Archie CarrBrochure |
Brochure of Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Florida. Published by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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Florida Pocket Maps |
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Archie Carr
National Wildlife
Spanning 20.5 linear miles along
Florida’s central Atlantic coast, the
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge
represents the nation’s most significant
land conservation and acquisition
initiative to protect sea turtle nesting
beaches. The unique federal, state,
county and private partnership that
has emerged to support this initiative
represents a model for cooperation
and communication among
government agencies,
conservation groups and the
local community and has
resulted in the purchase
of 1,325 acres of barrier
island habitats
within the
Cover photo: Loggerhead sea turtle
hatchling/Blair Witherington
This photo: Archie Carr NWR/
Brevard County/Nichole Perna
Sea Turtles of
Florida and the
Sea turtles have
existed for over
150 million years,
and in just the
past 100 years,
six of the seven
existing species
have become
federally listed
as threatened
or endangered
under the U.S.
Loggerhead hatchling/Blair
Species Act.
Five of those
species, the
green, hawksbill,
Kemp’s ridley,
and loggerhead
can be found in
Florida. Out of
these, the three
species featured
here nest on
Florida’s beaches
Female loggerhead/Jim Angy
and in the Refuge
in numbers seen nowhere else in the
Green turtle
Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta)
Federally listed as threatened
in 1978
Within the United States, loggerhead
sea turtles nest principally in Florida
but their nesting can range along
the coast from Texas to Virginia,
nesting farther
from the tropics
than any other
marine turtle.
25% of all
loggerhead nests
in Florida occur
within the 20.5
mile Refuge
making it their
most significant
Female green turtle/Jim Angy
nesting site in
the Western
weigh up to 300
pounds and have
an exceptionally
large head and
powerful jaws
to support a diet
of hard-shelled
mollusks and
Green Turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
Federally listed
as endangered
in 1978
Green turtles
nest only in
Florida within
the United
States and
deposit more
nests within the
Leatherback hatchling/Jim Angy
20.5 mile Refuge
than anywhere
else in the state.
Green turtles
weigh up to 350
pounds, have a
notable small
head, and are the
Female leatherback/Jim Angy
only vegetarians
of all the sea turtles species.
Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys
Federally listed as endangered
in 1970
In the United States, a small
population of leatherback turtles nest
along the south and central Atlantic
coast of Florida, including the Refuge.
Leatherbacks are by far the largest
of all sea turtles species weighing
an average of 750 pounds with
some reaching up to 2000 pounds.
Leatherbacks are the only sea turtle
species without a hard shell.
Loggerhead nesting sequence/
Blair Witherington
Tracks on
the Beach
From March
through October,
sea turtle nests
are surveyed
statewide by
permit. Species
and nest
are derived from
early morning
of tracks and
other nesting
signs that the
sea turtles have
left behind from
the night before.
Most survey
areas have a
daily count of
species, nests and
nesting attempts.
A small,
percentage of
those nests
are staked
and tracked to
monitor nest
false crawl/Blair
Jim Angy
For more information about sea turtle
monitoring in Florida, go to www.
A Living Laboratory
Scientific studies of sea turtle nesting
activity within the Archie Carr
National Wildlife Refuge began in
1982 and continues by the Marine
Turtle Research Group, a graduate
program under the University of
Central Florida. Collaboration
between the University and many
other research entities has resulted
in a better understanding of sea
turtle population biology, genetics,
physiology, behavior, and ecological
relationships. The Refuge thereby
serves as a laboratory for the
conservation of sea turtles worldwide.
An Exemplary Partnership
The Refuge spans 20.5 linear miles
within four distinct segments on the
barrier island between Melbourne
Beach in Brevard County and
Wabasso Beach in Indian River
County. The acquisition boundary
consists of approximately 2, 670
acres, of which 1, 325 acres have
been purchased by various land
management agencies. The majority
of the acreage is owned by state and
county partners and managed for
both conservation and visitor access,
while the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service owns and manages 258 acres,
which are managed for conservation
Ocean to Lagoon
Habitats within the Refuge span
the barrier island from the Atlantic
Ocean west to the Indian River
Lagoon and include beach, dunes,
coastal scrub, maritime hammock,
and mangrove swamp. These unique
habitats represent some of the most
fragile and endangered ecosystems in
Florida and the nation.
Photos, top to bottom: Eastern indigo
snake, Florida scrub jay and coastal
scrub habitat/Brevard County;
piping plover and southeastern beach
mouse/USFWS and inkberry/Blair
Protecting our Inheritance
Over 55 protected plants and animals
occur in the Refuge, including the 19
federally threatened and endangered
species listed below.
