its
unique resources and history, and participate in outdoor
recreation by visiting our parks. As you visit, please help us
protect Hawai‘i’s fragile and irreplaceable resources for future
generations by heeding the rules and posted safety signs.
For more information, visit our websites at:
Use Caution - Be Safe
Dangers and hazards exist in our parks and natural areas.
Trails may be narrow and muddy with steep drop-offs.
Flash floods can occur in streams with little warning. Ocean
waves can knock you off your feet and sweep you out to
sea. To have a safe park visit, stay on designated trails, heed
safety signs, and do not cross streams when water levels
rise. Always check weather conditions before going and use
official sources of information to plan your visit.
Funding for the printing of
this brochure provided by the
Hawai‘i Tourism Authority.
General Information
Camping & Lodging Permits
Permits for Nāpali Coast State Park
Group Use Permits
Special Use Permits
Forest Reserve Trails
Hunting and Fishing
General Park Rules
Safety Tips
Water Safety
Outdoor Safety
Interpretive Program
Park Guide 16
Park Descriptions
Island of Hawai‘i
Island of Kaua‘i
Island of Maui
Island of Moloka‘i
Island of O‘ahu
State Park
State Historical Park
State Historic Site
State Monument
State Park Reserve
State Recreation Area
State Recreation Pier
State Scenic Shoreline
State Wayside
State Wilderness Park
Beach Activities
Snorkeling & Diving
Picnic Areas
Boat Ramps
Hiking (Trail over 1
Scenic Lookouts
Walking (Paved path
less than 1 mile long)
Food Concession
Boat Tours
mile in length)
Revised 5/17
State parks are open year-round. Fees are charged for
various accommodations, guided tours of ‘Iolani Palace, and
riverboat cruises on the Wailua River. Entry and parking fees
are charged at some parks. Refer to the attached fee schedule,
check the website, or call the telephone numbers provided
for more information about fees, hours, and special uses.
For permits and information, contact the district offices
and park concessionaires (*) listed below.
1151 Punchbowl Street,#310
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 587-0300
Hours: Monday to Friday
8:00am to 3:30pm
75 Aupuni Street, #204
Hilo, HI 96720-4245
(808) 961-9540
Hours: Monday to Friday
8:00am to 3:30pm
54 S. High Street, #101
Wailuku, HI 96793
(808) 984-8109
Hours: Monday to Friday
8:00am to 3:30pm
3060 Eiwa Street, #306
Līhu‘e, HI 96766-1875
(808) 274-3444
Hours: Monday to Friday
8:00am to 3:30pm
P.O. Box 367
Waimea, HI 96796-0367
(808) 335-6061
Contact: info@thelodgeatkokee.net
Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm
NOTE: Offices are closed on
weekends and State holidays.
Please check website for current
operator contact information.
Kama‘aina Kids
(808) 235-6509 (fax: 235-6519)
Refunds for credit card purchases will be credited
electronically to your account, minus non-refundable
administrative fee and
4:24 PM
Page 1
During the Hike
In An Emergency
What is Na Ala Hele?
Stay on the Trail
Call 911: Ask for Fire/Rescue. Tell them which trail
Most accidents happen when hikers leave the established
trail and disregard warning signs. Staying on the trail
greatly reduces your chances of having a serious fall or
getting lost. Hawaiian forests are not like mainland
forests—the growth is very dense, and it is easy to
become disoriented. Thick overgrowth can mask dangerously steep drop-offs. Thin, sharp lava rock can crack
beneath your weight above deep holes or lava tubes.
you’re on and what happened.
Na Ala Hele (NAH) is the State of Hawai‘i Trail and Access
Program. NAH was initially created in response to public
concern about the increasing loss of access to trails and the
threat to historic trails from development pressures.
Currently, NAH is also increasingly engaged in multiple
trail use and management issues such as regulating commercial use, conducting trail improvement for resource
management, improving user safety, disseminating trailrelated information, and determining the current ownership of historic government trails in efforts to protect these
routes for potential use by future generations.
Be Visible: Wear or wave a brightly colored item in an
open area during the day. At night, use a flashlight or camera flash.
Be Noisy: Use a whistle to attract attention.
Stay Calm: Objectively assess your situation before mak-
Stay Together
ing any decision. Stay calm and positive.
Hikers separated from their partners are more apt to
make a wrong turn or lose the established trail. Keep
track of each other, and regroup periodically, especially
near junctions or when the trail gets obscure. Monitor
everyone’s condition. Dehydration, sunstroke, hypothermia, and fatigue can hit even experienced hikers.
chances of getting into further trouble, especially after dark,
by staying in one place. This is why it is important to notify
someone of your hike location and destination.
Avoid Undue Risks
Stay Warm: Wind and
Climbing waterfalls and following narrow ridgelines or
gulches off the trail can place you in danger. Rock climbing is extremely dangerous due to the crumbly and
porous nature of the volcanic rock. There have been fatal
accidents from crumbling rock...don’t take the chance.
rain can drain your body of
warmth, and be life-threatening. Get out of the wind
and use your rain gear or
extra clothes to stay warm.
Stay Put: You will be found more quickly and reduce the
When might you
need emergency
When an injury or illness
prevents walking.
When extremely bad
weather hits.
When it’s too dark to see.
When you’re extremely
fatigued or dehydrated.
When you’re disoriented or
Monitor the Weather
Keep an eye on the sky. When hiking into valleys or
crossing streams, be mindful of rain conditions along the
mountain top or ridges that can suddenly raise the water
level in the stream. Use extreme caution if attempting to
cross a swollen stream...rushing water is very powerful.
It is better to find an alternative route, or wait until the
water subsides.
Watch the Time
Hawai‘i does not have daylight savings time, and night
falls quickly in the tropics. Getting a late start increases
the possibility of getting caught in the dark. Know your
turnaround time and stick to it to allow enough time to
return. If you’re caught by darkness, stay put unless you
are very familiar with the trail and have a flashlight.
Hiking Safely
This brochure is subject to Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Title IX of
the Education Amendments of 1972, and
offers all persons the opportunity to participate in programs or activities regardless of
race, color , national origin, age, sex, or disability. Further, it is agreed that no individual
will be turned away from or otherwise denied
access to or benefit from any program or
activity that is directly associated with a program of the recipient on the basis of race,
color, national origin, age, sex (in educational activities), or disability.
When you’re stranded,
scared, and unable to move.
Na Ala Hele deeply appreciates any public interest and
desire to assist in the stewardship of trails in Hawai‘i. Trails
require continuous attention to insure the quality of the
trail experience, the safety of the trail users, and for the
proper management of the natural and cultural resources.
Na Ala Hele relies frequently on community volunteers for
providing the essential person-power to conduct trail
restoration or construction projects. For more information,
contact the Na Ala Hele staff on your island:
Maui, Moloka‘i, Lāna‘i:
Big Island:
H A W A I ‘ I
(808) 973-9782
(808) 873-3508
(808) 274-3433
(808) 974-4217
A portion of the content of this brochure was originally created throu