The Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge is located twenty miles east of Naples, in the upper segment of the Fakahatchee Strand of the Big Cypress Swamp. It is north of I-75 and west of SR 29.
The Florida panther is the only cougar species found east of the Mississippi River. In all, less than 100 panthers use the area, with fewer than a dozen passing through the refuge each month.
To protect the panther and other endangered inhabitants, general public use is only available at the southeast corner of the refuge, on designated hiking trails. All other areas can only be seen by way of limited tours.
Hiking Trail Map of Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Florida. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
Florida Panther NWR
The Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge is located twenty miles east of Naples, in the upper segment of the Fakahatchee Strand of the Big Cypress Swamp. It is north of I-75 and west of SR 29.
The Florida panther is the only cougar species found east of the Mississippi River. In all, less than 100 panthers use the area, with fewer than a dozen passing through the refuge each month.
To protect the panther and other endangered inhabitants, general public use is only available at the southeast corner of the refuge, on designated hiking trails. All other areas can only be seen by way of limited tours.
Florida Panther Safety Tips
Encounters with Florida panthers are rare. But if you live, work or recreate
in panther habitat, there are things you can do to enhance your safety and
that of friends and family.
Be Alert From Dusk ‘Til Dawn
When it comes to personal safety, always be aware of your surroundings. Florida
panthers are most active at night. Exercise more caution at dawn, dusk and
during the night.
Landscape For Safety
Remove vegetation that provides cover for panthers. Remove plants that attract
wildlife (especially deer). By attracting them, you naturally attract their predator—
the panther.
Keep Panther Prey Away
Deer, raccoons and wild hogs are prey for the Florida panther. By feeding deer or
other wildlife, you may inadvertently attract panthers. Wildlife food such as
unsecured garbage, pet foods and vegetable gardens also may attract prey.
Keep Pets Safe And Secure
Roaming pets are easy prey for predators including panthers. Supervise pets and
then bring them inside or keep them in a comfortable, secure and covered kennel. Feeding pets outside also may attract raccoons and other panther prey.
Keep Livestock Secure
Where practical, keep chickens, goats, hogs or other livestock in enclosed sheds
or barns at night.
Supervise Children
Keep children close to you, especially outdoors between dusk and dawn.
Educate them about panthers and other wildlife they might encounter.
Never Approach A Panther
Most panthers want to avoid humans. Give a panther the time and space to
steer clear of you.
Hike With A Friend
Always hike, backpack and camp when in wild areas with a companion.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
National Park Service
If You Encounter A Panther:
Make yourself appear larger, open your jacket, raise your arms, throw stones,
branches, etc., without turning away. Wave raised arms slowly, and speak slowly, firmly,
loudly to communicate that you are not prey and may actually be a danger to it.
Avoid crouching or bending over. Squatting or bending over makes you look smaller,
resembling a prey-sized animal.
Do not run. Running may stimulate a panther’s instinct to chase. Stand and face the
animal. Make eye contact.
Give the panther space. Most Florida panthers will avoid a confrontation. Give them a
way to escape.
If attacked, fight back with whatever is at hand (without turning your back). While
there has never been a reported panther attack in Florida, in western states, potential
victims have fought back successfully with rocks, sticks, caps, jackets, garden tools
and even their bare hands. Since large cats usually try to bite the head or neck, try to
remain standing and face the animal.
If you feel threatened by a panther or have lost pets or livestock to a panther, please call
the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at 1-888-404-3922.