Federally Listed as Threatened
American crocodile
Atlantic salt marsh snake
Eastern indigo snake
Florida scrub jay
Johnson’s seagrass
Piping plover
beach mouse
Federally Listed
as Endangered
Fragrant pricklyapple
Green turtle
Hawksbill sea
Humpback whale
Kemp’s ridley sea turtle
Leatherback turtle
Right whale
Smalltooth sawfish
Sperm whale
West Indian manatee
Wood stork
Scientific Concern about
Declining Populations
Blue land crab
Southern white beach tiger beetle
Wood rat
Photos, top to bottom: wood stork/Jim
Angy; West Indian manatee/Vince
Lamb; blue land crab, Southern white
beach tiger beetle, prickly pear cactus,
gopher tortoise/Blair Witherington
A Sea Turtle’s Best Friend
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge
was named after the late Professor
Archie Carr, a world renowned
expert on sea turtles, preeminent
conservationist, exceptional graduate
professor of ecology, and awardwinning author of natural history
“There is no
civilized way
to escape the
obligation to
save them (sea
Dr. Archie Carr
In 1956, the
plight of sea
turtles gained
both national
and international
when Dr. Carr
published The
Windward Road.
This account
records what Dr.
Carr saw during
his Caribbean
expedition to
collect sea turtle
data and warned
of an impending
loss of sea turtle
Leading sea
turtle experts
and the general
public became increasingly concerned
as world sea turtle populations did
indeed decline from exploitation,
commercial fishing gear, and the
loss of nesting habitat as coastal real
estate development accelerated. Dr.
Carr’s appeal to save sea turtles
inspired the international sea turtle
conservation movement, which in
part led to the establishment of the
Chosen by the Turtles
The movement to establish a national
wildlife refuge to protect sea turtle
nesting habitat began in the late
1980’s when scientists agreed that
one of the critical elements necessary
to guarantee the continued survival
of sea turtles was to permanently
protect the best remaining nesting
habitats in North America. Sea turtle
nesting research that began in 1982
by one of Dr. Archie Carr’s protégés,
Dr. Llewellyn Ehrhart, documented
that certain stretches of beach in
Brevard and Indian River Counties
on Florida’s Atlantic coast were some
of the most productive loggerhead
nesting sites in
the world, the
most productive
green turtle
nesting site in
North America
and a significant
nesting area for
the leatherback
turtle in Florida.
It so happened
then, that the site
for the Refuge
was chosen
by the turtles
The designation
of the Refuge by
Congress in 1989
recognized the
Dr. Archie Carr
global ecological importance of these
made early
beaches and dunes for sea turtles, the
research attempts national significance of protecting the
in Florida to
remaining barrier island habitats, and
monitor green
the extraordinary contributions that
sea turtle nesting Dr. Carr and Dr. Ehrhart have made
to sea turtle conservation.
Archie Carr National Wildlife
Refuge is administered by staff at
the Pelican Island National Wildlife
Refuge Complex, which also includes
Lake Wales Ridge National Wildlife
Refuge. National Wildlife Refuges
are administered by the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, a federal agency
under the Department of Interior.
Visiting the Refuge
All visitor facilities
and access into the
Refuge are provided
by state and county
partners. There
are no day use
fees unless visiting
certain areas
within Sebastian
Inlet State Park.
Please see the
visitor map leaflet
for more detailed
Visitor Center
Barrier Island
Management &
Education Center
Situated in the heart of the Refuge
and operated by Brevard County,
the Center is located three miles
north of Sebastian Inlet or 14 miles
south of US-192. Address: 8385 South
Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach, FL
32951. Phone: 321/723 3556.
Beach Access
Beach access within the Refuge is
through Brevard and Indian River
County beach parks and Sebastian
Inlet State Park. All county public
beach accesses are open for day use
Wildlife Observation
Sea Turtle Watch Programs
The best time to view sea turtles is
during peak nesting season in June
and July. During these months,
guided, night-time sea turtle watch
programs are offered. Reservations
for the programs are required.
Interpretive Foot Trails
A total of four trails on the west side
of Highway A1A provide unique
wildlife observation opportunities
within the rare habitats of the barrier
island ecosystem.
Saltwater Fishing
Surf fishing is permitted through
all designated dune crossovers
but outside life-guarded areas.
Two ocean jetties and catwalks
under the Inlet bridge at Sebastian
Inlet State Park provide excellent
fishing opportunities. State fishing
regulations apply: or
call 888/347 4356.
Prohibited Activities
n Night-time entry through county
public beach accesses
Pursuing nesting sea turtles on the
beach or picking up hatchlings
Feeding or disturbing wildlife and
their nests
Releasing any wild or domestic
Searching for and collecting
artifacts, plants and animals
Dogs, horses, ATV’s, bicycles or
vehicles on public beaches or foot
Creation and use of unauthorized
dune foot paths to access the beach
Camping and fires
Use of firearms and hunting
Wildlife Emergencies
Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission Wildlife
Alert Hotline: 888/404 3922 (injured
or dead sea turtles and manatees;
sightings of North Atlantic right
whales; illegal feeding of raccoons)
Lighting Code Enforcement Offices
Outdoor and indoor lights should not
be visible from the beach after 10 pm,
May through October.
Brevard County: 321/633 2086
Indian River County: 772/226 1249
Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge
c/o Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex
1339 20th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32960
Phone: 772/562 3909 x275
Fax: 772/299 3101
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
1 800/344 WILD
January 2010
Brevard County/Grace Foley