History and Cultural SignsPort Leon |
Port Leon at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Florida. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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Florida Pocket Maps |
Plum Orchard: site of Port Leon
Wakulla Beach: site of
Wakulla Beach Hotel and
West Goose Creek Seineyard
84°8.710' W
84°8.892' W
30° 7.797' N
30° 9.099' N
30° 6.316' N
Mandalay: site of Aucilla River
St. Marks Lighthouse: site of
Lighthouse, Ft. Williams, and
Spanish Hole/Shipwreck
Mounds Station: site of
and Naval
Naval Stores
Paleo Mounds
Indians and
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge History Trail
East River: site of CCC and
Salt Works
84°15.703' W
GPS Coordinates:
GPS Coordinates:
W ~ 30° 9.099' N
84° 10.955' W ~ 30° 4.658' N
Free-blown glass bottle (Courtesy Florida
Division of Historical Resources, Bureau of
Archaeological Research)
83° 58.769' W
83° 10.955'
58.769' W
84° 9.869' W
30° 6.985' N
30° 4.658' N
30° 5.282' N
The years prior to Florida becoming
a state on March 3, 1845, saw several
towns – Rock Haven, St. Marks,
Magnolia, Port Leon, and New Port – rise
fall alonginthe
St. Marks
Fort Williams,
a drawing
to gain
an economic
22, 1862 (deover
each other.
tail). (Courtesy
Archives of of
bales from south Georgia and north
Florida were shipped from these ports.
Port Leon, created in 1837, was
located on the east side of the St.
Marks River, about two miles below
the confluence of the Wakulla and
St. Marks Rivers and downstream
from St. Marks and Magnolia.
Mule-drawn rail cars moved
goods between Tallahassee and St.
Marks over a railroad completed in
1836. A drawbridge built in 1839
over the St. Marks River near the
old Spanish Fort extended the line
to Port Leon.
Lots began selling in 1838, with
advertisements declaring Port Leon
to be “…handsomely located on
the most elevated site on the bay…
beyond the influence of the highest
tides.” That statement proved to be
devastatingly inaccurate.
Even though this marker is on an oak tree
a short distance from the beginning of the
Mounds Trail and not at Port Leon, it is
a vivid reminder of a hurricane's power.
It says, "Approx Flood Level 1843."
(Courtesy St. Marks Refuge files)
Port Leon in its heyday
(Courtesy State Archives of Florida)
The town was incorporated in
1841 and named the county seat when
Wakulla County was formed on March
11, 1843. About 200 citizens were
served by a hotel, two taverns, general
stores, a newspaper, the post office, and
warehouses. Within a few years, the
population increased to nearly 450.
A steamboat passenger from Key
West brought yellow fever to Port Leon in
1841. During the three-month epidemic,
the population dropped to less than 200.
Although many residents left, 139 of
those who stayed died due to unsanitary
conditions and the lack of medical care.
Most were buried in Port Leon cemetery,
located south of Port Leon Creek. No
sign of the cemetery remains.
Strong winds from an approaching
hurricane came on the morning of
September 13, 1843. An afternoon lull
eased residents’ fears, but by midnight,
rising water flooded the town. A
10-foot tidal surge destroyed every
dwelling and pushed the railroad
bridge upriver. Miraculously, only
one person was killed.
St. Marks suffered similar
damage. Port Leon’s citizens voted
to move to higher land about four
miles north of St. Marks near a
sulphur spring. Once a promising
town, abandoned in less than a
decade after sickness and storm,
nothing remains of Port Leon but
the dreams of riches from the sea
The 3.5-mile road to the Port
Leon town site begins at the honor
pay station near the St. Marks
National Wildlife Refuge Visitor
The original refuge headquarters was
built at the Port Leon site. (Courtesy St.
Marks Refuge files)
The St. Marks Refuge Association, Inc., with
a matching grant from the National Fish and
Wildlife Foundation, produced the signs and
brochures for the St. Marks National Wildlife
Refuge History Trail. The association is a 501(c)
(3) organization that supports educational,
environmental, and biological programs of St.
Marks National Wildlife Refuge. Visit www.
stmarksrefuge.org for more information. 9/2010