

brochure Piedmont - Birds

Birds at Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Georgia. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge Bird List photo: Northern Cardinal Nick Milam Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge is located in the wild and beautiful rolling clay hills of the lower Georgia Piedmont. The Refuge, which contains 36, 000 acres, was purchased under the Resettlement Act in the 1930's when erosion, the boll weevil, and finally the great depression made it impossible for the small farms to provide a living for their owners. Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge This blue goose, designed by J. N. “Ding” Darling, has become a symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge System. photo: White throated Sparrow Nick Milam photo: Red-cockaded Woodpecker USFWS Today, through the efforts of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Refuge is once again a forest. It hosts loblolly pines on the ridges with hardwoods found along the creek bottoms and in scattered upland coves. Clear streams and beaver ponds provide the ideal wetlands for migrating waterfowl. Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge now serves as a model of forest ecosystem management for wildlife. Except for a short time during managed deer and turkey hunts, most of the refuge is open for bird watching. The public use facilities at the Visitor Center and Allison Lake are open year round. Access to most parts of the Refuge is by gravel road and foot travel paths. A parking area and three wildlife trails are located adjacent to Allison Lake. The 0.9 mile Allison Lake Trail provides viewing opportunities for wintering waterfowl along the lake. Wood ducks utilize the artificial nest structures in Allison Lake and their broods may be seen during spring and summer months. An observation platform and a photo blind is found along the trail and is best for viewing wintering waterfowl and wading birds. The Pine and Creek Trails make up a 1.3 mile loop that leaves the Visitor Center and passes through rich habitats of pine and bottomland hardwoods to connect with the Allison Lake Trail. This trail involves some moderate walking. The Red-cockaded Woodpecker Trail starts at Allison Lake and travels through an active cluster site. Redcockaded Woodpecker cavity trees are characterized by accumulations of pitch at the entrance to the cavity and are marked by a painted white stripe at the base of the tree. Redcockadeds are more active around the cluster site during April-July. The trail also provides opportunities to observe the songbirds that use various forest habitats. The trail is 2.9 miles round- trip and involves some moderate walking. Viewing Tips The observation of birds in their natural habitats is becoming an increasingly popular recreational activity. Viewing entertainment can be greatly enhanced if binoculars or a spotting scope is used. This equipment assists in bird identification and enables one to observe the birds from a distance, thus minimizing disturbance. Birds are most active during the early morning and late afternoon periods, so this is the best time to birdwatch. Checklist Notes The following list contains over 200 species of birds confirmed as occurring on the Refuge. Besides U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service personnel, reliable volunteers in the field have contributed many of the observations recorded. This list will be updated periodically to include new sightings or changes. Visitors making noteworthy observations are urged to inform the Refuge Manager of details such as observers, dates, site of observation, and the species seen. Season Symbols SP - Spring, March through May S - Summer, June through August F - Fall, September through November W - Winter, December through February Abundance Symbols C - Common; certain to be seen in suitable habitat O - Occasional; seen only a few times during season U - Uncommon; present, but not certain to be seen R - Rare; seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years * - Endangered Species SP Grebes ___Pied-billed Grebe ..................................... u S F W u u u Cormorants and Darters ___Double crested Cormorant .................... ___Anhinga. .................................................... r r Bitterns, Herons and Ibises ___American Bittern ..................................... ___Least Bittern ............................................ ___Great Blue Heron. ................................... u ___Great Egret .............................................. o ___Snowy Egret ............................................ o ___Little Blue Heron .................................... r ___Tricolored Heron ..................................... ___Cattle Egret ............................................. ___Green Heron ............................................ o ___Black crowned Night Heron .................. ___Yellow crowned Night Heron ................. ___White Ibis. ................................................ Geese and Ducks ___Snow Goose ............................................... ___Canada Goose ........................................... o ___Wood Duck ................................................ c ___Green winged Teal ................................... o ___American Black Duck ............................. u ___Mallard ...................................................... c ___Northern Pintail ...................................... o ___Blue winged Teal ..................................... u ___Green winged Teal ................................... u ___Northern Shoveler .................................. o ___Gadwall ...................................................... o ___American Wigeon .................................... o ___Canvasback ............................................... o ___Redhead .................................................... r ___Ring necked Duck ................................... c ___Lesser Scaup ............................................ o ___Bufflehead ................................................ o ___Common Merganser ............................... r ___Hooded Merganser ................................. o ___Red breasted Merganser ....................... r ___Ruddy Duck .............................................. o Vultures, Hawks and Eagles ___Black Vulture ............................................ c ___Turkey Vulture ......................................... c ___Osprey ....................................................... o ___Bald Eagle ................................................ ___Northern Harrier .................................... u ___Sharp shinned Hawk ............................... o ___Cooper's Hawk ......................................... o r r u o o o r o o u u o o o o o o r r r o c o r o c u c c o u u o c o c c r u o o o r c c r o r c c o o o r u c r o o c c o c c o o u u u u o o SP ___Red shouldered Hawk ............................ u ___Broad winged Hawk ................................ r ___Red-tailed Hawk ...................................... c ___Golden Eagle ............................................ r ___American Kestrel ..................................... o Turkeys and New World Quail ___Wild Turkey .............................................. u ___Northern Bobwhite ................................. c Rails, Gallinules, Coots and Cranes ___King Rail ................................................... r ___Purple Gallinule ....................................... ___Common Moorhen ................................... ___American Coot ......................................... o ___Sandhill Crane ......................................... o Plovers, Sandpipers and Phalaropes ___Killdeer ..................................................... o ___Spotted Sandpiper ................................... u ___Solitary Sandpiper .................................. o ___Upland Sandpiper ................................... o ___Least Sandpiper ...................................... o ___Common Snipe ......................................... o ___American Woodcock ................................ o ___Greater Yellowlegs .................................. o ___Lesser Yellowlegs .................................... o S u o u r F W u u r c c o o o u c u u c c r r r o o r o o o o o o o u o r o o o r r o u Gulls ___Ring billed Gull ........................................ o o o Pigeons and Doves ___Rock Dove ................................................. u ___Mourning Dove ........................................ c u c u u c c Cuckoos ___Yellow billed Cuckoo ................................ u u u Owls ___Eastern Screech Owl .............................. u ___Great Horned Owl ................................... u ___Barred Owl ............................................... u u u u u u u u u u Nightjars ___Common Nighthawk ............................... o ___Chuck will's Widow .................................. c ___Whip poor will .......................................... o o c u u c u Swifts ___Chimney Swift .......................................... c c c SP Hummingbirds ___Ruby throated Hummingbird ................ o S F W o o Kingfishers ___Belted Kingfisher .................................... c c c c u c u c u u u c c u u c u u u c c u c o Woodpeckers ___Red headed Woodpecker ........................ u ___Red bellied Woodpecker ......................... c ___Yellow bellied Sapsucker ........................ u ___Downy Woodpecker ................................. u ___Hairy Woodpecker ................................... u ___Northern Flicker ..................................... c ___Pileated Woodpecker .............................. c ___*Red cockaded Woodpecker .................. u u u c c u Tyrant Flycatchers ___Eastern Wood Pewee .............................. c ___Acadian Flycatcher ................................. c ___Eastern Phoebe ....................................... c ___Great Crested Flycatcher ...................... c ___Eastern Kingbird .................................... c c c c c c c c Shrikes ___Loggerhead Shrike ................................. o o o Swallows ___Purple Martin .......................................... u ___Tree Swallow ............................................ r ___Northern Rough-winged Swallow ........ o ___Barn Swallow ........................................... o u r o o u o o Vireos ___White eyed Vireo ..................................... c ___Yellow throated Vireo .............................. c ___Blue headed Vireo ................................... c ___Red-eyed Vireo ........................................ c c c u c c c c c Jays and Crows ___Blue Jay .................................................... c ___American Crow ........................................ c ___Fish Crow ................................................. u c c u c c c c Chickadees and Titmice ___Carolina Chickadee ................................. c ___Tufted Titmouse ....................................... c c c c c c c Nuthatches and Creepers ___Red breasted Nuthatch .......................... ___White breasted Nuthatch ....................... r r r r r r c c r o SP ___Brown headed Nuthatch ........................ c ___Brown Creeper ........................................ u Wrens ___Carolina Wren .......................................... c ___Bewick’s Wren .......................................... r ___House Wren .............................................. o ___Winter Wren ............................................. o ___Sedge Wren .............................................. r ___Marsh Wren .............................................. Gnatcatchers, Kinglets and Thrushes ___Golden crowned Kinglet ......................... u ___Ruby crowned Kinglet ............................ c ___Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ........................... c ___Eastern Bluebird ..................................... c ___Veery .......................................................... o ___Gray cheeked Thrush ............................. r ___Swainson's Thrush ................................... u ___Hermit Thrush ......................................... u ___Wood Thrush ............................................ c ___American Robin ....................................... c Mockingbirds and Thrashers ___Gray Catbird ............................................ u ___Northern Mockingbird ........................... c ___Brown Thrasher ...................................... c S c F W c c u u c c r r o o c o o u u c c c c o o u u u c o c u c c u c c c c Pipits ___American Pipit ......................................... Wood Warblers ___Golden winged Warbler .......................... u ___Tennessee Warbler .................................. r ___Northern Parula ...................................... o ___Yellow Warbler ......................................... r ___Chestnut sided Warbler .......................... o ___Magnolia Warbler .................................... r ___Cape May Warbler .................................. r ___Black throated Blue Warbler ................. o ___Yellow rumped Warbler .......................... c ___Black throated Green Warbler .............. u ___Blackburnian Warbler ............................ ___Yellow throated Warbler ......................... u r c c r Waxwings ___Cedar Waxwing ........................................ u Starlings ___European Starling ................................... o c r o o u u o o o u u o r o o r u r o c u o u c SP ___Pine Warbler ............................................ c ___Prairie Warbler ........................................ c ___Palm Warbler ........................................... c ___Bay breasted Warbler ............................. r ___Blackpoll Warbler .................................... u ___Cerulean Warbler .................................... r ___Black and white Warbler ........................ u ___American Redstart .................................. u ___Prothonotary Warbler ............................ o ___Worm eating Warbler .............................. u ___Ovenbird ................................................... r ___Northern Waterthrush ........................... r ___Louisiana Waterthrush ........................... u ___Kentucky Warbler ................................... u ___Common Yellowthroat. ............................ u ___Hooded Warbler ....................................... c ___Yellow breasted Chat .............................. o Tanagers ___Summer Tanager ..................................... c ___Scarlet Tanager ........................................ o Grosbeaks, Sparrows and Buntings ___Northern Cardinal .................................. c ___Rose breasted Grosbeak ........................ r ___Blue Grosbeak .......................................... u ___Indigo Bunting ......................................... c ___Eastern Towhee ....................................... c ___Bachman’s Sparrow ................................ u ___Chipping Sparrow. ................................... c ___Field Sparrow .......................................... c ___Vesper Sparrow ....................................... ___Savannah Sparrow .................................. u ___Fox Sparrow ............................................. ___Song Sparrow ........................................... c ___Swamp Sparrow ....................................... c ___White throated Sparrow ......................... c ___White crowned Sparrow ......................... r ___Dark eyed Junco ...................................... c Blackbirds and Orioles ___Bobolink .................................................... u ___Red winged Blackbird ............................ c ___Eastern Meadowlark .............................. c ___Rusty Blackbird ....................................... o ___Common Grackle ..................................... u ___Brown headed Cowbird .......................... u ___Orchard Oriole ......................................... u S c c u u u c o F W c c c c r u r u u u r r u u u u c o c c o c c c r u c c c u u c c c c o o u u o o c c c c c c u c c u c c c c c u o u o c c c c c u u c o u SP Finches ___Purple Finch ............................................. u ___House Finch ............................................. ___Pine Siskin ................................................ ___American Goldfinch ................................. c ___Evening Grosbeak ................................... Old World Sparrows ___ House Sparrow ....................................... o S o o F W o u r r o o c r o o Accidental or casual occurrence and have been seen only once or twice: Wood Stork Tundra Swan Merlin Yellow Rail Red-necked Phalarope Laughing Gull Scissor Tailed Flycatcher Northern Oriole Sighting Notes Date No. of species Route or area Observers Remarks Time Weather photo: Great Blue Heron Herb Stein Route or area Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge 718 Juliette Road Round Oak, Georgia 31038 Office: 478/986 5441 Fax: 478/986 9646 email: http://piedmont.fws.gov/ U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD for general FWS Info April 2001

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