History and Cultural SignsHistoric St. Marks Lighthouse |
Historic St. Marks Lighthouse at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Florida. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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Florida Pocket Maps |
30° 9.099' N
Mandalay: site of Aucilla River
St. Marks Lighthouse: site of
Lighthouse, Ft. Williams, and
Spanish Hole/Shipwreck
Mounds Station: site of
Paleo Mounds
Indians and
and Naval
Naval Stores
83° 58.769' W
83° 10.955'
58.769' W
84° 9.869' W
30° 6.985' N
30° 4.658' N
30° 5.282' N
The Fresnel
in ainvented
in (deIllustrated Newpaper, February 22, 1862
The lens State
was thinner,
of Florida)
and captured more light than previous lenses,
allowing the beam to be visible from farther
away. (Courtesy St. Marks Refuge files)
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge History Trail
Wakulla Beach: site of
Wakulla Beach Hotel and
West Goose Creek Seineyard
84°8.892' W
30° 7.797' N
30° 6.316' N
Plum Orchard: site of Port Leon
84°8.710' W
84°15.703' W
East River: site of CCC and
Salt Works
GPS Coordinates:
84° 10.955' W ~ 30° 4.658' N
GPS Coordinates:
84° 10.955' W ~ 30° 4.658' N
What a difference 75 years have made. This
photograph was taken during the construction of Lighthouse Road by the CCC in the
1930s. (Courtesy St. Marks Refuge files)
In 1828, the U.S. House of Representatives
authorized the construction of a lighthouse at
the mouth of the St. Marks River. The 65-foottall, hollow-walled tower on the east side of the
river was completed in March 1830 for $11,765.
Customs Inspector Jesse H. Willis refused
the tower because the contract had called for
solid walls. It was rebuilt, and in 1831 the first
lighthouse keeper, Samuel Crosby, illuminated
15 whale-oil lamps. Alas, the solid walls did
not allow moisture to evaporate, and the walls
cracked as the tower settled. Iron straps on the
outside held it together like hoops on a barrel.
On August 31, 1837, a hurricane drowned
eight people and left the lighthouse “in a most
wretched condition,” according to a naval report.
The structure was too close to the water and was
vulnerable to storms and erosion. The lighthouse
was rebuilt, with hollow walls, in the present
location in 1842.
During the Civil War, Customs Collector
Alonzo B. Noyes ordered the oil and lenses to be
removed and stored at St. Marks. Confederates
used the tower for a lookout, but repeated
shelling by the Union stopped the practice. After
the war, the tower was repaired and the height
Until Lighthouse Road was built by the CCC
in the early 1930s, boats were used to gather
supplies. Other buildings near the lighthouse
included the oil house and a garage for storing
and repairing equipment. The extra buildings
were dismantled after the lighthouse was automated in 1960 and there was no longer any
need for a resident keeper. (Courtesy St. Marks
Refuge files)
during their tenure – Mrs. Ann Dudley replaced
her husband after he died in April 1850, and Mrs.
Sarah Fine took over after Charles Fine died in
August 1904. Undoubtedly the families of each
keeper played a part in keeping the flame lit. The
pay for their services fluctuated from $400 - $640
per year.
The tower has weathered many storms,
though the keeper’s house has been rebuilt
several times.
A neat white picket fence enclosed the tower
and dwelling. (Courtesy State Archives of
was raised to 73 feet. The light was relit in 1867.
For nearly 200 years, the bright beacon from
the St. Marks Lighthouse has guided ships and
boaters to the entrance to the St. Marks River.
Twenty keepers kept the light burning, except for
a few years during the Civil War. Two of those
keepers were the wives of men who had died
The St. Marks Refuge Association, Inc.,
with a matching grant from the National Fish
and Wildlife Foundation, produced the signs
and brochures for the St. Marks National
Wildlife Refuge History Trail. The association
is a 501(c)(3) organization that supports
educational, environmental, and biological
programs of St. Marks National Wildlife
Refuge. Visit www.stmarksrefuge.org for more