J.N. Ding DarlingBrochure |
Brochure of J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Florida. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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Observation Guidelines
Respect wildlife – Remember you are For an enjoyable visit ...
in their home.
Leave nothing but footprints; take nothing but pictures.
At the J.N. “Ding” Darling NWR, we encourage visitors to
respectfully enjoy wildlife at a safe distance. The disturbance or
harassment of wildlife on a national wildlife refuge is unethical
and illegal, and can result in hefty fines or arrest. Disturbance
or harassment of wildlife is defined as any activity that affects
or changes the natural behavior of wildlife, which can be
detrimental to the animal’s health, safety, or productivity.
Types of activities that can cause disturbance or harassment
Getting too close to or chasing wildlife
Using flash photography in close proximity to wildlife
Playing recorded bird/wildlife calls
Moving or cutting vegetation near a nest
Feeding wildlife
Throwing objects at wildlife
Witnesses to any of these types of violations are encouraged
to report them immediately to Refuge Management at (239)
472-1100. Respect wildlife and other visitors when viewing and
photographing wildlife.
To all who take pictures, use courtesy to fellow visitors and
Wildlife Drive is one-way, 15mph road, seatbelts required.
Cars make good observation blinds because the wildlife
have become accustomed to them. For better observation
of feeding, resting, and preening birds, minimize noise by turning
down radios, closing doors quietly, and speaking softly. Park at the
edge of the road, on the right hand side but not where birds are close
to the road.
Please place all trash and recyclables in receptacles.
Otherwise, wildlife could ingest or become entangled in
plastic and other trash. They often become ill and die.
Observe all speed zones and closed areas when boating.
Manatees can be injured by boat propellers and birds can
be disturbed when approached too closely. Federal and
Florida State boating regulations apply. All refuge waters are slow
speed/minimum wake zones. All refuge islands and lands accessed by
water are closed to public entry. Motorized boats under 14 feet and
non-motorized canoes and kayaks of any length may be launched on
the right (North) side of Wildlife Drive.
Carry water, sunscreen, binoculars, and bug spray.
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Nature at your fingertips
Download the FREE Discover Ding Game & Wildlife Spotting App
Head out on Wildlife Drive and test your knowledge using the first of its kind–place-based nature trivia game that helps you see more with
Seymour! Share photos & field tips, and see what others are posting even when you return home. Available for both iPhone and Android.
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Stay Connected #dingdarlingnwr
@ Ding Darling Wildlife Society
@ dingdarlingwildlifesociety
Wildlife Drive is a 4 -mile,
one-way paved road that is handicap
The 2-mile Indigo Trail enables visitors to see
alligators, wading birds, and other wildlife. The Indigo
Trail starts at the Visitor & Education Center and ends at
the Cross Dike. Visit the Wildlife Education Boardwalk
with Tower 3/10-mile along the way.
The 1/3-mile Wulfert Keys Trail takes visitors to an open view of the
Pine Island Sound.
The 1/3-mile Calusa Shell Mound Trail has interpretive signs to inform visitors
of Calusa Indian life history.
More than 1 3/4-miles of trails are located at the Bailey Tract on Tarpon Bay Road, where
alligators, herons, egrets, waterfowl, and other wildlife are found (see other side).
J.N. “Ding” Darling
National Wildlife Refuge
1 Wildlife Drive
Sanibel, Florida 33957
The National Wildlife
Refuge System...
J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge is one of
more than 560 refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge
System. The System, encompassing more than 150
million acres, is the nation’s largest network of lands
and waters managed specifically for wildlife. The
Refuge System is administered by the U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service, an agency of the Department of the
Tram Pick-up/Drop-off
January-April along Sanibel-Captiva Road
May-December Visitor & Education Center lot
Wildlife Education Boardwalk and Tower
Visitor & Education Center
Canoe/kayak Launch
Mangrove Overlook
Cross Dike Pavilion
Observation Tower
Fishing Pier
Water Control Structures
Refuge Lands Closed to Public
This Blue Goose, designed by Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling,
is the symbol of the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Printing made possible by “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society
July 2020
Wildlife Education Boardwalk
with Tower
Visitor & Education Center and
Administration Headquarters Tram Ticket sales. Tram tickets
sale and restrooms.
Refuge lands
Refuge lands closed to public access
Use designated trails only
Canoe/kayak launch site
Mangrove Overlook
Refuge water boundary
Cross Dike Pavilion
Canoe/kayak trail
Foot/bicycle trails
Walk bikes on all boardwaIks.
Wildlife Drive - 4 miles
Closed to all access on Fridays.
One-way for vehicles and bicycles
J.N. "Ding" Darling Wilderness Area
Motor boat use allowed except in No
Motor Zone.
No Motor Zone - pole/paddle only
Observation tower
Clinic for the Rehabilitation
of Wildlife
Healing Winds Visitor Education
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation
Foundation - Nature Center
Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum
Public beach access
Tram pick-up/drop-off
January-April along Sanibel-Captiva Road
May-December Visitor & Education
Center lot
Fishing access - Florida state fishing
regulations apply. Fishing license
required. Seines and trotlines are
prohibited. The use of bows or spears
from land is prohibited. Use of cast nets
is prohibited from any water control
structure, bridge, boardwalk or rip rap
affixed to Wildlife Drive. Did you lose or
spot fishing gear? Report it to
Florida state crabbing regulations apply.
Crabs may be taken with dip nets only.
Crab traps are prohibited.
Tarpon Bay Recreation Area
Tarpon Bay Explorers
Rentals: kayaks/canoes, bicycles, boats,
stand-up paddle boards, Guided tours:
pontoon boat, kayak, and fishing.
Nature gift shop. (239) 472-8900
Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
Beach Road
Wulfert Flats Pole/TroIl Zone
Seagrass protection area.
No combustion engine zone pole/troll only.
Picnic areas
Visitor & Education Center
Free entry
Call for information
(239) 472-1100
Main picnic area in parking lot
Closed some Federal holidays
Summerlin Road
Wildlife Drive - CLOSED FRIDAYS
Park on right side only
Motorized vehicles $10
Hiker/biker $1 (Children 15 and under FREE)
Federal passes available for entrance fees only
One-way for vehicles and bicycles, 15 mph speed limit
Tram tours available (239) 472-1351
Palm Ridge Road
Algiers Lane
Indigo Trail
Hiker/biker $1
Visit the Wildlife Education Boardwalk with tower along the way
Bailey Tract
Free entry
Hiker/biker only
For more information and an updated list of all Refuge specific regulations visit
www.fws.gov/dingdarling or call (239)472-1100.
All visitors must exit refuge lands and waters no later than 1/2 hour after legal sunset.
Bowfishing from land
Cast-netting at water control structures or left
side of Wildlife Drive
Feeding or disturbing wildlife
Unleashed pets
Possession of unauthorized firearms
Crabbing with baited line or trap
Entering areas that are closed to public
Using areas after sunset
Biking against traffic flow on Wildlife Drive
Entering Wildlife Drive from Wulfert Road
To report violations, call (239) 243-5999