Ahupuaʻa ʻo KahanaGuide and Map |
Guide and Map to Ahupuaʻa ʻo Kahana State Park in Hawaii. Published by Hawaii State Parks.
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Kahana was a thriving fishing and farming
community prior to Western contact. Those living
in Kahana had an abundance of fresh water and
fertile soil on the valley floor to cultivate kalo (taro),
the staple crop. The loçi (ponded fields of kalo) were
irrigatedby çauwai (ditches) that diverted water from
the streams to the fields. Kahana Bay provided a
wealth of fish and shellfish.
In the 19th Century, following the unification
of the Hawaiian Islands by Kamehameha I, the
population rapidly declined as a result of Western
contact and the introduction of foreign diseases.
Sugar cane cultivation and the use of the valley as a
WWII jungle warfare training site, have altered the
natural and cultural environment of Kahana.
Trail Conditions:
• Trails can be wet, muddy, and slippery.
• Trails traverse uneven terrain with drop-offs along
the sides of the trail. Watch where you walk and
keep your eyes on the trail.
• There are two stream crossings along the Nakoa
Trail that may require wading through water that
is ankle to knee deep. There are slippery rocks in
the stream, so proceed with caution.
• Do not cross the stream if it has been raining and
the water is high and fast moving. Turn around
and return the way you came.
• The trails can get dark quickly because of the
dense vegetation. Start your hike early in the day
and allow enough time to complete your hike by
late afternoon.
• Expect mosquitos along the trail.
Checklist for Your Hike:
Good hiking boots
• Water and snack
Mosquito repellent
• First aid kit
Sunscreen and hat
• Rain gear
Whistle or cellular phone in case of emergencies
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease found in fresh
water. Do NOT drink the water or enter the stream
with open cuts.
Ahupua‘a ‘O Kahana State Park
52-222 Kamehameha Highway
(808) 237-7767
State of Hawai‘i
Department of Land & Natural Resources
The primary purpose of this park is to nurture
and foster native Hawaiian cultural traditions and
the cultural landscape of rural windward Oçahu.
Established as a “living park”, there are thirty-one
families living in the ahupuaça of Kahana. These
families assist with interpretive programs that share
the Hawaiian values and lifestyle. If you have a
group interested in a cultural program at the park,
please call 237-7767.
Hikers have gotten lost by leaving the trails in
Kahana. Stay on the designated trails and follow the
signs and arrows. Heed warnings along the trails.
Ahupuaça çO Kahana State Park is located on
the windward side of Oçahu, between Käne‘ohe
and Läçie, and 26 miles from Honolulu. Kahana is
a relatively unspoiled valley, and one of only a few
publicly owned ahupuaça, or ancient Hawaiian land
division, in the state.
An ahupuaça includes lands from the mountains
to the sea (mauka-makai), encompassing all of the
resource zones needed for subsistence. The ahupuaça
of Kahana encompasses almost 5,300 acres, ranging
from sea level at Kahana Bay to 2,670 feet at Puçu
Pauao on the crest of the Koçolau mountains. Kahana
is one of the wettest valleys on Oçahu. Overcast skies
and showers are frequent, with an average annual
rainfall of 75” along the coast to 300” at the back of
the valley. Temperatures can range from the mid-60s
to the mid-80s.
(formerly Kahana Valley State Park)
Archaeologists from the Bishop Museum
found extensive remnants of Hawaiian culture
in the valley, including a heiau (religious
temple), koça (fishing shrines), fishponds,
house sites, stone-walled enclosures, çauwai
(irrigation channels), agricultural terraces,
walls and planting areas. While many of
these sites are inaccessible to the public,
Kapaçeleçele Koça and Keaniani Kilo (lookout)
are accessible via a trail on the west side of
the valley mouth. From the kilo, the kilo iça, or
fish watcher, spied schools of akule in the bay
and signaled to valley residents who would
collectively net them. Huilua Fishpond,
the most impressive site in the valley, and
presently under restoration, can be visited
from the east side of the bay.
Hunting is allowed within designated
hunting boundaries, on weekends
and holidays ONLY. Permits must
be obtained IN PERSON from the
park office in Honolulu.
Gobies (oçopu), Hawaii‘s only native
freshwater fish, can be found in the
middle and lower valley streams.
Mullet (çamaçama) and Milkfish
(awa) are commonly seen in and
around Huilua Fishpond. Huilua
Fishpond and other lowland areas
are also home to the Black Crowned
Night Heron (çauku‘u), and the
Golden Plover (kolea), as well as two
endangered species, the Hawaiian
Coot (çalae keçokeço) and the Hawaiian
Gallinule (çalae çula). The upper
valley supports native songbirds
such as çapapane and çamakihi, as
well as introduced species such as
mynahs, cardinals, ricebirds and
doves. Kahana is also an ideal
habitat for feral pigs. Introduced by
the original Polynesian colonizers,
and later interbred with European
species, these animals are very
destructive to the few surviving
native Hawaiian ecosystems.
There are two hiking trails available to the
public. Both are relatively easy walking,
but trails may be muddy. No permits are
required, and detailed trail maps are available
at the Orientation Center.
• Kapaçeleçele Koça and Keaniani Lookout
Trail is a one mile long loop trail that begins
at the Orientation Center and takes about one
hour. The trail passes two cultural sites and
offers stunning views of Kahana Bay.
• Nakoa Trail is named for the koa trees
found along this 3.5 mile loop trail through a
tropical rain forest. The loop hike takes about
2.5 hours. The total length of the hike is 4.5
miles from the parking area. The trailhead
can be reached by walking 0.6-mile up the
road. This trail crosses Kahana Stream twice
- use caution. Fruit picking when in season.
There are ten (10) beach campsites in the
park. Camping is by permit only. Camping
permits may be obtained from the State Parks
office in Honolulu (587-0300) or online at
www.hawaiistateparks.org. There is a fee
per campsite per night. Please check the State
Parks website for rates and availability.
Mau loa nö ko‘u mahalo nui
I ka nani pünono o Kahana
Ka moani ‘a‘ala anuhea
O nä pali a‘o Ko‘olauloa
Composed by Mary Montano He maile kaluhea ia la‘i
Ha‘aheo a kea o naulu
& Charles E. King
Ulu a‘e ka mana‘o he aloha la
Kuini pua o Kahana
Forever I shall sing the praises
Of Kahana’s beauty unsurpassed
The fragrance of the mountains
By the breezes to thee is wafted
Fragrance of maile in the stillness
Is stirred by the sudden showers
The ulu brings thoughts of love and
Desire for the flowers of Kahana
The expanse of land in Kahana
Valley from the sea to the mountains
contains many different vegetation
zones. The lowlands consist of koa,
hibiscus, shrub, hala, and pastureland.
Further up the valley, in the wetter
areas, çöhiça lehua is dominant, with
intermittently mixed forest scrub of
bamboo, mountain apple, guava, ti
and other species. Do not eat any
fruit you are unfamiliar with.