
Hunting and Fishing

brochure Piedmont - Hunting and Fishing

Hunting and Fishing at Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Georgia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

To Highway 83 4 5 7 2 1 Sugar Hill Road Stalkinghead Creek 6 2 11 9 2 12 Allison Creek 12 4 11 5 3 4 3 River Road 3 B. Russell Road Round Oak Juliette Road JULIETTE N Legend Refuge Boundary 13 Allison Lake 8 14 16 FIRE TOWER 18 16 25 27 POWER LINE 15 17 Jarrell Plantation Road Jones County Monroe County Paved Roads County Clay Roads POWER LINE 22 21 19 Ocmulgee River 10 Falling Creek 10 8 6 2 17 EAST JULIETTE EXIT 186 I-75 and FORSYTH 8 miles Little Falling Creek Falling Creek 19 20 JARRELL PLANTATION STATE PARK Rocky Branch 24 26 22 23 Caney Creek Road NEW HOPE CHURCH 28 ROUND OAK Pippin Road WAYSIDE 34 20 31 Refuge Graveled Road Visitor Center 87 Deer Check Station Little Rock Wildlife Drive 29 Ponds Rivers & Creeks Church Hitchiti Experimental Forest: (roads on the Hitchiti may or may not be open to vehicles) Five Points Road 33 FORSYTH 10 miles 33 32 Non-Refuge Land 1–34 1000 Acre Management Compartments Camping area Approximate location of areas closed to entry Public Fishing Area Boat Ramp Access MACON Ocmulgee River 0 Kilo Fire Tower Road Howard Roberts Road 32 Butler's Creek Miles 1 0 30 GRAY 5 miles Five Points Road 2 1 Applications for the spring turkey hunts will be available in January and must be returned to the refuge office by 12 noon on February 24, 2021. A public drawing will be held at 1 pm February 24, 2021. Man-drives for deer All applicants will be mailed a notification of selection with directions for payment of permit fee. No credit or debit card payments will be accepted. Payment must be in the form of personal check, money order, certified check or cashier’s check. If payment is made in person at the refuge office, cash will also be accepted. Contact the refuge office for more information or to report any violations of refuge regulations at 478/986 5441. Caney Creek 23 Applications for the youth/wheelchair deer hunt must be returned to the refuge office by 12 noon on September 9, 2020 and the drawing will be held at 1 pm. Possess, place, and/or hunt over any feed or attractants (baiting) GRAY 5 miles 18 Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge • 718 Juliette Road • Round Oak, Georgia 31038 • 478/986 5441 General Prohibited Activities Taking, collecting or disturbing any artifact, property, plant, wildlife or part thereof; other than that specifically permitted by refuge regulation Taking or possessing frogs, turtles, snakes, or other amphibians or reptiles Entering refuge during deer firearms hunts without a refuge quota hunt permit Entering refuge hunt areas during refuge turkey hunts without a refuge quota hunt permit Possession or use of alcoholic beverages except in the designated camping area. Possession of alcoholic beverages by persons under age 21. Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on National Wildlife Refuges must comply with all provisions of state and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42 and specific refuge regulations in 50 CFR Part 32). Hunting or shooting from or within 50 yards of a road open to vehicle travel or 200 yards of a building Possess or hunt with buckshot U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Piedmont Discharge of weapons in the campground Possess or use of any suppressor on any firearm National Wildlife Refuge Hunting and Fishing Regulations 2020-2021 Use of trail or game cameras or leaving any other electronic device on the refuge Possess or use of any night vision or thermal imaging equipment Possess or use of any electronic calls Training dogs or release of birds Falconry Driving metal objects into trees or hunting from a tree in which metal objects have been driven Marking trails with flagging, blazing, painting, paper, trash or other devices Off road vehicle travel. Vehicle travel is limited to open graveled roads unless posted otherwise Use of ATVs, UTVs or other off road vehicles Leaving vehicles, boats, or trailers on refuge overnight Overnight camping and/or parking, except as permitted during big game hunts and only in Pippins Lake campground by permitted hunters Blocking refuge road, boat ramp, or gate with vehicles or vehicle travel around a closed gate Bicycles on foot travel roads or off road. Bicycles are restricted to gravel roads designated open to vehicles. Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge Hunting and Fishing Permit 2020-2021 When signed and in your possession, this brochure serves as your permit for fishing, small game, deer archery, and raccoon hunts. Your signature acknowledges your understanding of the regulations contained herein. Quota hunts require an additional Refuge specific special use permit. You must have this brochure in your possession for ALL hunting and fishing, in addition to state license requirements. Disturbing, annoying, or interfering with other persons Use audio equipment, noise making devices, or generators after 10 pm or before 6 am in the campground Possess or use of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs ) Open fires except in the designated camping area Unleashed pets Littering Horses or mules Trapping May 2020 To Highway 83 HILLSBORO Target shooting or non-hunting discharge of firearms U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD http://www.fws.gov National Wildlife Refuge Application forms for the deer gun hunts will be available in July and must be returned to the refuge office by 12 noon on August 26, 2020. A public drawing will be held at 1 pm August 26, 2020. Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge 718 Round Oak-Juliette Road Round Oak, GA 31038 478/986 5441 http://www.fws.gov/piedmont Piedmont MONTICELLO 9 miles Signature Piedmont Refuge is part of a system of more than 560 National Wildlife Refuges, which provide for the conservation and management of habitats to benefit fish and wildlife. The refuge uses a variety of management techniques, primarily timber harvest and prescribed burning to sustain a healthy pine/ hardwood forest. The refuge strives to provide quality hunting and fishing opportunities when compatible with the refuge management objectives. The refuge is open to the public year round for visitation and pre-hunt scouting during day light hours, except during firearm deer hunts. A portion of Little Rock Wildlife Drive, west of Pond 21A, will be seasonally closed from November 15 to February 15. AREA BEYOND THIS SIGN CLOSED U.S. FISH &WILDLIFE SERVICE M EN T OF TH E I N RI O P RT R DE A TE All public entry prohibited NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY PROHIBITED General Hunt Regulations Public hunting is permitted on approximately 34,000 acres of Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge with a refuge hunt permit. Areas closed to hunting are marked with signs and orange paint. The refuge boundary is marked with signs and yellow paint. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE In addition to Federal regulations, State Game and Fish laws and regulations are NO  HUNTING adopted and in effect, unless they have ZONE been further restricted by Federal laws or regulations. Licenses, permits, all hunting and fishing equipment and effects, and vehicles or other conveyances are subject to inspection by Federal and State officers. Camping by permitted hunters in Pippins Lake Campground is authorized only during big game hunts. The campground will open 8 am the day before each hunt and close at 11 am the day after each hunt. Hunters participating in more than one quota hunt, not including the youth/wheelchair hunt, may leave campers in the campground between quota hunts at their own risk. Refuge hunt permits and quota hunt permits are required for all hunters and anyone who accompanies them and to enter and or stay in the Pippins Lake Campground. Some access roads may be closed for small game and turkey seasons or in bad weather. Some areas may be closed during turkey hunts for prescribed burning. Check with the refuge office for updates January through April. Hunting Season 2020-2021 Type Hunt Deer-Either sex-Archery Deer-Either sex Wheelchair Firearms Required Permits General Refuge Permit Quota 25 Sign-In Special Refuge Permit for Wheelchair Bound Persons Quota 50 Sign-In Season Dates Sep 12- Oct 4, 2020 Oct 16-17, 2020 Bag Limits State limit 2 deer Oct 16-17, 2020 2 deer Deer-Either sex Primitive Weapons Quota 1250 Oct 29- 31, 2020 2 deer Deer-Either Sex Firearms Quota 1250 Nov 5-7, 2020 and Nov 12-14, 2020 2 deer Quail General Refuge Permit Nov 27-28, 2020; Dec 11-12, 26-27, 2020; Jan 8-9, 22-23, 2021 State limit Squirrel, Rabbit General Refuge Permit State Season except Refuge small game hunts will be closed during all refuge deer hunts. State limit Raccoon, Opossum General Refuge Permit Dec 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 26-27, 2020 and Jan 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23, 29-30, 2021 State limit Spring Turkey Quota 300 Mar 30- Apr 3, 2021, Apr 13-17, 2021, Apr 27- May 1, 2021 1 gobbler Deer-Either sex Youth Firearms Hunter access is permitted from two hours before sunrise to two hours after sunset during refuge big game hunts. Disposal of carcasses or entrails Permitted refuge hunters and fishermen may dispose of carcasses and entrails of game and fish legally taken from the refuge on the refuge. Carcasses and entrails may be placed in the woods, but may not be placed within the campground, any dumpster, or within 25 yards of any road, trail, gate, boat ramp, parking area or private property. Hitchiti Experimental Forest The Hitchiti Experimental Forest is open for hunting only during refuge hunting seasons with a valid Piedmont Refuge hunting permit and in accordance with refuge regulations. Training dogs and release of birds is prohibited on Hitchiti Experimental Forest. Hunter Education / Children Hunters age 16-25 must possess the hunter education certificate while hunting. Children age 15 and under must remain within sight and normal voice contact of an adult age 21 or older possessing a valid hunting or fishing license to hunt or fish on the refuge. One adult may supervise no more than one youth hunter during refuge quota hunts. Youth hunters, age 15 and under, may hunt on quota hunts with a permitted adult by obtaining a free refuge youth permit. Youth permits will be available the day after each quota drawing through the quota hunt season. Hunters age 16 and over are required to have a paid quota hunt permit. Big Game Hunting No hunter sign-in is required. All big game must be checked on the day killed at the refuge check station as designated before leaving the refuge. The whole animal, except entrails, must be brought to the check station. During general deer quota hunts, the check station is located on Piedmont Shop Road as marked on the map. During the deer archery, youth /wheelchair quota deer and turkey hunts, the check station is located at the visitor center. During refuge quota turkey hunts, harvest counts toward a hunter’s season limit of three gobblers. Refuge limit is one gobbler per hunter per hunt. Turkeys harvested on the refuge must be checked at the refuge check station on the day of kill AND with the Georgia DNR Game Check System including the state harvest record. Tree Stands/Hunting Blinds Tree stands and hunting blinds may be placed the day prior to each big game hunt and must be removed by 11 am the day after the hunt. During refuge deer archery hunts, deer must be recorded on the hunter’s state harvest record at the site of kill and checked at the refuge check station on the day of harvest. Small Game During the Refuge small game season only squirrel, rabbit and quail may be taken. Weapons are limited to firearms and archery equipment listed in the state game laws for small game. On refuge quota deer firearm hunts, a special tag will be issued at the check station. Two deer limit per hunter per quota hunt. Do not record kill on the state harvest record. These deer will not count towards a hunter’s season limit. Squirrel, rabbit, and quail hunting are not permitted during refuge deer hunt dates. Hunter access is permitted from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset. Hunter orange is required to be worn during all deer firearm hunts. At least 500 square inches of hunter orange must be worn as an outer garment above the waist. Youth and Wheelchair Quota Deer Hunt On October 16-17, 2020, the refuge will hold a combined quota deer firearms hunt for youth and wheelchair-bound hunters. Hunter sign-in required for this hunt only. Quota hunt applications must be obtained from the Piedmont NWR office and submitted by the September 9, 2020 deadline. Youth must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult age 21 or older in possession of a valid hunting and big game license. Only youth between the ages of 10 and 15 on the days of the hunt may participate and apply for the youth quota deer hunt. Adults may not hunt during the youth quota deer hunt. Youth must include their age at the date of the hunt on the application. Wheelchair-bound hunters must submit a quota hunt application and submit medical documentation stating they are confined to a wheelchair for mobility. A special access permit will be issued. Contact the Refuge Office for information concerning this hunt prior to the September 9, 2020 deadline. During the youth/wheelchair deer hunt, deer must be recorded on the hunter’s state harvest record at the site of kill and checked at the refuge check station on the day of harvest. Two deer limit per hunter and these deer will count towards a hunter’s state season limit. Up to two non-hunting persons can assist the youth or wheel-chair bound hunter when their name(s) are listed on the hunter’s quota hunt application. For 2020-2021 see special dates for refuge quail, raccoon and opossum hunts. Hunting dogs may be used to hunt squirrel, rabbit, quail, raccoon and opossum. Hunters using dogs may not hunt from their vehicle by driving while dogs are out hunting along roads. Hunters must be out of their vehicle and off roads open to vehicle traffic. During raccoon and opossum hunts permitted weapons are limited to .22 cal or smaller rim fire firearms. Hunting hours are from 6 pm to 6 am during specified dates only. Sport Fishing Regulations Fishing is open March 15 through September 30, from sunrise to sunset. Fishing is permitted in ponds designated as open to fishing. Refuge streams are open for bank fishing in all areas not designated as “Area Closed.” Species and limits: BASS – 5 (at least 10 inches in length); CATFISH – 5; BREAM – 15; CRAPPIE-15 Fishermen may not use or possess fish (minnows) for bait. Fishermen may use only rod and reel or pole and line to fish. Two poles per person allowed. Fishermen may not possess, place or throw feeds to attract fish. Fishermen may not use or possess alcoholic beverages while fishing on the refuge. Boats Non-motorized boats or boats with electric motors are permitted in all ponds open to fishing only during fishing season. Gasoline motors are prohibited. Boat ramp access is available only at Allison Lake and Pond 2A. State boating laws and equipment requirements are in effect on refuge waters. Allison Lake, Pond 2a, Pond 11a and Pond 11b have been treated for Hydrilla, an invasive aquatic plant. The refuge will continue to monitor all ponds and may restrict access if invasive species are identified. After fishing or boating always clean your fishing equipment, boat, trailer and vehicle before leaving the site. This can help stop the spread of invasive plants or animals to the next lake or river you visit. Commercial and Special Use Activities No person, including but not limited to a guide, guide service, outfitter, club, or other organization shall provide assistance, services, or equipment on the refuge to any other person for compensation. For the purpose of this regulation, any fee paid or services rendered to a person for lodging, meals, club membership or similar services will be considered compensation. Violations of this regulation subjects each hunter, fisherman, or member in the party to a fine if convicted of this violation. A refuge Special Use Permit is required for all commercial activities on the refuge including but not limited to commercial filming and photography; collecting plants or parts of plants; collecting wildlife, mussels, mushrooms, or other resources. How to Get Refuge Permits Refuge permits are required for all hunters and fishermen and anyone who accompanies them. In addition to refuge permits all state license requirements must be met. Refuge permits are NOT transferable. When signed, this brochure serves as your permit for fishing, small game, raccoon and deer archery hunts. Additional permits may be obtained at the entrance of the Little Rock Wildlife Drive, the Refuge Visitor Center, Allison Lake parking, and on the web at www.fws.gov/piedmont or by mail. Deer and turkey quota hunt applications must be obtained from the refuge office. A quota hunt permit is required for all hunters, and anyone who accompanies them, participating in designated quota hunts. The Refuge will mail requests made by phone, mail, or email to a postal address.

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